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The changing climate is likely to have an effect on water and sewerage sectors. To deal with this challenge regulators need consider ways to better signal the value of water, that is, such that water is more expensive where it is scarce. This paper shows that virtual water operators (VWO) could result in entrants internalising this value and provide regulators with an estimate of it. With water scarcity, entrants will face higher cost of entry as they will need to acquire expensive, if available, abstraction licences. Given these higher prices they will also be willing to pay higher prices to become a VWO in those areas with scarcity. This means that VWOs can help to reveal the real value of water. Further, by introducing these considerations into part of the incumbent’s capacity, VWO also help to introduce this cost into the supply of the incumbent.  相似文献   

Sustainable water management is a worldwide challenge for the twenty-first century. It involves replacing traditional management approaches with a new concept, often referred to as sustainable urban water management (SUWM). This paradigm shift means that SUWM systems must include new services, some of which have already emerged. However, no publications have presented the expected SUWM system in terms of the full range of services it would need to include, and no publications have proposed a method for identifying the services the system must provide. This paper proposes a method for identifying these services and presents a generic petal diagram to represent the service functions of the SUWM system. Moreover, this paper presents a new method for defining these services in a specific territory. This method is based on the confrontation between a general representation and the objectives of the stakeholders in a given system in a given territory. The method is illustrated with a full-scale case study on the Doua eco-campus (Lyon University). This method is intended to aid practitioners to manage its system and to transition to SUWM. It is designed to improve the transparency of decision formulation and to involve stakeholders in the process.  相似文献   

Surface mining alters the water regime not only locally, but also regionally. The reduced brown coal mining in the south-east of the state Brandenburg (Germany) leads to decreasing river discharge and consequently to a shortage in the water supply. Land use change is one possible option to counteract this development. In this simulation study, we explored the impact of temporary and permanent set-aside of arable land on Brandenburg’s regional water balance. Temporary and permanent set-aside were considered as major measures towards deintensification of agriculture. Simulations were performed using the regional ecohydrological model SWIM, which integrates hydrological processes, vegetation growth, erosion and nutrient dynamics. The model was used to simulate the consequences of different land use change scenarios on main components of the regional water balance. Changes in the use of arable land altered clearly its water balance. The impact of these changes on the regional water balance for Brandenburg did not exceed ±10% for its single components. Opposite tendencies were established in the simulations by contrasting effects of temporary and permanent set-aside of arable cropland. While temporary set-aside increased runoff from the whole area up to 6.7% due to lower evapotranspiration and higher soil moisture in arable land, the conversion of agricultural land within river corridors to meadows had an opposite effect on regional runoff (6.9% decrease) due to higher water retention coefficients and higher evapotranspiration losses. Therefore, only temporary set-aside may compensate to some extent for the anticipated decrease in river discharge.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of ‘wicked problem’ this paper investigates the causes of unsuccessful reform of urban water utilities in Accra, Ghana. The authors of this paper argue that reforms based only on managerial perspectives are not enough. Taking into account institutional and social issues is a key for the success of such reforms. Donors and international agencies lack such outlook and therefore fail to develop effective water policy reforms in developing countries generally. The paper discusses inter-twined and multi-dimensional institutional constraints that hinder the development of an appropriate approach to water utility reform in Accra.  相似文献   

TRA86 removed the deductibility of state and local sales taxes from U.S. personal income taxes. This effectively increased the price to state governments of sales tax revenue relative to income tax revenues. This implies that state reliance on income taxes relative to sales taxes should have increased after TRA86 was implemented. Leading public finance economists investigated this in the period shortly following the reform and invariably found that the predicted substitution of income for sales taxes did not take place. In fact, several studies noted that state dependence on the sales tax increased relative to income taxes – hence the Sales Tax Puzzle. Several experts tried to rationalize their non-findings. These rationalizations are unconvincing. This paper asserts that the puzzle may be resolved in two different ways. The first, seemingly trivial, is that the analysis must incorporate sufficient time so as to allow for relatively complex adjustments. Our contributions here are to anchor this obvious point with a theoretical model related to earlier work of the authors, and an explicit empirical examination of the lag structures of individual states reactions to the comprehensive tax reform. The second demonstrates that the analysis must take into account regional shifts that were taking place in the U.S. during this period. When such compositional shifts involving political and deductibility patterns are explicitly introduced into the model, the paradoxical findings are resolved both in the long and in the short run. Our contribution here is a demonstration that the use of detailed state-level data, unlike any of the earlier work in this area, allows for the inclusion in the analysis of inter-regional shifts in various parameters. An additional contribution is the explicit use and emphasis of the propensity to itemize as an independent variable. The use of this variable ties this area of analysis of post tax reform behavior into a hitherto untapped strand of public-finance literature. The variable is both theoretically interesting, and proves to have experienced compositional shift patterns which help resolve the sales-tax puzzle paradox.  相似文献   

The Hoover Dam was completed two years ahead of schedule and under budget despite political, economical, technical, and organizational obstacles. Previous literature regarding the Hoover Dam project focused primarily on the aspects of design, engineering, and construction, with minimal analysis or discussions on project and program management techniques unique to this undertaking. This paper examines project and program management practices applied to the building of the Hoover Dam, and discusses how these factors contributed to the establishment and evolution of modern project management principles, tools, and techniques. A historical review of the Hoover Dam project reveals that the project team implemented a number of innovative strategies and practices that are comparable to critical success factors for today's megaprojects to overcome monumental project challenges and obstacles. This paper conveys the organizational and managerial best practices and presents lessons learned associated with the planning and construction of the Hoover Dam project.  相似文献   

This study focused on the occurrence and fate of four β-blockers (atenolol, sotalol, metoprolol, propranolol) in wastewater and surface water. Measured concentrations were compared with predicted concentrations using an implementation of the geo-referenced model GREAT-ER for the Glatt Valley Watershed (Switzerland). Particularly, the question was addressed how measured and simulated data could complement each other for the exposure assessment of human pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants entering surface water through wastewater treatment plants (WWTP).Concentrations in the Glatt River ranged from <LOQ to 83 ng L−1 with the highest concentrations found for atenolol. Higher loads were measured on days with combined sewer overflow events during high flow conditions.GREAT-ER was able to predict spatially resolved river concentrations based on average consumption and excretion data, removal in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and dissipation and degradation processes in surface water within a factor of 2. These results indicate that modelling might be sufficient to estimate daily average exposure concentrations for compounds that are either recalcitrant or whose degradation and sorption behaviour can be predicted with confidence based on laboratory experiments. Chemical measurements, in contrast, should be reserved for assessing point sources, investigating mechanisms which lead to short-term temporal fluctuations in compound loads, and determining in-situ degradation rates in conjunction with modelling.  相似文献   

Access to water and sanitation are recognized as human rights by the United Nations, reflecting their vital importance to every person's life. At a fundamental level - delivering minimum standards of water services to meet basic human needs - it is a simple equation. People are rights-holders and States are responsible under international law to provide those services. Rights-holders can claim their rights and duty-bearers must guarantee the rights to water and sanitation equally and without discrimination. This paper explores the relationship between the human rights to water and sanitation, the Sustainable Development Goals, water services and the role of water service tariffs in helping or hindering delivery of a broad range of societal objectives, including human rights and sustainability. Two key questions emerge: (i) What are the rights that apply in these circumstances and who is responsible for addressing those rights? (ii) How can the viability of the water service system be maintained without imposing dramatic price increase, and without compromising the social and human right to water in good quality and affordable conditions? In this paper we argue that human rights to water and sanitation, and the tariffs that are applied to them, should not be addressed as technical problems but rather as social and political issues of justice. We conclude that the re-politicisation of water, and of the setting of water tariffs, would help ensure that the responsibilities upon Governments for delivering human rights to water and sanitation are clear.  相似文献   

The Integrated Catchment Model of Nitrogen (INCA-N) was applied to the River Lambourn, a Chalk river-system in southern England. The model's abilities to simulate the long-term trend and seasonal patterns in observed stream water nitrate concentrations from 1920 to 2003 were tested. This is the first time a semi-distributed, daily time-step model has been applied to simulate such a long time period and then used to calculate detailed catchment nutrient budgets which span the conversion of pasture to arable during the late 1930s and 1940s. Thus, this work goes beyond source apportionment and looks to demonstrate how such simulations can be used to assess the state of the catchment and develop an understanding of system behaviour. The mass-balance results from 1921, 1922, 1991, 2001 and 2002 are presented and those for 1991 are compared to other modelled and literature values of loads associated with nitrogen soil processes and export. The variations highlighted the problem of comparing modelled fluxes with point measurements but proved useful for identifying the most poorly understood inputs and processes thereby providing an assessment of input data and model structural uncertainty. The modelled terrestrial and instream mass-balances also highlight the importance of the hydrological conditions in pollutant transport. Between 1922 and 2002, increased inputs of nitrogen from fertiliser, livestock and deposition have altered the nitrogen balance with a shift from possible reduction in soil fertility but little environmental impact in 1922, to a situation of nitrogen accumulation in the soil, groundwater and instream biota in 2002. In 1922 and 2002 it was estimated that approximately 2 and 18 kg N ha− 1 yr− 1 respectively were exported from the land to the stream. The utility of the approach and further considerations for the best use of models are discussed.  相似文献   

In Portugal, in the early twenty first century, the water utilities industry was still quite complex displaying considerable financial shortcomings. That issue occurred, mainly, at the retail level due to faulty rate setting practices, stressing, perhaps, arbitrariness and political influence in price-setting strategies. To cope with that situation, the water sector regulator published tariff guidelines to harmonize cost analyses, tariff structures and levels, creating a basis for comparison. The suggestion of two-part tariffs with increasing block rates seems to lack enough flexibility and proper supporting material. Thus, our analysis focuses on assessing whether the recommendations issued are able to achieve the proposed objectives through the suggested procedures, reviewing the structure proposed and possible adjustments.  相似文献   

‘Technology watch’, like ‘innovation’, is a process term. Large corporations in high-tech industries use technology watch regularly to facilitate the adoption of innovations, where it is associated with parallel ‘watch’ activities in social, legal and environmental areas. The information (yielded by technology watch) is either unrefined or refined to give it added value for decision making. The technology watch process involves steps of collection, analysis and dissemination, implicating a watch team and domain experts. In small and medium enterprises (SMEs), particularly in the construction sector, special problems arise because of the lack of interest in innovation and because of the shortage of resources, suggesting the creation of ‘relay stations’ in the technology watch process. Current changes in the organization of the construction process, however, are changing the industry's structure, suggesting that there may be a new need for the kinds of information that technology watch can provide. e Veille technologique f comme e innovation f sont des termes de processus. Dans le secteur des industries de pointe, les grandes entreprises font régulièrement appel à la veille technologique pour faciliter l'adoption d'innovations, associant ainsi les activités de veille aux domains social, juridique et environnemental. Les informations qui découlent de la veille technologique peuvent être brutes ou affinées afin de leur donner une valeur ajoutée qui sera particulièrement utile lors de la prise de décisions. La veille technologique consiste à recueillir, analyser et diffuser des données - ce qui implique un travail d'équipe et le recours à des experts. Dans les PME, notamment dans le secteur de la construction, surgissent des problèmes particuliers du fait du manque d'intérêt pour l'innovation et de la pénurie des ressources; cete situation suggère la création de stations-relais dans le processus de veille technologique. Actuellement on observe des changements dans l'organisation des processus de construction qui modifient la structure de cette industrie ; il est possible que cette nouvelle donne suscite un nouveau besoin pour le type d'information que la veille technologique peut fournir.  相似文献   

"U.S. policy on world resources and population underwent a drastic shift between the 1970s and 1980s. Underlying this shift were deep and persistent divisions among social scientists and policy scientists who are students of the global resource scarcity hypothesis. This article consists of a brief review of the history of the debate between those who believe that resources are becoming increasingly scarce and those who do not. Major focuses include the ambiguities of scarcity measures, and economic literature such as The Limits to Growth, Global 2000, the critique of Julian Simon, and The Resourceful Earth."  相似文献   

Molecular analyses were carried out on four preflight and six postflight International Space Station (ISS)-associated potable water samples at various stages of purification, storage, and transport, to ascertain their associated microbial diversities and overall microbial burdens. Following DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and molecular cloning procedures, rDNA sequences closely related to pathogenic species of Acidovorax, Afipia, Brevundimonas, Propionibacterium, Serratia, and others were recovered in varying abundance. Retrieval of sequences arising from the iodine (biocide)-reducing Delftia acidovorans in postflight waters is also of concern. Total microbial burdens of ISS potable waters were derived from data generated by an ATP-based enumeration procedure, with results ranging from 0 to 4.9 x 10(4) cells/ml. Regardless of innate biases in sample collection and analysis, such circumstantial evidence for the presence of viable, intact pathogenic cells should not be taken lightly. Implementation of new cultivation approaches and/or viability-based assays are requisite to confirm such an occurrence.  相似文献   

《Urban Water》1999,1(3):207-215
With regard to current practice in the UK for the control of runoff from new development, there appears to be a lack of appreciation by regulatory authorities of the true consequences of a policy of widespread flow attenuation. If over-zealously applied, this form of flood control may prove counter productive. A blanket policy of attenuation over a period of many years in disregard of sub-catchment interactions may actually be leading to increases in flood-damage costs in downstream areas. There is a need for sensible co-ordinated national policy, and this paper identifies a number of key principles that might represent best practice.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analytical overview of state-of-the-art in ultrafiltration and nanofiltration in the technology of drinking water conditioning. Analyzed are the possibilities of the methods ensuring high quality of drinking water in different technological flowcharts of treatment. The paper has covered the issues of the methods and ways of their solution when treating surface and underground waters. The paper has shown modern ultrafiltration and nanofiltration units for drinking water conditioning.  相似文献   

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