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主要从增材和减材两个方面总结了国内外金属基超疏水表面的制备现状,重点讨论了化学法、电化学法以及其组合法等加工方法,并阐述了各方法的优缺点。最后提出金属基超疏水表面制备技术的展望,未来研究应在坚持工艺过程简单、成本低廉、易于实现、可控性好等原则的基础上,重点提高超疏水表面的可靠性和工作寿命。  相似文献   

现代氯化亚铜合成工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了氯化亚铜的物理化学性质、主要生产厂家及应用领域.综述了近期国内氯化亚铜生产工艺,并对诸种氯化亚铜生产工艺进行了对比.列举了三种新工艺制备技术进展.  相似文献   

以崩解时限、溶出度、硬度、脆碎度为指标,采用正交设计实验,对卡莫氟分散片处方及制剂工艺进行筛选,按优选处方制备的卡莫氟分散片,可在3 min内完全崩解.结果表明:优选处方及制剂工艺的卡莫氟分散片溶出度明显优于普通片剂.  相似文献   

研究了以乙醇胺为原料,先亲核取代生成2-溴乙胺氢溴酸盐,再与对氯苯甲酰氯进行Schotten-Baumann反应,最后与吗啉反应生成吗氯贝胺的合成工艺.探索了改变反应温度和反应物配比对合成吗氯贝胺收率的影响,实验选择并优化了工艺参数,三步反应产物收率达到73.7%.  相似文献   

由钨酸钠与磷酸缩合,再与季铵盐阳离子复配获得了具高催化活性的环氧化反应催化剂.以环己烯为原料,以低浓度H2O2为氧源,在温和的条件下较高收率的合成了环氧环己烷.该工艺避免了传统路线工艺复杂、污染严重、安全性差等缺点,工业化可行性强.经优化较佳的环氧化反应条件为:催化剂:环己烯:H2O2=1:200:130,反应温度为50~60℃,pH=3.5~5.5,时间1~4h,环己烯转化率为40%~50%,H2O2利用率约为80%,环氧环己烷收率为80%~85%.  相似文献   

氯化聚氯乙烯树脂制备工艺综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氯化聚氯乙烯树脂(CPVC)是聚氯乙烯(PVC)的重要改性产品,在国民经济中起着举足轻重的作用。简述了氯化聚氯乙烯的用途、现阶段中国的生产现状,并总结了目前国内外生产氯化聚氯乙烯的几种主要工艺,分析了各个工艺的优缺点,展望了氯化聚氯乙烯今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

阿伦膦酸钠(Sodium Alendronate)为第三代氨基二膦酸盐类骨吸收抑制剂,与骨内羟基磷灰石有强亲和力,通过抑制破骨细胞的活性而发挥抗骨吸收作用,且没有骨矿化抑制作用.将γ-氨基丁酸、三氯化磷和亚磷酸在溶剂中加热,之后中和其反应生成物,合成得这种治疗骨质疏松症的药物阿伦膦酸钠.通过对反应溶剂、物料配比、反应时间、温度等影响产品质量和产率的主要因素的考察,提出了一种较佳的工艺条件:在n(γ-氨基酸)∶n(亚磷酸)∶n(三氯化磷)=1∶1.2∶1.2,以环己烷为溶剂,反应温度80℃,反应时间5 h等条件下,收率较佳,并且解决了由于反应易受温度影响而失控造成冲料报废的难题.  相似文献   

Ferronickel enrichment and extraction from nickel laterite ore were studied through reduction and magnetic separation. Reduction experiments were performed using hydrogen and carbon monoxide as reductants at different temperatures (700-1000℃). Magnetic separa- tion of the reduced products was conducted using a SLon-100 cycle pulsating magnetic separator (1.2 T). Composition analysis indicates that the nickel laterite ore contains a total iron content of 22.50wt% and a total nickel content of 1.91wt%. Its mineral composition mainly con- sists of serpentine, hortonolite, and goethite. During the reduction process, the grade of nickel and iron in the products increases with in- creasing reduction temperature. Although a higher temperature is more favorable for reduction, the temperature exceeding 1000℃ results in sintering of the products, preventing magnetic separation. After magnetic separation, the maximum total nickel and iron concentrations are 5.43wt% and 56.86wt%, and the corresponding recovery rates are 84.38% and 53.76%, respectively.  相似文献   

Novel foaming agent used in preparation process of aluminum foams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performances of a novel foaming agent used in the preparation process of aluminum foams were investigated,and the effects of some factors,such as addition of the foaming agent,foaming temperature on the porosity,and appearance of aluminum foams were also discussed.Experimental results show that the novel foaming agent has a wide decomposition temperature range and a mild decomposed rate; the foaming agent has the ability to enhance the viscosity of aluminum melt,as a result,an extra viscosifier such as Ca or SiCp is unnecessary while using this foaming agent; the bubble-free zone in material decreases and the foaming efficiency increases with the increase of foaming agent; the bubble-free zone disappears and the foaming efficiency is near 100% when the addition of foaming agent is more than 1.4wt% ; the porosity of the aluminum foam increases with the increase of foaming agent when the addition of foaming agent is less than 2.2wt% .  相似文献   

以溶胶-凝胶法制备纳米钛酸钡粉体,利用价廉的重晶石为主要原料制备钡源,有效地克服了传统方法因采用有机钡盐或有机钛而导致的生产成本过高的缺点:研究结果表明,该方法可制备出高纯钛酸钡粉体,制备过程中三废排放物中基本不含有害物质,并可从母液中回收质量较高的副产品硝酸铵,具有产品质量高,原料来源广泛、价格低廉、工艺环保、节能等特点.  相似文献   

以酸活化海泡石为缓释载体,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮碘溶液为吸附液,通过液相吸附法制备聚乙烯吡咯烷酮碘/海泡石复合材料.通过X射线衍射分析和EDS能谱分析表明,酸活化不但可以除去海泡石中大部分杂质,而且还提高了吸附性能。探讨了制备工艺对海泡石吸附性能的影响,结果表明:pH值、溶液浓度、循环次数对海泡石吸附有效碘有较大的影响;其最佳的工艺参数为pH值5.5,溶液浓度为0.05mol/L,循环次数为6次。  相似文献   

研究了以咪唑和氯乙酸乙酯为原料经相转移催化N-烷基化反应、水解、成盐制得咪唑乙酸盐酸盐,再与三氯氧磷和亚磷酸反应后水解合成唑来膦酸的新工艺.通过工艺优化,在较佳工艺条件下反应总收率达53%,纯度达99%.新工艺具有反应时间短、产品纯度和收率高及操作简便等特点.用IR,1H NMR及MS确证了唑来膦酸的结构.  相似文献   

溶胶-凝胶法制备纳米钛酸钡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以溶胶-凝胶法制备纳米钛酸钡粉体,利用价廉的重晶石为主要原料制备钡源,有效地克服了传统方法因采用有机钡盐或有机钛而导致的生产成本过高的缺点:研究结果表明,该方法可制备出高纯钛酸钡粉体,制备过程中三废排放物中基本不含有害物质,并可从母液中回收质量较高的副产品硝酸铵,具有产品质量高,原料来源广泛、价格低廉、工艺环保、节能等特点.  相似文献   

The process of preparing SiC coating by electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) was discussed from viewpoint of thermodynamis. Results show that within the temperature range of 2 700–3 300 K, the ratio of SiC in the SiC coating doesn’t change much and keeps around 0.7. Purity of the as-deposited SiC coating is not high. To improve the purity of the SiC coating, the SiC ingot is required to not be, necessary in full density but be fine-grained.  相似文献   

以PLLA、PEG的熔融共聚体为基体,以麻纤维为增强体.通过正交实验优化工艺参数,模压成型得到苎麻纤维PLLA-PEG复合材料板.分析复合材料的拉伸、弯曲性能及红外光谱、断面形貌.结果表明,当PLLA与PEG质量比为9∶1,共聚温度为120℃,TDI用量为1∶12(与PLLA的质量比),共聚时间为14h时,得到的复合材料板性能最优.其拉伸强度为11.1MPa,弯曲强度为68.48MPa.  相似文献   

采用无机溶胶-凝胶的方法来制备纳米钛酸铅粉体,以廉价的无机钛盐为原料,有效克服了传统方法因采用有机钛盐或有机钛而导致的生产成本过高的缺点,并利用XRD、FT-IR、SEM等分析手段对样品的颗粒大小、结构和形貌进行了表征.研究结果表明:制备出的PbTiO3干凝胶在1 000℃下热处理2 h可以得到结晶程度很好的纳米PbTiO3粉体.  相似文献   

Submicron diamonds were co-deposited on aluminum substrates with copper from the acid copper sulfate electrolyte by electrolyte-suspension co-deposition.After submicron diamonds were added to the electrolyte,the shape of copper grains transformed from oval or round to polyhedron,the growth mode of copper grains transformed from columnar growth to gradual change in size,and the preferred orientation of copper grains transformed from (220) to (200).Analyzing the variation of cathodic overpotential,it was found that the cathodic overpotential tended to remain unchanged when copper plane (220) grew in the process of electrodepositing pure copper,while it tended to decrease with time when copper plane (200) grew m the process of co-deposition.It was inferred that copper plane (200) was propitious to the deposition of submicron diamonds.  相似文献   

合成维生素A醋酸酯新工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了以β-紫罗兰酮为原料,氯化亚膦酸二乙酯法合成维生素A醋酸酯的工艺.实验评估了炔化、选择加氢、缩合等主要反应及催化剂、后处理溶剂参数等.选择了较佳的工艺条件:炔化反应温度0℃,氯乙炔镁和β-紫罗兰酮的摩尔比2:1;亚膦酸化反应温度为室温,氯化亚膦酸二乙酯和3-甲基-1-(2,6,6-三甲基-1-环己烯-1-基)-1-戊烯-4-炔-3-醇的摩尔比1.25;1;Pd/C催化加氢反应温度60~65℃,反应时间2.5hr,甲酸铵和3-甲基-5-(2,6,6-三甲基-1-环己烯-1-基)-1,2,4-戊三烯磷酸二乙酯的摩尔比1.3:1.反应总收率达65.8%.新工艺具有原料易得,反应收率高和易工业化实施等优点.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the preparation of metal rubber (MR) and two pivotal hypotheses,the uniform distribution and the unaltered topological structure of wires in the radial direction of columns in the punch process,a 3D parametrical model was established based on four approaches:helix-making,planar roughcast-weaving,planar roughcast-rolling,and 3D roughcast punching.In the modeling process,5 lattice types of weave patterns in planar roughcast were put forward,and 10 quantificational modeling parameters ...  相似文献   

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