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通过对荷兰部分代表性建筑师(事务所)的访谈,从个案的角度探知荷兰建筑界的整体状态;试图说明荷兰建筑师通过其设计与理论,对城市与社会的全面介入已成为了一种鲜明的整体特征.这样的介入性有着深厚的社会与地理背景,建筑作为一种解决问题的方式,面临着未来的种种变化.同时,在不同建筑师的理解下,介入性也呈现着不同的表现形式.  相似文献   

褚冬竹 《建筑师》2018,(1):81-89
荷兰作为建筑设计及创意产业强国,已形成了长期的世界性影响。这一切与荷兰的自然地理与社会历史有着密切的关联。在21世纪之初荷兰建筑被誉为"超级荷兰"之后,荷兰建筑与建筑师在近20年时间里不断调整变化,以更为广泛的介入性延展至社会与自然中的多个领域。  相似文献   

文章是对第二次世界大战后荷兰建筑发展的穿针引脉,是有态度地对发展历程中知名建筑师、建筑作品、出版物的评点.文章以独特的线索和视角,透过传统与现代、延续与新生、重塑与激活、竞争与策略、宣传与销售、时代与发展之间的博弈和角力,解析现象背后的文化特质和历史特性,更是在纷繁复杂时代背景下,对荷兰战后的建筑思潮与作品及未来的发展...  相似文献   

本文简述了荷兰的现代建筑师在世界各地神秘地取得大量成功的原因。笔者着重讲述了影像荷兰建筑发展的几段历史——甚至荷兰人自己都不愿提及的部分——而后放限未来。  相似文献   

玛丽丝·罗默尔是当代荷兰知名女建筑师,其设计作品与理念有着鲜明的特色,善于从社会、环境出发探讨建筑之于城市的意义。同时她将女性建筑师的细腻敏锐以及富有艺术气质的特点注入作品之中。本文通过对玛丽丝·罗默尔的访谈及其代表作品和设计理念的简介诠释,并引发对荷兰建筑师群体特征的评价。  相似文献   

为什么要向荷兰学习?毫无疑问,荷兰是“设计强国”。荷兰建筑师在过去的一个世纪里一直敖居世界前列,无数声望卓著的建筑大师诞生、工作在那里,并在上世纪末形成了被誉为“超级荷兰“(Super Dutch)的建筑文化现象。但“设计强国“岂止荷兰一地?仅欧洲大陆便数得出德国、瑞士、丹麦、芬兰、西班牙、意大利……全都不负此名,且个个特征鲜明、品质卓越。初看上去,以方盒子、清水砖居多的荷兰建筑却常给人廉价简陋之感。那么荷兰建筑的魅力到底在哪里?本次沙龙邀请了国内外的建筑师、学者参与讨论,希望能够从城市发展、建筑设计等领域,乃至思维方式、工作方法等方面,探讨荷兰的哪些经验是值得我们借鉴、学习的,以期对中国未来的城市和建筑发展有所助益。  相似文献   

经过近半年的准备,本期荷兰建筑专辑终于和读者见面了。荷兰的建筑活动自1990年代中期以来一直处于繁荣之中,建筑思想也空前活跃。中国的建筑师和投资者对其不乏好奇心并抱有很大兴趣。另一方面,中国社会目前正处在剧烈的转型期荷兰的建筑与实践无疑可供我们解剖、分析,并成为一个很好的参考。这正是我们出版这期专辑的主要目的和出发点。  相似文献   

张为平 《城市建筑》2009,(10):108-112
本次访谈基于以下两个主要目的:一方面,试图通过中国建筑师在荷兰的研究及设计经历来审视迥异的工作方式背后深层次的文化,行业及社会现实差异:另一方面,通过呈现以荷兰式的思考方式操作中国建筑项目的过程和结果,反映创新式,研究式设计思维可能带给国内建筑设计的启示。  相似文献   

方楠 《世界建筑》2001,(5):17-20
梅卡诺是我们了解荷兰现代建筑的一个窗口,从务实的建筑观念到民主的决策方式;从整体的城市意识到活泼的形式语言,梅卡诺无处不透着荷兰现代主义建筑的深深烙印;这些特点,每一个都不是梅卡诺所独有的,它们在荷兰建筑师中都具有相当的普遍性,但是梅卡诺把它们集于一身,并发挥得淋漓尽致,从而成为独有的梅卡诺。  相似文献   

荷兰几乎每平方英寸都是人设计的。荷兰建筑学会(NAI)论证了这一观点。通过令人难忘的作品、大量的资料库、展览会、演讲、研讨会及其他活动,荷兰建筑学会向人们展示了建筑不仅仅是建造建筑物。建筑是人类空间的塑造。学会历史荷兰建筑学会成立于1988年,由3个战后组织合并而成,它们将其档案和资料库都放在新学会保管。自1993年以来,荷兰建筑学会一直位于鹿特丹市中心的博物馆公园(Museumpark)旁边一幢由尤·奎仑(JoCoenen)设计的宏伟建筑内。在这里,建筑师们研究和继承荷兰建筑文化遗产,并将这些文化遗产呈现给公众。荷兰建筑学会是荷兰…  相似文献   

A code for the assessment of wind comfort and wind danger in the built environment in the Netherlands is presented. The code is not another legal building requirement, but a helping hand to include wind comfort in a building programme. It regulates technical procedures and some quality control. A decision scheme indicates which building plans need professional assessment by wind engineers.Local wind speed data are predicted from wind tunnel or CFD simulations. Statistics of a reference wind speed at the building location is needed to calculate the probability that a threshold wind speed is exceeded. The code prescribes a method which is offered as a software package to calculate the statistics of the reference wind speed at a height of 60 m. It includes the most up-to-date data from meteorological stations in the Netherlands.The probability that the pedestrian wind speed exceeds a threshold value of 5 m/s is a measure for wind comfort. Larger probability means less comfort. Therefore, five grades of wind comfort A–E are defined as function of this probability. In addition, for three different activities of the public (traversing, strolling and sitting) these grades of wind comfort are assessed in terms of a poor, moderate or good local wind climate.  相似文献   

东北电网电力调度交易中心为坐落于大底盘地下室上的20层主楼和4层辅楼,主楼、辅楼之间由阳光大厅和连廊连接,抗震设防类别分别为乙类和甲类。地基主要受力层范围内既有杂填土又局部存在软弱下卧夹层,采用调整基础底面积和不同的地基处理方法来满足上部结构对地基承载力和变形的要求。地下室长198.8m,宽143.0m,采用补偿收缩混凝土结构自防水和无缝设计技术,实现地下室无缝施工。为避免主楼、辅楼与大厅屋盖之间的相互影响,阳光大厅屋盖和连廊支座采用隔震橡胶支座,分别进行7度小震、中震和大震作用下的整体计算分析和大震作用下的弹塑性变形验算,并对关键结构构件采用型钢混凝土构件或钢桁架,实现抗震设计的性能目标。  相似文献   

剖析了常规变电站总平面布置方案存在的问题,对220 kV变电站总平面布置进行了优化,对220 kV配电楼建筑结构形式进行了研究。提出的220 kV配电楼建筑结构形式可满足220 kV GIS设备对楼面不均匀变形的要求,减少了变电站占地,避免了站内建筑物采用国家规范限制使用的结构形式。  相似文献   

李群 《建筑细部》2007,5(1):47-50
Kerkenbuurt是一个位于荷兰Soest的小型历史建筑群,也是一个保护区。其中的建筑可以追溯到1782年,基于这种原因,当局决不可能允许对其房屋结构作出任何改变和扩建。最后只能以一种独立的轻便临时建筑的形式进行扩建。  相似文献   

浅谈绿色建筑   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对现代人追求绿色建筑的需求及绿色建筑的定义进行了分析,从绿色建筑的特点方面进行了论述,提出了实现绿色建筑的途径,得出了中国发展绿色建筑的策略,从而促进绿色建筑的发展。  相似文献   

In the eighteenth century Dutch architecture still flourished, but it went into deep decline in the early nineteenth century. It was only in the second half of that century that building in the Netherlands made a fresh start. It was with the generation of Berlage, and his somewhat younger colleagues, that the new architecture began to reach international attention. The Exchange building in Amsterdam became the touchstone for the new architecture. Built between 1898 and 1903 the development of its design shows in plan, section and perspective how, little by little, the definition of a new architecture began. In this paper various elements of the building which require deeper enquiry than has been accorded until recently, are investigated. First, the riddle of the basic measures (the vertical and horizontal modules) related to brick sizes and bonds and the proportional system of the Beurs in plan, section and elevation are analysed. This is followed by an investigation into why Berlage changed the form of the trusses of the main hall in the period between the production of the specification drawings and the start of the construction works.  相似文献   

The man-made rural landscape is to a very high degree basically a landscape of farms and farming. Farm buildings play an important role in the image of the rural landscape. Over the last 40–50 years, the number of farmers and farms has decreased all over Europe. At present more than half of all the farm buildings in The Netherlands have no longer a function for agriculture. These buildings are used now for either residential purposes or a combination of residence and some kind of non-agricultural economic activity. A change of function usually leads to a change of the interior and exterior of the building. Data and insights from an extensive study of that phenomenon in the province of Friesland in the north of The Netherlands show what happen to the farm buildings after conversion. How do public authorities in The Netherlands look at this phenomenon that changes rural areas? However, the most important actor in this process of change is the owner/resident of such a place. What are their motives for keeping up or dramatically changing the traditional farm buildings? After the functional change, many of these buildings are more or less fossilised in their original form, some are turned into villas which hardly remind us of their agricultural past. Is the re-use a form of urbanisation or is it part of a process of rural revitalisation? Does the reshaping of these structures lead to a loss of the rural heritage? This article looks into the architectural, economical, social and landscape effects of changes due to re-use. The general outcomes of that are used to discuss the future of rural areas.  相似文献   

建筑业中关于建筑的功能要求日新月异,一种新形式的结构体系应用而生,即混凝土结构屋面加建轻钢结构的结构体系。本文就该类结构体系的产生、现状、设计中需要注意的问题及要求加以探讨。提出关于混凝土结构屋面加建轻钢结构这类问题的基本要求,为今后该类问题在实际工程中的设计提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

徐燊  叶天威 《华中建筑》2010,28(1):31-33
本文以荷兰尼乌兰光伏住区为例,分析了城市规模的光伏建筑在整体规划、建筑设计、运行维护、监测和评价等多方面的情况,这对我国在大规模普及光伏建筑提供了经验与启示。  相似文献   

The first article in our previous issue explained the form and scope of the ? system-dynamics ? model evolved by the Bouwcentrum, Rotterdam, for simulating building activities within a region and relating those activities to social patterns. Here the author considers in more detail the role of the model in housing and in land use generally, having tested the model in the Eindhoven conurbation and Twente region in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

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