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A calcified roasting−acid leaching process was developed as a highly effective method for the extraction of valuable metals from low nickel matte in the presence of CaO additive. The influences of process parameters on the metal extraction were studied, including the roasting temperature, roasting time, addition of CaO, H2SO4 concentration and liquid−solid ratio. Under the optimum condition, 94.2% of Ni, 98.1% of Cu, 92.2% of Co and 89.3% of Fe were recovered. Additionally, 99.6% of Fe was removed from the leachate as goethite by a subsequent goethite iron precipitation process. The behavior and mechanism of CaO additive in the roasting process was clarified. The role of CaO is to prevent the formation of nonferrous metal ferrite phases by a preferential reaction with Fe2O3 during the roasting process. The metal oxides (CuO and NixCu1−xO) remained stable during high-temperature roasting and were subsequently efficiently leached using a sulfuric acid solution.  相似文献   

The oxidation behaviour of NiW alloys and NiWCr alloys containing up to 40 wt%W has been studied in the temperature range 900–1200°C. The parabolic rate constant for oxidation increases with increasing tungsten content in the alloy. Addition of 10 or 15%Cr causes a significant reduction in the oxidation rate.In the Ni—7·5W alloy, spherical internal oxide particle of WO3 are formed within the alloy, whereas as the tungsten content is increased the tendency to internal oxidation diminishes but the alloy/scale interface develops a highly irregular morphology. The roughened alloy/scale interface is less marked at the higher oxidation temperatures, and also when chromium is present in the alloy. The morphology of the interface is probably related to the relatively low interdiffusion coefficient in NiW alloys.  相似文献   

The experiments of continuous and directional solidification of titanium alloys with cold crucible were carried out in a multifunctional electromagnetic cold crucible apparatus. Parameters and factors influencing the surface crack and macrostructure of titanium alloy ingots were studied. The mechanism of the parameters and factors influencing the surface crack and macrostructure of the ingots were interpreted. The results show that the surface cracks of the prepared ingots decrease with the increase of the input power from 50 to 60 kW or with the increase of the coil turns from 3 to 5 circles. The surface cracks increase with the increase of withdrawal velocity from 3 to 5 mm/min or the height of the primer from 2 to 3 cm, then decrease with the increase of withdrawal velocity from 5 to 8.7 rnm/min or the height of the primer from 3 to 4 cm. Coil turns is the most important one in all parameters effect on the surface crack, the input power is more important, then the withdrawal velocity is important and the height of the primer is the least important. Withdrawal velocity is the most important factor affecting the macrostructure, and effects of other factors on maerostructure is slight. With the decrease of velocity from 8.7 to 0.5 mm/min, the quantity of grains reduces, the grain orientation degree becomes small, and the solidification fronts change from concave to plane to convex. The ingot can be directional solidified at velocity of 1 mm/min. The ingot with free surface crack and directional macrostructure is prepared under definite conditions.  相似文献   

H3PO4 oxidation roasting followed by HCl acid leaching was proposed to remove magnesium and calcium from electric furnace titanium slag containing 3.12% MgO and 0.86% CaO. XRF, XRD and SEM techniques were used to characterize the composition, mineral phase component and microstructure of the titanium slag. The H3PO4 oxidation thermodynamic, mineral phase transformation, microstructure, element distribution in titanium slag during H3PO4 oxidation process and leaching process were investigated. The thermodynamic analysis indicated that H3PO4 could promote the decomposition of MgTi2O5 and CaSiO3. The results indicated that H3PO4 could effectively promote the transformation of titanium-bearing mineral to rutile and enrich the impurities in MxTi3–xO5 into phosphate which could be removed by acid leaching process. Under the studied conditions, the leaching rates of magnesium and calcium reached 94.68% and 87.19%, respectively. The acid leached slag containing 0.19% MgO and 0.13% CaO (mass fraction) was obtained.  相似文献   

1 Introduction MH/Ni batteries have supper specific energy density, better performance of charging and discharging, and are friendly to the surroundings. So, MH/Ni batteries have been applied widely in power tools[1]. The design of MH/Ni batteries is limi…  相似文献   

The dissolution behavior of solid nickel in static liquid zinc saturated with Fe at 723 K was studied. The results show that when immersing solid Ni in liquid Zn saturated with Fe, the intermetallic compound layers consisted of γ and δ phases are formed on nickel substrate, which is the same as that in liquid pure zinc. However, some F2 particles are formed in the liquid near the solid/liquid interface. These Г2 particles can easily heterogeneously nucleate on (particles and grow fast. The dissolution process is governed by diffusion of nickel atom across a concentration boundary layer in liquid Zn saturated with Fe, and is different from a mixed control mechanism of nickel in liquid pure zinc. The participation of Г2 particles makes the dissolution of solid Ni in the liquid accelerated.  相似文献   

Chromium salt is an important industrial material,but vast waste slag containing chrome(Ⅵ)is brought out in the process of its production.The slag in seriously harmful to environments and human health.The technologies on detoxification and comprehensive utilization of chromium-containing slag were summarized abroad and at home.And various methods were also described for the detoxification mechanism,technology process,and pactical application effects in detail.A new concept for detoxification of chromium-containing slag,furthermore,was put forward by using microorganism.  相似文献   

The finite element method (FEM) simulation of deep-drawing of steel sheet with nickel coating based on the solid element and dynamic explicit method was reported. Penalty function method was used to treat the contact algorithm. The friction between the punch and coating sheet was based on a Coulomb formulation. The combination of coating and substrate was defined as tied with failure contact. The results of the simulation illustrate that the steel sheet and the nickel coating do not delaminate at the interface. The stress field of the nickel coating is more complicated thala that of the steel substrate. Furthermore, it is found that the punch-nose radius is the most unsubstantial part for the intensity of the entire deep-drawing part and the thinnest part, it is a dangerous zone for the break. At this zone, the thickness thinning of the steel sheet and the nickel coating are up to 4.8% and 6.7%, respectively. Meanwhile, it is found that the curve of the variable blankholder force (VBHF) designed can improve the formability of sheet.  相似文献   

1.  Embrittlement of the weld joints of the investigated chrome—manganese—nickel steels in the 350–500°C range is caused primarily by processes occurring in the -ferrite, 475° brittleness or precipitation of excess phases at the interphase boundaries and within the -ferrite grains. The level of plasticity is determined not by the quantily of -ferrite in the structure but by the density and quantity of excess phase precipitates in it.
2.  Aging processes occur in the weld zone at lower temperatures than in the base metal. For weld joints of the experimental steels 05Kh18G2N5T and 05Kh18G10N5M3F the maximum operating temperature for long service is 300°C and for 05Kh18G10N5M3AF steel below 300°C.
Volgograd Polytechnic Institute. A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy. All-Union Scientific-Research and Design Institute for Chemical and Petroleum Apparatus Construction Technology. Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 5, pp. 21–23, May, 1993.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the Ni electrode in acid solutions with a high sulphate and nickel ion concentration has been investigated in the range of 25–75°C. The active dissolution and the passive regions and the active-passive transition phenomena have been studied employing different potential perturbation techniques using both still and stirred solutions.Two electrochemical processes are competing within the prepassive film potential region, namely, the active Ni dissolution to Ni(II) ions and the Ni(OH)2 film formation. Nickel passivation is explained by reaction pathways involving successive electrochemical and chemical steps implying the occurrence of hydroxo- and oxo-species as reactions intermediates. The advanced mechanism is based upon a positively charged Ni surface structure and attributes the onset of the complete passivity to a particular surface oxide species.  相似文献   

To separate the cadmium and nickel resources in waste Ni-Cd batteries,a self-designed vacuum distillation recycling system was studied under laboratory conditions.The effects of system temperature,operating pressure,and time on the separation of Ni and Cd were studied respectively.The mechanism of vacuum thermal recycling was also discussed.Results show that vacuum distillation is a very effective separation method for waste Ni-Cd batteries.At a Constant pressure,the increase of temperature can improve the separating efficiency of Cd.When the temperature is 1173K,Cadmium can evaporate completely from the samples during 3h at 10Pa,The reduction of pressure in a certain range is effective to the separating of Cd from Ni-Cd batteries by vacuum distillation.  相似文献   

Separation of nickel, cobalt and copper by solvent extraction with P204   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Separation of nickel, cobalt and copper by solvent extraction with P204@钱东 @王开毅 @潘春跃 @唐有根 @蔡春林 @蒋金枝~~Project ( 99JJY2 0 0 10 )supportedbytheNaturalScienceFoundationofHunanProvince  相似文献   


Stress-corrosion tests have been performed in sodium chloride at 300° on commercially produced and laboratory-made nickel alloysand austenitic steels. It has been found that resistance to transgranular stress corrosion cracking depends upon the (Ni + Cr) content. Commercial high-Ni alloys are resistant, as are relatively pure Ni–Cr–Fe alloys with (Ni + Cr) ≥ 50% wt. The resistance of alloys with approximately 20% Cr and 20—40% Ni is markedly influenced by other alloying elements, for example, silicon and molybdenum.

Electron microscope studies indicate that resistance to cracking can be approximately correlated with the extent to which dislocation ‘tangling’ occurs at a particular deformation. Planar dislocation arrays appear to be a necessary, though not sufficient,condition for susceptibility. It is thought that the observed dislocation arrangements can be understood without recourse to hypotheses of ordering in these alloys. The influence of some alloying elements, e.g. chromium and silicon, cannot be interpreted simply in terms of their influenceon dislocation arrangements. The favourable effectof these elementson resistance to stress-corrosion cracking is probably associated withtheir ability to increase the protective properties of surface oxide films and thus to inhibit the crack initiation process.  相似文献   

《Corrosion Science》1987,27(8):803-813
In situ differential reflectometry in conjunction with ESCA techniques are used to identify various surface films which form electrochemically on nickel. The film observed on pure Ni in a 0.15 N Na2SO4 electrolyte has been identified to be primarily Ni(OH)2. At different values of pH and potential, NiO has been found to form simultaneously with Ni(OH)2. At solutions with pH > 8, the Ni(OH)2 film partially transforms into a third oxide, presumably NiOOH, which can only be observed in situ.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONWiththeincreasingofconsciousnessofenviron mentalprotection ,moreandmoreproductsarere quirednottopolluteenvironment .L  相似文献   

The calculation of the free energy, thermodynamic equilibrium equations, and kinetic equations of the intermetallic compound Zr2NiHx has been carried out based on molecular-kinetic concepts. The equilibrium hydrogen concentration depending on the temperature, pressure, and energy parameters has been calculated. The absorption–desorption of hydrogen has been studied, and the possibility of the realization of the hysteresis effect has been revealed. The kinetics of the dissolution and permeability of hydrogen is considered, the time dependence of these values has been found, and conditions for the extremum character of their time dependence have been determined. Relaxation times of the dissolution and permeability of hydrogen into the alloy have been calculated. The calculation results are compared with the experimental data available in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the results of investigations on how post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) influences the hardness and microstructures of welded joints in stainless steel X3Cr-NiMo 13-4. It is known that welding leads to high segregation of components in the solidification process, which has an influence on phase transitions in PWHT. The investigated steel has a very narrow PWHT range, about 600–620°C, which provides optimum levels of hardness and toughness. Excessive annealing temperature leads to decreased toughness, which in turn causes exceeding of the Ac1 temperature in the segregation range, which then leads to increased ‘fresh’ martensite content.  相似文献   

Based on the principles of simultaneous equilibrium and mass balance, a series of thermodynamic equilibrium equations ot Ni( Ⅱ )-NH3-CO3^2--H2O system at ambient temperature were deduced theoretically and the thermodynamic diagrams of Ig[Ni]T versus pH at different solution compositions were drawn, which was quite effective to explain the formation mechanism of precipitation particles with different microscopic shapes. When pH of the solution is below 7.0, free nickel ions are dominant and when the precipitant is added, the fast coagulation will take place leading to the loose flocculation particles. While pH is above 7.0, because of the coordination of nickel ion with ammonia, the precipitation proceeds slowly accompanying with the release of Ni^2 from the multi-coordinated Ni(NH3)n^2 (n=1, 2,.., 6), which easily leads to the formation of the dense spherical particles.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTheconstant currentchargeanddischargecurvesarewidelyusedtodescribetheelectrochemicalcharacteristicofactivematerialofbatteries.Severalparameterscanbeobtainedfromthesecurves ,suchastotaldischargetime ,dischargecapacityandhalf dischargepotential.Thesepa rametersgiveoutaroughviewoftotalcharge/dischargeprocess.Thecharge/dischargecurveisaffectedbymanyfactors ,suchasthethermodynamicpotentialofactivematerial,theexchangecurrentdensityofredoxreac tion ,theporosityandtortuosityofelect…  相似文献   

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