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A synovial sarcoma (SS) is an uncommon malignant soft-tissue tumor, which in spite of its name does not arise from synovial tissue. It is so named because of its histologic similarity to synovium. An SS originates from mesenchyme, not from synoviocytes and usually manifests as a biphasic tumor with both malignant-epithelial and spindle-cell components. Monophasic epithelial and spindle-cell presentations may cause a diagnostic dilemma. Diagnosis should include immunocytochemistry using cytokeratin and/or epithelial membrane antigen; vimentin further helps to eliminate any histologic confusion. These tumors are most commonly found in the extremities. When located near a joint, invasion occurs only by secondary extension. Rarely are SSs found in the neck, especially in the posterior aspect, as reported here.  相似文献   

Synovial sarcoma     
Synovial sarcoma is a rare soft tissue tumor of children and adults that is unrelated to synovium and can occur in almost any part of the body. The familiar biphasic synovial sarcoma has discernible glandular or solid epithelial structures, and monophasic forms have characteristic ovoid or spindle cells with only immunohistochemical or ultrastructural evidence of epithelial differentiation. There are several morphologic patterns, including myxoid and hemangiopericytic, and behaviorally distinct calcifying, ossifying, and poorly differentiated subtypes can be recognized. Most synovial sarcomas are immunoreactive for cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen, and bc12 protein, and negative for CD34, and many express S100 protein and CD99 (MIC2). Nearly all synovial sarcomas have a specific t(x;18) (p11.2;q11.2) chromosomal abnormality, resulting in fusion of either of two variants of the SSX gene with the SYT gene; the genetic features may relate to morphology and outcome. The differential diagnosis can include a wide range of spindled, polygonal, or round cell sarcomas. Clinically, there have been marked recent improvements in local control of disease and lesser ones in management of metastases. The pathology, differential diagnosis, and behavior of this unique tumor are reviewed.  相似文献   

Differences between the type B neurotoxin gene sequence of Clostridium botulinum type A(B) and Cl. botulinum type B, including a six nucleotide deletion, were recently proposed as a cause of the lack of expression of this gene in the type A toxigenic strains. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on two sets of primers was designed to investigate the absence of the 6-nucleotide sequence in the apparently unexpressed type B toxin gene of 42 strains of Cl. botulinum type A(B). Thirty-five strains were shown to exhibit a deletion in their type B toxin gene; two strains did not have the deletion and actually produced small amounts of type B toxin when tested by the mouse bioassay. This two-step PCR might be useful for the rapid determination of the presence of the six nucleotide deletion and consequently, whether the type B toxin is likely to be produced.  相似文献   

We report on a 23-year-old woman with a poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma on the palm of her hand which presented as a painless nodule. The MRI findings are presented along with the clinical and pathologic features. Because of similar morphological features, these tumors can be confused with benign lesions such as aggressive fibromatosis or ganglion cysts, especially when very small. The possibility of a synovial sarcoma mimicking a benign lesion needs to be considered when the mass does not have an unequivocal benign diagnosis on MR imaging. Following wide resection and reconstruction, our patient has been disease free with good function for 28 months.  相似文献   

We report two cases of synovial sarcoma arising in the vulva. The patients were 30 and 37 years old and presented with a painless mass that was interpreted clinically as a cyst. The tumors were 2.0 and 1.2 cm in greatest diameter. Histologically, they were composed of epithelial cells forming solid nests and gland-like and papillary structures surrounded by spindle-shaped cells. Immunohistochemically, the epithelial cells stained for cytokeratin and the spindle-shaped cells for vimentin. Ultrastructurally, the epithelial cells had prominent intercellular junctions and narrow microvilli and were separated from the spindle-shaped cells by a basal lamina. The spindle-shaped cells were closely apposed with focal intercellular contacts. One tumor recurred locally 3.5 years after excision, but the patient was alive and well 1 year after a re-excision and radiation therapy. The other patient was alive and well 4 years after an excision. These tumors are the first reported examples of synovial sarcoma arising in the vulva.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Synovial sarcoma is the third most common pediatric soft tissue tumor. It requires an aggressive approach to achieve a cure. However, optimal treatment modalities adapted to disease extension and histologic variants have not been determined because there is little information about prospectively treated patients. METHODS: A multicenter trial for soft tissue sarcomas (Protocol CWS 81) was conducted in West Germany between 1981-1985, and 31 patients with synovial sarcoma were registered. Treatment included multiagent chemotherapy and irradiation after initial tumor excision or biopsy. The male-female ratio in this group was 1:1.6 with a median age of 14 years (range, 1-19 years). The median follow-up time after diagnosis was 101 months (range, 77-131 months). RESULTS: The overall event-free survival (EFS) for patients with synovial sarcoma was 74.2% at 5 years. Group I-II tumors had a significantly better prognosis than those in Group III-IV (EFS at 5 years 84.4% and 58.3%, respectively; P = 0.024). Small tumors (< 5 cm) responded better than larger tumors (> or = 5 cm; EFS, 93% versus 58%; P = 0.029). Synovial sarcoma involved the extremities in 28 patients who had a better outcome compared with those with extremity rhabdomyosarcoma in this study (EFS for Group I-IV was 82% versus 24%, P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results appeared superior to previous experience using radical surgery alone and suggested that after initial, nonmutilating surgery, adjuvant chemotherapy, and irradiation contributed to the improved long-term survival.  相似文献   

PURPOSE AND METHODS: We reviewed the clinical records and pathologic findings of 37 children and adolescents with synovial sarcoma treated at our institution over a 30-year period to evaluate the prognostic significance of tumor size, invasiveness, histology, and other features. RESULTS: The 20 male and 17 female patients with synovial sarcoma had a median age of 13.7 years at diagnosis. Primary tumor sites were the extremities (n = 27), trunk (n = 8), and head and neck (n = 2). Disease stage (clinical group) was as follows: group I, n = 21; group II, n = 7; group III, n = 4; and group IV, n = 5. Nineteen patients had invasive (T2) lesions, 20 had tumors more than 5 cm in diameter, and 14 had histologic grade 3 lesions. The estimated 5-year survival rate (+/- SE) for patients with group I or II disease was 80% +/- 9%, compared with 17% +/- 15% for those with group III or IV tumors (P = .0003). An exact log-rank test, adjusted for clinical group, showed that tumor invasiveness and grade independently predicted overall and progression-free survival (P < .05); tumor size was significantly correlated with progression-free survival. A borderline significant relationship with overall survival was found for both tumor size and histologic subtype (P = .09). CONCLUSION: A controlled trial of adjuvant chemotherapy is merited in children with resected synovial sarcoma (clinical group I or II) who present with unfavorable clinicopathologic features such as large, invasive, or grade 3 lesions. Children with unresected or metastatic disease fare poorly despite multimodality therapy and require novel treatment approaches.  相似文献   

W Grayson  SJ Nayler  GP Jena 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,36(1):32-4; discussion 34-5
Primary sarcomas of the major salivary glands are exceptionally uncommon. Synovial sarcoma is a distinctive neoplasm which usually arises in the extremities in the region of joints. Although synovial sarcomas arising in the head and neck region are well described, tumours actually originating in and around the major salivary glands are exceedingly rare, with few cases reported in the literature. We report a synovial sarcoma in the right parotid gland of a 67-year-old man. The literature pertaining to salivary gland sarcomas and synovial sarcoma of the head and neck region is reviewed.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma is the most common neoplastic process in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Moreover, the occurrence of Kaposi's sarcoma in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients advances their classification to having the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. We reviewed the medical records of 48 patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection who had Kaposi's sarcoma documented on their initial visit to the hospital. The onset of Kaposi's sarcoma occurred independent of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classification of human immunodeficiency virus infection (modified to exclude Kaposi's sarcoma). This neoplasm developed more frequently in patients who acquired human immunodeficiency virus infection by sexual contact (75% of cases), but manifestations were not significantly different in any of the risk populations for human immunodeficiency virus infection. Kaposi's sarcoma lesions were unpredictable and either showed progression, remained static, or occasionally, regressed spontaneously. Moreover, the lesions were usually multifocal at presentation, with the head and neck (62.5% of cases) as the primary site of involvement. In this region cutaneous lesions predominated (66.7%), followed by mucosal (56.7%) and deep structure (13.3%) involvement. The majority of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Kaposi's sarcoma involving head and neck structures were asymptomatic (80% of cases). Mucosal lesions were associated with symptoms in 29.3% of cases, whereas cutaneous lesions had symptoms in 5% of cases.  相似文献   

In summary, we have reported a most interesting case of synovial sarcoma, epithelial hyperplasia in the air sacs, and formation of medullary bone in the left humerus of a 5-year-old female white pigeon. The tumor showed aggressive features radiologically and caused dysfunction of the left wing. The histologic findings and immunohistochemical reactions in this report were identical in many respects to the manifestation of synovial sarcoma described in human beings and dogs. Formation of medullary bone in female birds during the reproductive phase and hyperplasia of epithelia in the air sacs were also discussed.  相似文献   

A rare case of synovial osteochondromatosis of the temporo-mandibular joint is presented. Important diagnostic information can be obtained by CT, MRI, 99m Tc bone scan and aspiration biopsy. Observation using a light microscope showed mild cellular atypia, but the hallmarks characteristic of chondrosarcoma were not found. Observation using an electron microscope showed the mature chondrocytes contained a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum. Histological evaluation indicated that the present case was benign synovial osteochondromatosis in an early stage.  相似文献   

While awareness of synovial rupture of the knee joint confirmed by early arthrography increases, concomitant deep-vein occlusion may be being overlooked. Two cases of this are described, illustrating different mechanisms of venous occlusion by synovial rupture. Early thrombosis occurred in one patient from direct pressure as a result of haematoma following anticoagulant therapy and in another due to presumed external irritation of the vein. Although isolated bursae do not apparently rupture, tendon sheaths occasionally do. An example of lateral popliteal mononeuritis as a result of rupture of a tense peroneal tendon sheath is also given. Synovial rupture is primarily a clinical diagnosis but in selected cases, deep calf venography may be useful rather than arthrography. Almost a century ago, William Morrant Baker published his work on synovial protrusions showing his awareness of the consequences of free fluid in the calf. Some comments are made on his life and work.  相似文献   

Controversy still exists regarding the validity of parameters commonly used in the evaluation of prognosis of patients with synovial sarcoma (SS). Forty-nine cases of previously untreated primary SS (23 females and 26 males, ranging in age from 7 to 81, with 31 tumors located in the lower extremity, 8 at the upper extremity and 10 at the trunchus), without regional lymph-node or distant metastases were studied. We investigated the relationship between (flow and image) DNA cytometry, proliferation activity, clinicopathologic parameters, and relapse-free and overall survival of the patients. The prognostic value of gender, age, duration of symptoms, location, compartmentalization, size, adequacy of surgical margins, residual tumor, adjuvant therapy, histologic subtype, extent of necrosis, glandular differentiation, calcification, and extent of hemangiopericytic areas, mitotic rate, amount of mast cells, blood vessel invasion, histologic (UICC and NCI) grades, DNA ploidy, percentage of cells in S and S+G2 phases, PCNA and Ki-67 labeling indices (LI), and TNM (UICC) stage of the tumors, were evaluated by univariate and multivariate (Cox hazard model) analyses. Short duration of symptoms (<12 months), biphasic SS, scarcity of mast cells (<10/10 HPF), high mitotic rate (> or =10/10 HPF), high histologic grade (grade 3), high PCNA-LI (> or =20%), high Ki-67-LI (> or =10%), DNA aneuploidy, and advanced TNM stage (stage III) were features associated with significantly shorter relapse-free and overall 5-year survival rates in the univariate analyses. Scarcity of mast cells, high mitotic rate, or high PCNA-LI were significant predictors of poor survival, in addition to TNM stage in the multivariate analyses. The amount of mast cells was inversely correlated with mitotic rate and PCNA-LI. Scarcity of mast cells, high mitotic rate, or high PCNA-LI are factors associated with poor prognosis, in addition to advanced TNM stage in patients with localized SS.  相似文献   

Calciphylaxis is a rare condition of widespread calcification of tissues and blood vessels with accompanying vascular thrombosis and ischemic necrosis. Most cases develop in association with hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic renal failure. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a hereditary condition of abnormal elastic tissue structure that leads to widespread abnormalities of the skin, retina, and visceral organs. Histologic changes of PXE have been observed as coincidental findings in several conditions such as following trauma to the skin manifest as isolated plaques often in scars. We observed histologic findings of PXE in a patient with chronic renal failure who developed fatal calciphylaxis. Complete evaluation failed to reveal evidence of systemic findings of PXE. Histologic changes of PXE may be seen in patients with calciphylaxis as a coincidental finding. Rapidly developing soft tissue calcification may lead to the expression of the characteristic histopathologic findings of PXE without evidence of classic clinical manifestations of PXE. Calciphylaxis should be added to the list of disorders that may lead to microscopic PXE-like changes.  相似文献   

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