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Heat and mass transfer effects in three-dimensional flow of Maxwell fluid over a stretching surface were addressed.Analysis was performed in the presence of internal heat generation/absorption. Concentration and thermal buoyancy effects were accounted. Convective boundary conditions for heat and mass transfer analysis were explored. Series solutions of the resulting problem were developed. Effects of mixed convection, internal heat generation/absorption parameter and Biot numbers on the dimensionless velocity, temperature and concentration distributions were illustrated graphically. Numerical values of local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers were obtained and analyzed for all the physical parameters. It is found that both thermal and concentration boundary layer thicknesses are decreasing functions of stretching ratio. Variations of mixed convection parameter and concentration buoyancy parameter on the velocity profiles and associated boundary layer thicknesses are enhanced. Velocity profiles and temperature increase in the case of internal heat generation while they reduce for heat absorption. Heat transfer Biot number increases the thermal boundary layer thickness and temperature. Also concentration and its associated boundary layer are enhanced with an increase in mass transfer Biot number. The local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers have quite similar behaviors for increasing values of mixed convection parameter, concentration buoyancy parameter and Deborah number.  相似文献   

颗粒堆积多孔介质内幂律流体的流动阻力特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为深入研究幂律型非牛顿流体在均匀球颗粒堆积多孔介质内流动的阻力特性,基于经典Carman-Kozeny-Blake模型及孔喉通道模型,提出一个新的预测模型.针对幂律流体的流变特性,利用平均水力半径理论,得到了于迂曲度、孔隙率、孔喉比、颗粒直径及幂律指数等重要参数修正的Ergun型方程表达式,且方程中的系数表达式A、B等各物理量都有明确的物理意义.对所建模型与文献中的理论模型及实验数据关联式比较的结果表明,新模型在一定流态区间内的阻力预测值与文献吻合较好.给出了幂律流体的临界雷诺数、修正渗透率及惯性系数的关联式.  相似文献   

Mixed convection flow of magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) Jeffrey nanofluid over a radially stretching surface with radiative surface is studied. Radial sheet is considered to be convectively heated. Convective boundary conditions through heat and mass are employed. The governing boundary layer equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations. Convergent series solutions of the resulting problems are derived. Emphasis has been focused on studying the effects of mixed convection, thermal radiation, magnetic field and nanoparticles on the velocity, temperature and concentration fields. Numerical values of the physical parameters involved in the problem are computed for the local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are computed.  相似文献   

The intention of this investigation is to study the effects of heat transfer and inclined magnetic field on the peristaltic flow of Williamson fluid in an asymmetric channel through porous medium. The governing two-dimensional equations are simplified under the assumption of long wavelength approximation. The simplified equations are solved for the stream function, temperature, and axial pressure gradient by using a regular perturbation method. The expression for pressure rise is computed numerically. The profiles of velocity, pressure gradient, temperature, heat transfer coefficient and stream function are sketched and interpreted for various embedded parameters and also the behavior of stream function for various wave forms is discussed through graphs. It is observed that the peristaltic velocity increases from porous medium to non-porous medium, the magnetic effects have increasing effect on the temperature, and the size of the trapped bolus decreases with the increasing of magnetic effects while the trend is reversed with the increasing of Darcy number. Moreover, limiting solutions of our problem are in close agreement with the corresponding results of the Newtonian fluid model.  相似文献   

利用两区域法,其中在多孔介质区域利用Forheimer-Brinkman-Darcy方程,纯流体区域使用Navier-Stokes方程对部分填充多孔介质的二维封闭腔体内的自然对流传热传质进行数值研究。采用有限元法辅之以流体与多孔介质交界面上的连续性弱约束条件对两区域方程进行求解,分析了多孔介质厚度、渗透率及孔隙率的变化对封闭腔体内传热传质的影响。数值结果表明:当多孔介质厚度小于0.2时,其厚度的增加可明显削弱传热传质;大于0.2时,其影响明显减弱。渗透率从10-3降低至10-6时,腔体中流动减弱,导致平均传热传质速率降低。随孔隙率增加平均传热传质速率近似线性增加。  相似文献   

嵌入不透水球体的复合多孔介质广泛存在于地下水渗流领域,由于不透水球体的影响,多孔介质中的水在流经不透水球体时发生绕流,且距离球体越近绕流现象越明显。为求解该复合介质的渗流场和等效渗透系数,在球坐标系下采用非线性Brinkman-extended Darcy方程,以无穷远处单向来流均匀和球面不滑移条件作为边界条件,求解出球体周围渗流流速与压强的解析解。分析该解析解表达式可知,此复合介质渗流场流速和压强分布与多孔介质基质的渗透率和地下水动力粘滞系数有关。在此基础上对渗流场流速进行积分,求出了Darcy流平均流速,并将平均流速表达式与Darcy公式表达式进行对比,得出等效渗透系数表达式,并且理论证明球体与多孔介质的相对尺寸是影响复合介质等效渗透系数的最主要因素。最后以一定级配的砂作为多孔介质基质,用直径分别为4cm、6cm、8cm的三种有机玻璃球体作为不透水球体,自制试验装置,开展了嵌入不透水球体复合多孔介质的常水头渗流试验。试验中控制多孔介质基质的压实度来保证其渗透系数基本不变,改变填充在多孔介质基质中的不透水球体进行渗流试验,对每一个不透水球体分别进行三组试验,取平均值作为试验结果。试验结果与理论计算的等效渗透系数值误差较小,验证了所推求嵌入不透水球体复合多孔介质渗流场的正确性。  相似文献   

Using the constitutive equation of co-rotational derivative type for anisotropic viscoelastic fluid-liquid crystalline(LC),polymer liquids was developed.Two relaxation times are introduced in the equation:λn represents relaxation of the normal-symmetric stress components;λs represents relaxation of the shear-unsymmetric stress components.A vibrational rotating flow in gap between cylinders with small amplitudes is studied for the anisotropic viscoelastic fluid-liquid crystalline polymer.The time-dependent constitutive equation are linearized with respect to parameter of small amplitude.For the normal-symmetric part of stress tensor analytical expression of the shear stress is obtained by the constitutive equation.The complex viscosity,complex shear modulus,dynamic and imaginary viscosities,storage modulus and loss modulus are obtained for the normal-symmetric stress case which are defined by the common shear rate.For the shear-unsymmetric stress part,two shear stresses are obtained thus two complex viscosities and two complex shear modulus(i.e.first and second one) are given by the constitutive equation which are defined by rotating shear rate introduced by author.The dynamic and imaginary viscosities,storage modulus and loss modulus are given for each complex viscosities and complex shear modulus.Using the constituive equation the rotating flow with small amplitudes in gap between two coaxial cylinders is studied.  相似文献   

The flow and heat transfer characteristics, including transition critical Reynolds number from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, the influence of slit-cylinder geometric parameter on Strouhal number, Nusselt number and forces acting on the slit-cylinder are numerically investigated. It’s found that transition critical Reynolds number from two-dimensional (flow wake deforms in two directions) to three-dimensional (flow wake deforms in three directions) increases with the augment of the slit width ratio in the range of present considered Reynolds number. The present results indicate that the three-dimensional vortex structures resulting from the deformation of the vortex shedding have significant effects on flow and heat transfer features such as Strouhal number, Nusselt number and forces acting on the cylinders with different ratios of slit width. It’s observed that the drag and lift coefficients reduce as the increase of slit width ratio, and vortex shedding is effectively suppressed by the slits. Moreover, the comprehensive heat transfer performance of the cylinder with the slits is significantly improved with the increase of the slit width ratio.  相似文献   

Effects of heat and mass transfer in the flow of Burgers fluid over an inclined sheet are discussed. Problems formulation and relevant analysis are given in the presence of thermal radiation and non-uniform heat source/sink. Thermal conductivity is taken temperature dependent. The nonlinear partial differential equations are simplified using boundary layer approximations. The resultant nonlinear ordinary differential equations are solved for the series solutions. The convergence of series solutions is obtained by plotting theη-curves for the velocity, temperature and concentration fields. Results of this work describe the role of different physical parameters involved in the problem. The Deborah numbers corresponding to relaxation time(β1 and β2) and angle of inclination(α) decrease the fluid velocity and concentration field. Concentration field decays as Deborah numbers corresponding to retardation time(β3) and mixed convection parameter(G) increase. Large values of heat generation/absorption parameters A/B, and the temperature distribution across the boundary layer increase. Numerical values of local Nusselt number,-θ′(0), and local Sherwood number,-f′(0), are computed and analyzed. It is found that θ′(0) increases with an increase in β3.  相似文献   

为准确确定建筑物的能耗,保证建筑物的使用功能,需对土壤和围护结构中的热湿迁移现象进行研究.本文基于Luikov热湿耦合传递方程,提出了一种计算一维多孔介质瞬态热湿传递的理论分析方法.通过引入无量纲温度、湿度对Luikov方程进行拉普拉斯变换,采用传递函数方法(TFM)得到了一维瞬态热湿传递方程的解析解,该解析解揭示了多...  相似文献   

为得到扇形凹穴型微通道内单相液体流动与传热特性,以等截面矩形微通道为参照,利用FLUENT计算流体力学模拟与分析软件进行三维数值模拟,采用有限体积法离散模型和SIMPLEX算法进行层流计算,讨论扇形凹穴型微通道热沉在不同体积流量不同热流密度条件下流体流动特性和传热特性.模拟结果表明:较大Re条件下扇形凹穴型微通道具有很...  相似文献   

旋转矩形截面螺旋管内对流传热特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用数值计算方法研究了旋转矩形截面螺旋管内的粘性流动,分析了在离心力、科氏力共同作用下曲线管道中的二次流动结构、轴向流速分布、截面温度分布、摩擦系数比以及管道Nusselt系数数比随各参数的变化情况,计算结果表明:对于不同截面的矩形螺旋管道,当旋转方向和主流方向相同时,旋转的作用与增大Germano数的作用相同,使得管道摩擦系数变大,管道换热效果增强;而当旋转方向和主流方向相反时,管道内流动结构变化十分明显,当F≈-1.3时,二次流出现类似于直扭管内的鞍状流动结构,轴向速度类似与静止直管内的流动结构,管道内的摩擦系数近似于静止直管内的磨擦系数,换热效果减至最弱。  相似文献   

针对幂律流体在填充多孔介质平行板通道中强迫流动充分发展的流动特性问题,基于Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer流动模型,通过假定边界层内速度分布经验关系式,采用边界层动量积分方法,推导出边界层厚度、轴向流速及压力降的无量纲计算表达式。比较了线性、抛物线两种速度分布模型与分析解的接近程度,并讨论了达西数Da、综合惯性参数F'、粘性比M、孔隙率φ及幂律指数n等对无量纲轴向流速分布和压力降的影响。计算结果表明,在非达西流区抛物线速度分布模型的精度更高,除M外,Da、F'、M、φ及n对无量纲轴向流速分布和压力降均有较大影响。  相似文献   

内置折边扭带圆管内三维流动与传热数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究烟气在内置扭带管内流动和强化传热特性,以螺旋扭带管和折边扭带管为研究对象建立烟气流动与传热三维数值模型,模型中对近壁面采用增强壁面函数法,并考虑低雷诺数和旋转流对湍流黏度的影响。与圆管相比Re=2300~5000内螺旋扭带管Nu提高21%~24%;折边扭带管Nu提高25%~32%。折边扭带管流动阻力ΔP为12~57Pa,比螺旋扭带管ΔP增加10%~18%。折边扭带管传热和流动性能比φ为120%~126%。内置折边扭带管强化传热的原因是具有沿流向以折边长度为周期的增速和减速。  相似文献   

An analysis was made to study the steady momentum and heat transfer characteristics of a viscous electrically conducting fluid near a stagnation point due to a stretching/shrinking sheet in the presence of a transverse magnetic field and generalized slip condition. Two flow problems corresponding to the planar and axisymmetric stretching/shrinking sheet were considered. By means of similarity transformations, the obtained resultant nonlinear ordinary differential equations were solved numerically using a shooting method for dual solutions of velocity and temperature profiles. Some important physical features of the flow and heat transfer in terms of the fluid velocity, the temperature distribution, the skin friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number for various values of the controlling governing parameters like velocity slip parameter, critical shear rate, magnetic field, ratio of stretching/shrinking rate to external flow rate and Prandtl number were analyzed and discussed. An increase of the critical shear rate decreases the fluid velocity whereas the local Nusselt number increases. The comparison of the present numerical results with the existing literature in a limiting case is given and found to be in an excellent agreement.  相似文献   

1. Introduction The drag force because of “skin friction” is a fluid dynamic resistive force, which is a consequence of the fluid and the pressure distribution on the surface. Re- cently, following the pioneering work of Sakiadis [1-2], considerable att…  相似文献   

To explore the condensation characteristics of vapor flow inside vertical small-diameter tubes, the classical Nusselt theory is revised and an analytical model with variable tube wall temperature is established by considering the effect of surface tension exerted by condensate film bending as well as the effect of shear stress on vapor-liquid interface. The effects of various factors including tube wall temperature and gravity on flow condensation in small-diameter tubes are analyzed theoretically to show the heat transfer characteristics. Comparison with the experimental data indicates that the proposed analytical model is fit to reveal the fundamental characteristics of flow condensation heat transfer in vertical small-diameter tube.  相似文献   

在实验的基础上,提出了随压力梯度变化的渗流能力修正因子,并以此对达西公式进行修正,推导出低渗透多孔介质单相流体渗流的控制方程,并用有限差分方法进行求解.计算表明,在生产井定产的情况下,用该方法计算得到的井底压力比相同条件下达西渗流计算所得的井底压力要小.随着模拟时间的增加,压力消耗主要集中在井底附近,远离井的地区压力幅度下降很小,与实际多孔介质的特点相符.  相似文献   

为了描述双蓄热式环形加热炉在特殊结构下流动、传热和燃烧过程的特性,建立了非对称双蓄热式环形实验炉内流动、传热和燃烧过程的数学模型.湍流模型采用标准κ-ε双方程模型,燃烧模型采用平衡混合分数(PDF)模型,辐射传热模型采用离散坐标(DO)辐射模型.利用数值仿真软件进行了模拟计算,结果表明,炉膛内温度均匀性较好,一氧化碳的燃烧完全,二氧化碳的浓度在炉内分布均匀.  相似文献   

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