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Microbial growth and fluctuations in environmental conditions have been shown to cause microbial contamination and deterioration of food. Thus, it is paramount to develop reliable strategies to effectively prevent the sale and consumption of contaminated or spoiled food. Responsive packaging systems are designed to react to specific stimuli in the food or environment, such as microorganisms or temperature, then implement an informational or corrective response. Informative responsive packaging is aimed at continuously monitoring the changes in food or environmental conditions and conveys this information to the users in real time. Meanwhile, packaging systems with the capacity to control contamination or deterioration are also of great interest. Encouragingly, corrective responsive packaging attempting to mitigate the adverse effects of condition fluctuations on food has been investigated. This packaging exerts its effects through the triggered release of active agents by environmental stimuli. In this review, informative and corrective responsive packaging is conceptualized clearly and concisely. The mechanism and characteristics of each type of packaging are discussed in depth. This review also summarized the latest research progress of responsive packaging and objectively appraised their advantages. Evidently, the mechanism through which packaging systems respond to microbial contamination and associated environmental factors was also highlighted. Moreover, risk concerns, related legislation, and consumer perspective in the application of responsive packaging are discussed as well. Broadly, this comprehensive review covering the latest information on responsive packaging aims to provide a timely reference for scientific research and offer guidance for presenting their applications in food industry.  相似文献   

为提高动物源性食品的质量与安全,推动智能包装在食品加工产业中的商业化发展提供理论基础。该文系统总结了各类智能包装的功能特性、工作原理、优缺点以及在动物源性食品质量与安全监控中的最新研究成果。动物源性食品作为多元营养因子的载体,在贮藏和销售过程中容易发生腐败变质,威胁消费者的健康安全。利用智能包装可以实时监测食品在供应链中不同阶段的质量,显示食品真实的货架期,保障食品的安全性和可追溯性。随着智能包装技术的逐渐成熟,未来智能包装在提高动物源性食品的质量与安全,量化产品质量,减少食物浪费等方面有着良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

粮食质量安全问题受到广大粮食工作者和消费者的普遍重视,针对粮食质量安全监测工作的现状,给出相应的工作建议,以期对保证粮食质量安全有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

食品包装的安全问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 包装对环境和人体造成的污染,主要取决于包装材料和包装印刷两大方面。直接接触食品的包装材料如纸、塑料、金属等,不能带有任何污染源,这是包装安全的大前提。但有些材料是不能避免的,因此,为了让食品不直接接触残留污染源,一些包装材料的使用,例如金属罐内的涂层印刷、塑料薄膜内的印刷或复合层等,均起了很好的阻隔作用。  相似文献   


Controlled release packaging (CRP) is an innovative technology that uses the package to release active compounds in a controlled manner to improve safety and quality for a wide range of food products during storage. This paper provides a critical review of the uniqueness, design considerations, and research gaps of CRP, with a focus on the kinetics and mechanism of active compounds releasing from the package. Literature data and practical examples are presented to illustrate how CRP controls what active compounds to release, when and how to release, how much and how fast to release, in order to improve food safety and quality.  相似文献   

The versatile photophysicalproperties, high surface-to-volume ratio, superior photostability, higher biocompatibility, and availability of active sites make graphene quantum dots (GQDs) an ideal candidate for applications in sensing, bioimaging, photocatalysis, energy storage, and flexible electronics. GQDs-based sensors involve luminescence sensors, electrochemical sensors, optical biosensors, electrochemical biosensors, and photoelectrochemical biosensors. Although plenty of sensing strategies have been developed using GQDs for biosensing and environmental applications, the use of GQDs-based fluorescence techniques remains unexplored or underutilized in the field of food science and technology. To the best of our knowledge, comprehensive review of the GQDs-based fluorescence sensing applications concerning food quality analysis has not yet been done. This review article focuses on the recent progress on the synthesis strategies, electronic properties, and fluorescence mechanisms of GQDs. The various GQDs-based fluorescence detection strategies involving Förster resonance energy transfer- or inner filter effect-driven fluorescence turn-on and turn-off response mechanisms toward trace-level detection of toxic metal ions, toxic adulterants, and banned chemical substances in foodstuffs are summarized. The challenges associated with the pretreatment steps of complex food matrices and prospects and challenges associated with the GQDs-based fluorescent probes are discussed. This review could serve as a precedent for further advancement in interdisciplinary research involving the development of versatile GQDs-based fluorescent probes toward food science and technology applications.  相似文献   

食品安全危害因子具有痕量、毒性高等特点,故高灵敏的检测方法对于食品安全具有重要意义。导电聚合物是电化学传感器重要的增敏材料之一,导电聚合物基电化学传感器集合了电化学传感器易于小型化、分析速度快以及导电聚合物的优异导电性等理化性能,在痕量食品安全分析方面具有独特优势。本文介绍了导电聚合物的分类、合成方法,综述了导电聚合物基电化学传感器用于食品安全分析的最新进展,并对导电聚合物基电化学传感器用于食品安全分析面临的挑战及发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

正现代食品工业离不开包装,可以说包装已成为食品的一部分。食品包装不仅保护了食品,提供了食品生产和成分等相关信息,同时可以通过包装材料优化和结构设计延长食品货架期,保证食品的品质与安全。食品包装材料的发展和合理应用是良好食品包装的重要保障,而食品包装可能带来的食品安全隐患也不能忽视,我国2015-2017年颁布的食品接触材料(包括食品包装材料)新版国家标准初步建立了一整套标准体系,包括GB 4806.X系列的产品  相似文献   

食品质量与食品安全是整个世界都在关注与重视的问题。本文通过联系社会中发现的各种关于食品质量和安全的案件,分析食品质量与食品安全的现状及重要性,并对提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

食品安全现状及食品安全检测技术应用浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了食品安全检测技术的研究现状和危险性分析在食品安全领域的应用现况,并对保证我国食品安全提出了建议。  相似文献   

The food industry has been under growing pressure to feed an exponentially increasing world population and challenged to meet rigorous food safety law and regulation. The plethora of media consumption has provoked consumer demand for safe, sustainable, organic, and wholesome products with “clean” labels. The application of active and intelligent packaging has been commercially adopted by food and pharmaceutical industries as a solution for the future for extending shelf life and simplifying production processes; facilitating complex distribution logistics; reducing, if not eliminating the need for preservatives in food formulations; enabling restricted food packaging applications; providing convenience, improving quality, variety and marketing features; as well as providing essential information to ensure consumer safety. This chapter reviews innovations of active and intelligent packaging which advance packaging technology through both scavenging and releasing systems for shelf life extension, and through diagnostic and identification systems for communicating quality, tracking and brand protection.  相似文献   

Because of the lack of information about the possible transfer of toxic compounds from papers and boards to food, the overall cytotoxicity induced by six papers and 15 boards was investigated from water extracts prepared according to the European prestandard. Cytotoxicity measurements were based on RNA synthesis rate of human HeLa S3 cells. The tested virgin and recycled papers and boards were differentiated and classified according to their cytotoxicological quality, which ranged from absence of any cytotoxic effect to severe inhibition of RNA synthesis rate. The cytotoxicity level also varied according to the total amount of compounds detected by gas chromatography. No correlation was found between cytotoxicity and endotoxins contained in the samples. No significant difference in cytotoxicity was observed between the papers and boards produced from virgin fibres and from recycled fibres. Moreover, the products obtained from chemical pulp showed lower cytotoxicity than the products based on mechanical pulp. More generally, the cytotoxicological approach is promising for monitoring paper/board treatment-induced problems. Further work is required to assess a modified standard procedure for the preparation of water extracts specifically adapted to paper/board.  相似文献   

食品接触用塑料制品与卫生安全息息相关, 新版本食品安全标准发布后, 有关安全标准及其产品检验过程中的一些问题, 引起了人们关注。本文对比分析了食品接触用塑料制品新旧版本食品安全标准的主要区别, 阐述了GB 4806.6-2016 《食品安全国家标准食品接触用塑料树脂》和GB 4806.7-2016《食品安全国家标准食品接触用塑料材料及制品》主要技术要求及其检验项目, 并以聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(polyethylene terephthalate, PET)无汽饮料瓶、聚乙烯(polyethylene, PE)食品袋、密胺调料酱罐制品为例详细探讨了检验过程中迁移试验条件选择等问题, 以期为食品接触用塑料制品的生产企业、检验机构等提供参考。  相似文献   

复合膜包装是20世纪70年代末开始在我国迅猛发展起来的新兴行业, 这得益于科学技术的发展和高分子化学工业的发展。食品包装用复合膜作为人们日常接触的食品包装, 被广泛使用, 其质量状况受到人们广泛关注。经过多年的技术积累, 复合膜产品质量越来越好, 品种也非常的多, 但是复合膜产品质量受到多方面因素影响, 在实际生产中会出现很多问题。同时, 由于复合膜产品生产企业存在企业规模小、效益低、技术水平低、管理水平低等原因, 复合膜产品质量仍旧良莠不齐, 监督抽查工作需要被常抓不懈。本文从食品包装用复合膜质量现状、国家监督抽查结果、国内外关注风险项目指标、新旧标准技术指标要求差异等方面, 分析食品包装用复合膜产品质量状况, 并从标准的角度提出建议。  相似文献   

Intelligent and active packaging technologies have gained attention in recent time due to increased demand by the consumers and manufacturers for sustaining the quality and safety of food products, improved shelf-life as well as real time monitoring of the packaging, storage and handling processes. In this context, phosphorescence based sensors for molecular oxygen (O2) are important tools for monitoring of packaged products, new product development and optimisation. They allow fast, reversible, real-time and quantitative monitoring of residual O2 levels in a non-destructive manner, being superior over alternative systems. In this review, we describe the main types of phosphorescent O2-sensitive materials, fabrication methods and general requirements for sensors for food packaging applications. The main developments and representative examples are provided which illustrate the application of such sensors for monitoring of gaseous and dissolved O2 in various types of packaged foods and beverages. We also compare commercial O2 sensing instrumentation and disposable O2 sensors currently in use.  相似文献   

预测微生物学与食品质量安全   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
预测食品微生物学利用数学模型定量地分析不同环境条件下食品中病原菌和腐败菌的生长和存活,对食品的货架期作出合理的预测。该文简要介绍了预测模型的3个水平及其在预测货架期中的应用,并展望了预测微生物学未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Ensuring consistently high quality and safety is paramount to food producers and consumers alike. Wet chemistry and microbiological methods provide accurate results, but those methods are not conducive to rapid, onsite testing needs. Hence, many efforts have focused on rapid testing for food quality and safety, including the development of various biosensors. Herein, we focus on a group of biosensors, which provide visually recognizable colorimetric signals within minutes and can be used onsite. Although there are different ways to achieve visual color-change signals, we restrict our focus on sensors that exploit the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) phenomenon of metal nanoparticles, primarily gold and silver nanoparticles. The typical approach in the design of LSPR biosensors is to conjugate biorecognition ligands on the surface of metal nanoparticles and allow the ligands to specifically recognize and bind the target analyte. This ligand–target binding reaction leads to a change in color of the test sample and a concomitant shift in the ultraviolet-visual absorption peak. Various designs applying this and other signal generation schemes are reviewed with an emphasis on those applied for evaluating factors that compromise the quality and safety of food and agricultural products. The LSPR-based colorimetric biosensing platform is a promising technology for enhancing food quality and safety. Aided by the advances in nanotechnology, this sensing technique lends itself easily for further development on field-deployable platforms such as smartphones for onsite and end-user applications.  相似文献   

电化学传感器的发展已超过半个世纪, 纳米材料作为20世纪最伟大的发现之一, 目前已广泛应用于传感器领域。纳米材料电化学传感器具有灵敏度高、选择性好、操作简便、成本低等诸多优点,在分析领域有着广泛的应用。纳米材料电化学传感器在食品安全检测领域的应用研究正在蓬勃开展。本文综述了纳米材料电化学传感器在食品安全检测中的应用, 包括对化学残留和细菌的检测。  相似文献   

The new trends in drying technology seek a promising alternative to synthetic preservatives to improve the shelf-life and storage stability of food products. On the other hand, the drying process can result in deformation and degradation of phytoconstituents due to their thermal sensitivity. The main purpose of this review is to give a general overview of common drying techniques with special attention to food industrial applications, focusing on recent advances to maintain the features of the active phytoconstituents and nutrients, and improve their release and storage stability. Furthermore, a drying technique that extends the shelf-life of food products by reducing trapped water, will negatively affect the spoilage of microorganisms and enzymes that are responsible for undesired chemical composition changes, but can protect beneficial microorganisms like probiotics. This paper also explores recent efficient improvements in drying technologies that produce high-quality and low-cost final products compared to conventional methods. However, despite the recent advances in drying technologies, hybrid drying (a combination of different drying techniques) and spray drying (drying with the help of encapsulation methods) are still promising techniques in food industries. In conclusion, spray drying encapsulation can improve the morphology and texture of dry materials, preserve natural components for a long time, and increase storage times (shelf-life). Optimizing a drying technique and using a suitable drying agent should also be a promising solution to preserve probiotic bacteria and antimicrobial compounds.  相似文献   

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