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“点燃激情,传递梦想”,这是奥运火炬接力的重大意义所在。作为IT人,我们又该如何点燃激情,用我们的方式来传递自己的梦想呢?今天,一个特殊的JT圣火接力活动即将启动,它将承载着所有IT人的梦想奔向全世界…… 相似文献
2007年4月27日,随着2008北京奥运会"祥云"火炬的问世,由奥运火炬原班设计团队——联想创新设计团队设计,IT业界和奥运史上第一款以奥运会火炬接力为主题设计的笔记本产品也在世人面前惊艳亮相。象征千年中国印象的"漆红包"色彩与"祥云"图案交相辉映,渊源悠久的中国文化与平等、团结、进取的奥林匹克精神在联想天逸笔记本电脑设计师的笔下,紧密融合在一起,设计者以深厚的设计功底和对中华文化、奥运精神和时尚设计理念的深厚领悟,创造了这款高雅、精致,尊贵而富有品位的典藏珍品。为奥运设计了火炬的联想设计师们,在今夏,又会为我们带来什么样的惊喜呢? 相似文献
在近代奥林匹克活动中,最具代表性的标志就是熊熊燃烧的奥运火炬,它从奥林匹克圣地希腊燃起,然后一路传递到奥运会主办国,直至点燃奥运会主赛场的火炬塔,则宣告奥运会的正式开始。在奥运期间,圣火不可熄灭,当圣火熄灭时,奥运会即告正式结束。整个奥运火炬的传递过程象征着向全世界传递和平,将奥林匹克精神像火种一样播撒到四面八方。 相似文献
在产品(中国制造)中,如何拿捏现代设计与传统文化的着力点,一直困扰着设计师们。展现举办城市的文化传统是历届奥运会的一大特色,2008北京奥运会"祥云"火炬的设计非常成功,它既展现中国传统文化,又体现了现代设计理念,得到了大家称赞和认可。分析"祥云"火炬的设计程序与设计方法,从而探究中国传统文化元素与现代产品设计中的融合。 相似文献
进入2006年,我们离2008北京奥运会开幕又近了一步.会徽,吉祥物都已精彩的呈现在众人面前,而作为每一届奥运会中引人注目和令人期待的一项活动,奥运火炬传递方案及火炬的设计也被提到2008北京奥运会的议事日程上来。 相似文献
2006年5月16日,联想笔记本隆重发布了天逸3款新品——时尚精灵F20、慧眼智尊F30、娱乐骑士F40,它们以创新人性化设计,带给用户自由自在、无拘无束的享受,让用户可以在天逸的世界里彻底释放自我。娱乐飞梭:身份的标识,娱乐的中枢娱乐飞梭,一个犹如扇形的弧形标志,成为联想天逸新品此次创新ID设计的标志,其突出的特点和独有的身份标识,将会在天逸的新品中全面采用,成为联想天逸ChiefIcon,使得天逸新品成为一个统一的家族系列,消费者可以轻松辨别出联想天逸的产品。更让消费者兴奋的是,在这个象征着笔记本开合,与中国之扇外观吻合的娱乐飞梭… 相似文献
为了让更多的消费者能近距离感受祥云的魅力,亲身参与到火炬接力中,联想在火炬抵达三亚当天面向全球高调推出了四款家用电脑Idea CentreQ8、Idea Centre Qa、ldea CentreQs、ldeaCentre Kx及一款联想笔记本奥运纪念机型。联想Idea Centre火炬纪念机型作为与祥云火炬一脉相承的产品,融汇了奥林匹克精神与中国传统文化,将中国的文化精髓和创新设计传递给公众。 相似文献
自6月23日北京奥组委对外公布2008奥运会火炬手选拔标准后,联想随即发布了自己的火炬手选拔理念,在普通老百姓中广泛招募联想奥运火炬手. 相似文献
A packaging system design process for multichip modules (MCMs) is presented. The performance factors, cost factors, alternative packaging technologies, and packaging alternatives for daughter cards are discussed. The process is illustrated by applying to the design of a 80386SL chip that contains a 32-b integer central processing unit (CPU), memory management, bus control, and buffering, and a 82360SL companion chip that contains control functions for the system, I/O, peripherals, power management, and a majority of the glue logic required by the system 相似文献
Fred Lakin John Wambaugh Larry Leifer Dave Cannon Cecilia Sivard 《The Visual computer》1989,5(4):214-226
The traditional Engineer's Notebook is a volume of bound paper pages. This archaic system is still the medium of choice for mechanical engineers during the conceptual phase of design. In making this choice, designers are taking aperformer's view, choosing freedom and agility in the initial making of drawings over processing power. The paper notebook allows the designer to quickly write and draw whatever she or he desires. During conceptualization, a designer is functioning as a performer, like a musician. And also like a musician, her instrument must be agile or the performance will be cramped and ideas lost. But the agility of Computer Aided Design systems has been neglected in favor ofprocessing power — the ability to do something with the drawings in addition to just making them. Described in this paper isvmacs, a prototypeElectronic Design Notebook which combines the capabilities of performing medium and processing medium. 相似文献
为了解决各类便携式计算机中电源管理与功耗控制问题,延长电池续航时间,提出了一种适用于笔记本电脑嵌入式控制器(embedded controller,EC)的设计方法.分析了EC的功能特性,在此基础上从硬件设计与软件实现两个方面给出设计思路.介绍了软件的实现,结合模块化思想提出了主要模块的解决方法,从而提高数据读取及功能控制等多项关键性功能的效果与效率.功能测试验证了该设计的可行性与有效性. 相似文献
《IT Professional》2000,2(5):23-32
We've all seen advertisements for commercial network design tools. They usually show colorful workstation and server icons suspended like insects in a spider web of switches and routers, all neatly superimposed on a map of Northern California. But network design is more than dragging, dropping, and connecting icons to build a graphical network infrastructure. Network design is challenging, requiring designers to balance user performance expectations with network-resource costs, capacities, capabilities, and use levels. Network operators want to keep resource utilization high and costs low. But then the resulting design might produce unacceptable service levels when congested links and undersized routers cause too much delay or too many dropped packets. You need a design that will efficiently use your network resources and effectively serve your users. And you want a network design tool that can produce the design you want. Networks are a complicated mix of applications, protocols, device and link technologies, traffic flows, and routing algorithms. There may be tens of thousands of feasible configurations, each with different performance attributes and costs. Can network design tools help you find the combination that is right for your organization? Yes, but it's important to use the right one for the job 相似文献
This study aimed to compare and analyse rubber-dome desktop, spring-column desktop and notebook keyboards in terms of key stiffness and fingertip typing force. The spring-column keyboard resulted in the highest mean peak contact force (0.86N), followed by the rubber dome desktop (0.68N) and the notebook (0.59N). All these differences were statistically significant. Likewise, the spring-column keyboard registered the highest fingertip typing force and the notebook keyboard the lowest. A comparison of forces showed the notebook (rubber dome) keyboard had the highest fingertip-to-peak contact force ratio (overstrike force), and the spring-column generated the least excess force (as a ratio of peak contact force). The results of this study could aid in optimizing computer key design that could possibly reduce subject discomfort and fatigue. 相似文献