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The stimulation of microbial U(VI) reduction is currently being investigated as a means to reduce uranium's mobility in groundwater, but little is known about the concentration at which U(VI) might inhibit microbial activity, or the effect of U(VI) on bacterial community structure. We investigated these questions with an ethanol-fed U(VI)- and sulfate-reducing enrichment developed from sediment from the site of an ongoing field biostimulation experiment at Area 3 of the Oak Ridge Field Research Center (FRC). Sets of triplicate enrichments were spiked with increasing concentrations of U(VI) (from 49 microm to 9.2 mM). As the U(VI) concentration increased to 224 microM, the culture's production of acetate from ethanol slowed, and at or above 1.6 mM U(VI) little acetate was produced over the time frame of the experiment. An uncoupling inhibition model was applied to the data, and the inhibition coefficient for U(VI), Ku, was found to be approximately 100 microM U(VI), or 24 mg/L, indicating the inhibitory effect is relevant at highly contaminated sites. Microbial community structure at the conclusion of the experiment was analyzed with terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis. T-RFs associated with Desulfovibrio-like organisms decreased in relative abundance with increasing U(VI) concentration, whereas Clostridia-like T-RFs increased.  相似文献   

Column experiments were conducted to investigate U(VI) desorption and sorption kinetics in a sand-textured, U(VI)-contaminated (22.7 micromol kg(-1)) capillary fringe sediment from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford site. Saturated column experiments were performed under mildly alkaline conditions representative of the Hanford site where uranyl-carbonate and calcium-uranyl-carbonate complexes dominate aqueous speciation. A U(VI)-free solution was used to study contaminant U(VI) desorption in columns where different flow rates were applied. Sorbed, contaminant U(VI) was partially labile (11.8%), and extended leaching times and water volumes were required for complete desorption of the labile fraction. Uranium-(VI) sorption was studied after the desorption of labile, contaminant U(VI) using different U(VI) concentrations in the leaching solution. Strong kinetic effects were observed for both U(VI) sorption and desorption, with half-life ranging from 8.5 to 48.5 h for sorption and from 39.3 to 150 h for desorption. Although U(VI) is semi-mobile in mildly alkaline, subsurface environments, we observed substantial U(VI) adsorption, significant retardation during transport, and atypical breakthrough curves with extended tailing. A distributed rate model was applied to describe the effluent data and to allow comparisons between the desorption rate of contaminant U(VI) with the rate of shortterm U(VI) sorption. Desorption was the slower process. We speculate that the kinetic behavior results from transport or chemical phenomena within the phyllosilicate-dominated fine fraction present in the sediment. Our results suggest that U(VI) release and transport in the vadose zone and aquifer system from which the sediment was obtained are kinetically controlled.  相似文献   

Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) and imaging spectromicroscopy (TRLFISM) were used to examine the chemical speciation of uranyl in contaminated subsurface sediments from the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Hanford Site, Washington. Spectroscopic measurements for contaminant U(VI) were compared to those from a natural, uranyl-bearing calcite (NUC) that had been found via X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to include uranyl in the same coordination environment as calcium. Spectral deconvolution of TRLFS measurements on the NUC revealed the unexpected presence of two distinct chemical environments consistent with published spectra of U(VI)-substituted synthetic calcite and aragonite. Apparently, some U(VI) substitution sites in calcite distorted to exhibit a local, more energetically favorable aragonite structure. TRLFS measurements of the Hanford sediments NP4-1 and NP1-6 were similar to the NUC in terms of peak positions and intensity, despite a small CaCO3 content (1.0 to 3.2 mass %). Spectral deconvolution of the sediments revealed the presence of U(VI) in calcite and aragonite structural environments. A third, unidentified U(VI) species was also present in the NP1-6 sediment. TRLFISM measurements at multiple locations in the different sediments displayed only minor variation, indicating a uniform speciation pattern. Collectively, the measurements implied that waste U(VI), long-resident beneath the sampled disposal pond (32 y), had coprecipitated within carbonates. These findings have major implications for the solubility and fate of contaminant U(VI).  相似文献   

从面包酵母中分离纯化谷胱甘肽,采用动态吸附解吸法比较两种阳离子交换树脂(Amberlite IR120、SK1B)的分离效果,确定最佳分离条件。通过浓缩、沉淀和干燥得到GSH粗品,并采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)确定粗品中GSH的纯度。结果表明:H+型树脂对GSH的吸附能力明显优于NH4+型树脂,Amberlite IR120树脂的吸附效果最好,最佳条件为上样流速为0.25 BV/h,洗脱剂为含有3.5%氨水的60%的乙醇水溶液。二次浓缩干燥所得粗品中GSH的纯度远高于一次浓缩,粗品中GSH的最大纯度为23.68%。  相似文献   

A promising remediation approach to mitigate subsurface uranium contamination is the stimulation of indigenous bacteria to reduce mobile U(VI) to sparingly soluble U(IV). The product of microbial uranium reduction is often reported as the mineral uraninite. Here, we show that the end products of uranium reduction by several environmentally relevant bacteria (Gram-positive and Gram-negative) and their spores include a variety of U(IV) species other than uraninite. U(IV) products were prepared in chemically variable media and characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to elucidate the factors favoring/inhibiting uraninite formation and to constrain molecular structure/composition of the non-uraninite reduction products. Molecular complexes of U(IV) were found to be bound to biomass, most likely through P-containing ligands. Minor U(IV)-orthophosphates such as ningyoite [CaU(PO(4))(2)], U(2)O(PO(4))(2), and U(2)(PO(4))(P(3)O(10)) were observed in addition to uraninite. Although factors controlling the predominance of these species are complex, the presence of various solutes was found to generally inhibit uraninite formation. These results suggest a new paradigm for U(IV) in the subsurface, i.e., that non-uraninite U(IV) products may be found more commonly than anticipated. These findings are relevant for bioremediation strategies and underscore the need for characterizing the stability of non-uraninite U(IV) species in natural settings.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the local structure of U(VI) within synthetic fluorapatite at a concentration of 2.3 wt %. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure indicates that U(VI) substitutes into the Ca1 site. To accommodate this substitution the apatite structure significantly distorts such that the Ca1 site approximates octahedral coordination, with six uniform U-0 distances of 2.06A. An X-ray adsorption edge structure, with two inflection points, and optical emission spectra are consistent with 6d orbital crystal field splitting. These results indicate that significant amounts of U(VI) can be accommodated in the apatite structure but with an unexpected coordination, which may bear on the ultimate development of apatite-hosted nuclear-waste forms.  相似文献   

Selective ion exchange is one of the preferred treatment technologies for removing low levels of perchlorate (ClO4-) from contaminated water because of its high efficiency and minimal impact on water quality through the addition or removal of chemicals and nutrients. However, the exceptionally high affinity of ClO4- for type I anion-exchange resins makes regeneration with conventional NaCl brine extremely difficult and costly for practical applications. The present study entails the development of a novel regeneration methodology applicable to highly selective anion-exchange resins. Tetrachloroferrate (FeCl4-) anions, formed in a solution of ferric chloride and hydrochloric acid (e.g., 1 M FeCl3 and 4 M HCl), were found to effectively displace Cl04- anions that were sorbed on the resin. A mass-balance analysis indicated that a nearly 100% recovery of ion-exchange sites was achieved by washing with as little as approximately 5 bed volumes of the regenerant solution in a column flow-through experiment There was no significant deterioration of the resin's performance with respect to ClO4- removal after repeated loading and regeneration cycles. Thus, the new methodology may offer a cost-effective means to regenerate ClO4- -loaded resins with improved regeneration efficiency, recovery, and waste minimization in comparison with conventional brine regeneration techniques.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of the uranium(VI) sorption on schwertmannite and goethite in acid sulfate-rich solutions were studied by Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. The samples were prepared under N2 atmosphere and initial uranium(VI) concentrations of 1 x 10(-5) (pH 6.5) to 5 x 10(-5) M (pH 4.2). The ionic strength was adjusted using 0.01 M Na2SO4 or 0.01 M NaClO4, respectively. The EXAFS structural parameters for uranium(VI) sorbed on goethite in sulfate-rich, acid and near-neutral solutions indicate that uranium(VI) forms an inner-sphere, mononuclear, bidentate surface complex. This complex is characterized by a uranium-ferric-iron distance of approximately 3.45 A. Uranium(VI) sorbed onto schwertmannite in acid and sulfate-rich solution is coordinated to one or two sulfate molecules with a uranium-sulfur distance of 3.67 A. The EXAFS results indicate formation of binuclear, bidentate surface complexes and partly of mononuclear, monodentate surface complexes coordinated to the structural sulfate of schwertmannite. The formation of ternary uranium(VI)-sulfate surface complexes could not be excluded because of the uncertainty in assigning the sulfate either to the bulk structure or to adsorption reactions. The uranium(VI) adsorption onto schwertmannite in perchlorate solution occurs predominantly as a mononuclear, bidentate complexation with ferric iron due to the release of sulfate from the substrate.  相似文献   

Hexavalent uranium (U(VI)) can be reduced enzymatically by various microbes and abiotically by Fe(2+)-bearing minerals, including magnetite, of interest because of its formation from Fe(3+) (oxy)hydroxides via dissimilatory iron reduction. Magnetite is also a corrosion product of iron metal in suboxic and anoxic conditions and is likely to form during corrosion of steel waste containers holding uranium-containing spent nuclear fuel. Previous work indicated discrepancies in the extent of U(VI) reduction by magnetite. Here, we demonstrate that the stoichiometry (the bulk Fe(2+)/Fe(3+) ratio, x) of magnetite can, in part, explain the observed discrepancies. In our studies, magnetite stoichiometry significantly influenced the extent of U(VI) reduction by magnetite. Stoichiometric and partially oxidized magnetites with x ≥ 0.38 reduced U(VI) to U(IV) in UO(2) (uraninite) nanoparticles, whereas with more oxidized magnetites (x < 0.38) and maghemite (x = 0), sorbed U(VI) was the dominant phase observed. Furthermore, as with our chemically synthesized magnetites (x ≥ 0.38), nanoparticulate UO(2) was formed from reduction of U(VI) in a heat-killed suspension of biogenic magnetite (x = 0.43). X-ray absorption and M?ssbauer spectroscopy results indicate that reduction of U(VI) to U(IV) is coupled to oxidation of Fe(2+) in magnetite. The addition of aqueous Fe(2+) to suspensions of oxidized magnetite resulted in reduction of U(VI) to UO(2), consistent with our previous finding that Fe(2+) taken up from solution increased the magnetite stoichiometry. Our results suggest that magnetite stoichiometry and the ability of aqueous Fe(2+) to recharge magnetite are important factors in reduction of U(VI) in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Sequestration of uranium (U) by magnetite is a potentially important sink for U in natural and contaminated environments. However, molecular-scale controls that favor U(VI) uptake including both adsorption of U(VI) and reduction to U(IV) by magnetite remain poorly understood, in particular, the role of U(VI)-CO(3)-Ca complexes in inhibiting U(VI) reduction. To investigate U uptake pathways on magnetite as a function of U(VI) aqueous speciation, we performed batch sorption experiments on (111) surfaces of natural single crystals under a range of solution conditions (pH 5 and 10; 0.1 mM U(VI); 1 mM NaNO(3); and with or without 0.5 mM CO(3) and 0.1 mM Ca) and characterized surface-associated U using grazing incidence extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (GI-EXAFS), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the absence of both carbonate ([CO(3)](T), denoted here as CO(3)) and calcium (Ca), or in the presence of CO(3) only, coexisting adsorption of U(VI) surface species and reduction to U(IV) occurs at both pH 5 and 10. In the presence of both Ca and CO(3), only U(VI) adsorption (VI) occurs. When U reduction occurs, nanoparticulate UO(2) forms only within and adjacent to surface microtopographic features such as crystal boundaries and cracks. This result suggests that U reduction is limited to defect-rich surface regions. Further, at both pH 5 and 10 in the presence of both CO(3) and Ca, U(VI)-CO(3)-Ca ternary surface species develop and U reduction is inhibited. These findings extend the range of conditions under which U(VI)-CO(3)-Ca complexes inhibit U reduction.  相似文献   

Pyrolusite (beta-MnO2(s)) was used to assess the influence of a competitive electron acceptor on the kinetics of reduction of aqueous uranyl carbonate by a dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium (DMRB), Shewanella putrefaciens strain CN32. The enzymatic reduction of U(VI) and beta-MnO2(s) and the abiotic redox reaction between beta-MnO2(s) and biogenic uraninite (UO2(s)) were independently investigated to allow for interpretation of studies of U(VI) bioreduction in the presence of beta-MnO2(s). Uranyl bioreduction to UO2(s) by CN32 with H2 as the electron donor followed Monod kinetics, with a maximum specific reduction rate of 110 M/h/10(8) cells/mL and a half-saturation constant of 370 microM. The bioreduction rate of beta-MnO2(s) by CN32 was described by a pseudo-first-order model with respect to beta-MnO2(s) surface sites, with a rate constant of 7.92 x 10(-2) h(-1)/10(8) cells/mL. Uraninite that precipitated as a result of microbial U(VI) reduction was abiotically reoxidized to U(VI) by beta-MnO2(s), with concomitant reduction to Mn(II). The oxidation of biogenic UO2(s) coupled with beta-MnO2(s) reduction was well-described by an electrochemical model. However, a simple model that coupled the bacterial reduction of U(VI) and beta-MnO2(s) with an abiotic redox reaction between UO2(s) and beta-MnO2(s) failed to describe the mass loss of U(VI) in the presence of beta-MnO2(s). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) revealed that the particle size and spatial distribution of the biogenic UO2(s) changed dynamically in systems with, as compared to without, beta-MnO2(s)). These observations suggested that the surface properties and localization of UO2(s) in relation to the cell and beta-MnO2(s) surfaces was an important factor controlling the abiotic oxidation of UO2(s) and, thus, the overall rate and extent of U(VI) bioreduction. The coupled model that was modified to account for the "effective" contact surface area between UO2(s) and beta-MnO2(s) significantly improved the simulation of microbial reduction of U(VI) in the presence of beta-MnO2(s).  相似文献   

Fluorescent uranium(V) and uranium(VI) particles were observed for the first time in vivo by a combined laser fluorescence spectroscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy approach in a living multispecies biofilm grown on biotite plates. These particles ranged between 1 and 7 um in width and up to 20 microm in length and were located at the bottom and at the edges of biofilms colonies. Analysis of amplified 16S rRNA fragments and fluorescence in situ hybridization were used to characterize the biofilm communities. Laser fluorescence spectroscopy was used to identify these particles. The particles showed either a characteristic fluorescence spectrum in the wavelength range of 415-475 nm, indicative for uranium(V), or in the range of 480-560 nm, which is typical for uranium(VI). Particles of uranium(V) as well as uranium(VI) were simultaneously observed in the biofilms. These uranium particles were attributed for uranium(VI) to biologically mediated precipitation and for uranium(V) to redox processes taking place within the biofilm. The detection of uranium(V) in a multispecies biofilm was interpreted as a short-lived intermediate of the uranium(VI) to uranium(IV) redox reaction. Its presence clearly documents that the uranium(VI) reduction is not a two electron step but that only one electron is involved.  相似文献   

通过静态与动态相结合的方法,以银杏酸的吸附率、解析率为指标,优化大孔树脂纯化银杏酸的工艺参数。结果表明,大孔吸附树脂DA201对银杏酸的吸附为快速平衡型,银杏酸粗提取液上样浓度为0.45mg/mL,静态吸附时间4h,动态上样流速为1mL/min,银杏酸吸附容量为59.00mg/g,洗脱剂乙醇浓度为95%vol,洗脱速度为1mL/min,解析率为98.46%,银杏酸纯度为83.4%。  相似文献   

Sulfuryl fluoride (SF) has been developed as a fumigant for control of insect pests in stored grain. However, there is very limited information on the sorption behaviour of this fumigant, which can be critical to its bioactivity, application and potential for residues. We undertook a comprehensive laboratory study of the sorption and desorption of SF by wheat (bread and durum), flour and semolina at 15, 25 and 35 °C, moisture contents 12% and 15%, and concentration × time combinations at CT = 1500 mgh/L (4.167 mg/L × 360 h, 8.928 mg/L × 168 h and 31.25 mg/L × 48 h).At each dosage, sorption rate increased as commodity temperature and moisture content increased. The highest rates of sorption occurred at 35 °C and 15% m.c., and lowest rates at 15 °C and 12% m.c., and the rate was independent of initial concentration. Sorption followed first order reaction kinetics described by the exponential decay equation, Ct = C0·e−k*t, where k is the sorption rate constant. The most important factors determining the rate of sorption were commodity particle size (exposed surfaces) and temperature. Little sorption of fumigant occurred within the first 24 h whereas longer fumigation times resulted in significant sorption. Unbound SF was rapidly lost from the commodity upon aeration with no further desorption detected under any of the test conditions.SF possesses a number of characteristics that recommend it as a commodity fumigant. It is sorbed slowly by commodities relative to methyl bromide and carbonyl sulphide although it is sorbed about 4–5 times faster than phosphine. It desorbs rapidly upon aeration, and the lack of continued desorption has practical workplace health and safety benefits. On the other hand, sorbed SF appears irreversibly bound to the commodity matrix indicating the need to be alert to the possibility of excessive residues, particularly in longer term fumigations.  相似文献   

Sodium boltwoodite (NaUO2SiO3OH x 1.5 H2O) was used to assess the kinetics of microbial reduction of solid-phase U(VI) by a dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium (DMRB), Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1. The bioreduction kinetics was studied with Na-boltwoodite in suspension or within alginate beads in a nongrowth medium with lactate as electron donor at pH 6.8 buffered with PIPES. Concentrations of U(VI)tot and cell number were varied to evaluate the coupling of U(VI) dissolution, diffusion, and microbial activity. Microscopic and spectroscopic analyses with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIFS) collectively indicated that solid-phase U(VI) was first dissolved and diffused out of grain interiors before it was reduced on bacterial surfaces and/or within the periplasm. The kinetics of solid-phase U(VI) bioreduction was well described by a coupled model of bicarbonate-promoted dissolution of Na-boltwoodite, intragrain uranyl diffusion, and Monod type bioreduction kinetics with respect to dissolved U(VI) concentration. The results demonstrated that microbial reduction of solid-phase U(VI) is controlled by coupled biological, chemical, and physical processes.  相似文献   

The reduction of soluble hexavalent uranium to tetravalent uranium can be catalyzed by bacteria and minerals. The end-product of this reduction is often the mineral uraninite, which was long assumed to be the only product of U(VI) reduction. However, recent studies report the formation of other species including an adsorbed U(IV) species, operationally referred to as monomeric U(IV). The discovery of monomeric U(IV) is important because the species is likely to be more labile and more susceptible to reoxidation than uraninite. Because there is a need to distinguish between these two U(IV) species, we propose here a wet chemical method of differentiating monomeric U(IV) from uraninite in environmental samples. To calibrate the method, U(IV) was extracted from known mixtures of uraninite and monomeric U(IV) and tested using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Monomeric U(IV) was efficiently removed from biomass and Fe(II)-bearing phases by bicarbonate extraction, without affecting uraninite stability. After confirming that the method effectively separates monomeric U(IV) and uraninite, it is further evaluated for a system containing those reduced U species and adsorbed U(VI). The method provides a rapid complement, and in some cases alternative, to XAS analyses for quantifying monomeric U(IV), uraninite, and adsorbed U(VI) species in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Sorption of contaminants onto mineral surfaces is an important process that can restrict their transport in the environment. In the current study, uranium (U) uptake on magnetite (111) was measured as a function of time and solution composition (pH, [CO(3)](T), [Ca]) under continuous batch-flow conditions. We observed, in real-time and in situ, adsorption and reduction of U(VI) and subsequent growth of UO(2) nanoprecipitates using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and newly developed batch-flow U L(III)-edge grazing-incidence X-ray absorption spectroscopy near-edge structure (GI-XANES) spectroscopy. U(VI) reduction occurred with and without CO(3) present, and coincided with nucleation and growth of UO(2) particles. When Ca and CO(3) were both present no U(VI) reduction occurred and the U surface loading was lower. In situ batch-flow AFM data indicated that UO(2) particles achieved a maximum height of 4-5 nm after about 8 h of exposure, however, aggregates continued to grow laterally after 8 h reaching up to about 300 nm in diameter. The combination of techniques indicated that U uptake is divided into three-stages; (1) initial adsorption of U(VI), (2) reduction of U(VI) to UO(2) nanoprecipitates at surface-specific sites after 2-3 h of exposure, and (3) completion of U(VI) reduction after ~6-8 h. U(VI) reduction also corresponded to detectable increases in Fe released to solution and surface topography changes. Redox reactions are proposed that explicitly couple the reduction of U(VI) to enhanced release of Fe(II) from magnetite. Although counterintuitive, the proposed reaction stoichiometry was shown to be largely consistent with the experimental results. In addition to providing molecular-scale details about U sorption on magnetite, this work also presents novel advances for collecting surface sensitive molecular-scale information in real-time under batch-flow conditions.  相似文献   

Microbial reduction of U(VI) at the solid-water interface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microbial (Geobacter sulfurreducens) reduction of 0.1 mM U(VI) in the presence of synthetic Fe(III) oxides and natural Fe(III) oxide-containing solids was investigated in pH 6.8 artificial groundwater containing 10 mM NaHCO3. In most experiments, more than 95% of added U(VI) was sorbed to solids, so that U(VI) reduction was governed by reactions at the solid-water interface. The rate and extent of reduction of U(VI) associated with surfaces of synthetic Fe(III) oxides (hydrous ferric oxide, goethite, and hematite) was comparable to that observed during reduction of aqueous U(VI). In contrast, microbial reduction of U(VI) sorbed to several different natural Fe(III) oxide-containing solids was slower and less extensive compared to synthetic Fe(III) oxide systems. Addition of the electron shuttling agent anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS; 0.1 mM) enhanced the rate and extent of both Fe(III) and U(VI) reduction. These findings suggest that AQDS facilitated electron transfer from G. sulfurreducens to U(VI) associated with surface sites atwhich direct enzymatic reduction was kinetically limited. Our results demonstrate that association of U(VI) with diverse surface sites in natural soils and sediments has the potential to limit the rate and extent of microbial U(VI) reduction and thereby modulate the effectiveness of in situ U(VI) bioremediation.  相似文献   

Ion-exchange experiments were performed to evaluate the formation of the uranium-citrate and uranium-iron-citrate complexes over a wide concentration range; i.e., environmentally relevant concentrations (e.g., 10(-6) M in metal and ligand) and concentrations useful for spectroscopic investigations (e.g., 10(-4) M in metal and ligand). The stability of the well-known uranium-citrate complex was determined to validate the computational and experimental methods applied to the more complex system. Values of the conditional stability constants for these species were obtained using a chemical equilibrium model in FITEQL. At a pH of 4.0, the stability constant for uranium-citrate complex (log beta1,1) was determined to be 8.71+/-0.6 at I = 0. Analysis of the results of ion-exchange experiments for the U-Fe-citric acid system indicates the formation of the 1:1:1 and 1:1:2 ternary species with stability constants (log beta) of 17.10+/-0.41 and 20.47+/-0.31, respectively, at I= 0.  相似文献   

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