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It is established that single-crystalline brittle materials exhibit a lower resistance to the penetration of hard projectiles as compared to analogous polycrystalline targets with the same composition and standard mechanical properties. This difference is explained by the fact that single crystals, in contrast to polycrystalline materials, exhibit a significant decrease in hardness in the initial stage of impact as compared to the value measured under standard conditions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses on the penetration of high velocity projectiles through aluminium–polyurea composite layered plate systems. An analytical model has been proposed to predict the residual velocity of aluminium–polyurea composite plates, and validated with both experimental and numerical investigations. Full metal jacket (FMJ) projectiles (5.56 mm × 45 mm), corresponding to NATO standard SS109, were fired at the aluminium–polyurea composite layered plate systems from a distance of 10.0 m at a fixed velocity of 945 m/s. Four different composite plate configurations were used with thicknesses varying from 16 to 34 mm. Each configuration consisted of six specimens. Residual velocities for each individual test were recorded. Numerical simulations of the penetration process have been performed using advanced finite element code LS-DYNA®. The well-established Johnson–Cook and Mooney–Rivlin material models were used to represent the stress–strain behaviour of aluminium and polyurea in the numerical analysis. The analytical and numerical models provided good approximations for the residual velocities measured during the experimental tests. Polyurea layers contributed positively towards the reduction of residual velocity of the projectile in composite plate systems. In addition, ballistic limit curves for different composite systems have been established based on the validated models. As the results showed that polyurea contributes positively towards the reduction of residual velocity of projectiles, the findings of this study can be effectively used for the similar applications in future armour industry.  相似文献   

Hydrocode calculations of the penetration of various tungsten alloy and stainless steel rod penetrators into semi-infinite steel and aluminum targets are presented and compared with results from ballistic experiments. Good agreement with experimental results is seen for penetration depth, penetration with time, and crater size and profile. The rod penetrator configurations investigated in the calculations include: idealized segmented rods with various segment spacings, the corresponding hybrid rods with axial spacers, and continuous rods of various dimensions. The Eulerian hydrocode results show enhanced penetration performance for idealized segmented rods compared with the parent continuous rods. Penetration performance for the corresponding hybrid segmented rods is significantly greater, even after accounting for the added mass of axial spacers. Results for long rod penetrators of the same mass and length as the hybrid rods, provide evidence that the axial spacers contribute to penetration. Both calculations and experiment show significant differences between the crater profiles of continuous versus ideal segmented or hybrid rods. The profiles generated by continuous rods are smooth, while those by segmented and hybrid rods are scalloped. Hydrocode results show that the scalloped crater profiles arise from successive impacts of rod segments.  相似文献   

The dynamic deformation of the finite steel target subjected to high velocity impact of copper explosively formed projectile is investigated by optical, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Morphology analysis of fracture surfaces indicates that the copper remainder plated to the crater wall shows extremely plastic deformation, which consists of elongated parabolic dimples, and the mild carbon steel target exhibits excellent brittle features that material fails mainly along the cleavage facets on the rear surface of target under strong impact of explosively formed projectile. In the surface of crater, the whole part of copper remainder and partial material of steel target undergoes completely dynamic recrystallization. The layer thickness of dynamic recrystallization zone, which displays an extreme plastic flow in solid state, is about 21.3 μm in steel target, and the average size of the refined grains significantly decreases to approximately 200 nm. Theoretically calculated results indicate that the temperature increase is associated with shock wave and plastic deformation of steel target and can reach 1352 K, which is 0.75Tm (where Tm is the melting temperature of steel target). The change in microhardness from the crater wall to the matrix of target is consistent with micro‐deformation of grains, and maximum microhardness is observed on the interface between dynamic recrystallization and severe plastic deformation zones of steel target.  相似文献   

The present study is based on the experimental and numerical investigations of deformation behavior of layered aluminum plates of different thicknesses under the impact of flat, ogive and hemispherical nosed steel projectiles. Thin-layered plates arranged in various combinations were normally impacted at different velocities with the help of a pneumatic gun. Ballistic limit velocity and the residual velocity of the projectiles for each layered combination were obtained experimentally as well as from the finite element code, and these were compared with those of the single plates of equivalent thicknesses. For two layers, the residual velocity was comparable to that of the single plate, however, when the number of layers was increased the velocity drop was found to be higher in the case of the single plate. Ogive nosed projectile was found to be the most efficient penetrator of the layered target. Hemispherical nosed projectile required maximum energy for perforation. Deformation profiles of the target plates in the layered combinations were measured, and it was found that hemispherical nosed projectile caused highest plastic deformation of target plates. Numerical simulation of the problem was carried out using finite element code ABAQUS. Explicit solution technique of the code was used to analyze the perforation phenomenon. Results of the finite element analysis were compared with experiments and a good agreement between the two was found.  相似文献   

In general, the performance of a KE penetrator against most targets increases with velocity regardless of the particular penetrator-target interaction mode. It is possible to show that there exists an optimum velocity which maximizes the performance of an impacting penetrator for a given expenditure of kinetic energy. Simple graphical methods are described that determine the optimum velocity from general performance-velocity plots. These graphical methods may also be applied to experimental data alone. In addition, simple analytic models which describe the velocity dependent penetration/perforation performance of KE penetrators are examined and extended. These models may be used to explicitly assess the influence of parameters such as target strength and density and penetrator mass, strength and density. For some of the models in this analysis, the explicit relations between the optimum striking velocity for a specific kinetic energy value and the penetrator-target parameters are described.  相似文献   

This work describes the analysis and ballistic range testing to evaluate the performance of rod-like Kill Enhancement Device (KED) penetrators on of multi-layered targets covering large range of densities including high-density material. Tests showed that (1) high-density material can be penetrated at oblique angles of incidence without projectile fragmentation and (2) high explosive within the target can be initiated. Test data from experiments was compared to predictive analyses generated by hydrocodes and found to be in excellent agreement.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the energy absorption capacity of a sustainable Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) in quasi-static mode and under high velocity projectile impact. The design of the sustainable concrete mixtures aims on achieving a densely compacted cementitious matrix with a relatively low binder amount, employing the modified Andreasen & Andersen particle packing model. The experiments on UHPFRC are performed using a 4-point bending test and high velocity projectile impact tests. The obtained results show that although the utilization of hybrid steel fibre enhances the mechanical properties of the developed UHPFRC, the application of fibres with hooked ends is crucial in improving the energy absorption capacity of the sustainable UHPFRC in quasi-static mode. However, under high velocity projectile impact, the UHPFRC mixture with hybrid fibres shows a much better energy absorption capacity than the one with hooked steel fibres only, particularly in resisting the scabbing at the rear surface. The intrinsic mechanisms for the energy absorption capacity of the sustainable UHPFRC in quasi-static mode and under high velocity projectile impact are studied and analysed.  相似文献   

The ballistic perforation performance of a kinetic energy projectile would be much more influenced by the projectile’s deformation during the impact process. A projectile may suffer from large deformation and even fracture as more and more advanced materials are used as resistant components. A comparison investigation was presented in this study concerning the deformation and fracture behavior of kinetic energy projectiles manufactured from 38CrSi steel of two different hardness values. Flat-nosed projectiles were fired in a two-stage compressed gun test facility against hard steel plates within the velocity range of 200–600 m/s. The impact process was monitored by a high-speed camera. Experimental results showed that, for the soft projectiles there are three deformation and fracture modes, i.e., mushrooming, shear cracking and petalling, and that for the hard projectiles there are also three modes, mushrooming, shearing cracking and fragmentation.  相似文献   

We present a novel interferometric technique for the accurate measurement of acoustic velocity based on an optical phase shifter consisting of a pair of properly aligned acousto-optic modulators (AOMs). Results for the z-axis longitudinal mode velocities in lead molybdate (PbMoO(4)) and tellurium dioxide (TeO(2)) at 80 MHz are reported and compared with earlier results. A longstanding inconsistency in the PbMoO(4) velocity is resolved.  相似文献   

The inherent no‐slip contact constraint in the standard material point method (MPM) creates a greater penetration resistance. Therefore, the standard MPM was not able to treat the problems involving impact and penetration very well. To overcome these deficiencies, two contact methods for MPM are presented and implemented in our 3D explicit MPM code, MPM3D. In MPM, the impenetrability condition may not satisfied on the redefined regular grid at the beginning of each time step, even if it has been imposed on the deformed grid at the end of last time step. The impenetrability condition between bodies is only imposed on the deformed grid in the first contact method, while it is imposed both on the deformed grid and redefined regular grid in the second contact method. Furthermore, three methods are proposed for impact and penetration simulation to determine the surface normal vectors that satisfy the collinearity conditions at the contact surface. The contact algorithms are verified by modeling the collision of two elastic rings and sphere rolling problems, and then applied to the simulation of penetration of steel ball and perforation of thick plate with a particle failure model. In the simulation of elastic ring collision, the first contact algorithm introduces significant disturbance into the total energy, but the second contact algorithm can obtain the stable solution by using much larger time step. It seems that both contact algorithms give good results for other problems, such as the sphere rolling and the projectile penetration. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anodic particle coulometry (APC) is a recently established method of sizing individual metal nanoparticles by oxidising them during their impact on a micro electrode. Here it is demonstrated that the application of APC can be extended to sizing of metal oxide nanoparticles, such as Fe304 magnetite nanoparticles. Additionally, a new route to electrochemical nanoparticle sizing is introduced-- cathodic particle coulometry (CPC). This method uses the reduction of impacting nanoparticles, e.g., metal oxide nanoparticles, and is demonstrated to yield correct size information for Fe304 nanoparticles. The combination of these two independent electrochemical methods of nanoparticle sizing, allows for purely electrochemical sizing of single nanoparticles and simultaneous verification of the obtained results.  相似文献   

This work investigates damage caused by low velocity impact and quasi-static indentation loading in four different particle-toughened composite systems, and one untoughened system. For impact tests, a range of energies were used between 25 and 50 J. For QSI, coupons were interrupted at increasing loading point displacement levels from 2 to 5 mm to allow for monitoring of damage initiation and propagation. In both loading cases, non-destructive inspection techniques were used, consisting of ultrasonic C-scan and X-ray micro-focus computed tomography. These techniques are complemented with instrumentation to capture force–displacement data, whereby load-drops are associated with observed damage modes. Key results from this work highlight particular issues regarding strain-rate sensitivity of delamination development and an earlier onset of fibre fracture associated with particle-toughened systems. These issues, in addition to observations on the role of micro-scale events on damage morphology, are discussed with a focus on material development and material testing practices.  相似文献   

The mean citations per paper is used increasingly as a simple metric for indicating the impact of a journal or comparing journal rankings. While convenient, we suggest that it has limitations given the highly skewed distributions of citations per paper in a wide range of journals.  相似文献   

The ballistic regime of liquid3He-4He mixtures is characterized by a large mean free path of the thermal excitations compared to the characteristic dimension of the experiment. We report on investigations of the transport properties of mixtures as well as superfluid3He in the ballistic regime by means of the vibrating wire technique. In order to avoid possible sources of heat leaks into the liquid, the experimental setup was built as far as possible of pure materials only. The contribution of a Ag sinter to the heat leak as well as its influence on the attainable minimum temperature of the mixtures were investigated by performing measurements in two similar setups which differed in the size of the heat exchanger by about one order of magnitude. Moreover, we have used the vibrating wire partly immersed in the superfluid3He-B phase of a phase-separated mixture as a very sensitive, continuously monitoring thermometer for liquid mixtures in their ballistic regime. The achieved minimum temperature of a 6.8%-mixture atp = 0.35 bar and of a 9.5%-mixture atp = 9.8 bar was 130 K. This value can be considered as an upper limit for the temperature of the mixtures as the damping of the vibrating wire thermometer saturates at this temperature due to its intrinsic properties.  相似文献   

This work is the logical extension of previous 2-D axisymmetric investigations of the impact of flat, ellipsoidal and torispherical ended cylindrical projectiles with a rigid surface [Kormi and Duddell, Applied Solid Mechanics-4, (edited by A. R. S. Ponter and A. C. F. Cocks), pp. 5–18. Elsevier Applied Science, London (1991)]. It is an examination of the behaviour of a missile in collision with a deformable recipient target which is itself supported on an elastic foundation. The impact of a flat ended cylindrical missile with a velocity of 175.3 or 365.7 m s−1 with a circular plate in a 3-D and 2-D axisymmetric structurally equivalent model is investigated. At model construction and assembly level structural integrity is assured either by the inclusion of slide line and appropriate interface elements for 2-D axisymmetric analysis or, in the 3-D model, by using suitable interface elements. The analyses show that the finite rigidity of the recipient target, in comparison with the previously studied infinitely rigid surface, provides a degree of resiliency with an energy absorbing characteristic sufficient to change the nature of the missile response and lead to a marked reduction in stress wave intensity immediately after impact. The method employed to examine the process is of similar nature to that used in our earlier investigations.  相似文献   

Mean polarizabilities 0(0, T) as well as second and third virial coefficients B(T) and C(T) of the equation of state of the gases C2H4, C2H6, and SF6 have been determined from refractive index measurements with a Michelson interferometer for wavelength 0=632.99 nm in the overall ranges 250 KT 340 K and 0p3 MPa of temperature T and pressure p. Some negative C(T) values at low temperatures have been obtained. The C(T) data could be fitted satisfactorily to the simple three-parameter function C(T)= a(T–T 0) exp[ –b(T–T 0)], with the maximum near the critical temperature T c. A possible correlation between C(T) and the vapor pressure p v(T) is discussed.  相似文献   

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