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Global food systems will face unprecedented challenges in the coming years. They will need to meet the nutritional needs of a growing population and feed an expanding demand for proteins. This is against a backdrop of increasing environmental challenges (water resources, climate change, soil health) and the need to improve farming livelihoods. Collaborative efforts by a variety of stakeholders are needed to ensure that future generations have access to healthy and sustainable diets. Food will play an increasingly important role in the global discourse on health. These topics were explored during Nestlé's second international conference on ‘Planting Seeds for the Future of Food: The Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainability Nexus’, which took place in July 2017. This article discusses some of the key issues from the perspective of three major stakeholder groups, namely farming/agriculture, the food industry and consumers. © 2018 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Hunger has been a concern for generations and has continued to plague hundreds of millions of people around the world. Although many efforts have been devoted to reduce hunger, challenges such as growing competitions for natural resources, emerging climate changes and natural disasters, poverty, illiteracy, and diseases are posing threats to food security and intensifying the hunger crisis. Concerted efforts of scientists to improve agricultural and food productivity, technology, nutrition, and education are imperative to facilitate appropriate strategies for defeating hunger and malnutrition. This paper provides some aspects of world hunger issues and summarizes the efforts and measures aimed to alleviate food problems from the food and nutritional sciences perspectives. The prospects and constraints of some implemented strategies for alleviating hunger and achieving sustainable food security are also discussed. This comprehensive information source could provide insights into the development of a complementary framework for dealing with the global hunger issue.  相似文献   

The world faces challenges that require sustainable solutions: food and nutrition insecurity; replacement of animal‐based protein sources; and increasing demand for convenient, nutritious, and health‐beneficial foods; as well as functional ingredients. The irrefutable potential of pulses as future sustainable food systems is undermined by the hardening phenomenon that develops upon their storage under adverse conditions of temperature and relative humidity. Occurrence of this phenomenon indicates storage instability. In this review, the application of a material science approach, in particular the glass transition temperature concept, is presented to explain phenomena of storage instability such as the occurrence of hardening and loss of viability under adverse storage conditions. In addition to storage (in)stability, application of this concept during processing of pulses is discussed. The state‐of‐the‐art on how hardening occurs, that is, mechanistic insights, is provided, including a critical evaluation of some of the existing postulations using recent research findings. Moreover, the influence of hardening on the properties and processing of pulses is included. Prevention of hardening and curative actions for pulses affected by the hardening phenomenon are described in addition to the current trends on uses of pulses and pulse‐derived products. Based on the knowledge progress presented in this review, suggestions for the future include: first, the need for innovation toward implementation of recommended solutions for the prevention of hardening; second, the optimization of the identified most effective and efficient curative action against hardening; and third, areas to focus on for elucidation of mechanisms of hardening, although existing analytical methods require advancement.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spatial and temporal variability and trends of agricultural productivity in the Lower Mekong River Basin. We also show the future productivity requirements for both food security and the maintenance of the basin’s export potential at the current level for the projected increase in population by 2030. We considered both rice and upland crops grown in the basin and estimated physical and economic productivity in terms of land and population. Both physical and economic productivity of rice in terms of land area and population is highest in Vietnam, moderate in Laos and lowest in Thailand and Cambodia. However, the physical productivity of upland crops such as sugarcane and maize is highest in Thailand. Economic productivity of upland crops is highest in Laos followed by Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, respectively and is much higher than that of rice. Total economic productivity is dominated by rice in all countries except Laos. In general, productivity has increased in all four riparian countries between 1993 and 2004 and there appears to be considerable scope for further increases, which will allow maintenance of the current level of rice export in the future, despite population growth.
Mohammed MainuddinEmail:

营养健康食品不仅具有食品功能,还具有生物活性成分及其他营养素,通过强化功效、改善营养可以更好地满足人们对食物营养的需求。随着食品科学与营养学、微生物学、组学等学科融合,我国营养健康食品科技领域迎来更多机遇和挑战,同时也为营养健康食品新资源挖掘、功能因子制备新方法新技术开发、营养健康食品创制、食物与健康关系探索等领域提供了有效解决途径。本文总结了营养健康食品功能因子开发技术、营养健康食品功能评价技术和营养健康食品产品开发技术,通过文献分析了近40年营养健康食品开发技术态势,并对未来营养健康食品发展方向进行了展望,以期为营养健康食品的开发提供新思路。  相似文献   

As the global population continues to expand, access to sustainable diets that are nutritionally adequate and healthy, affordable, and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems will be critical for the health of future generations. Nutrient‐rich dairy products as part of a healthy diet play an important role in helping meet nutrient recommendations not easily met with other foods and can help lower risk of certain chronic diseases. The dairy industry worldwide is working across public and private sectors to continue to provide nutritious, affordable, culturally appealing dairy products while optimising natural resource use and reducing environmental impacts.  相似文献   

by Philip E. Nelson, 2007 World Food Prize Laureate; Professor Emeritus, Food Science Dept., Purdue Univ. Just as society has evolved over time, our food system has also evolved over centuries into a global system of immense size and complexity. The commitment of food science and technology professionals to advancing the science of food, ensuring a safe and abundant food supply, and contributing to healthier people everywhere is integral to that evolution. Food scientists and technologists are versatile, interdisciplinary, and collaborative practitioners in a profession at the crossroads of scientific and technological developments. As the food system has drastically changed, from one centered around family food production on individual farms and home food preservation to the modern system of today, most people are not connected to their food nor are they familiar with agricultural production and food manufacturing designed for better food safety and quality. The Institute of Food Technologists—a nonprofit scientific society of individual members engaged in food science, food technology, and related professions in industry, academia, and government—has the mission to advance the science of food and the long‐range vision to ensure a safe and abundant food supply contributing to healthier people everywhere. IFT convened a task force and called on contributing authors to develop this scientific review to inform the general public about the importance and benefits of food science and technology in IFT's efforts to feed a growing world. The main objective of this review is to serve as a foundational resource for public outreach and education and to address misperceptions and misinformation about processed foods. The intended audience includes those who desire to know more about the application of science and technology to meet society's food needs and those involved in public education and outreach. It is IFT's hope that the reader will gain a better understanding of the goals or purposes for various applications of science and technology in the food system, and an appreciation for the complexity of the modern food supply. Abstract: This Institute of Food Technologists scientific review describes the scientific and technological achievements that made possible the modern production‐to‐consumption food system capable of feeding nearly 7 billion people, and it also discusses the promising potential of ongoing technological advancements to enhance the food supply even further and to increase the health and wellness of the growing global population. This review begins with a historical perspective that summarizes the parallel developments of agriculture and food technology, from the beginnings of modern society to the present. A section on food manufacturing explains why food is processed and details various food processing methods that ensure food safety and preserve the quality of products. A section about potential solutions to future challenges briefly discusses ways in which scientists, the food industry, and policy makers are striving to improve the food supply for a healthier population and feed the future. Applications of science and technology within the food system have allowed production of foods in adequate quantities to meet the needs of society, as it has evolved. Today, our production‐to‐consumption food system is complex, and our food is largely safe, tasty, nutritious, abundant, diverse, convenient, and less costly and more readily accessible than ever before. Scientific and technological advancements must be accelerated and applied in developed and developing nations alike, if we are to feed a growing world population.  相似文献   

Protecting plant resources from harmful organisms that can spread internationally is a major challenge for plant protection organisations. Natural scientists and economists have methods that contribute to informing and supporting government decision makers in plant health authorities, who also need to account for stakeholders’ views when developing policy and regulations to mitigate plant pest risks. Increasingly plant protection authorities seek to develop integrated decision making through economists and scientists working within an interdisciplinary framework. In this special section of Food Security we introduce a series of papers presented at an international conference that brought together natural scientists, economists, industry representatives and plant health policy makers to report the state of the art and explore the direction and future research needs for such interdisciplinary working to deliver rational plant protection policy and improved food security for the 21st Century. The collection of papers combine contributions from leading academics and influential policy makers and provides cohesive international perspectives on the use of science and economics, as well as their integration, to progress the development of integrated multi-disciplinary plant health policy making around the world. Using a modified version of the world café method during a conference workshop activity, participants identified greater international co-operation as a key mechanism that would reduce international plant health risks. Specifically, co-operation over analysis among stakeholders and along supply chains were seen as key issues.  相似文献   

How to wean humanity off the use of fossil fuels continues to receive much attention but how to replace these fuels with renewable sources of energy has become a contentious field of debate as well as research, which often reflects economic and political factors rather than scientific good sense. It is clear that not every advertized energy source can lead to a sustainable, humane and environment-friendly path out of a future energy crisis. Our proposal is based on two assertions: that the use of food crops for biofuels is immoral, and that for this purpose using land suitable for growing crops productively is to be avoided. We advocate a focus on new “extremophile” crops. These would either be wild species adapted to extreme environments which express genes, developmental processes and metabolic pathways that distinguish them from traditional crops or existing crops genetically modified to withstand extreme environments. Such extremophile energy crops (EECs), will be less susceptible to stresses in a changing global environment and provide higher yields than existing crops. Moreover, they will grow on land that has never been valuable for agriculture or is no longer so, owing to centuries or millennia of imprudent exploitation. Such a policy will contribute to striking a balance between ecosystem protection and human resource management. Beyond that, rather than bulk liquid fuel generation, combustion of various biomass sources including extremophiles for generating electrical energy, and photovoltaics-based capture of solar energy, are superbly suitable candidates for powering the world in the future. Generating electricity and efficient storage capacity is quite possibly the only way for a sustainable post-fossil and, indeed, post-biofuel fuel economy.  相似文献   

Soil degradation as a reason for inadequate human nutrition   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R. Lal 《Food Security》2009,1(1):45-57
Soil degradation affects human nutrition and health through its adverse impacts on quantity and quality of food production. Decline in crops’ yields and agronomic production exacerbate food-insecurity that currently affects 854 million people globally, and low concentration of protein and micronutrients (e.g., Zn, Fe, Se, B, I) aggravate malnutrition and hidden hunger that affects 3.7 billion people, especially children. Soil degradation reduces crop yields by increasing susceptibility to drought stress and elemental imbalance. Strategies include: improving water productivity, enhancing soil fertility and micronutrient availability, adopting no-till farming and conservation agriculture and adapting to climate change. There are also new innovations such as using remote sensing of plant nutritional stresses for targeted interventions, applying zeolites and nanoenhanced fertilizers and delivery systems, improving biological nitrogen fixation and mycorrhizal inoculation, conserving and recycling (e.g., waste water) water using drip/sub-drip irrigation etc. Judiciously managed and properly restored, world soils have the capacity to grow adequate and nutritious food for present and future populations.
R. LalEmail:

The projected increase in world population and therefore demand for food in the foreseeable future pose some risks on how secure is the food production system today. Millions of people are threatened by malnutrition, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, and obesity. This is a multidimensional challenge: the production of food needs to be increased but also the quality of food needs to be improved so less people suffer from undernourishment and CVDs. This hypothesis paper addresses this problem by critically evaluating recent developments on the role of food components against CVDs, presenting recent insights for assessing the nutritional value of food and suggesting novel approaches toward the sustainable production of food that would, in turn, lead to increased food security. The issue of the sustainability of lipid sources and genetically modified crops is also discussed from a food security point of view.  相似文献   

Wheat is fundamental to human civilization and has played an outstanding role in feeding a hungry world and improving global food security. The crop contributes about 20 % of the total dietary calories and proteins worldwide. Food demand in the developing regions is growing by 1 % annually and varies from 170 kg in Central Asia to 27 kg in East and South Africa. The developing regions (including China and Central Asia) account for roughly 53 % of the total harvested area and 50 % of the production. Unprecedented productivity growth from the Green Revolution (GR) since the 1960s dramatically transformed world wheat production, benefitting both producers and consumers through low production costs and low food prices. Modern wheat varieties were adopted more rapidly than any other technological innovation in the history of agriculture, recently reaching about 90 % of the area in developing regions. One of the key challenges today is to replace these varieties with new ones for better sustainability. While the GR “spared” essential ecosystems from conversion to agriculture, it also generated its own environmental problems. Also productivity increase is now slow or static. Achieving the productivity gains needed to ensure food security will therefore require more than a repeat performance of the GR of the past. Future demand will need to be achieved through sustainable intensification that combines better crop resistance to diseases and pests, adaptation to warmer climates, and reduced use of water, fertilizer, labor and fuel. Meeting these challenges will require concerted efforts in research and innovation to develop and deploy viable solutions. Substantive investment will be required to realize sustainable productivity growth through better technologies and policy and institutional innovations that facilitate farmer adoption and adaptation. The enduring lessons from the GR and the recent efforts for sustainable intensification of cereal systems in South Asia and other regions provide useful insights for the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Providing safe, nutritious, and wholesome food for poor and undernourished populations has been a major challenge for the developing world. Acute shortage, unreliable supply, and elevated costs of protein‐rich foods of animal origin in the developing and underdeveloped countries have resulted in the search for inexpensive and reliable alternative sources of protein of plant origin. Some of the wild and underutilized legumes (such as Canavalia, Mucuna, and Sesbania, for example) have been investigated and found to possess rich nutraceutical value. However, the greatest impediment to utilizing these legumes is the presence of antinutrients, which could be successfully removed or deactivated by employing certain processing methods (cooking, dry heat treatments, germination, irradiation, among others). This review focuses on providing the details on some of the wild and underutilized legumes that might have high potential to be used as human food and animal feed, along with providing information for overcoming the malnutrition‐associated problems and also for future commercial exploitation such as a source of nutraceuticals, for new food formulations, biofortification, and in product development.  相似文献   

The present debate on how to increase global food production in a sustainable way has focused on arguments over the pros and cons of genetically modified (GM) crops. Scientists in both public and private sectors clearly regard GM technology as a major new set of tools, whereas industry sees it as an opportunity for increased profits. However, it remains questionable whether GM crops can contribute to agricultural growth, agricultural development, and agricultural sustainability. This review paper examines and discusses the role of GM crops in agricultural growth, agricultural development, and agricultural sustainability. Although the contribution of GM crops to agriculture productivity is obvious in certain regions, their contributions to agricultural development and sustainability remain uncertain.  相似文献   

One sixth of the world's population is food insecure with many of these people living in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition have multiple reasons, many of which are beyond the reach and capacity of the food science community to remediate. Knowledge of food science and technology can dramatically improve the situation wherever food insecurity exists. This knowledge can increase our understanding of the conditions under which agricultural produce has to be handled, processed and distributed after harvesting. To develop practical measures, the Food Security Task Force of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) is developing a strategy to expand and broaden the Food Science/Technology knowledge base in neglected geographical areas. Specifically, IUFoST is offering Food Science/Technology training material for non‐academic food industry entrepreneurs utilising distance education technology. Part of IUFoST's effort is the transfer of appropriate technologies for pilot‐scale processes which foster linkages between farmers and food industries and stimulate growing high value crops.  相似文献   

Economic growth depends strongly on the availability and price of fuels. There are various reasons in different parts of the world for efforts to decrease the consumption of fossil fuels, but biofuels are one of the main solutions considered towards achieving this aim globally. As the major bioethanol producer, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a central position among biofuel‐producing organisms. However, unprecedented challenges for yeast biotechnology lie ahead, as future biofuels will have to be produced on a large scale from sustainable feedstocks that do not interfere with food production, and which are generally not the traditional carbon source for S. cerevisiae. Additionally, the current trend in the development of biofuels is to synthesize molecules that can be used as drop‐in fuels for existing engines. Their properties should therefore be more similar to those of oil‐derived fuels than those of ethanol. Recent developments and challenges lying ahead for cost‐effective production of such designed biofuels, using S. cerevisiae‐based cell factories, are presented in this review. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The soybean crop is one of the most important crops worldwide. Soybean seeds are important for both protein meal and vegetable oil. The crop is grown on an estimated 6% of the world’s arable land, and since the 1970s, the area in soybean production has the highest percentage increase compared to any other major crop. Recent increases in production coincide with increases in demand for meal and oil. Soybean production was 17 million metric tons (MMT) in 1960 and increased to 230 MMT in 2008. Future soybean production is expected to increase more than other crops, due to expanded production area and higher yields. There are a number of important abiotic and biotic constraints that threaten soybean production by directly reducing seed yields and/or seed quality. Abiotic constraints include extremes in nutrients, temperatures and moisture. These may reduce production directly, but also indirectly through increases in pathogens and pests. Biotic constraints tend to be geographically and environmentally restricted. Some diseases like soybean rust may be explosive by producing copious amounts of air-borne spores. This disease, more so than most, caused great concern when first found invading soybean production areas in Brazil and the United States of America. In contrast, red leaf blotch is a disease restricted to a few countries in Africa, but deserving attention since it has not been intensely studied and adequate management strategies, such as the use of resistant varieties, are not available. Significant losses in soybean yield beyond current levels may have implications for food security because of our dependence on the soybean crop, directly and indirectly for food products. In addition, because the crop is highly nutritious and versatile it offers resources to address world food issues through current and future utilization practices. Future soybean production is expected to increase in proportion to increased demand, and with application of newer genomic technologies, the crop has enormous potential to improve dietary quality for people throughout the world whether consumed as a vegetable crop or processed into various soybean food products.  相似文献   

近年来随着人们对身心健康、环保及美味食品的追求,我国肉类农产品的供求出现了严重的不平衡及波动。欧美等国已经投入大量资源开展人造肉研究,预计未来可能将对我们国的食品及肉制品市场造成很大的影响。所以将人造肉来替代我们传统肉类的产品,首先需要能够提供肉的美味和营养,还要给生态能源、环境等带来可持续性发展。人造肉主要分为两种:一种是通过植物蛋白及其他植物性成分合成的植物人造肉,另外一种是通过动物干细胞合成的细胞人造肉。但人造肉目前仍存在较多的技术、安全以及成本等方面问题。该文对人造肉的研究现状和存在的问题进行综述,以期对我国人造肉及相关领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   

An increased supply of food is urgently needed to provide adequate nutrients to the increasing world population. Plant foods are basic in the nutrition of man. Increasing the productivity and efficiency of plant foods is, therefore, essential. Application of low concentrations of certain chemicals have helped in making a breakthrough in this direction. Certain chemicals are known to stimulate plant growth and yield. Many growth regulators also increase the protein content of plants. Treatment with pesticides and herbicides may also change the nutritive quality. These effects have been explored in detail for specific food crops and individual chemicals and the findings are presented here. It should be noted, however, that most of these findings are of an experimental nature and their practical application will depend upon the discovery of more powerful chemicals and further research into less expensive ways to use them with fewer side effects.  相似文献   

Food Packaging: A Comprehensive Review and Future Trends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Innovations in food packaging systems will help meet the evolving needs of the market, such as consumer preference for “healthy” and high‐quality food products and reduction of the negative environmental impacts of food packaging. Emerging concepts of active and intelligent packaging technologies provide numerous innovative solutions for prolonging shelf‐life and improving the quality and safety of food products. There are also new approaches to improving the passive characteristics of food packaging, such as mechanical strength, barrier performance, and thermal stability. The development of sustainable or green packaging has the potential to reduce the environmental impacts of food packaging through the use of edible or biodegradable materials, plant extracts, and nanomaterials. Active, intelligent, and green packaging technologies can work synergistically to yield a multipurpose food‐packaging system with no negative interactions between components, and this aim can be seen as the ultimate future goal for food packaging technology. This article reviews the principles of food packaging and recent developments in different types of food packaging technologies. Global patents and future research trends are also discussed.  相似文献   

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