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The crystallization of MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-ZrO2 glasses at 1000°C was studied. Isothermal heat treatments of a cordierite-based glass (2MgO.2Al2O3.5SiO2= Mg2Al4Si5O18) with 7 wt% ZrO2 produced surface crystallization of α-cordierite and tetragonal ZrO2 ( t -ZrO2). These phases advanced into the glass by cocrystallization of t -ZrO2 rods in an α-cordierite matrix with a well-defined orientation relation. The t -ZrO2 rods were unstable with respect to diffusional breakup (a Rayleigh instability) and decomposed into rows of aligned ellipsoidal and spheroidal particles. The t -ZrO2 was very resistant to transformation to monoclinic symmetry. With a similar glass containing 15 wt% ZrO2, surface crystallization of α-cordierite and t -ZrO2 was accompanied by internal crystallization of t -ZrO2 dendrites. Transformation of the dendrites to mono-clinic symmetry was observed under some conditions.  相似文献   

The nucleation and crystallization of Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses containing TiO2 were investigated using transmission electron microscopy of thin sections produced from bulk samples. Phase separation occurs during cooling from the melt, and on heating, a large number of titanium-aluminum crystals approximately 50 A in diameter are formed. These crystals are the heterogeneous nuclei for the crystallization of the remaining glass. Photomicrographs of various stages of crystallization show the development of the fine-grained glass-ceramic.  相似文献   

Transparent glass-ceramics, in which the major phase was NaNbO3, were obtained by heat treatment of glasses in the Na2O-Nb2O5-SiO2 system. The structure of the glass and the changes occurring during crystallization as a function of temperature and heating rate were examined by X-ray diffraction, transmission and replication electron microscopy, density, and other measurements. On heating, a rather abrupt formation of uniformly dispersed particles was observed. In the early stages of crystallization, these particles contained NaNbO3 as loose, radially grown dendrites of identical crystal orientation which became dense during later stages of crystallization. The particle sizes ranged from 200 to 10,000 A, depending on the SiO2 content of the glass. Transparency of the crystallized material was dependent on the particle size rather than on the amount of NaNbO3 formed. The temperature at which crystallization occurred increased with the heating rate whereas the viscosity at crystallization decreased. For a given value of the rate of crystal formation per °C of temperature increase, the product (viscosity)n× (heating rate) was constant. The nucleation and growth phenomena which occurred in these glasses was attributed to microheterogeneities of higher Nb2O5 content which formed part of the glass structure.  相似文献   

The glass composition MgO 15.5, Al2O3 19.5, SiO2 58.5, and TiO2 6.5 (wt%) was crystallized under controlled conditions in the range 900° to 1140°C and the electrical properties were studied. The activation energy for dc and ac conduction in the uncrystallized specimen was 32.0 and 27.4 kcal/mole, respectively; the corresponding values for the crystallized specimens were about 18.5 and 11.6 kcal/mole. X-ray studies and color of the crystallized specimens suggested the presence of magnesium aluminum titanate crystals in which part of the titanium was reduced to the Ti3+ state. These semiconducting phases were suggested as being responsible for the sharp change in the electrical properties and for the appearance of an apparent dielectric relaxation peak. Changes in the electrical properties with increasing crystallization temperature may be related to the nature, size, and shape of the crystals.  相似文献   

Helium permeability, diffusivity, and solubility were measured for a series of TiO2-SiO2 glasses containing up to 10.3 mol% TiO2. The activation energies for helium permeation and diffusion decrease with increasing TiO2 concentration. The enthalpy of solution is independent of composition, as are the infinite-temperature values for the permeability, diffusivity, and solubility. It is concluded that the observed changes in activation energies result from changes in the strain energy necessary to distort the R-O-R'bond. The average diffusional jump distance appears to be essentially independent of composition, as would be expected from the small changes observed in the molar volume as TiO2 replaces SiO2 in these glasses.  相似文献   

Glasses in the system Al2O3-Y2O3-SiO2, containing TiO2 and La2O3, were investigated. Glasses of high refractive index and elastic modulus were developed. The observed Young's and shear moduli of these glasses show good agreement with theoretical values. Agreement was also found between the observed and calculated values of refractive index when the Appen's empirical coefficients were used.  相似文献   

A sodium silicate glass and ternary glasses derived from it by substituting AI2O3 and ZrO2 for SiO2 were exposed to water and aqueous solutions of pH 1.4 to 12.7; the kinetics of the reactions were studied. Diffusion of alkali ions and leaching of alkali and SiO2 from the glasses were influenced by the occupancy of surface sites by alkali ions above a critical pH; however, the activation energies of the processes varied linearly with the logarithm of mole fraction of surface sites occupied by Hplus;. Identical slopes were obtained for all glasses for a given process. The results are explained on the basis that transport of alkali ions is retarded as a result of increased boundary concentration and that suitable sites for reaction are lacking.  相似文献   

In this work several complementary techniques have been employed to carefully characterize the sintering and crystallization behavior of CaO–Al2O3–ZrO2–SiO2 glass powder compacts after different heat treatments. The research started from a new base glass 33.69 CaO–1.00 Al2O3–7.68 ZrO2–55.43SiO2 (mol%) to which 5 and 10 mol% Al2O3 were added. The glasses with higher amounts of alumina sintered at higher temperatures (953°C [lower amount] vs. 987°C [higher amount]). A combination of the linear shrinkage and viscosity data allowed to easily find the viscosity values corresponding to the beginning and the end of the sintering process. Anorthite and wollastonite crystals formed in the sintered samples, especially at lower temperatures. At higher temperatures, a new crystalline phase containing ZrO2 (2CaO·4SiO2·ZrO2) appeared in all studied specimens.  相似文献   

Raman spectra were measured on B2O3-SiO2 glasses heat-treated at different temperatures and for different periods of time. It was found that the intensity ratio of the 810- and 475-cm−1 bands depended on the thermal history and composition of glass. The intensity vs heat-treatment temperature curve exhibited a maximum in the glass-transition temperature range. High-temperature Raman spectra were measured on 0.5B2O3-0.5SiO2 glass, both with increasing and decreasing temperature, between room temperature and 600°C. Above 300°C with increasing temperature, the intensity of the 810-cm−1 band decreased, whereas the intensity of the 475-cm−1 band increased. The changes reversed with decreasing temperature. The reversible change of the intensity of the two bands was interpreted as a reversible formation and decomposition of boroxy rings with temperature. The reaction becomes very sluggish below the glass transition so that the intensity ratio stayed constant below 300°C.  相似文献   

Using techniques developed by Goldschmidt and lately utilized by Foster, solid-state equilibria were studied in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 ZrO2. The ternary systems MgO-Al2OrSiO2 and MgO-SiO2-ZrO2 are the only faces of this four-phase system that have beep studied extensively. Compositions in each of the four faces were heated to temperatures below their fusion point and, after they had been cooled, they were examined by X rays to identify the phases present. After solid-state equilibria had been established or verified in the four faces of the system, quaternary compositions were studied to determine the Alkemade tetrahedra.  相似文献   

The oxygen electrode has been utilized to determine the relative acidities of sodium and potassium silicate glasses containing alumina and titania in the temperature range 300° to 500° C. The acidity of a potassium or sodium silicate glass is increased by substituting alumina or titania for the soda or potassia. The first additions of alumina tend to increase the acidity of both glasses by forming A1O4 tetrahedra which utilize a portion of the nonbridging oxygen ions to fulfill the coordination requirements. The results indicate further that the Ti4+ ion is in both fourfold and sixfold coordination in the sodium and potassium glasses. Titania increases the acidity when it is in sixfold coordination but tends to decrease it when in fourfold coordination. Both titania and alumina increase the acidity of the potassium glasses more than that of the sodium glasses. This is interpreted on the basis that the oxygen network of the potassium glass, being initially the looser, is tightened more than that of the sodium glass. However, the polymerization of the A1O4 tetrahedra at the higher alumina concentrations causes a loosening of the oxygen network. Previous assumptions that the oxygen electrode reaction is independent of the metal used for the electrodes have been verified by reproducing the data using platinum foil as the electrode material in place of silver foil.  相似文献   

Thermal and X-ray studies show that there is complete solid solution between MgO.Cr2O3 and MgO.Al2O3 and that the spinel solid solutions are stable with no exsolution down to temperatures as low as 510°C. There is no solid solution of excess Cr2O3 in MgO.Cr2O3 nor of MgO.Cr2O3 in Cr2O3. The join MgO.Cr2O3–Al2O3 is found to be nonbinary; compositions along that join yield mixtures of a chromium oxide-alumina solid solution and a spinel solid solution on firing to temperatures high enough to promote solid-state reaction. Chromium oxide loss by volatilization increases at higher temperature. At a given temperature, chromium oxide loss is found to vary directly with the partial pressure of oxygen in the furnace atmosphere and with the ratio of MgO to SiO2 in the charges heated.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of drop solution in molten 2PbO-B2O3 at 1078 K were measured for glasses along the 2YAlO3-3SiO2 and return ½Y3Al5O12-3SiO2 joins. The onset glass transition temperature increases slightly with increasing silica content and Y/Al. Enthalpies of mixing were calculated on the basis of amorphous end members. Strongly negative heats of mixing support the absence of miscibility gaps except possibly for very high silica content, consistent with experimental phase analyses, which indicate much narrower miscibility gaps compared with the phase diagrams calculated on the basis of previous data and the CALPHAD formalism.  相似文献   

Glasses in the system Pb0–Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2 are chemically stable over a wide composition range and have very desirable electrical characteristics such as high electrical resistivities and activation energies for conduction. Variations in these electrical properties were studied as a function of composition changes within the system, the object being to identify the role of the constituent oxides in achieving the highest activation energy and resistivity values consistent with moderate preparation temperatures. Measurements were made in the temperature range 25° to 400°C on carefully prepared glass disks in which the individual oxide components or different oxide ratios such as PbO/SiO2, Al2O3/SiO2, and BsO3/SiO1 were systematically varied. The activation energy and resistivity values obtained ranged from 1.2 to 1.6 ev and 10° to 1014 ohm-cm, with dielectric constants ranging from 9 to 19 and densities from 4.30 to 4.50 g/cmY. Indications were that, for the composition range studied, the behavior manifested was basically that of the binary PbO-SO2 glass with additions of Al2O3 or B2O3, even in small concentrations, sharply increasing the activation energy for conduction while lowering the density.  相似文献   

Pertinent works of previous investigators are reviewed briefly. A superior technique for the preparation of experimental glasses of high purity and chemical homogeneity is presented. Devitrification growth-rate data and traction-viscosity data are reported for high-silica glasses of the system Al2O3-SiO2. Glasses with added Al2O3 were found to devitrify to cristobalite more rapidly than ultrapure silica glasses at a given temperature, and yet their fluidities (i.e., reciprocal viscosities) were found to be less. The devitrification growth rate, g, was found to be of zero order and to follow the temperature dependence In( g/T ) = -(B/T) + In A over the temperature range 1561°K. T 1730°K.  相似文献   

The region of stable liquid-phase separation in the system SrO-B2O3SiO2 was found to extend from the SrO-SiO2 binary join, across the ternary region, to the SrO-B2O3 join. The boundary of the region rich in network-forming oxides lies between the SiO2-B2O3 boundary and the 2.5-mol% SrO isopleth, whereas the maximum SrO content is between 30.3 and 35.2 mol% (42 to 48 wt%) SrO at an SiO2: B2O3 ratio of 4:1. The microstructures of glasses quenched from the immiscibility region were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. Evidence is presented of both stable and metastable phase separation and of microseparation and coring in disperse-phase spheres rich in network-forming oxides.  相似文献   

The crystallization of Al2O3-rich glasses in the system SiO2-Al2O3 which were prepared by flame-spraying and/or splat-cooling was studied by DTA, electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Over a wide range of compositions, the crystallization temperature ( Tx ) remained near 1000°C, changing smoothly with composition. In all cases crystallization of mullite was detected by X-ray diffraction. In the low-Al2O3 region, coarsening of the microstructure during crystallization was observed by electron microscopy. In the high-Al2O3 region mullite and γ-Al2O3 cocrystallized; this behavior may be interpreted as evidence of a cooperative process of crystallization at the respective Tx 's. The crystallite size of the mullite immediately after rapid crystallization increased continuously with increasing Al2O3 content. In light of the Tx data, the adequacy of the evidence for the proposed metastable miscibility gap in the SiO2-Al2O3 system is questioned.  相似文献   

The phase development, microstructure development, and Curie temperature of PbO-BaO-TiO2-Al2O3-SiO2 glass- ceramics were investigated by X-ray diffractometry, electron microscopy, and dilatometry. The primary crystalline phase was perovskite titanate, which exhibited bulk nucle- ation. When the samples were heated at low temperatures, the Curie inversion was hindered and cubic perovskite was obtained. Increased heating temperature/time resulted in tetragonal perovskite. Growth of a surface layer due to the crystallization of the secondary crystalline phase PbO- Al2O3-2SiO2 resulted in the coexistence of coarse and fine perovskite particles. The increase in the relative number of coarse-to-fine perovskite particles with the heating temperature/time was the major factor responsible for increased spontaneous deformation and higher Curie temperature of the perovskite phase. Substitution of barium for lead in the lead titanate phase probably occurred and is explained by the use of SiO2 instead of B2O3 as the glass former in the present study.  相似文献   

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