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世界照相工业动向张永莉目前,随着电于影像的发展,世界照相工业已不能单纯地由感光和照相机厂家来代表,电器厂家的加入使得照相方式更加丰富多彩。在银盐和电子相互结合、竞争和发展过程中世界照相工业呈现出几种趋势。1.销售额减少、利润下降最近一年来,由于受西方...  相似文献   

1997年是不平凡的一年,我国国民经济实现了软着陆,各行各业顺着改革开放的道路,不断取得新的进步。照相机械行业也不例外。下面就听年本行业基本情况作一介绍。1.生产发展情况1997年我国照相机械行业在市场经济的洗涤下,一些走改革开放、产品结构调整的企业,已走上了稳步发展的道路,经济也走上了良性循环。至1997年年底,全行业共有生产企业105家,其中照相机生产企业25家,彩色冲扩设备生产企业25家,照相器材等生产企业55家。按所有制构成分,国营大企业6家,上市公司2家,合资、独资及集体企业占了97家。对其中的19家企业的统计结…  相似文献   

刘荣生 《照相机》2001,(12):35-37
当人类文明社会进入崭新的21世纪时,世界影像工业和影像市场也进入了一个前所未有的快速发展时期。一方面电子图像技术的迅猛发展使数字影像技术和数字成像产品日益成熟和普及,“照相不用胶卷”已经成为现实;另一方面具有160年历史的传统银盐照相技术和产品也在不断创新、改进、完善,并积极与数字成像技术快速结合起来。随着全球经济一体化,数字技术和信息网络飞速发展,世界照相行业将在图像拍摄、获取、处理、传送、应用、共享和存储等方面发挥越来越大的作用。各类照相/成像技术和产品也会更广泛地应用于航天遥感、科技开发、…  相似文献   

照相工业进入了银盐与数字共存的时代。本文从经济动态、银盐照相、数字影像的角度,介绍了最近一年来世界照相工业的现状,并对比加以分析、总结,预测了银盐与数字的发展和照相工业的未来。  相似文献   

综述了国外几家主要公司的经营活动、APS系统的新动向和数字成像。  相似文献   

1994年世界照相工业动向张永莉数字影像以及银盐与电子相结合的柯达照相CD的出现吸引了人们的视线,传统的银盐照相正面临着最为严峻的挑战,在世界经济不景气,新的影像方式不断涌现、发展之际,传统的银盐照相处于何状,其发展前景又如何呢,本文将以银盐照相为主...  相似文献   

刘荣生 《照相机》2000,(3):34-36
经过150多年的发展,中国照相市场经历了从无到有,从黑白照相到彩色照相,从富人的奢侈品到老百姓的消费品,从传统银盐照相到电子数字成像的巨大变化。随着摄影技术和照相工业的飞速发展,中国照相市场即将进入一个新的发展时期。 “摄影”作为一门在西方兴起的新型实用技  相似文献   

本文叙述了传统感光材料的现状,包括技术、APS和大公司的投资情况,数字成像的基本特征和应用领域,最后从质量和成本的角度,用发展的眼光分析了未来照相市场的基本走势。  相似文献   

中国照相感光材料工业呈上升趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数字图像处理网络化和影像市场全球化加快了国内感光材料工业的数码化进程,国内照相感光材料的生产产量和市场需求量有所扩大。本文叙述了2001--2007年国内照相感光材料工业上升的经营情况,照相材料产品结构继续调整和感光材料生产厂商不断推出消费类、医疗类和印刷类新影像产品等趋势。总之,数字影像产品已经成为国内照相器材市场的主流。  相似文献   

数字影像技术和产品的快速发展使照相感光材料工业发生很大变化,传统银盐照相产品的需求快速萎缩,数字影像技术逐步取代传统照相技术,影像材料行业的应用领域不断翻新和扩展。本文叙述了近年来国内照相感光材料工业的进展,照相材料新产品和市场变化。  相似文献   

Sharp boundaries or thin lines seen on high contrast or Agfacontour photographs of optical fringes are interpreted as equidensity lines and calibrated for fractional order or isoclinic angle. Systematic variation of exposure determinants changes their positions and parameters so that the entire photographed field can be evaluated from sets of photographs either taken directly or copied from one or a few low contrast negatives. Photogrammetry resolves spatial detail down to 0002mm spot size and relates photoelastic results to model outlines and deformation measured on the same films.
The practical aspects of photography, exposure variations and evaluation are treated in this overview published in two parts. Part 1 covers photographic methods and application to isochromatics, Part 2 evaluation and calibration for fractional orders with examples, application to isoclinics and a summary of main features.  相似文献   

M. L. Meyer  L. Mehrotra 《Strain》1986,22(3):141-148
In Part 1, boundaries between black and white on high contrast photographs (e.g. Fig. 10) and lines on Agfacontour photographs (e.g. Fig. 15) have both been called E-lines. On any given photograph of isochromatics, each E-line denotes a specific fractional fringe order N = Ni|δN|, with integer orders Nit and all E-lines have the same fractional order modulus. |δN| (0 ≤ |δN| ≤ 1/2). Exposure or processing changes lead to photographs with different E-lines and |δN| values.
Part 2 treats evaluation and calibration of isochromatic E-lines, gives examples and notes on illustrations of Part 1, discusses applications to isoclinics, and summarises some main features.  相似文献   

综述了医用诊断技术的重要历程,医用影像胶片的技术动态、世界市场概况,以及X-射线胶片的种类与型号。  相似文献   

The paper shows that the tone distortions introduced by the photographic process can be compensated by the use of non-linear electrical circuits. The method of “high gamma” recording (which improves sensitivity) is described, and the transfer characteristics of a telecine machine are given and the dangers of excessive gamma discussed.  相似文献   

Up to now it has been assumed that chemical development, which produces filamentary silver by reduction of silver ions {9m a silver halide crystal, can occur only in developer solutions with a sufficiently low value of redox potential. The present paper shows that this kind of development may also be obtained at high redox potential values. In this case the silver ions to be reduced are entirely derived from the developer solution; the silver halide crystal remains undestroyed and has a mere catalytic function in the reduction process. ls Special case of chemical development (ideal chemical development) provides a useful model for the investigation of filament formation undisturbed by secondary effects. From the experiments the conclusion is drawn that the silver filament produced by chemical development has a “root” within the silver halide lattice.  相似文献   

The advantage of plotting density versus time data on log instead of linear axes for studies of the mechanism of development is explained. When the data for low densities are corrected, if necessary, to silver mass and are plntted on log axes, a slope near 3 indicates that the rate of development varies as the effective surface area of the develnp<:d silver, whereas a slope near unity suggests that th e rate of development responds to the mass, or area of the silver halide. Data from the classic experiments of James, and Pontius and Willis are re-evaluated in this way. It is shown that there is no need ro invoke a special mechanism to account for the S-shape of the develnpment curve shown by some agents like hydroquinone. Slopes greater than 3 can be ascribed to a phase of very slow reaction prior to the onset of development with the rate constant that characterizes the phase of measurable density.  相似文献   

简要回顾了中国工业气体市场近期发展现状、主要工业气体集团近期新业务拓展状况和中国气体工业近期发展的趋势及主要问题.  相似文献   

文介绍了我国贮藏保鲜产业发展的背景条件,支撑产业发展的先进技术,产业发展的历史及现状和产业发展的前景及研发目标.  相似文献   

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