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Due to the increase in living standard and demand, energy conservation has become important in industrialized countries. In view of rational use of energy, the present paper reviews intelligent building construction with the aid of passive solar architecture approach, which makes use of specific building design principles and reduces the artificial energy requirements for achieving indoor thermal comfort. As a climate responsive architecture, building design criteria has been studied with the help of several parameters like geographic location and climatic conditions, building shape, orientation, selection of construction materials, building openings viz. windows, selection of suitable sunshades, etc. All the salient building design parameters are studied and important findings and recommendations are suggested as the outcome of the study. The study in turn is useful for various resource persons involved in the construction activities for designing energy efficient intelligent buildings.  相似文献   

A passive solar water heating system for vineyard frost protection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M. Smyth  H. Skates 《Solar Energy》2009,83(3):400-408
The threat of frost during spring time (after ‘bud burst’) is an ever present danger to the vineyard owner. To minimise the risk, in addition to good site selection and vineyard management, a number of active frost protection systems are available. Most active methods of frost protection are costly in monetary terms and can also have a detrimental effect on the environment. This work presents the design and performance of a passive solar water heating quilt system under real vineyard operating conditions. Two vineyard sites were selected, and the solar water heating quilt design was evaluated over a three-month period. Detailed measurements of the temperature below and above the soil surface, levels of incident solar radiation and the wind direction and speed were recorded. Field study results indicate that the quilts can improve the solar collection and heat retention of the soil, resulting in increased temperatures during frost events of up to 1 °C in air space immediately adjacent to the solar quilts when compared to conditions off the protected area. In addition, the time period during which the frost remains a danger to the vine is also reduced. When heat collection, storage and extraction rates are investigated, simplified calculations indicate that the solar quilt can improve collection by 38.5% over bare soil, resulting in the release of 32% more heat. Extrapolated to vineyard coverage, this could result in an extra 3500 MJ of heat per hectare per (typical frost event condition) day.  相似文献   

D.V. Pryor  C.Byron Winn   《Solar Energy》1982,28(1):65-73
The use of a sequential least squares filter for estimating passive solar system parameters is presented as it applies to certain types of systems. The method given is used to identify parameters in a particular existing system, and the results are given. A discussion is also included on a comparison of various sampling rates used by the filter, with a view toward selecting a “reasonable” sampling rate.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the passive space heating characteristics of an air-filled honeycomb placed on the concrete roof-top of a building. In particular, the solar transmittance and heat losses through the honeycomb cover system have been investigated to estimate the solar collection efficiency and heat retention duration of the system. Numerical calculations are carried out for a typical winter day in New Delhi (28°N). and a relatively colder day in Boulder (40°N). It is found that the honeycomb cover system considerably increases the heat collection efficiency of the roof. It also reduces the nocturnal heat losses to enable longer heat retention. The system is more effective in colder climates.  相似文献   

A simple algebraic model for the evaluation of the average performance of passive solar dwelling units is presented. The model is based on a first order representation for the mass effect of walls and thermal energy balances for a dwelling unit, during the day and the night. The model requires as climatological input the mean temperature during the day and the night and the daily solar irradiation for each month. The model is capable of predicting the performance of both direct gain and storage wall systems and can be used to evaluate the effect of design parameter such as mass, internal or external insulation, temperature difference between day and night.  相似文献   

The major portion of energy in a building is consumed by heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC). The traditional heating and cooling systems contribute greatly to the emission of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Four different ways, i.e., Trombe wall, solar chimney, unglazed transpired solar façade, and solar roof, are adopted for solar heating. Similarly, two major ways, i.e., evaporative cooling and building integrated evaporative cooling are adopted for cooling of the building. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this paper to compile the developments of solar heating and cooling technologies in a building.  相似文献   

本系统是利用PIC16F73单片机作为控制核心,实现利用太阳能对蓄电池进行充电和对LED照明设备进行控制的一种智能太阳能充电控制系统。主要介绍了系统的硬件结构、工作原理,以及软件控制过程,并对实验数据进行了介绍。本系统具有自适应强、性能稳定、工作可靠、成本低廉等优点。  相似文献   

Cyril Carter 《Solar Energy》1990,45(6):379-384
The use of network models and a range of computational methods for the simulation of passive solar buildings are described, compared, and assessed. The following methods are considered: (i) Steadystate methods; (ii) Finite difference methods, explicit and implicit; (iii) Modal or analytic spectral methods; (iv) Fourier series methods. Methods (ii) to (iv) are compared by applying them to a series of numerical examples using the same data. In particular, the effect of network nodes with small thermal mass and the effect of increasing network size are considered. With explicit methods it is shown that it is important to approximate building components with small thermal mass by zero-mass nodes. Generally, the modal and implicit finite difference methods are the most efficient.  相似文献   

The active solar heating system consists of the following sub-systems: (1) a solar thermal collector area, (2) a water storage tank, (3) a secondary water circuit, (4) a domestic hot water (DHW) preparation system and (5) an air ventilation/heating system. An improved model for the secondary water circuit is proposed and two interconnection schemes for sub-systems (4) and (5) are analyzed. The integrated model was implemented to Pirmasens passive house (Rhineland Palatinate, Germany). Both interconnection schemes show that (almost all) the solar energy collected is not used for space heating but for domestic hot water preparation. The classical water heater operates all over the year and the classical air heater operates mainly during the nights from November to April. The yearly amount of heat required by the DHW preparation system is about 77% of the yearly total heat demand of the passive house and the classical water heater provides about 20% of the yearly heat required by the DHW preparation system. The solar fraction lies between 0.247 in January and 0.930 in August, with a yearly average of 0.597.  相似文献   

The optical efficiency of a reflector-window system for solar passive heating systems with flat reflectors placed at the south and north sides of a building is determined.  相似文献   

Operating a passive direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) with high methanol concentration is desired because this increases the energy density of the fuel cell system and hence results in a longer runtime. However, the increase in methanol concentration is limited by the adverse effect of methanol crossover in the conventional design. To overcome this problem, we propose a new self-regulated passive fuel-feed system that not only enables the passive DMFC to operate with high-concentration methanol solution without serious methanol crossover, but also allows a self-regulation of the feed rate of methanol solution in response to discharging current. The experimental results showed that with this fuel-feed system, the fuel cell fed with high methanol concentration of 12.0 M yielded the same performance as that of the conventional DMFC running with 4.0 M methanol solution. Moreover, as a result of the increased energy density, the runtime of the cell with this new system was as long as 10.1 h, doubling that of the conventional design (4.4 h) at a given fuel tank volume. It was also demonstrated that this passive fuel-feed system could successfully self-regulate the fuel-feed rate in response to the change in discharging currents.  相似文献   

The near-south-facing glazed wall of the Wallasey School admits large solar gains in sunny weather, sufficient to meet in full the heat need in cold weather. It permits large heat losses, however, and during dull weather, and during the long winter nights there is little or no compensating solar gain. The net effect of such glazing over a season might be either to save, or to waste energy as compared with a windowless building, according to the sunniness and coldness of the climate and the window characteristics. To examine the action of the glazing, use was made of 50 years of daily mean ambient temperature, and contemporary sunshine hours, in conjunction with the solar gain factor for the translucent and pinboarded areas of the solar wall, and for certain values of design temperature and ventilation rate. It is concluded that such glazing leads to modest savings, of around 5 to 10 W/m2 daily average. Most of the saving appears to be achievable by around 30 per cent glazing; further glazed area tends to supply unwanted solar gain in sunny periods while increasing the losses in sunless conditions. The annual electricity consumptions are noted for the 20 year life of the building. Their costs suggest that the building has been economical to heat.  相似文献   

The Fanger thermal comfort equation is linearized and used to develop a procedure for assessing thermal comfort levels in passive solar heated buildings. In order to relate comfort levels in non-uniform environments to uniform conditions, a new thermal index called the “equivalent uniform temperature” is introduced.  相似文献   

Tools for design and evaluation of bio-climatic and passive solar buildings are presented. The paper discusses different kinds of tools for the various design stages. Accordingly, existing tools can be classified as either generative or evaluative tools. Generative design tools aid in the definition of the proper geometry and solution. Therefore, they are the best tools for the early design stages. Evaluative tools study in detail the performance of a given design. Hence, they fit advanced design stages. Moreover, evaluative tools may be used to derive design guidelines that are required for the early design stages. These guidelines can be embedded in expert systems as a knowledge base. Examples of such tools are presented. Emphasis is put on the early design stages.  相似文献   

太阳房是太阳能热利用的一个重要领域,它的推广有利于节约常规能源,减少环境污染,改善生态环境,和谐人与自然的关系,具有重要的社会、经济效益。甘肃省科学院自然能源研究所研制的《被动式太阳能采暖房(动态)热工计算软件》可用来计算国内外最常用的直接受益式、集热墙式(含集热蓄热墙和对流环路式集热墙)、附加阳光间式三种典型太阳房及其组合型太阳房的动态热工性能,预测其在不同地点、不同时间及不同气象条件下的逐时室温;计算房间在控温运行时所需的逐时辅助热量;优选建筑热工设计参数及设计方案,提高太阳房和节能房的适用性和经济…  相似文献   

In this study, a new solar and geothermal based integrated system is developed for multigeneration of electricity, fresh water, hydrogen and cooling. The system also entails a solar integrated ammonia fuel cell subsystem. Furthermore, a reverse osmosis desalination system is used for fresh water production and a proton exchange membrane based hydrogen production system is employed. Moreover, an absorption cooling system is utilized for district cooling via available system waste heat. The system designed is assessed thermodynamically through approaches of energy and exergy analyses. The overall energy efficiency is determined to be 42.3%. Also, the overall exergy efficiency is assessed, and it is found to be 21.3%. The exergy destruction rates in system components are also analysed and the absorption cooling system generator as well as geothermal flash chamber are found to have comparatively higher exergy destruction rates of 2370.2 kW and 643.3 kW, respectively. In addition, the effects of varying system parameters on the system performance are studied through a parametric analyses of the overall system and associated subsystems.  相似文献   

李江南 《太阳能》2009,(10):43-46
一前言 一般在利用太阳能的建筑中,太阳能利用分为两种方式:一种是被动式太阳能,另一种是主动式太阳能.所谓被动式太阳能,是指利用太阳能提供室内供热,而无需其他机械装置提供能源,被动式太阳能系统依靠传导、对流和辐射等自然热转换的过程,实现对太阳能的收集、储藏、分配和控制.而主动式太阳能与被动式太阳能正好相反,它是利用机械装置来收集、储藏、分配和控制太阳能热量的方法,如太阳能光电板式发电机、太阳能热水器等.对于被动式太阳能系统来说,它需要两方面的元素构成:一是利用朝阳方向的透明材料(玻璃或塑料等)或是深色材料来收集太阳能,二是收集、储存和分配太阳能热量的蓄热体能够最大限度的接收太阳能.  相似文献   

For years passive solar design principles have been perpetuated without being reexamined or questioned regarding their relevance in the context of new materials and constructions. Rarely does an architect get quantitative feedback on system or concept performance after the building is built. The result has been the perpetuation of beliefs among conference papers, text books and popular articles, all too often based only on belief. In this paper examples of premises which likely deserve to be kept passive rather than acted on are challenged. Designers are encouraged to ask three questions when applying a commonly held rule or assumption: Does it address the right issue? Does it apply, given the properties of new components and materials? If the premise is violated, how badly is comfort or the energy balance affected? Examples taken from monitoring and sensitivity studies illustrate the importance of asking “stupid” questions.  相似文献   

The current study focuses on the comparative analyses of multigeneration systems integrated with an electrolyzer for the production of hydrogen, for work rate a regenerative Rankine Cycle and finally for the cooling effect vapor absorption cycle was used. The power produced by both proposed systems was observed to yield some difference based on their positioning in the system and similarly, the rate of hydrogen production from the electrolyzer was also observed. Energetic and exergetic analyses of both the systems are done including all the concerned components. Certain parameters are varied to observe the overall changes in the system along with their effect on the overall efficiencies. A comparative analysis between the two proposed systems was carried out in the present study and eventually providing an efficient system, adding up to the novelty of this publication. At the similar ambient working conditions one of the systems was observed to yield an approximately 0.45% power efficiency difference but when the working parameters were varied, the difference was observed to be abrupt. The electrolyzer has a generation rate of 0.296 g/s and 0.2648 g/s respectively for both systems at base working conditions. At 800 W/m2 of solar irradiance, the Rankine-Trough-Vapour (RTV) cycle produced 11.77% more net power as compared with Vapour-Trough-Rankine (VTR) cycle. Hydrogen production is considered to be one of the most valuable asset of this analysis because of its immense use in multiple processes. Furthermore, this study suggests the most efficient system for different atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

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