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搅拌摩擦焊(Friction Stir Welding.简称FSW)是一种新型固相连接工艺.它不仅能实现其他连接方式能够实现的接头,且能实现在熔焊条件下焊接性能差、易产生焊接缺陷的材料的连接,如高强铝合金、铝锂合金,使焊接接头的性能大大提高.本文分析了近年来搅拌摩擦焊技术的发展和最新进展,涉及搅拌摩擦焊机理即塑性流体运动情况适用母材、力学性能和焊接工具.  相似文献   

Friction stir welding( FSW ), a new solid-state welding technology invited in the early 1990s,enables us weld aluminum alloys and titanium alloys etc. The processing of FSW, the microstractare in FSW alloys and the factors influencing weld quality are introduced. The complex factors affecting the properties are researched.  相似文献   

采用热电偶对4 mm厚6082-T6铝合金薄板双轴肩搅拌摩擦焊不同工艺焊接过程中各特征点的温度进行测定,绘制各点的热循环曲线,分析焊接过程中接头各区域温度场分布特征。研究表明:6082-T6铝合金薄板双轴肩搅拌摩擦焊时,后退侧各点的峰值温度均高于前进侧,温度差值在20℃左右;当热影响区温度超过250℃时出现β'相溶解,硬度开始呈现下降趋势;焊速不变、转速增大时,热输入量呈先增大后减小的趋势,在转速为1000 r/min时各测温点温度均达到最大值,当转速为1200 r/min时出现下降;转速不变、焊速增大时,单位热输入量降低,前进侧与后退侧的峰值温度差值由小变大,温度场250℃等温线分布宽度明显缩小。  相似文献   

A systematic approach was presented to develop the empirical model for predicting the ultimate tensile strength of AA5083-H111 aluminum alloy which is widely used in ship building industry by incorporating friction stir welding (FSW) process parameters such as tool rotational speed, welding speed, and axial force. FSW was carried out considering three-factor five-level central composite rotatable design with full replications technique. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to developing linear regression model for establishing the relationship between the FSW process parameters and ultimate tensile strength. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was used to check the adequacy of the developed model. The FSW process parameters were also optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) to maximize the ultimate tensile strength. The joint welded at a tool rotational speed of 1 000 r/min, a welding speed of 69 mm/min and an axial force of 1.33 t exhibits higher tensile strength compared with other joints.  相似文献   

搅拌摩擦焊接过程的非稳态流场及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了搅拌摩擦焊洋葱圆环的非稳态流场形成过程和工艺参数对洋葱圆环的影响。在焊接过程中流入孔腔的金属流(特别是与焊针旋转方向相反的金属流)破坏了焊针未运动时产生的原始流动场,形成了复杂的涡状流动,并且在纵向呈现不均匀性,叠加后最终形成洋葱状形貌,实验表明搅拌工具的尺寸和焊接速度是影响洋葱圆环形貌的主要因素。  相似文献   

Aluminium alloys generally present low weldability by traditional fusion welding process. Development of the friction stir welding (FSW) has provided an alternative improved way of producing aluminium joints in a faster and reliable manner. The quality of a weld joint is stalwartly influenced by process parameter used during welding. An approach to develop a mathematical model was studied for predicting and optimizing the process parameters of dissimilar aluminum alloy (AA6351 T6-AA5083 Hlll)joints by incorporating the FSW process parameters such as tool pin profile, tool rotational speed welding speed and axial force. The effects of the FSW process parameters on the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of friction welded dissimilar joints were discussed. Optimization was carried out to maximize the UTS using response surface methodology (RSM) and the identified optimum FSW welding parameters were reported.  相似文献   

Finite element simulation of linear friction welding(LFW) medium carbon steel was carried out using the ABAQUS software. A two-dimensional(2D) coupled thermo-mechanical model was established. First, the temperature fields of medium carbon steel during LFW process were investigated. And then, the Mises stress and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd principal stresses fields' evolution of the steel during LFW process were studied. The deformation behavior of LFW carbon steel was analyzed by using micromechanics model based on ABAQUS with Python code. The Lode parameter was expressed using the Mohr stress circle and it was investigated in detail.  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦焊对84 mm厚的6082-T4铝合金进行双面对接焊接,焊后进行人工时效(180℃×5 h)处理。研究了沿板厚方向焊接接头的微观组织与力学性能变化。结果表明:焊核区组织为细小的等轴晶粒,从表面至焊缝的中心,晶粒尺寸分别为16、13、5μm,高角度晶界所占比例分别为77.2%、76.3%、72.5%;焊核区的强化相主要为"GP区"及β″相;热机械影响区晶粒沿搅拌头旋转方向被拉长,组织中存在较高密度位错;焊缝中心层区域硬度分布呈"V"型,硬度最低值出现在双面焊重叠区,其他位置硬度曲线呈"W"型分布;正、反面两道焊缝发生断裂的位置均为TMAZ与HAZ交汇的区域,接头平均抗拉强度沿厚度方向从表面至中心分别为211、201、180 MPa,呈逐渐降低趋势;中心层抗拉强度最低,但其断裂伸长率最高,约为母材的69%;断口为大小不同的韧窝,接头表现为韧性断裂。  相似文献   

The plates of AA5086 aluminium alloy were joined together by friction stir welding at a fixed rotation speed of 1000 r/min various welding speeds ranging from 63 to 100 mm/min.Corrosion behavior of the parent alloy(PA),the heat affected zone(HAZ),and the weld nugget zone(WNZ)of the joints were studied in 3.5%(mass fraction)aerated aqueous Na Cl solution by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS).The corrosion susceptibility of the weldments increases when the welding speed increases to 63 and 100 mm/min.However,the value of corrosion rate in the weldments is lower than that in the PA.Additionally,the corrosion current density increases with increasing the welding speed in the HAZ and the WNZ.On the contrary,the corrosion potential in the WNZ appears more positive than in the HAZ with decreasing the welding speed.The WNZ exhibits higher resistance compared to the HAZ and the PA as the welding speed decreases.The results obtained from the EIS measurements suggest that the weld regions have higher corrosion resistance than the parent alloy.With increasing the welding speed,the distribution and extent of the corroded areas in the WNZ region are lower than those of the HAZ region.In the HAZ region,in addition to the pits in the corroded area,some cracks can be seen around the corroded areas,which confirms that intergranular corrosion is formed in this area.The alkaline localized corrosion and the pitting corrosion are the main corrosion mechanisms in the corroded areas within the weld regions.Crystallographic pits are observed within the weld regions.  相似文献   

提出一种基于灵敏度分析的焊机多工况结构优化设计方法.首先利用有限元方法对焊机整机进行静力学分析,找出床身和主轴箱为系统薄弱环节;为提高两者的刚度,对床身和主轴箱结构参数进行了灵敏度分析,根据灵敏度分析结果确定影响整机质量和柔度较大的关键尺寸,并对其进行多工况尺寸优化;对优化后的整机结构静力学分析结果表明,主轴组件径向最大变形满足焊机设计指标要求,整机静态刚度得到提高.最后,通过实验验证了仿真结果的准确性,说明此优化方法对连续驱动摩擦焊机结构优化行之有效.  相似文献   

为进一步研究高强铝合金搅拌摩擦焊接头的性能,必须对接头中的第二相进行明确表征.采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜及能谱、透射电镜对7A52铝合金搅拌摩擦焊接头第二相的种类、数量、形状、大小、分布进行了观察.结果表明,基材的第二相组成主要为沿轧制方向分布的粗大Al6(Mn,Fe)和Mg2Si,细小的η′相(MgZn2)和η相(MgZn2),其他各区均弥散分布αAl12(Fe,Mn)3Si和Mg2Si.动态再结晶区主要包含T相(Mg32(Al,Zn)49)、Al6Mn、S相(Al2CuMg).热机影响区晶界处连续分布条带状Al6Mn,η相发生粗化,分布在晶粒内部,由原来的长条状破碎成椭球状,晶界有无沉淀析出带.热影响区与基材相比,η′相形貌和分布状况并无明显变化,η相明显粗化;与热机影响区相比,Al6Mn仍然在晶界处呈条带状分布,晶内有S相存在.  相似文献   

为减少患者就医时抽血化验的次数,提出了一种基于Petri网的医疗流程模型的优化分析方法.首先介绍了Petri网的基本概念; 然后在确保合理的医疗流程前提下,通过合并变迁对医疗流程进行了建模优化; 最后利用PIPE软件对优化后的模型进行了模拟运行,结果表明本文方法能够有效改善医疗流程,节省医疗资源.  相似文献   

随着工业自动化的发展,控制对象数学模型的建立越来越重要,是设计和优化控制系统的前提,试验建模对于复杂的生产过程对象建模突显出了其实用性.粒子群算法是模拟群鸟觅食搜索最优解的方法,文章在试验建模取得数据的基础上,采用粒子群算法对生产过程对象模型进行辨识,实验结果表明,粒子群算法可以得到高精度的生产过程对象模型.  相似文献   

The alloy 5052 was welded by friction stir welding (FSW) and tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding. The effect of welding processes (FSW and TIG) on the fatigue properties of 5052 aluminum-welded joints was analyzed based on fatigue testing, and the S-N curve of the joints were established. The results show that the fatigue properties of FSW welded joints are better than those of TIG welded joints. The fatigue strength is determined as 65 MPa under 106 cycling of fatigue life. The microstructure of joints is fine grains and narrow HAZ zone in FSW welds, which inhibit the growth of cracks and produce high fatigue life compared with that of TIG welds. Fracture morphologies also show that the fatigue fracture results from weld defects.  相似文献   

针对柴油发动机燃烧过程复杂、机理建模难、动力学耦合且存在约束等问题,以降低燃油消耗率和扭矩跟踪为目标、以氮氧化物排放及控制量限制为约束,提出了柴油发动机燃烧过程数据驱动建模与滚动优化控制方法.首先,以商用发动机模拟软件GT-suite中的一款2L排量的柴油发动机为被控对象,分析了VGT和EGR控制阀开度、喷油角度和喷油...  相似文献   

生物质气化过程的最终目标就是尽可能得到更多的高品质可燃气体。目前国内外缺乏对生物质气化过程参数优化问题的研究,在实际气化过程中燃气品质难以保证从而对燃用气设备产生了不利的影响,降低了燃气的利用价值。为此建立了一种能适应生物质(竹子)气化过程的支持向量机模型用于预测生物质气化气组分、气体热值及气体产率等气化指标。在此模型基础上,采用MOPSO算法寻找最优控制参数当量比ER和气化温度T,使得气体热值和气体产率两个目标折中并在一定程度上都趋近于最大化。通过生物质料竹子为例的计算验证,得到了满意的结果,即在保证气化指标的同时可得到一组最优的控制参数。  相似文献   

为了增大非晶合金尺寸,设计了一种新型摩擦焊装置,用来连接毫米尺度的非晶合金棒料.该装置主要由主轴旋转单元,直线驱动单元以及参数控制单元三部分组成,分别实现工件的旋转、直线运动、摩擦焊接参数控制及采集.采用LABVIEW软件搭建了操作界面,实现焊接过程中主要参数的输入及监控采集.以Zr 55Cu 30Al 10Ni5非晶棒料为焊接对象,在不同焊接参数下进行了摩擦焊试验.结果表明,较高的转速能更快的让摩擦界面较短时间内完全进入过冷液相区,成功实现工件连接.新型摩擦焊装置能够实现非晶合金棒料的连接,达到设计要求.  相似文献   

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