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借鉴加拿大WebCT的教学理念,开发了基于MSN、QQ等即时语音通讯工具的英语听说训练WebCT交互学习平台。该平台基于DirectSound技术的Web录音平台,可实时记录MSN、QQ等即时语音通讯工具的交际录音,并提供虚拟语音交际教室(MSN交流平台),实现实时录音功能,为学生训练听说能力提供环境,为教师检测和评估学生的学习情况和结果提供方法与手段。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的普及,由微软公司推出的即时消息软件MSN已经走进我们的生活中。现在MSN在国内通讯工具市场上稳稳占据第二的位置,仅次于腾讯QQ。利用它可以与亲人、朋友、工作伙伴进行文字聊天、语音对话、视频会议等即时交流。本文从MSN聊天程序的视角,分析了它的网络通信原理、客户端和服务器端之间消息发送的规则,即"MSN Messenger协议"的工作原理。  相似文献   

调查显示,即时通信软件已经成为网民生活中必不可少的工具。腾讯QQ、微软MSN等即时通信软件拥有的实时聊天、语音、视频等强大功能已为个人搭建起了一个完整的通信交流平台。但由于各种软件之间长期不能互联互通,给使用多种即时通信软件的网民之间的交流带来了很大障碍。对此,提出一种基于Agent的方式来解决不同即时通信软件互通的问题。在NET环境下用C#语言实现了一个与MSN进行通信的原型,从而很好地验证了Agent方式的可行性。  相似文献   

张越 《个人电脑》2004,10(6):61-61
MSN、QQ都是我们所熟知的即时聊天工具,它们的存在使用户的网络沟通变得更为容易。但是现在流行的这些聊天工具,为了人们在网络上的娱乐所设计,其功能、安全性都存在着一定的缺陷。为了满足商务用户对网络实时通讯工具的要求,长城视通推出了一款软硬件相适合的Okbuddy通讯工具,可以为用户提供更为高效、安全的网络信息交互。  相似文献   

王勇 《软件世界》2008,(7):76-77
当整合了IP语音功能、Web会议、即时消息及电子邮件等功能,通过加强通讯协作进而提出统一通讯概念后,企业即时通讯(EIM)已开始在内涵上和QQ、MSN等个人级IM工具有了天壤之别。  相似文献   

如今盗取QQ号的软件多如牛毛.而且针对MSN的攻击也越来越多.因此大家对QQ、MSN的安全有了高度的重视。不过.大家却忽略了我们平时经常使用的另一个通讯软停“E话通”(E话通是一款即时通信软件,该软件的功能和大多数IM软件一样,同时还具有良好的点对点的语音、视频通讯功能)。  相似文献   

Skype、MSN、QQ等即时消息软件给我们的生活和工作带来了很多便利,但它们都没有设计录音功能。本文就通讯软件的录音功能实现,分析了Mixer control法、VAC法、Windows钩子法这三种方法的实现原理,并说明了各种方法的优缺点,为通讯软件录音功能的实现提供了参考,特别是VAC方法和Windows钩子法,对于其它相关应用也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

于翔  徐彬  王曜卿 《微电脑世界》2003,(14):111-120,122
“您的QQ号是多少呀?上MSN吗?”不知不觉中,即时通信(Instant message,简称IM)开始融入我们的生活。这种能够及时获知对方在线状况实时传递信息的通信方式在短时间内迅速渗透到娱乐和商务领域,成为人们网上交流的新宠。很多即时通信工具还支持文件传输、视频会议、语音聊天、电子邮件发送,甚至具有网络游戏功能。有了它的帮助,无论相隔多远,我们都能够感觉到家人和朋友就在不远处。这就是即时通信正在缔造的传奇!  相似文献   

要是不能聊天,你简直不能想象上网怎么过,这就像没有手机,你会怀疑自己是不是来到了火星一样。数数你电脑里的即时聊天工具有几个?反正小编我是有七八个,相信还有比我多的。再问一句,你每天上网第一件事是干什么?反正小编我是登录QQ和MSN。相信你跟我也差不了多少吧。先来解释—下"即时通讯工具"吧——这东东就是通过互联网通讯产生的点对点或点对面通讯的软件,可以提供文件、文字、图像、语音、视频等多种方式,方便大家沟通。  相似文献   

介绍了Eclipse RCP框架和其主要技术,基于Eclipse RCP富客户端平台开发桌面通知系统的设计与实现过程。该桌面通知系统具有发出即时通知的功能,迫使客户端显示、接收并确认,保障信息的及时传输。并且,该系统还集成了常用的QQ、MSN等即时通讯软件,限制它们的使用时间段,简化了企业内部用户通讯管理工作。  相似文献   

针对学生网络学习环境设计了一种新颖的个性化教学推荐系统。该系统通过测试学生的学习风格和挖掘Web浏览日志,构造了不同学生学习风格和Web使用习惯的模型。首先利用Item-Based Top-N推荐算法对数据稀疏的学习风格测量数据进行处理,实现对学生学习风格的诊断;然后,采用AprioriAll算法挖掘Web浏览日志中序列频繁集,分析出学生Web使用的常见习惯和兴趣;最后,依据不同的学习风格和Web使用习惯实现学习内容的个性化推荐。模拟实验表明,该推荐系统的设计是可行并有效的,能够很好地符合用户的真实需求。  相似文献   

Web Course Tools (WebCT) have enhanced the ability and motivation of institutes of higher education to support e-learning. In this study, we extended the Technology Acceptance Model to include technical support as a precursor and then investigated the role of the extended model in user acceptance of WebCT. Responses from 836 university students were used to test the proposed structural model. The data showed that technical support has a significant direct effect on perceived ease of use and usefulness, while perceived ease of use and usefulness are the dominant factors affecting the attitude of students using WebCT. The results indicate the importance of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in mediating the relationship of technical support with attitude and WebCT usage.  相似文献   

现有的网络教学系统,虽然自身信息量极其丰富,但教师对学生的学习情况缺乏了解,无法满足学生个性化的学习需求。Web日志全面记录学生网上学习的行为,是解决问题的有效方法,文章设计并实现了Web日志挖掘系统,从中发现相似的学生群体,以及浏览兴趣路径,帮助教师及时调整站点结构提供宝贵的建议参考。  相似文献   


This paper describes the process and creation of a library resources and services Web page within WebCT, a course authoring program that is being used to deliver complete course content over the Internet in a distance education program at The Ohio State University. A librarian at the Prior Health Sciences Library was asked to join a faculty team to teach and provide library services for a series of three courses. The students are working health professionals who cannot attend regularly scheduled classes. Illustrations are included of the WebCT course page and the library resources and services page. The initial process and planning are described, and recommendations for future research are identified.  相似文献   

被称为信息时代的今天,互联网应用于各个领域。人们交流的需求和网络的发展互为推动力,很多开发技术成熟的广域网上的即时通讯工具,如MSN、QQ等被大家所熟悉并广泛应用,但这些产品的实现属于商业机密,具体细节不可得之。文章论述了基于局域网的即时通讯系统的设计方法,以期借此理解网络协议以及网络通信工具的实现原理和方法。  相似文献   

随着互联网、智能产品的快速发展,以微信、APP、Q Q 等为媒介的移动学习越来越受欢迎。移动学习在继续教育领域与教学深度融合,并能有力解决继续教育学员的工学矛盾。文章介绍了移动学习平台在继续教育领域的开发,为继续教育学员的学习提供便利;并根据平台开发的不足,提出今后的改进方向。  相似文献   

通过对多种即时通信协议文本传输协议的分析,在Linux Netfilter框架下,利用IPQueue技术,构建了即时通信协议分析与监控系统。提出一个通用协议解析处理模型,分析框架采用多线程、多缓冲的设计思想。实验证明该模型具有良好的实时性及扩展性,可以同时对多个即时通信协议(QQ、MSN、Fetion等)的文本传输协议进行解析。  相似文献   

Substantial increases in the size of many undergraduate classes in recent years have limited the ways in which students can engage with their disciplines and become active participants in their learning. This paper presents a methodology which uses a basic WebCT platform to improve the way in which students in large classes learn. The approach, termed the Collaborative Online Assessment approach, provides a structured, scaffolded learning environment for students to engage with their peers in collaborative assessments. Results from a year‐long application of the approach with first‐year psychology students are presented. These show that the approach facilitates active student engagement throughout the academic year, and is associated with improved marks in the final written exam. This improvement in exam performance is significantly greater for students not intending to major in psychology (traditionally poorer performers). The paper discusses the implications of these findings in relation to learning theories and provides a critique for further improvement of the approach.  相似文献   

Pre-laboratory activities have been known to improve students’ preparation before their practical work as they assist students to make available more working memory capacity for actual learning during the laboratory. The aim of this investigation was to compare two different teaching approaches which supported a pre-laboratory session by using the same simulation program. The investigation was conducted in two countries (Greece and UK). The Greek students attended the course in a computer cluster, where the teacher and the students had a face-to-face communication, while the English students participated in the on-line WebCT course, where there was an on-line asynchronous discussion. A crucial point which emerged from this investigation was that the simulation program in the two different pre-laboratory training sessions gave the same learning outcome; however, the learning characteristics and the teacher’s effort were different. Thus, the teacher could adopt both the two teaching approaches depending on the university facilities, the staff’s time and the students’ familiarity with virtual learning environments. However, in each case of students followed a different way (collaboration or/and independent learning) to obtain the similar learning outcome. In all cases after their pre-laboratory training session they entered the laboratory performing the experiments without any further instructions. Additionally, the teacher’s role was slight difference in the two teaching approaches. In the computer cluster, the teacher had a more active role guiding students to obtain the expected learning outcome through face-to-face discussion and interaction, whereas in the case of the virtual learning environment (WebCT), the teacher had a more of a facilitator role focused on posing questions to the students and collecting the resources promoting the independent learning.  相似文献   

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