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综合考虑梁截面转动、相邻截面剪切变形和横向压力等影响推导出弯曲矩形截面深梁的新理论。作为算例,应用虚拟功的互等法具体求解了在均布载荷作用下两端简支深梁的弯曲问题,给出了这种情况的数值计算结果,与ANSYS有限元结果进行了对照,验证了该新理论的正确性。  相似文献   

Due to the extreme complexity of mechanical response of soft surrounding rock(SR) around a tunnel under high geostatic stress conditions, the integration of physical and numerical modeling techniques was adopted. Based on the similarity theory, new composite-similar material was developed, which showed good agreement with the similarity relation and successfully simulated physico-mechanical properties(PMP) of deep buried soft rock. And the 800 mm×800 mm×200 mm physical model(PM) was conducted, in which the endoscopic camera technique was adopted to track the entire process of failure of the model all the time. The experimental results indicate that the deformation of SR around a underground cavern possessed the characteristics of development by stages and in delay, and the initial damage of SR could induce rapid failure in the later stage, and the whole process could be divided into three stages, including the localized extension of crack(the horizontal load(HL) was in the range of 130 k N to 170 k N, the vertical load(VL) was in the range of 119 k N to 153.8 k N), rapid crack coalescence(the HL was in the range of 170 k N to 210 k N, the VL was in the range of 153.8 k N to 182.5 k N) and residual strength(the HL was greater than 210 k N, the VL was greater than 182.5 k N). Under the high stress conditions, the phenomenon of deformation localization in the SR became serious and different space positions show different deformation characteristics. In order to further explore the deformation localization and progressive failure phenomenon of soft SR around the deeply buried tunnel, applying the analysis software of FLAC3 D three-dimensional explicit finite-difference method, based on the composite strain-softening model of Mohr-Coulomb shear failure and tensile failure, the calculation method of large deformation was adopted. Then, the comparative analysis between the PM experiment and numerical simulation of the three centered arch tunnels was implemented and the relationship of deformation localization and progressive failure of SR around a tunnel under high stress conditions was discussed.  相似文献   

渠道横断面计算是一种试算方法,该方法计算量大,为节省计算量,提高计算速度,提出采用VB编程实现试算。  相似文献   

The stress concentration and failure at chamber intersections in coal mine are intense, especially in deep-buried, super-large section conditions. In this paper, the plastic radius of super-large section chamber under unequal pressure was corrected on the basis of the size effect. Then, stress and failure evolution of intersections under different crossing angles and equivalent angular bisectors were revealed. Furthermore, 2 trajectory curves of failure and stress were analytically expressed, which divided the intersection into 5 influencing zones in the light of stress superposition degree. After determining instability trigger point and instability path, instability energy criterion of intersection can be obtained as K > 1, which means that the external energy is greater than the sum of energy consumed by surrounding rock instability and supporting structure failure. Taking coal-gangue separation system of Longgu Coal Mine as example, it was found that there was instability risk under original parameters. For long-term stability, an optimization design method was proposed by considering safety factor, and optimal support scheme was obtained. Field monitoring showed intersections deformations were relatively small with the maximum of 125 mm, which verified the rationality of theoretical analysis. This study provides guidance for the stability control of the intersections under the same or similar conditions.  相似文献   

To get the scattering loss of the trapezoidal core waveguide, a new analysis model is presented based on the perturbation equivalent method and modified effective-index method. Firstly, the trapezoidal core waveguide is successfully equivalent to the rectangular one with both restricting the same optical field energy by adopting the perturbation method. Then, the equivalent rectangular core waveguide is decomposed into two slab waveguides by employing the modified effective-index method. The trapezoidal core waveguide scattering theory model is established based on the slab waveguide scattering theory. With the sidewalls surface roughness in the range from 0 to 100 nm in the single model trapezodial core waveguide, optical simulation shows excellent agreement with the results from the scattering loss model presented. The relationship between the dimension and side-wall roughness with the scattering loss can be determined in the trapezoidal core waveguide by the scattering loss model.  相似文献   

使用计算软件FLAC3D,在考虑水的流固耦合效应和不考虑水的流固耦合效应的两种情况下,分别对隧道围岩进行三维数值分析,得到了两种情况下的隧道围岩的应力场、位移场、塑性区的变化情况。试验模拟结果表明:考虑渗流效应的隧道,围岩压应力小于不考虑渗流效应时计算出的围岩压应力,但是此时的拉应力和剪切应力增加,围岩竖向位移变化不大,而水平位移相差很大,塑性区破坏的程度比不考虑流固耦合的情况的破坏程度要大。该情况将为该隧道施工和防渗设计提供依据。  相似文献   

当柱体自由扭转时,柱体的抗扭性能与横截面形式有关,针对单连通域下的具有最优抗扭性能的横截面形式问题,本文建立了相应的最优形式控制模型,并通过变分法求解得到:在横截面面积相等的情况下,圆截面是所有截面中使结构整体应变能最小和扭转刚度最大的截面形式,这与圣维南所给的一般性结论是一致的。  相似文献   

基于混凝土的塑性损伤模型和钢材的应变硬化模型,对普通T形截面钢管混凝土异形柱(CCFTTS)和双钢管焊接T形截面混凝土异形柱(DCFTTS)在轴向荷载作用下的力学性能进行了数值分析。模拟分析结果表明这两种构件都有类似的失效模式,即钢管都向外发生了屈曲变形。研究发现DCFTTS相比于CCFTTS有着较高的力学性能,因为DCFTTS对混凝土提供更高的侧向约束力。参数分析进一步表明钢管的壁厚、混凝土强度、钢管和混凝土接触面之间的摩擦系数对构件承载力的影响。  相似文献   

研究采用matlab软件,计算出构件在轴压比n=N/fcA和受压与受拉纵筋面积比As’/As不同时几种弯矩与曲率,分析了T形截面短肢剪力墙曲率延性的影响,并绘制M-ψ曲线.结果表明,随轴压比n增大,延性降低;随纵筋面积比As’/As增大,延性提高,所以合理控制轴压比n,及适当提高受压与受拉纵筋面积比是改善其抗震性能的有效措施.  相似文献   

纱线截面孔隙结构的定量表述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用计算机图像处理技术,提取了环锭纺和转杯纺纱线截面孔隙形状、数量、体积分布等直观表达纱线孔隙结构的参数.利用分形几何对纱线截面上的孔隙分布情况进行分析,验证了纱线截面上的孔隙结构符合分形特征.并求得了孔隙面积分形维数,从而对纱线截面的孔隙结构进行了定量的表述.然后从成纱过程分析了2种不同工艺的纱线结构参数的差异,说明这些参数可以直观、准确地表征纱线的孔隙结构特征.实验结果可为纱线的导湿、导热等各项物理性能的研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   

倾斜地面高等级道路施工测量中的边桩定位一般用逐渐趋近法。该法需要重复多次测量和计算 ,才能确定边桩的位置 ,野外工作量较大。本文给出了由横断面测量结果直接计算中桩到边桩的水平距离的方法 ,利用它可一次性标定边桩位置。新方法既减少了外业工作量 ,又有利于提高施工测量工作的自动化程度  相似文献   

拱肋截面变化对刚性系杆拱桥受力性能影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一跨度为96 m刚性系杆拱桥为实例,建立拱肋不同变截面模型,探讨了拱肋截面变化幅度对该体系桥梁的受力性能影响.分析结果表明:拱肋变化对其自身变形、应力等受力性能影响较大,对结构动力特性及稳定性影响也较大,对系梁影响相对较小;分析表明:在跨度100m左右刚性系杆拱桥中,对于连续变截面拱肋,拱顶与拱脚处面积之比在5/6时...  相似文献   

针对高地应力和高埋深带来的深埋隧洞岩爆问题,以锦屏二级水电站深部引水洞为研究对象,对全断面隧道掘进机(TBM)开挖过程进行微震实时监测。结合微震活动时空强序列分布、微震事件密度及微震能量密度,总结微震活动的时空演化特征,并对地下硐室岩体强度损伤区进行圈定,进而识别发生岩爆的潜在危险区。监测与分析结果表明:多数岩爆都存在有可被微震监测定位的微破裂前兆,微震活动的活跃区和簇集区与岩爆位置具有空间一致性,在时间上的排序优先于岩爆事件。岩爆的发展及破坏过程是由岩体的浅表,经微裂纹的萌生、发展、扩展至岩体深部后形成宏观剪切裂纹,相邻的宏观剪切裂纹相互搭接后与隧洞壁形成三角形闭环。当岩体达到或者超过峰值强度时,岩爆发生。借助于震源理论,利用微震事件b值变化特征可对隧洞岩爆情况进行预测预警。  相似文献   

差分吸收光谱技术(DOAS)已经被广泛用于各种污染气体浓度的测量,其中影响其测量精度的主要因素就是气体吸收截面的测量.利用Lambert-Beer吸收定律以及自主设计的测量装置对大气的主要污染气体N0的吸收截面进行了测量,并采用多项式拟合的方法提高了测量的精度,根据所测得的吸收截面反演了N0气体的浓度值,取得了良好的效...  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanism of the zonal disintegration phenomenon (ZDP), both experimental and theoretical investigations were carried out. Firstly, based on the similarity law, gypsum was chosen as equivalent material to simulate the deep rock mass, the excavation of deep tunnel was modeled by drilling a hole in the gypsum models, two circular cracked zones were measured in the model, and ZDP in the enclosing rock mass around deep tunnel was simulated in 3D gypsum model tests. Secondly, based on the elasto-plastic analysis of the stressed-strained state of the surrounding rock mass with the improved Hoek-Brown strength criterion and the bilinear constitutive model, the maximum stress zone occurred in vicinity of the elastic-plastic interface due to the excavation of the deep tunnel, rock material in maximum stress zone is in the approximate uniaxial loading state owing to the larger tangential force and smaller radial force, the mechanism of ZDP was explained, which lay in the creep instability failure of rock mass due to the development of plastic zone and transfer of the maximum stress zone within the rock mass. Thirdly, the analytical critical depth for the occurrence of ZDP was obtained, which depended on the mechanical indices and stress concentration coefficient of rock mass. Foundation item: Projects(50525825, 90815010) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(2009CB724608) supported by the Major state Basic Research Development Program of China  相似文献   

切缝药包爆破岩石爆生裂纹断面的SEM试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用电镜扫描(SEM)切缝药包爆破大理岩爆生裂纹断面形貌,从微观角度探究动载下岩石的定向断裂机理。通过对主裂纹和次裂纹断面上不同区域的观测,发现了河流状、台阶状、根状、鱼骨状、"雾区"状等典型断面形貌,定性的解释了爆炸荷载作用下典型断面形貌的形成机理。研究表明,爆炸荷载作用下,大理岩的微观破坏机制分为拉伸破坏和剪切破坏,爆炸近区多为拉伸破坏,中区、远区有剪切破坏出现;大理岩微观断裂机制是以脆性断裂为主,爆炸近区形成张拉脆性破坏区,远区有较少的塑性破坏;非切缝方向的沿晶断裂较多。  相似文献   

未充分生成海的海面模型及其雷达散射系数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了一种新的海面统计模型-非稳态的未充分生成海潜。在相似条件下分析了未充分生成海谱与充分生成海谱的异同。利用双尺度方法比较了两种状态下海面的电磁散射,并讨论了特征斜率、峰值波数对海面雷达散射系数的影响。  相似文献   

The analytical solutions for predicting the exact shape of collapse mechanisms in shallow tunnels with arbitrary excavation profiles were obtained by virtue of the upper bound theorem of limit analysis and variation principle according to Hoek-Brown failure criterion. The seepage force was included in the upper bound limit analysis, and it was computed from the gradient of excess pore pressure distribution. The seepage was regarded as a work rate of external force. The numerical results of roof collapse in square and circular tunnels with different rock parameters were derived and discussed, which proves to be valid in comparison with the previous work. The influences of different parameters on the shape of collapsing blocks were also discussed.  相似文献   

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