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Project evaluation is essential to understand and assess the key aspects of a project that make it either a success or failure. The latter is influenced by a large number of factors, and many times it is hard to measure them objectively. This paper addresses this by introducing a new method for identifying and assessing key project characteristics, which are crucial for a project's success. The method consists of a number of well-defined steps, which are described in detail. The method is applied to two case studies from different application domains and continents. It is concluded that patterns are possible to detect from the data sets. Further, the analysis of the two data sets shows that the proposed method using subjective factors is useful, since it provides an increased understanding, insight and assessment of which project factors might affect project success.  相似文献   

One of the goals of collectingproject data during software development and evolution is toassess how well the project did and what should be done to improvein the future. With the wide range of data often collected andthe many complicated relationships between them, this is notalways easy. This paper suggests to use production models (DataEnvelope Analysis) to analyze objective variables and their impacton efficiency. To understand the effect of subjective variables,it is suggested to apply principal component analysis (PCA).Further, we propose to combine the results from the productionmodels and the analysis of the subjective variables. We showcapabilities of production models and illustrate how productionmodels can be combined with other approaches to allow for assessingand hence understanding software project data. The approach isillustrated on a data set consisting of 46 software projectsfrom the NASA-SEL database (NASA-SEL, 1992). The data analyzedis of the type that is commonly found in project databases.  相似文献   

Data from 135 teams that have participated in a software project planning exercise are analyzed to determine the relationship between team experience and each teams estimate of total project cost. The analysis shows that cost estimates are dependent upon two kinds of team experience: (1) the average experience for the members of each team and (2) whether or not any members of the team have similar project experience. It is shown that if no members of a planning team have had similar project experience then the estimate of cost is correlated with average team experience, with teams having greater average team experience producing higher total cost estimates. If at least one member of the planning team has had similar project experience then there is a weaker relationship between average team experience and cost, and cost estimates produced by those teams with similar project experience are close to those produced by teams with the greatest average team experience. A qualitative examination of the project plans produced by all teams indicates that the primary reasons that teams with less experience of either type produce lower cost estimates are that they have failed to include some tasks that are included by more experienced teams, and that they have estimated shorter task durations than have the more experienced teams.  相似文献   

梁成才 《计算机工程》2005,31(23):90-92
对软件测评实验室承担的软件测试项目所需的度量进行了综述、分类和研究,列举了常用的项目度量、过程度量和产品度量,给出了典型度量的使用实例。  相似文献   

软件项目管理的六大要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学的软件项目管理,有利于将开发人员的个人能力转换为企业的开发能力,本文阐述了软件项目管理的重要性,通过分析总结出了软件项目管理中的六个重要方面:人员、规范、计划、控制、测试、沟通。  相似文献   

This paper reports on thedevelopment and validation of an instrument for the collectionof empirical data on the establishment and conduct of softwaremeasurement programs. The instrument is distinguished by a novelemphasis on defining the context in which a software measurementprogram operates. This emphasis is perceived to be the key to1) generating knowledge about measurement programs that can begeneralised to various contexts, and, 2) supporting a contingencyapproach to the conduct of measurement programs. A pilot studyof thirteen measurement programs was carried out to trial theinstrument. Analysis of this data suggests that collecting observationsof software measurement programs with the instrument will leadto more complete knowledge of program success factors that willprovide assistance to practitioners in an area that has provednotoriously difficult.  相似文献   

Under the background of information age, the demand of enterprises and individuals for software and related equip- ment is increasing. The software and its affiliated projects have a lot of complexity and uncertainty in the development process. Therefore, risk management for software projects is crucial. This paper firstly expounds the importance of software project risk man- agement, then analyzes the software project risk identification, evaluation and specific countermeasures.  相似文献   

每个软件开发项目都要经过漫长的生命周期,有很多因素可以影响其成功与否。该文从四个方面阐述了软件开发项目的成败关键,并给出了一些案例。  相似文献   

每个软件开发项目都要经过漫长的生命周期,有很多因素可以影响其成功与否。该文从四个方面阐述了软件开发项目的成败关键.并给出了一些案例。  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯网络的软件项目风险评估模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对软件项目面临失败风险的问题,提出一种新的软件风险评估模型,采用贝叶斯网络推理风险发生的概率,用模糊语言评估风险后果与损失的方法。实践证明,通过应用基于贝叶斯网络的软件风险评估模型,加强了软件企业风险管理的意识,降低了失败风险发生的概率,提高了软件开发的成功率。  相似文献   

在软件项目的开发和管理过程中存在很多的不确定性,针对软件项目的复杂性和不确定性,该文在模糊理论的基础上,提出了一种基于模糊理论的软件项目风险评估模型。该模型可以评估常用于衡量风险程度的风险当量以外,还可以评估多种风险对某种风险后果的组合影响,以及单个风险对整体后果的综合影响。通过实践证明该模型可以减少专家评估的不确定性,有效地预测潜在的风险,为降低风险发生的概率和提高软件项目的成功提供了行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

Software projects frequently finish late and over budget. Much of the research to date has characterized this problem in terms of inadequate project estimation or incomplete requirements determination. In this study, we concentrate instead on understanding the relationship between project duration and project effort. Over time, a dynamic environment contributes to the expansion of project requirements, thus increasing the scope and effort required to complete the project, irrespective of initial requirements and anticipated project size. Further, frequent delays and interruptions in a project contribute to greater effort each time work is resumed. We develop and empirically evaluate a two-stage model to relate project duration and effort. Our results indicate a significant and positive relationship between project duration and effort, controlling for anticipated project size and other project characteristics. Our model also provides an estimate for the rate of environmental change while projects are in progress. We demonstrate the practical implications of our model by showing how it can be used in conjunction with time boxing techniques and new development methodologies to better scope software projects.  相似文献   

如何有效追踪和控制软件测试项目是一个亟待解决的问题。该文分析了项目追踪与控制在测试过程管理领域的实施方法,探讨了测试项目中计划、追踪与控制的定义以及三者之间的关系,并结合已经实现的软件平台分析了测试项目追踪与控制的实施策略,包括测试项目计划的实施细则、测试项目追踪过程中的信息采集状况以及测试项目的具体控制方法。  相似文献   

为使软件项目计划合理、计划执行控制有效,该文基于小组软件过程TSP(TeamSoftwareProcess),提出了一个软件过程知识支持下的具有决策、建议和预测能力的分布式软件项目计划与控制解决方案,与此同时,讨论了相关支持工具的体系结构实现及其实例应用场景。  相似文献   

本文结合工作实际经历,首先介绍了项目基本情况以及作者在其中所承担的主要工作和职责介绍;详细论述了对需求管理和范围管理的认识及它们之间的区别与联系,并就项目范围管理过程中采用的具体方法和工具作了介绍。同时,总结了从此项目中所获得的宝贵经验和深刻教训。  相似文献   

一种软件项目的风险评估模型及应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
文章提出了一种软件项目风险评估模型。采用AHP方法与模糊逻辑法相结合的方法进行风险评估,并根据软件项目管理的实际情况对AHP方法与模糊逻辑法进行了改造。最后确定出软件项目各风险的权重。在确定了项目的风险,并做出了评估和排序后,对这些风险采取适当的方法进行有效的风险控制。通过实例分析可知,利用该方法可以方便地求出软件项目风险权重,实验结果符合实际。  相似文献   

Software Process Models and Project Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we review the progress in software process research and the role of process improvement in enhancing business outcomes of software projects. We first describe the process view of software development. Next, we review the literature on software process research and discuss some of the leading software process models. The business value of software process improvements and empirical evidence from the software industry are also discussed in this paper. We conclude with a discussion of current challenges in software process research and directions for future research.  相似文献   

软件外包近年来在国内的迅速发展,也带来了项目管理方面一些棘手的问题。文章就软件外包项目管理面临的项目过程管理、成本控制、人员问题、信息安全与知识产权保护等方面的典型问题展开探讨,并给出一些解决这些问题的办法。这些解决方法主要来自笔者作为甲方和乙方在实施外包项目管理的过程中的经验总结。  相似文献   

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