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The regulatory mechanism of Bcl-2 protein expression was investigated in SH-SY5Y cells, the human neuroblastoma cell line that expresses natively Bcl-2 proteins. WHen the cells were treated with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) or retinoic acid, the level of Bcl-2 protein was increased compared with the control. These effects were inhibited by pretreatment with a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, staurosporine or calphostin C. The level of Bcl-2 protein was also increased by treatment with carbachol, a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) agonist, and the effect were also inhibited by pretreatment with staurosporine or calphostin C. An addition, a carbachol-induced increase in Bcl-2 protein levels and a transient elevation of [Ca2+]i were inhibited by pretreatment with 4-DAMP (4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine), an m3 mAChR antagonist. In contrast, the level of Bcl-2 protein was decreased by treatment with dibutyryl cAMP (diBu-cAMP), forskolin, or cholera toxin, and the effects of diBu-cAMP were inhibited by pretreatment with a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, H-89. From these results, we suggest that the expression of Bcl-2 proteins is regulated by PKC and PKA in positive and negative manners, respectively, in SH-SY5Y cells. Furthermore, the nucleosomal DNA fragmentation induced by serum depletion for 4 h was observed in SH-SY5Y cells when the level of Bcl-2 protein was down-regulated by treatment with 1 mM diBu-cAMP for 3 days, although the DNA fragmentation by serum depletion for 4 h was not observed in nontreatment cells, indicating that Bcl-2 proteins whose expression is regulated by PKC and PKA play important roles in serum depletion-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The results of experimental investigations of temperature oscillation spectra in the regions of active biological points when the state of the involved meridians is changed, have been presented. When the meridian is activated, the enhancement of the harmonics with the period 3-4 s has been observed in the spectra. The particular measuring technique and the model of acupuncture meridian are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe here the synthesis and the biological activity of a 'C-pentasaccharide', a new analogue of the antithrombin III (AT III) binding region of heparin containing a methylene bridge in place of an interglycosidic oxygen atom. The affinity for AT III and the anti-factor Xa activity of this compound have been compared with that of the corresponding selected 'O-pentasaccharide'. Such a structural modification slightly decreased the affinity of this compound for AT III as well as its anti-factor Xa activity (880 +/- 40 anti-Xa units versus 1180 +/- 30 anti-Xa units for the C-pentasaccharide and the O-pentasaccharide, respectively). This compound therefore represents the first example of a new class of anti-factor Xa pentasaccharides containing a C-interglycosidic bond.  相似文献   

When bovine beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG) was refolded after extensive denaturation in 4.8 M guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl), the functional activity of the protein, retinol binding, as measured by the enhancement of this ligand's fluorescence, was completely recovered. In contrast, the room-temperature tryptophan phosphorescence lifetime of the refolded protein, a local measure of the residue environment, was approximately 10 ms, significantly shorter than the phosphorescence lifetime of the untreated native protein (approximately 20 ms). The lability of the freshly refolded protein, as monitored by following the time course of its unfolding when incubated in 2.5 M GuHCl through the change in fluorescence intensity at 385 nm, was also determined and found to be increased significantly relative to untreated native protein. In contrast to the long term postactivation conformational changes detected previously in Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (Subramaniam V, Bergenhem NCH, Gafni A, Steel DG, 1995, Biochemistry 34:1133-1136), we found no changes in either the lability or phosphorescence decays of beta-LG during a period of 24 h. Our results are in agreement with the report by Hattori et al. (1993, J Biol Chem 268:22414-22419), using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies to recognize native-like structure, that long-term changes occur in the protein conformation, compared with the native structure, on refolding.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a new crystal form of methanol dehydrogenase from Methylophilus W3A1 has been obtained in the presence of substrate using data recorded at a synchrotron. The structure of this approximately 140 kDa heterotetramer, refined at 1. 9 A resolution, reveals the detailed configuration of its redox cofactor, pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ). C4, one of the oxygen-bearing atoms of this orthoquinone is in a planar configuration while C5, which bears the other quinone oxygen, is tetrahedral, suggesting that the PQQ is in the semiquinone redox state. The substrate binding site has been identified close to PQQ and to the side chain of Asp297, the putative active site base. The proximity of the hydroxyl of methanol to C5 of PQQ compared to the greater separation of the substrate methyl group from C5 supports the addition-elimination reaction mechanism involving a hemiketal intermediate.  相似文献   

Inhibins are glycoprotein members of the transforming growth factor-beta family that have been implicated in the control of spermatogenesis by exerting a negative feedback on FSH secretion. In addition, locally produced inhibins may play a role in paracrine regulation of testicular function. Immunoassays were used to measure the two biologically active dimeric forms of inhibin (inhibin A and B) in serum, seminal plasma, and urine. To better define their actions, inhibins were measured in the male during infancy, sexual maturation, and senescence. Inhibin B but not A was measurable in the serum of male newborns, infants, children, and adults. In adult males, measurable levels of inhibin B were detected in the seminal plasma but not the urine. The circulating levels of inhibin B increased shortly after birth and peaked at 4-12 months of age (210 +/- 31 pg/mL). The concentration measured in the serum then decreased to a low of 81 +/- 12 pg/mL of inhibin B from 3-9 yr of age followed by a gradual increase beginning with the onset of puberty and reaching another peak of 167 +/- 20 pg/mL in males who were 20-30 yr of age. Inhibin B levels then gradually declined with increasing age up through 90 yr of age. Serum levels of gonadotropins and total testosterone production were also measured in these same males. There was a brief increase in the gonadotropins (FSH and LH) during the few months of postnatal development, followed by a decrease to basal levels until the onset of puberty at 10-14 yr of age. Testosterone was also increased in the serum of infants from day 1 through 12 months of age, which decreased in young children but increased again following the elevation of gonadotropins during puberty. In adults aged 20-90 yr, serum levels of inhibin B were inversely proportional to levels of FSH but not LH or testosterone. In males in which a semen analysis was performed, those males with normal semen analysis had a significantly higher inhibin B levels, sperm production, and lower FSH levels than males with either oligospermia or nonobstructive azoospermia. The levels of Inhibin B found in circulation were a good marker for testicular function and could be useful in the diagnosis of patients with semen abnormalities or a complete absence of spermatogenesis. Because this glycoprotein is secreted in high amounts in the prepubertal testis up to 3 yr of age, inhibin B could potentially be used as a marker in the diagnosis of cryptorchidism and precocious puberty.  相似文献   

A 130-residue fragment (D1-D4) taken from a fibronectin-binding protein of Staphylococcus aureus, which contains four fibronectin-binding repeats and is unfolded but biologically active at neutral pH, has been studied extensively by NMR spectroscopy. Using heteronuclear multidimensional techniques, the conformational properties of D1-D4 have been defined at both a global and a local level. Diffusion studies give an average effective radius of 26.2 +/- 0.1 A, approximately 75% larger than that expected for a globular protein of this size. Analysis of chemical shift, 3JHNalpha coupling constant, and NOE data show that the experimental parameters agree well overall with values measured in short model peptides and with predictions from a statistical model for a random coil. Sequences where specific features give deviations from these predictions for a random coil have however been identified. These arise from clustering of hydrophobic side chains and electrostatic interactions between charged groups. 15N relaxation studies demonstrate that local fluctuations of the chain are the dominant motional process that gives rise to relaxation of the 15N nuclei, with a persistence length of approximately 7-10 residues for the segmental motion. The consequences of the structural and dynamical properties of this unfolded protein for its biological role of binding to fibronectin have been considered. It is found that the regions of the sequence involved in binding have a high propensity for populating extended conformations, a feature that would allow a number of both charged and hydrophobic groups to be presented to fibronectin for highly specific binding.  相似文献   

Human herpesviruses are responsible for a variety of diseases. They are divided into three subfamilies: alpha includes herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and HSV-2) and varicella-zoster virus (VZV); beta includes cytomegalovirus (CMV) and human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6); and gamma includes Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Each virus encodes a serine protease that is essential for its replication and is a potential target for therapeutic intervention. Human CMV is a ubiquitous opportunistic pathogen that can result in life-threatening infections in congenitally infected infants, immunocompromised individuals and immunosuppressed cancer or transplant patients. Here we report the crystal structure of human CMV protease at 2.5 angstroms resolution. The structure reveals a fold that has not been reported for any other serine protease, and an active site consisting of a novel catalytic triad in which the third member is a histidine instead of an aspartic acid, or possibly a catalytic tetrad consisting of a serine, two histidines and an aspartic acid. An unusual dimer interface that is important to the protease activity has also been identified.  相似文献   

The synthesis and isolation in purified form of two analogues of insulin is described. [21-Isoasparagine-A] ([Iasn21-A]) insulin differs from the parent molecule in that the amino acid residue, asparagine, found at the C terminus of the A chain (A21) has been replaced by isoasparagine. [Sar1, Iasn21-A] insulin differs from insulin in that both the A1 and A21 amino acid residues, glycine and asparagine, have been substituted by sarcosine and isoasparagine, respectively. The synthesis of these analogues followed the pattern employed in this laboratory for the synthesis of insulin and its analogues. The S-sulfonated derivatives of the A chain analogues were chemically synthesized, converted to their sulfhydryl forms, and then combined with the S-sulfonated B chain to produce the respective insulin analogues. Isolation of the insulin analogues from the combination mixtures was effected by chromatography on a carboxymethylcellulose column with an exponential sodium chloride gradient. By the mouse convulsion assay method [Iasn21-A]insulin possessed a potency of 21 IU/mg and [Sar1, Iasn21-A] insulin 15 IU/mg. The radioimmunoassay method gave values of 16 IU/mg for the former and 7IU/mg for the altter analogue. The natural hormone has a potency of 23-25 IU/mg by both assay methods. These data indicate that the alpha- and beta-carboxyl groups of the A21 amino acid residue are nearly equivalent in terms of their contribution to the expression of the biological activity of insulin. Furthermore, these data strengthen the speculation (Cosmatos, A., Johnson, S., Breier, B., and Katsoyannis, P. G. (1975), J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1, 2157) that the change in the relative positive charge at the N-terminal amino acid residue of the A chain is responsible for the considerable decrease in the immunoreactivity observed in such modified insulins.  相似文献   

Individual development in the course of a generation has an unidirectional, irreversible, "closed", predominantly structly-determined, predominantly autoprogrammed, autoreproducible character. The characteristics of individual development differ in terms of its processes, stages, types and orders. Ontogenesis and ageing of the organism represent the principal processes of individual development. Individual development has three main stages (progressive stage, "plateau" stage and regressive stage). The types of individual development may be grouped into two categories: elementary and complex. The complex types result from the combining in different ways of the elementary types. Similarly, orders of the generations of individual development and hierarchical orders of individual development may be differentiated. Between the processes, stages, types and orders of individual development certain "combining" relationships may appear. The processes, stages and types of individual development as well as their mutual relationships serve both development and stability.  相似文献   

It is known that anionic surface residues play a role in the long-range electrostatic attraction between acetylcholinesterase and cationic ligands. In our current investigation, we show that anionic residues also play an important role in the behavior of the ligand within the active site gorge of acetylcholinesterase. Negatively charged residues near the gorge opening not only attract positively charged ligands from solution to the enzyme, but can also restrict the motion of the ligand once it is inside of the gorge. We use Brownian dynamics techniques to calculate the rate constant kon, for wild type and mutant acetylcholinesterase with a positively charged ligand. These calculations are performed by allowing the ligand to diffuse within the active site gorge. This is an extension of previously reported work in which a ligand was allowed to diffuse only to the enzyme surface. By setting the reaction criteria for the ligand closer to the active site, better agreement with experimental data is obtained. Although a number of residues influence the movement of the ligand within the gorge, Asp74 is shown to play a particularly important role in this function. Asp74 traps the ligand within the gorge, and in this way helps to ensure a reaction.  相似文献   

The structure of the zinc-dependent beta-lactamase II from Bacillus cereus has been determined at 1.9 A resolution in a crystal form with two molecules in the asymmetric unit and 400 waters (space group P3121; Rcryst = 20.8%). The active site contains two zinc ions: Zn1 is tightly coordinated by His86, His88, and His149, while Zn2 is loosely coordinated by Asp90, Cys168, and His210. A water molecule (W1) lies between the two zinc ions but is significantly closer to Zn1 and at a distance of only 1.9 A is effectively a hydroxide moiety and a potential, preactivated nucleophile. In fact, Asp90 bridges W1 to Zn2, and its location is thus distinct from that of the bridging water molecules in the binuclear zinc peptidases or other binuclear zinc hydrolases. Modeling of penicillin, cephalosporin, and carbapenem binding shows that all are readily accommodated within the shallow active site cleft of the enzyme, and the Zn1-bound hydroxide is ideally located for nucleophilic attack at the beta-lactam carbonyl. This enzyme also functions with only one zinc ion present. The Zn1-Zn2 distances differ in the two independent molecules in the crystal (3.9 and 4.4 A), yet the Zn1-W1 distances are both 1.9 A, arguing against involvement of Zn2 in W1 activation. The role of Zn2 is unclear, but the B. cereus enzyme may be an evolutionary intermediate between the mono- and bizinc metallo-beta-lactamases. The broad specificity of this enzyme, together with the increasing prevalence of zinc-dependent metallo-beta-lactamases, poses a real clinical threat, and this structure provides a basis for understanding its mechanism and designing inhibitors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Site of the carcinoma within the colon in relation to age and sex may provide clues into the etiology of the disease. Incidence of colon carcinoma by age, sex, and tumor site at a population-based level are reported infrequently. The goal of this study was to describe the distribution of colon carcinoma (excluding cancers of the rectosigmoid junction and rectum) by age at diagnosis, sex, and site of the tumor within the colon. These factors were also evaluated in conjunction with disease stage at the time of diagnosis. METHODS: Data from three geographically distinct populations were used to describe rates of colon carcinoma and the distribution of tumors by age, tumor site, and stage at diagnosis. All colon carcinoma cases diagnosed within a 3-year period within the areas are included. RESULTS: Approximately 50% of all cancers in men and greater than 50% of cancers in women were in the proximal segment of the colon. Men who were diagnosed prior to age 50 and both men and women diagnosed at age 70 or older had predominantly proximal cancers. People with proximal cancers and people diagnosed prior to age 50 were more likely to have more advanced disease. CONCLUSIONS: Both men and women have more proximal cancers with advancing age, which are associated with more advanced disease. Observed trends in cancer site distributions could reflect screening practices, environmental and genetic factors, or a combination of these variables.  相似文献   

LFA-1/ICAM-1 interaction is important in facilitating a number of cellular events including antigen-specific T-cell activation and leukocyte transendothelial migration. We are interested in defining residues and contact sites that mediate ICAM-1 interaction with the integrin receptor, LFA-1. To provide sufficient material to facilitate study of the interaction of this ligand-receptor pair, we have developed a new high-level mammalian-cell expression system based on the use of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) VP16 transactivator and the HSV IE175 promoter to direct expression of foreign genes in BHK cells. In this system, the gene of interest is expressed as a fusion protein with a carboxyl terminal decapeptide tail to aid in identification, quantitation, and affinity purification of recombinant protein. This system allowed rapid generation of cell lines producing high levels of levels of soluble proteins corresponding to the full-length extracellular (sICAM453) and the amino terminal two immunoglobulin domains (sICAM185) of ICAM-1. Both sICAM453 and sICAM185 were biologically active and were purified in a single step from conditioned media by antibody affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

Human aldehyde dehydrogenase isozymes were inactivated by N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (TPCK), an inhibitor of chymotrypsin. The inactivation was a first-order process that followed saturation kinetics. NAD and chloral when used together protected against inactivation. In steady-state kinetics, TPCK produced only slope effects versus varied NAD, both slope and intercept effects versus varied glycolaldehyde were produced, indicating that TPCK reacted with the same enzyme form with which NAD reacted. Ki values from steady-state kinetics and saturation kinetics were comparable. Use of [3H]-labeled TPCK showed that inactivation was associated with the incorporation of two molecules of TPCK per molecule of enzyme. The label incorporation occurred into a single tryptic peptide and also into a single chymotryptic peptide of the E1 isozyme. Purification of labeled peptides, followed by sequencing, demonstrated that E398 of aldehyde dehydrogenase was labeled. Reaction of a haloketone, TPCK, with a carboxyl group of E398 indicates that E398 occurs as a "naked anion" within the molecule. This paper constitutes identification of the second (after E268) "naked anion" at the active site of aldehyde dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

The homeodomain is a DNA binding motif that is usually conserved among diverse taxa. Rapidly evolving homeodomains are thus of interest because their divergence may be associated with speciation. The exact site of the Odysseus (Ods) locus of hybrid male sterility in Drosophila contains such a homeobox gene. In the past half million years, this homeodomain has experienced more amino acid substitutions than it did in the preceding 700 million years; during this period, it has also evolved faster than other parts of the protein or even the introns. Such rapid sequence divergence is driven by positive selection and may contribute to reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

p21-activated kinases (PAKs) are serine/threonine kinases that have been identified as targets for the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42. PAKs have been implicated in cytoskeletal regulation, stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades, and in control of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. Membrane targeting of PAK1 induced increased kinase activity in a GTPase-independent manner, suggesting that other mechanisms for PAK regulation exist. We observed concentration- and time-dependent activation of PAK1 by sphingosine and several related long chain sphingoid bases but not by ceramides or a variety of other lipids. Although phospholipids were generally ineffective, phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol also had stimulatory effects on PAK1. Lipid stimulation induced a similar level of PAK1 activity as did stimulation by GTPases, and the patterns of PAK1 autophosphorylation determined after partial tryptic digestion and two-dimensional peptide analysis were similar with each class of activator. Lipid stimulation of PAK1 activity was dependent upon intact PAK kinase activity, as indicated by studies with a kinase-dead PAK1 mutant. Treatment of COS-7 cells expressing wild type PAK1 with sphingosine, fumonisin B, or sphingomyelinase, all of which are able to elevate the levels of free sphingosine, induced increased activity of PAK1 as determined using a p47(phox) peptide substrate. Studies using PAK1 mutants suggest that lipids act at a site overlapping or identical to the GTPase-binding domain on PAK. The inactive sphingosine derivative N,N-dimethylsphingosine was an effective inhibitor of PAK1 activation in response to either sphingosine or Cdc42. Our results demonstrate a novel GTPase-independent mechanism of PAK activation and, additionally, suggest that PAK(s) may be important mediators of the biological effects of sphingolipids.  相似文献   

Human lysosomal arylsulfatase A (ASA) is a prototype member of the sulfatase family. These enzymes require the posttranslational oxidation of the -CH2SH group of a conserved cysteine to an aldehyde, yielding a formylglycine. Without this modification sulfatases are catalytically inactive, as revealed by a lysosomal storage disorder known as multiple sulfatase deficiency. The 2.1 A resolution X-ray crystal structure shows an ASA homooctamer composed of a tetramer of dimers, (alpha 2)4. The alpha/beta fold of the monomer has significant structural analogy to another hydrolytic enzyme, the alkaline phosphatase, and superposition of these two structures shows that the active centers are located in largely identical positions. The functionally essential formylglycine is located in a positively charged pocket and acts as ligand to an octahedrally coordinated metal ion interpreted as Mg2+. The electron density at the formylglycine suggests the presence of a 2-fold disordered aldehyde group with the possible contribution of an aldehyde hydrate, -CH(OH)2, with gem-hydroxyl groups. In the proposed catalytic mechanism, the aldehyde accepts a water molecule to form a hydrate. One of the two hydroxyl groups hydrolyzes the substrate sulfate ester via a transesterification step, resulting in a covalent intermediate. The second hydroxyl serves to eliminate sulfate under inversion of configuration through C-O cleavage and reformation of the aldehyde. This study provides the structural basis for understanding a novel mechanism of ester hydrolysis and explains the functional importance of the unusually modified amino acid.  相似文献   

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