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We have cloned and characterized the full-length genome of adeno-associated virus type 4 (AAV4). The genome of AAV4 is 4,767 nucleotides in length and contains an expanded p5 promoter region compared to AAV2 and AAV3. Within the inverted terminal repeat (ITR), several base changes were identified with respect to AAV2. However, these changes did not affect the ability of this region to fold into a hairpin structure. Within the ITR, the terminal resolution site and Rep binding sites were conserved; however, the Rep binding site was expanded from three GAGC repeats to four. The Rep gene product of AAV4 shows greater than 90% homology to the Rep products of serotypes 2 and 3, with none of the changes occurring in regions which had previously been shown to affect the known functions of Rep68 or Rep78. Most of the differences in the capsid proteins lie in regions which are thought to be on the exterior surface of the viral capsid. It is these unique regions which are most likely to be responsible for the lack of cross-reacting antibodies and the altered tissue tropism compared to AAV2. The results of our studies, performed with a recombinant version of AAV4 carrying a lacZ reporter gene, suggest that AAV4 can transduce human, monkey, and rat cells. Furthermore, comparison of transduction efficiencies in a number of cell lines, competition cotransduction experiments, and the effect of trypsin on transduction efficiency all suggest that the cellular receptor for AAV4 is distinct from that of AAV2.  相似文献   

Several signal transduction pathways have been implicated in the mechanism of protection induced by ischemic preconditioning (PC). For example, stimulation of a variety of G-protein coupled receptors results in stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) which has been suggested to act as common denominator in eliciting protection. PC also significantly attenuated cAMP accumulation during sustained ischemia, suggesting involvement of an anti-adrenergic mechanism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the beta-adrenergic signal transduction pathway (as evidenced by changes in tissue cAMP and cAMP- and cGMP-phosphodiesterase) during the PC protocol as well as during sustained ischemia. Isolated perfused rat hearts were preconditioned by 3 x 5 min global ischemia (PC1,2,3) interspersed by 5 min reperfusion, followed by 25 min global ischemia. Tissue cAMP- and cGMP-PDE activity as well as cAMP and cGMP levels were determined at different time intervals during the PC protocol and sustained ischemia. Tissue cAMP increased with each PC ischemic event and normalized upon reperfusion, while PDE activity showed the opposite, viz a reduction during ischemia and an increase during reperfusion. Except for PC1, tissue cGMP showed similar fluctuations. Throughout 25 min sustained ischemia, cAMP- and cGMP-PDE activities were higher in PC than in nonpreconditioned hearts, associated with a significantly lesser accumulation in cAMP and higher cGMP levels in the former. Fluctuations in cyclic nucleotides during preconditioning were associated with concomitant changes in PDE activity, while the attenuated beta-adrenergic response of preconditioned hearts during sustained ischemia may partially be due to increased PDE activity.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are single-stranded dependent parvoviruses being developed as transducing vectors. Although at least five serotypes exist (AAV types 1 to 5 [AAV1 to -5]), only AAV2, AAV3, and AAV4 have been sequenced, and the vectors in use were almost all derived from AAV2. Here we report the cloning and sequencing of a second AAV3 genome and a new AAV serotype designated AAV6 that is related to AAV1. AAV2, AAV3, and AAV6 were 82% identical at the nucleotide sequence level, and AAV4 was 75 to 78% identical to these AAVs. Significant sequence variation was noted in portions of the capsid proteins that presumably are responsible for serotype-specific functions. Vectors produced from AAV3 and AAV6 differed from AAV2 vectors in host range and serologic reactivity. The AAV3 and AAV6 vector serotypes were able to transduce cells in the presence of serum from animals previously exposed to AAV2 vectors. Our results suggest that vectors based on alternative AAV serotypes will have advantages over existing AAV2 vectors, including the transduction of different cell types, and resistance to neutralizing antibodies against AAV2. This could be especially important for gene therapy, as significant immunity against AAV2 exists in human populations and many protocols will likely require multiple vector doses.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors, derived from a non-pathogenic parvovirus, are considered to be an appropriate gene transfer vehicle for both dividing and non-dividing cells. In the present study, we investigated whether the rat heart could be efficiently transduced with AAV vectors. Rat cardiac myocytes (CM) were infected with AAV-lacZ vector containing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) gene in vitro, and the expression of beta-gal in CM was evaluated by X-gal staining and beta-gal ELISA. With increasing multiplicities of infection (MOI), more than 60% of CM were stained positively with X-gal, and the beta-gal expression increased to 31.1 +/- 4.6 ng/mg protein in a MOI-dependent manner (MOI: 10(4) to 10(6) particles/cell). The beta-gal expression was also increased in an incubation period-dependent manner (1-24 h). beta-gal expression was maximal at day 3 and then gradually decreased with time. However, beta-gal expression at day 14 was almost the same level as that at day 1 (45.5 +/- 5.9 v 55.2 +/- 6.2 ng/mg protein). Excised rat right ventricular papillary muscles were also infected with AAV-lacZ ex vivo. When the beta-gal expression was evaluated by X-gal staining, more than 80% of CM in the papillary muscles were stained positively, indicating efficient gene transfer into CM using AAV vectors. These findings suggest that AAV vectors are promising for cardiac gene therapy.  相似文献   

Gene therapy vectors based on human DNA viruses could be mobilized or rescued from individuals who are subsequently infected with the corresponding wild-type (wt) helper viruses. This phenomenon has been effectively modeled in vitro with both adenovirus (Ad) and adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors but has not previously been studied in vivo. In the current study, we have developed an in vivo model to study the interactions of a recombinant AAV vector (AAV-CFTR) with wt AAV type 2 (AAV2) and a host range mutant Ad (Ad2HR405) for which monkey cells are permissive (D.E.Brough, S.A.Rice, S.Sell, and D.F.Klessig, J. Virol. 55:206-212, 1985). AAV-CFTR was administered to the respiratory epithelium of the nose or lung of rhesus macaques. Primary cells were harvested from the infusion site at time points up to 3 months after vector administration to confirm vector DNA persistence. Vector DNA was present in episomal form and could be rescued in vitro only by addition of wt AAV2 and Ad. In in vivo rescue studies, vector was administered before or after wt-AAV2 and Ad2HR405 infection, and the shedding of AAV-CFTR was examined. Ad2HR405 and wt-AAV2 infections were established in the nose with concomitant administration. wt-AAV2 replication occurred in the lung when virus was administered directly at a high titer to the lower respiratory tract. AAV-CFTR vector rescue was also observed in the latter setting. Although these studies were performed with small numbers of animals within each group, it appears that AAV-CFTR DNA persists in the primate respiratory tract and that this model may be useful for studies of recombinant AAV vector rescue.  相似文献   

The many advantages of Escherichia coli have ensured that it remains a valuable host for the efficient, cost-effective and high-level production of heterologous proteins. Here, we describe the current status of this prokaryotic expression system and focus on strategies designed to maximize the yields of recombinant proteins. Major challenges facing this expression system are also outlined.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli has long been the primary prokaryotic host for the synthesis of heterologous proteins. Recent advances have been made in the expression of complex proteins as soluble, functional molecules, complete with prosthetic groups, disulfide bonds, and quaternary structure. The development of alternative promoter and induction strategies has improved the options available for manipulating the expression conditions, which are frequently critical to soluble yield.  相似文献   

A new inducible yeast expression vector, pXS7, was constructed by using the promoter and terminator sequences from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SOR1 gene, which codes for the sorbitol dehydrogenase protein. We cloned the coding sequence of the Saccharomyces YEF3 gene in this vector and demonstrated an increase in YEF3 protein levels when cells were grown in the presence of the sugar sorbitol.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle provides a very permissive physiological environment for adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2-mediated gene transfer. We have studied the early steps leading to the establishment of permanent transgene expression, after injection of recombinant AAV (rAAV) particles in the quadriceps muscle of mice. The animals received an rAAV encoding a secreted protein, murine erythropoietin (mEpo), under the control of the human cytomegalovirus major immediate-early promoter and were sacrificed between 1 and 60 days after injection. The measurement of plasma Epo levels and of hematocrits indicated a progressive increase of transgene expression over the first 2 weeks, followed by a stabilization at maximal plateau values. The rAAV sequences were analyzed by Southern blotting following neutral or alkaline gel electrophoresis of total DNA from injected muscles. While a high number of rAAV sequences were detected during the first 5 days following the injection, only a few percent of these sequences was retained in the animals analyzed after 2 weeks, in which transgene expression was maximal. Double-stranded DNA molecules resulting from de novo second-strand synthesis were detected as early as day 1, indicating that this crucial step of AAV-mediated gene transfer is readily accomplished in the muscle. The templates driving stable gene expression at later time points are low in copy number and structured as high-molecular-weight concatemers or interlocked circles. The presence of the circular form of the rAAV genomes at early time points suggests that the molecular transformations involved in the formation of stable concatemers may involve a rolling-circle type of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Brain-retrocerebral complexes of female crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus and Acheta domesticus, treated with antibody to allatostatin-1 from a cockroach, Diploptera punctata, show extensive immunoreactivity. The results suggest that allostatins or allatostatin-like molecules are produced in neurosecretory cells of the brain and are delivered to the corpora allata through nervous connections and/or via haemolymph. Radiochemical measurements of juvenile hormone III biosynthesis by isolated corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes from adult G. bimaculatus have been used to demonstrate an in vitro sensitivity of these glands to allatostatin-1 from D. punctata. Allatostatin-1 is a relatively potent inhibitor of juvenile hormone III biosynthesis in corpora allata of both young adult females and males. In glands taken from 3-day virgin females, 50% inhibition of hormone biosynthesis is reached at ca. 3 nmol.l-1 allatostatin-1. The inhibitory action of allatostatin-1 is rapid, dose-dependent and reversible. Addition of 200 mumol.l-1 farnesol to the incubation medium prevents inhibition of juvenile hormone III biosynthesis by allatostatin-1. Juvenile hormone III biosynthesis by isolated corpora allata of 3-day female house crickets, A. domesticus, is also susceptible to inhibition by 1 mumol.l-1 allatostatin-1.  相似文献   

A caladium isolate of dasheen mosaic virus (DsMV-Ch) was cloned as cDNA from genomic RNA. The sequence of the 3'-terminal 3158 nucleotides, which consisted of the 3'-terminus of the NIa gene, the NIb gene, the coat protein (CP) gene, and a 246-nucleotide non-coding region, was between 57-68% similar at the nucleotide level and 72-82% similar at the amino acid level when compared with other potyviruses. Phylogenetic analysis of aligned, selected potyviral CP sequences indicate that DsMV-Ch is similar to DsMV isolates infecting taro and closely related to the bean common mosaic virus subgroup in the genus Potyvirus. A recombinant DsMV-Ch CP (approximately 39 kDa) expressed in E. coli was used as an immunogen and the resulting antiserum reacted with DsMV and several other potyviruses in Western blots and indirect ELISA.  相似文献   

We describe the use of herpesvirus promoters to regulate the expression of a Sindbis virus replicon (SINrep/LacZ). We isolated cell lines that contain the cDNA of SINrep/LacZ under the control of a promoter from a herpesvirus early gene which requires regulatory proteins encoded by immediate-early genes for expression. Wild-type Sindbis virus and replicons derived from this virus cause death of most vertebrate cells, but the cells discussed here grew normally and expressed the replicon and beta-galactosidase only after infection with a herpesvirus. Vero cell lines in which the expression of SINrep/LacZ was regulated by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infected-cell protein 8 promoter were generated. One Vero cell line (V3-45N) contained, in addition to the SINrep/LacZ cDNA, a Sindbis virus-defective helper cDNA which provides the structural proteins for packaging the replicon. Infection of V3-45N cells with HSV-1 resulted in the production of packaged SINrep/LacZ replicons. HSV-1 induction of the Sindbis virus replicon and packaging and spread of the replicon led to enhanced expression of the reporter gene, suggesting that this type of cell could be used to develop sensitive assays to detect herpesviruses. We also isolated a mink lung cell line that was transformed with SINrep/LacZ cDNA under the control of the promoter from the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) early gene UL45. HCMV carries out an abortive infection in mink lung cells, but it was able to induce the SINrep/LacZ replicon. These results, and those obtained with an HSV-1 mutant, demonstrate that this type of signal amplification system could be valuable for detecting herpesviruses for which a permissive cell culture system is not available.  相似文献   

The characteristics of B-lymphoblastoid cell strains transformed by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) from normal individuals and Werner's syndrome (WRN) patients were compared. We continuously passaged cell strains from 28 WRN patients and 20 normal individuals for about 2 years corresponding to over 160 population doubling levels (PDLs). First, the WRN mutation significantly suppressed the immortalization: all the 28 cell strains from WRN patients, as well as 15 out of 20 cell strains from normal individuals, died out before 160 PDLs mostly without developing a significant telomerase activity. The remaining five cell strains from normal individuals became moderately/strongly telomerase-positive and, three of them were apparently immortalized with an infinitively proliferating activity. Second, the monitoring of the telomere length of both normal and WRN cell strains during the culture period suggests that the WRN gene mutation causes abnormal dynamics of the telomere: (1) a significant proportion of WRN cell strains showed drastic shortening or lengthening of telomere lengths during cell passages compared with normal cell strains, and (2) WRN cell strains terminated their life-span at a wide range of telomere length (between 3.5 and 18.5 Kbp), whereas normal cell strains terminated within a narrow telomere length range (between 5.5 and 9 Kbp). The chromosomal aberration characteristic of WRN cells, including translocation was confirmed in our experiment. We discussed the correlation between the chromosomal instability, abnormal telomere dynamics and inability of immortalization of the WRN B-lymphobloastoid cell strains.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with leukocytosis with all the stages of neutrophilic series, peripheral dominant myeloblast proliferation, marked dysplasia of myeloid and erythroid series, and extramedullary hematopoiesis of the lymph nodes. A cytogenetic study of the bone marrow cells showed normal karyotype, and molecular analysis of the leukemic cells showed negative for BCR-ABL by RT-PCR. After chemotherapy, the patient went into complete remission with a normal blood and bone marrow profile with no dysplasia. On relapse, the hematological findings showed a typical bone marrow dominant acute myeloid leukemia, with the leukemic cells having a chromosomal abnormality. The patient exhibited the combined features of myeloproliferative disorder, myelodysplastic syndrome, peripheral dominant myeloblast proliferation (so-called peripheral leukemia) and typical acute myeloid leukemia throughout the clinical course. This is thought to be a rare overlapping disease involving these distinct hematological conditions that do not usually occur in the same patient.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) requires helper functions that have routinely been provided by infection of the producer cells with adenovirus. Complete removal and/or inactivation of progeny adenovirus, present in such rAAV preparations, presents significant difficulty. Here, we report that an adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) mutant with the preterminal protein (pTP) gene deleted can provide helper function for the growth of rAAV. At high multiplicity, Ad5dl308DeltapTP was as efficient as the phenotypically wild-type Ad5dl309 in permitting growth of rAAV. Use of Ad5dl308DeltapTP, which is incapable of replication in the absence of complementation for pTP, as a helper avoids the need to remove contaminating adenovirus infectious activity by heat inactivation or by purification. Comparison of the transducing ability of rAAV generated with either Ad5dl308DeltapTP or Ad5dl309 as a helper demonstrated that the heat inactivation protocol generally used does not remove all of the helper Ad5dl309 function.  相似文献   

The Semliki Forest virus expression vector (Liljestr?m and Garoff: Bio/Technology 9:1356-1361, 1991) was tested in cultured rat hippocampal neurons using two Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell membrane-associated proteins as reporters: rab8, a small GTPase involved in post-Golgi vesicle transport, and VIP21, an integral membrane protein of caveolae, trans-Golgi network, and post-Golgi vesicles. Expression of the c-myc epitope-tagged proteins was visualized by immunofluorescence microscopy. The proteins were first detected in neurons after 3-4 hr infection by the recombinant viruses. The infection efficiency on neurons was high: after 6 hr infection at a multiplicity of one, 50-60% of the cells expressed the reporter proteins. The neurons tolerated the infection well up to 8 hr. Their polarized organization was not disturbed, as judged from morphology and from distribution of the dendritic MAP2 and axonal synaptophysin marker proteins. The Semliki Forest virus vector thus seems suitable for short-term expression of proteins in cultured neurons.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) is a potent helper for the defective parvovirus avian adeno-associated virus (AAAV). To study the helper mechanism at the molecular level, we established a complete cosmid library of HVT DNA in a set of seven overlapping clones and transiently cotransfected secondary chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells with AAAV DNA and recombinant cosmids (cBL) (individual as well as in different combinations). Using an AAAV-specific indirect immunofluorescence assay, we identified four regions on the HVT genome, represented by cBL267, cBL27, cBL33, and cBL34, which express helper functions for AAAV. As demonstrated by infection studies with extracts from cotransfected CEF cells, cBL267 promotes productive AAAV growth, while the helper effect induced by cBL27, cBL33, and cBL34 is limited to the synthesis of noninfectious AAAV antigen. In view of the data presented, possible HVT-specific helper mechanisms for AAAV are discussed.  相似文献   

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