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朱兵  李金宗  魏祥泉 《计算机应用》2006,26(3):601-0604
提出把目标的表观信息和目标的运动信息融合起来跟踪的一种方法,使用直方图来描述目标的表观信息,用背景配准来检测目标的运动变化,把通过这两种信息分别获得的定位融合起来得到目标定位,然后采用扩展卡尔曼滤波,实现有效的目标跟踪。该方法克服了在目标较小时,使用表观信息跟踪不稳定的缺点。实验结果也证明了在目标被部分遮挡,目标在像平面由小到大过程都能够稳定跟踪。  相似文献   

视频分析通常在分类或检测等高级任务之前解码并重构视频序列。但是,有时希望只进行视频分析而不暴露敏感信息,例如人员身份。提出了一个能够跟踪目标而不需要重构视频序列的编码方案。根据压缩感知理论,用每帧的少量伪随机投影编码一个视频序列。解码器利用背景消除图像的稀疏性重构前景目标。以粒子滤波器估计的目标位置作为先验知识,可以改进前景目标位置的重构。该编码方案同时具有隐私保护和安全加密功能。  相似文献   

Object tracking using deformable templates   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
We propose a method for object tracking using prototype-based deformable template models. To track an object in an image sequence, we use a criterion which combines two terms: the frame-to-frame deviations of the object shape and the fidelity of the modeled shape to the input image. The deformable template model utilizes the prior shape information which is extracted from the previous frames along with a systematic shape deformation scheme to model the object shape in a new frame. The following image information is used in the tracking process: 1) edge and gradient information: the object boundary consists of pixels with large image gradient, 2) region consistency: the same object region possesses consistent color and texture throughout the sequence, and 3) interframe motion: the boundary of a moving object is characterized by large interframe motion. The tracking proceeds by optimizing an objective function which combines both the shape deformation and the fidelity of the modeled shape to the current image (in terms of gradient, texture, and interframe motion). The inherent structure in the deformable template, together with region, motion, and image gradient cues, makes the proposed algorithm relatively insensitive to the adverse effects of weak image features and moderate amounts of occlusion  相似文献   

We describe a robust algorithm for object tracking in long image sequences which extends the dynamic Hough transform to detect arbitrary shapes undergoing arbitrary affine motion. The proposed tracking algorithm processes the whole image sequence globally. First, the object boundary is represented in lookup-table form, and we then perform an operation that estimates the energy of the motion trajectory in the parameter space. We assign an extra term in our cost function to incorporate smoothness of changes due to rotation or scaling of the object. There is no need for training or initialization, and an efficient implementation can be achieved with coarse-to-fine dynamic programming and pruning. The method is shown to be robust under noise and occlusion and capable of tracking multiple objects.  相似文献   

针对在视频序列中因移动模糊导致的对目标梯度信息的干扰以及目标的严重遮挡等问题,提出使用多任务反向稀疏表示(MTRSR)模型与AdaBoost分类器相结合的目标跟踪方法,同时为有效跟踪目标区域使用一个描述性的字典来估计每一个候选目标的权值。通过MTRSR模型得到模糊核[k]以此得到模糊目标模板,同时通过稀疏匹配计算重建误差得到目标的置信度,以目标模板的HOG特征组建描述性字典并通过重建误差计算候选目标权值,通过AdaBoost分类器计算所有目标的置信度,最后依据权值与二者置信度乘积的和得到最佳目标。实验数据表明该算法能够很好地应对复杂场景下目标的梯度变化、模糊效应以及遮挡,提高了目标跟踪精度与鲁棒性。  相似文献   

目标跟踪是智能监控系统中的一个重要的研究领域。由于检测不准确,目标部分或者整体遮挡会造成检测失败。针对以上问题提出一种利用时空约束的轨迹片段关联方法实现对目标的跟踪。首先通过减背景方法检测到移动目标,然后生成轨迹片断,最后通过计算轨迹片段的时空连续性关联轨迹片段,找到最符合时空连续性的轨迹片段关联。通过实验证明方法可以有效解决遮挡,误检测以及目标合并分离问题。  相似文献   

基于CamShift的目标跟踪算法   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
CamShift是一种应用颜色信息的跟踪算法,在跟踪过程中,CamShift利用目标的颜色直方图模型得到每帧图像的颜色投影图,并根据上一帧跟踪的结果自适应调整搜索窗口的位置和大小,从而得到当前图像中目标的尺寸和中心位置.在CamShift算法基础上对搜索窗口进行简单运动预测,并增加二次搜索方法,提高跟踪的稳定性.实验结果表明,在图像背景复杂且目标不规则运动的情形下,仍能有效地跟踪到目标.  相似文献   

提出一种基于视觉注意机制的运动目标跟踪方法。该方法借鉴人类的视觉注意机制的研究成果,建立视觉注意机制的计算模型,计算视频中各部分内容的视觉显著性。结合视觉显著性计算结果,提取视频图像中的显著性目标。利用颜色分布模型作为目标的特征表示模型,与视频中各显著目标进行特征匹配,实现目标的跟踪。在多个视频序列中进行实验,并给出相应的实验结果及分析。实验结果表明,提出的目标检测与跟踪算法是正确有效的。  相似文献   

Dai  Manna  Cheng  Shuying  He  Xiangjian  Wang  Dadong 《Neural computing & applications》2019,31(10):5917-5934
Neural Computing and Applications - Visual tracking can be particularly interpreted as a process of searching for targets and optimizing the searching. In this paper, we present a novel tracker...  相似文献   

This paper presents an object tracking technique based on the Bayesian multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT) approach. Two algorithms, both based on the MHT technique are combined to generate an object tracker. The first MHT algorithm is employed for contour segmentation. The segmentation of contours is based on an edge map. The segmented contours are then merged to form recognisable objects. The second MHT algorithm is used in the temporal tracking of a selected object from the initial frame. An object is represented by key feature points that are extracted from it. The key points (mostly corner points) are detected using information obtained from the edge map. These key points are then tracked through the sequence. To confirm the correctness of the tracked key points, the location of the key points on the trajectory are verified against the segmented object identified in each frame. If an acceptable number of key-points lie on or near the contour of the object in a particular frame (n-th frame), we conclude that the selected object has been tracked (identified) successfully in frame n.  相似文献   

图像序列运动目标跟踪是计算机视觉领域的核心课题之一.本文采用线阵CCD相机获取图像序列.并提出了一种改进的相关跟踪算法时运动目标进行匹配和跟踪的算法,实现了目标的快速匹配与实时跟踪的目的.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - We propose a novel collaborative discriminative model based on extreme learning machine (ELM) for object tracking in this paper. In order to represent the object...  相似文献   

基于在线学习的目标跟踪方法研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对视频目标跟踪问题,提出了一种基于co-training框架下的在线学习跟踪方法。该方法首先根据两种不同的局部特征,利用在线 Boosting算法分别建立模型, 然后采用co-training框架来协同训练,有效避免了模型误差累积和跟踪丢帧等问题。实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

目的 表观模型对视觉目标跟踪的性能起着决定性的作用。基于网络调制的跟踪算法通过构建高效的子网络学习参考帧目标的表观信息,以用于测试帧目标的鲁棒匹配,在多个目标跟踪数据集上表现优异。但是,这类跟踪算法忽视了高阶信息对鲁棒建模物体表观的重要作用,致使在物体表观发生大尺度变化时易产生跟踪漂移。为此本文提出全局上下文信息增强的二阶池化调制子网络,以学习高阶特征提升跟踪器的性能。方法 首先,利用卷积神经网络(convolutional neural networks,CNN)提取参考帧和测试帧的特征;然后,对提取的特征采用不同方向的长短时记忆网络(long shot-term memory networks,LSTM)捕获每个像素的全局上下文信息,再经过二阶池化网络提取高阶信息;最后,通过调制机制引导测试帧学习最优交并比预测。同时,为提升跟踪器的稳定性,在线跟踪通过指数加权平均自适应更新物体表观特征。结果 实验结果表明,在OTB100(object tracking benchmark)数据集上,本文方法的成功率为67.9%,超越跟踪器ATOM (accurate tracking by overlap maximization)1.5%;在VOT (visual object tracking)2018数据集上平均期望重叠率(expected average overlap,EAO)为0.44,超越ATOM 4%。结论 本文通过构建全局上下文信息增强的二阶池化调制子网络来学习高效的表观模型,使跟踪器达到目前领先的性能。  相似文献   


The data computing process is utilized in various areas such as autonomous driving. Autonomous vehicles are intended to detect and track nearby moving objects avoiding collisions and to navigate in complex situations, such as heavy traffic and dense pedestrian areas. Therefore, object tracking is the core technology in the environment perception systems of autonomous vehicles and requires the monitoring of surrounding objects and the prediction of the moving states of objects in real time. In this paper, a multiple object tracking method based on light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data is proposed by using a Kalman filter and data computing process. We suppose that the movements of the tracking objects are captured consecutively as frames; thus, model-based detection and tracking of dynamic objects are possible. A Kalman filter is applied for predicting posterior state of tracking object based on anterior state of the tracking object. State denotes the positions, shapes, and sizes of objects. By computing the likelihood probability between predicted tracking objects and clusters which registered from tracking objects, the data association process of the tracking objects can be generated. Experimental results showed enhanced object tracking performance in a dynamic environment. The average matching probability of the tracking object was greater than 92.9%.


基于高效多示例学习的目标跟踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭爽  彭晓明 《计算机应用》2015,35(2):466-469
基于多示例学习(MIL)的跟踪算法能在很大程度上缓解漂移问题。然而,该算法的运行效率相对较低,精度也有待提高,这是由于MIL算法采用的强分类器更新策略效率不高,以及分类器更新速度与目标外观变化速度不一致引起的。为此提出一种新的强分类器更新策略,以大幅提升MIL算法的运行效率;同时提出一种动态更新分类器学习率的机制,使更新后的分类器更符合目标的外观,提高跟踪算法的精度。通过实验将该算法和MIL算法以及基于加权多示例学习的跟踪算法(WMIL)进行对比,实验结果表明,所提出算法的运行效率和跟踪精度都是三者中最好的,在背景中没有与被跟踪目标外观相似的干扰物体存在时有较好的跟踪优势。  相似文献   

刘超  惠晶 《计算机工程与应用》2014,(11):149-153,217
针对视频序列图像目标跟踪中Mean Shift算法提取目标颜色特征易受背景影响的问题,首先选取非线性核密度估计方法用来进行运动目标的检测,然后采用CAMShift方法对检测到的目标进行跟踪,并结合非线性核密度估计的检测结果对目标直方图进行自适应更新。还针对目标的遮挡问题给出解决方法。实验结果表明,引入背景减法与CAMShift相结合的策略,能够实现运动目标的自动跟踪,并实现目标直方图的自适应更新。该算法的可靠性能满足实时检测的要求,较好地解决了光照变化、阴影及遮挡等造成的影响。  相似文献   

目标表示方法对跟踪方法的鲁棒性有着重要影响。将对立色局部二值模式(OCLBP)纹理算子作为研究对象引入目标表示。通过分析不同颜色通道之间的相关性和OCLBP的10种纹理模式的表征能力,选择目标候选区域中具有OCLBP的7种主要模式的关键点的纹理直方图作为目标模型。最后将该目标表示方法嵌入到MeanShift框架中,进行目标跟踪。实验结果表明,提出的基于OCLBP主要模式的目标表示方法显著提高了Mean Shift目标跟踪方法的性能。  相似文献   

线性子空间模型能够有效地描述目标表面受到光照和姿势变化的情况,然而大多数基于子空间表面模型的目标跟踪算法是在跟踪之前通过训练不同光照和姿势下目标的观测图像,得到一组特征基,并用这组特征基表示不同时刻目标表面变化,一旦训练完成之后,特征基就保持不变,不能在线更新。采用增量子空间学习的方法来构建目标表面的特征基,该特征基能够在线适应目标表面的变化。另一方面,传统的子空间学习方法是基于最小二乘重构误差,该方法容易受到异常测量数据的影响,为此采用鲁棒的子空间学习方法来降低异常测量数据对特征空间更新的影响。最后将鲁  相似文献   

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