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Plactin D, a cyclic pentapeptide [cyclo(-D-Val-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Phe-D-Arg-)] produced by a fungal strain, enhances fibrinolytic activity (6). The present study deals with the structure-activity relationship of plactins and their effects in U937 cells and mice. The results obtained from 50 plactin D analogues with a single amino acid substitution demonstrated that the following substitutions were detrimental: the enantiomer for each of the five residues; a polar, an acidic or a basic residue for D-Val, L-Leu, D-Leu or L-Phe; a polar, a hydrophobic or an acidic residue for D-Arg. On the other hand, a compound with L-Leu or L-Val in place of L-Phe was seven times as active as plactin D. These results suggest an essential role of a sterically restricted arrangement of four hydrophobic residues and the adjacent basic residue. The enhancement of fibrinolysis was dependent on plasma, ranging from 2- to 3-fold when U937 cells were incubated with 15-30 microM plactin D in the presence of 6-50% plasma, while no elevation was observed when cells were incubated in the absence of plasma. Plasminogen alone could not substitute for plasma. The plactin D effect was totally abolished by anti-urokinase IgG but not by anti-tissue plasminogen activator IgG. Plactin D caused a plasma-dependent, transient increase in the cellular urokinase activity. This urokinase activation may have accounted for the increased fibrinolytic activity of plactin D-treated U937 cells. Homogenates of the lung obtained from mice 0.5 to 2 h after intravenous plactin D (5 mg/kg) showed 2- to 3-fold increased levels of fibrinolytic activity, while activities of the brain, heart, liver, spleen, kidney and aorta were not significantly affected. In conclusion, plactin D enhances fibrinolysis both in cultured mammalian cells and in experimental animals.  相似文献   

Possible adaptive mechanisms that may defend against weight gain during periods of excessive energy intake were investigated by overfeeding six lean and three overweight young men by 50% above baseline requirements with a mixed diet for 42 d [6.2 +/- 1.9 MJ/d (mean +/- SD), or a total of 265 +/- 45 MJ]. Mean weight gain was 7.6 +/- 1.6 kg (58 +/- 18% fat). The energy cost of tissue deposition (28.7 +/- 4.4 MJ/kg) matched the theoretical cost (26.0 MJ/kg). Basal metabolic rate (BMR) increased by 0.9 +/- 0.4 MJ/d and daily energy expenditure assessed by whole-body calorimetry (CAL EE) increased by 1.8 +/- 0.5 MJ/d. Total free-living energy expenditure (TEE) measured by doubly labeled water increased by 1.4 +/- 2.0 MJ/d. Activity and thermogenesis (computed as CAL EE--BMR and TEE--BMR) increased by only 0.9 +/- 0.4 and 0.9 +/- 2.1 MJ/d, respectively. All outcomes were consistent with theoretical changes due to the increased fat-free mass, body weight, and energy intake. There was no evidence of any active energy-dissipating mechanisms.  相似文献   

Peliosis is a rare disease that is characterized by multiple blood-filled cystic spaces. We report the computed tomographic findings of splenic rupture secondary to splenic peliosis in a patient receiving anabolic steroids for aplastic anemia.  相似文献   

The mutual links between muscle pain and resting electromyographic (EMG) activity are still controversial. This study described effects of experimental muscle pain on resting EMG activity in a jaw-closing muscle and a leg muscle. Pain was induced by injections of hypertonic saline into the muscles in 10 subjects. Injections of isotonic saline served as a control. The pain intensity was scored on visual analog scales (VAS) and surface and intramuscular wire EMGs were obtained from the resting muscles before, during, and after saline injections. EMG activity was analyzed in 30-s intervals and demonstrated, in both muscles, significant increases 30-60 s after injection of hypertonic saline, but not after injection of isotonic saline. In contrast to the transient increase in EMG activity, the pain sensation lasted up to 600 s after injection of hypertonic saline. It was concluded that acute muscle pain is unable to maintain longer-lasting resting muscle hyperactivity.  相似文献   

Glucose was found to exert an In vitro regulatory effect on prolactin secretion. Its role in the modulation of stimulated secretion of prolactin in man is, however, not clear. To evaluate the effect of hyperglycaemia on prolactin release, three stimulatory tests with different mechanisms of stimulation were employed. Healthy male subjects served as volunteers during submaximal exercise, TRH test (0.2 mg i.v.) and administration of haloperidol (2 mg i.v.). Glucose (100 g in 400 ml) or an equal volume of water was given 30 min before the tests. Blood for glucose and prolactin analysis was taken via an indwelling catheter. The plasma prolactin concentration increased in response to each of the stimuli applied. However, the prolactin increase during hyperglycaemia did not differ from values obtained in tests performed in normoglycaemia after water administration. These results indicate that prolactin release in healthy man is not modulated by hyperglycaemia.  相似文献   

Action-compatible blindness refers to the finding that target stimuli are perceived less frequently if they are presented during the planning or execution of a compatible action (e.g., a left arrow presented during a left manual key press) than during an incompatible action (J. Müsseler and B. Hommel, 1997 a, b). We investigated the effect of lengthening the response execution phase in the action-compatible blindness paradigm by requiring subjects to tap a response key once or three times on the assumption that tapping three times would increase the duration of the execution phase of the response. Prior research (e.g., B. Stevanovski et al (2002); P. Wühr and J. Müsseler, [2001]) has shown that larger blindness effects are observed for targets presented during the execution phase of a response than after the response has been made. We investigated whether a larger blindness effect would be observed in the three-tap condition than in the one-tap condition, or whether lengthening the duration of the response would extend the time course of the blindness effect. Neither of these possibilities was supported by the data irrespective of whether the number of taps to be made was blocked or mixed within a block of trials. The results are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of growth factors in controlling the development of glial cells in both the peripheral and central nervous systems has been investigated for a number of years. The recent discovery of a new family of growth factors termed the neuregulins (NRGs) has led to an explosion of information concerning the putative role of these growth factors in the development of Schwann cells (SC), oligodendrocytes (OLG), and astrocytes. Many of these previous studies have focused on the effects of exogenous NRGs on glial cell development and differentiation. We now review the evidence that these glial cells themselves produce NRGs and discuss the major implications of these findings with respect to glial cell development and diseases which affect glial cell function. We also discuss the potential role of endogenous NRGs following neural injury.  相似文献   

Bupropion is an effective abstinence aid for cessation of smoking and possibly other drug use as well. There is evidence that bupropion improves attention and impulse control in certain patient populations, and improvements in these processes could mediate its efficacy as an abstinence aid. In the present study, we tested the effects of acute bupropion on measures of attention and impulsivity in healthy adults with d-amphetamine included as a positive control. Twenty-two nonsmokers (11 women) and 11 smokers (4 women) completed four 4-hr sessions where they received placebo, bupropion (150 or 300 mg), or d-amphetamine (20 mg) in capsules. Ninety minutes after capsule administration, participants were tested on attention with a simple reaction time task (SRT) and on impulsivity with the stop task, a delay and probability discounting task (DPD), and the balloon analogue risk task (BART). Participants also completed mood questionnaires during sessions. Bupropion (150 mg) decreased lapses in attention on the SRT, but did not affect performance on the stop task, DPD, or BART. Amphetamine decreased lapses in attention and speeded sensory motor processing time on the SRT but did not significantly affect responding on the stop task or DPD. On the BART, d-amphetamine tended to decrease risk taking in men but increased risk taking in women. Bupropion (300 mg) and d-amphetamine increased ratings of arousal. These results suggest that bupropion improves attention without affecting impulsive behavior in healthy adults. Improvements in attention may contribute to the effectiveness of bupropion as a pharmacotherapy for smoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We investigated the role of carbon monoxide as a neural modulator of extracellular glutamate concentration in rat hippocampus CA1 in transient forebrain ischemia by using metalloporphyrins, which block the production of carbon monoxide through the inhibition of heme oxygenase (HO) activity. Infusion of 10 and 100 microM zinc protoporphyrin IX, which inhibits nitric oxide synthase activity as well as HO activity, significantly increased glutamate concentration compared with that on the vehicle-treated side. However, infusion of 100 microM tin mesoporphyrin IX, which inhibits only HO activity, did not affect glutamate concentration in ischemia. Our results therefore do not support the hypothesis that carbon monoxide acts as a neural messenger through the modulation of extracellular glutamate concentration in ischemia.  相似文献   

Acquired drug resistance is a major problem in the treatment of cancer. Of the more than 500,000 annual deaths from cancer in the United States, many follow the development of resistance to chemotherapy. The emergence of resistance depends in part on the genetic instability, heterogeneity and high mutational rate of tumour cells. In contrast, endothelial cells are genetically stable, homogeneous and have a low mutational rate. Therefore, antiangiogenic therapy directed against a tumour's endothelial cells should, in principle, induce little or no drug resistance. Endostatin, a potent angiogenesis inhibitor, was administered to mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma, T241 fibrosarcoma or B16F10 melanoma. Treatment was stopped when tumours had regressed. Tumours were then allowed to re-grow and endostatin therapy was resumed. After 6, 4 or 2 treatment cycles, respectively, no tumours recurred after discontinuation of therapy. These experiments show that drug resistance does not develop in three tumour types treated with a potent angiogenesis inhibitor. An unexpected finding is that repeated cycles of antiangiogenic therapy are followed by prolonged tumour dormancy without further therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We sought to evaluate the potential interaction between acid-sensitive chemoreceptors and pressure-sensitive mechanoreceptors. METHODS: Twenty-one normal control subjects underwent esophageal balloon distention with a commercially produced combined-manometry, acid-infusion, balloon-distention catheter. The intraesophageal balloon was localized 10 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter. With a mechanical pump, sensory and pain thresholds were determined by using sequentially increasing balloon volumes (range 0-23 cc, increment 1 cc). A 15-min acid infusion (0.1 N HCl at 6-8 cc/min) or a 0.9 N saline infusion was then applied just proximal to the distending balloon, followed by a second determination of sensory and pain thresholds. The results of the trials before and after acid and placebo were compared. RESULTS: All subjects tolerated the procedure. The initial mean volume-to-sensory threshold was 9.1 ml (range 5-16), decreasing to 6.2 (range 4-11) after acid infusion (p < 0.005). The sensory threshold also decreased from 9.8 ml (range 6-16) to 6.8 ml (range 4-14) after saline infusion (p = 0.06). The mean volume-to-pain threshold was 16.0 (range 14-21) before and 15.2 (range 11-23) after acid infusion and 15.8 (range 12-20) before and 14.0 (range 10-20) after saline infusion (NS). CONCLUSION: We conclude that infused acid has no effect on pain threshold and has a nonspecific effect on sensory threshold induced by esophageal balloon distention.  相似文献   

K Rane  M Segerdahl  M Goiny  A Sollevi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,89(5):1108-15; discussion 9A
BACKGROUND: Several animal studies show antinociceptive effects of intrathecally administered adenosine and its analogs. However, there is no clinical experience regarding the effects of intrathecal adenosine in humans. METHODS: The side effects and analgesic effects of intrathecal adenosine (500-2,000 microg) on experimental pain were studied in 12 healthy volunteers. Before and after adenosine was given, the authors evaluated the cold pain rating of the foot (submersion in ice water for 1 min), the forearm ischemic pain rating during a 30-min tourniquet test, and the thermal and tactile pain thresholds on healthy and inflamed skin after application of mustard oil (4 min) to the calf. The areas of secondary allodynia surrounding the inflammation were also determined. The cerebrospinal fluid level of adenosine was determined before and after injection. RESULTS: Intrathecal adenosine caused a 1,000- to 2,000-fold elevation of the cerebrospinal fluid concentration. One volunteer experienced transient (30 min) lumbar pain after injection at a dose of 2,000 microg. There were no other complications in any other volunteers. Adenosine reduced, in a non-dose-dependent manner, the areas of secondary allodynia after skin inflammation (brush, P < 0.06; and von Frey hair, P < 0.03) and reduced the forearm tourniquet ischemic pain rating (P = 0.01). Tactile pain thresholds were significantly reduced by mustard oil inflammation during control, whereas adenosine treatment prevented this reduction. The ice water-induced cold pain rating was not influenced by adenosine. CONCLUSIONS: An intrathecal adenosine injection of 1,000 microg lacked side effects in healthy volunteers. The compound attenuated different types of experimental pain.  相似文献   

Expression of interleukin-13 (IL-13) has been examined in head and neck cancer cell lines. This interleukin was expressed by all human head and neck carcinoma cells studied, though in varying degrees. The effect of exogenous IL-13 on growth of squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck cell lines was also studied. It was found that this cytokine did not modulate the proliferation of four cell lines studied. These results demonstrate that human squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck secrete IL-13.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Growth hormone (GH) secretion by the anterior pituitary has been shown to be depressed in severely uraemic rats. Changes in the population of pituitary somatotrophs might be partially responsible for this decrease. METHODS: To analyse the population of pituitary somatotrophs in severe uraemia, immunocytochemical detection and quantification of GH-producing cells were carried out on paraffin sections from young rats either 5/6 nephrectomized, sham-operated fed ad libitum or sham-operated pair-fed with the nephrectomized animals. Results: Nephrectomized rats were severely uraemic and growth retarded. The overall cell density (total pituitary cells/mm2) was higher in 5/6 nephrectomized animals in comparison with the two sham-operated groups. Thus, although the percentage of GH cells was slightly lower in nephrectomized than in control rats, no difference in either the density (cells/mm2) or the cross-sectional area of GH cells was found among groups. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that severe experimental uraemia interferes with the maturation process of the pituitary gland and support the contention that differences in either the number or the size of pituitary somatotrophs cannot explain the reduced GH secretion previously reported in severely uraemic rats.  相似文献   

A study of 108 female sex workers engaged in prostitution in Georgetown, Guyana, was made in April 1993. Based on interviews and procurement of blood samples, the study investigated relationships between HIV seroprevalences and AIDS knowledge, risk behaviors, client characteristics, and condom use. Street-walkers-as distinct from sex workers in bars, hotels, and Port Georgetown-tended to charge less, be worse off socioeconomically, and have clients who were similarly disadvantaged; they were therefore classified as belonging to a "lower" socio-economic stratum, while the other workers were classified as belonging to a "higher" stratum. The overall HIV seroprevalence found among the sex workers was 25% (95% CI: 17%-33%). But the 50 subjects in the lower stratum had a relatively high seroprevalence (42%, as compared to 10% among those in the higher stratum), accounting for 21 of the 27 HIV-seropositive subjects. Reported patterns of client origins (Guyanese or foreign), worker willingness to have sex without a condom, and condom use by clients differed by stratum. Participants in the higher stratum were more disposed to having sex without a condom. The workers' knowledge of what causes AIDS and how HIV is transmitted was low in both strata; substantial numbers of workers said they had contracted a sexually transmitted disease within the past two years or were users of illicit drugs. Condom use is reportedly less common among Guyanese than foreign clients, suggesting a greater risk of contracting HIV from Guyanese clients or infecting Guyanese clients with it. The HIV seroprevalence among workers who said they had only Guyanese clients was statistically greater than the rate among those who said they had only foreign clients. The HIV seroprevalence among those reporting more than five clients per week was statistically greater than among those reporting fewer. HIV seropositivity was relatively high among the 12 workers who said they used cocaine. Overall, the findings supported the view that interventions targeted at female sex workers and their clients should be strengthened-more specifically, that concerted efforts should be made to intensity condom promotion, distribution, and social marketing; to improve STD services that provide treatment and counseling for female sex workers; and to increase educational activities among the workers' Guyanese clients.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to measure regional pulmonary perfusion using SPECT and transmission tomography for attenuation correction and density measurements. METHODS: Regional pulmonary perfusion was studied after intravenous injection of radiolabeled particles in 10 supine healthy volunteers using SPECT. Transmission tomography was used to correct for attenuation, measure lung density and delineate the lungs. The effects of attenuation correction on pulmonary perfusion gradients were investigated. RESULTS: In perfusion measurements not corrected for attenuation, we found significant perfusion gradients in the direction of gravity but also significant gradients at isogravitational level. After correction for attenuation, the gravitational gradient was significantly greater than before correction, and gradients at isogravitational level were no longer observed. Perfusion in the ventral lung zone was half of that in the dorsal lung zone. Mean lung density was 0.28 +/- 0.03 g/ml, and density showed a significant increase in the direction of gravity and at isogravitational level. CONCLUSION: We found that SPECT perfusion studies of the lung not corrected for attenuation gave a false impression of nongravitational gradients and underestimate the gradient that is gravity-dependent. Transmission tomography, used for attenuation correction, also quantifies lung density and shows gravity dependent and nondependent density gradients.  相似文献   

Pramipexole is a dopamine receptor agonist that has proved effective in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The pharmacokinetic properties of pramipexole at steady-state concentrations were studied in 16 healthy men and women at four dose levels throughout the range recommended for Parkinson's patients. Plasma and urine samples collected within the four dose intervals were assayed for concentrations of pramipexole, using high-performance liquid chromatography. The total oral clearance for all participants was 419 mL/min. The mean volume of distribution and elimination half-life for all participants was 486 +/- 93.2 L and 12.9 +/- 3.27 hours. Concentrations of pramipexole were proportional to dose, although the drug's pharmacokinetic properties differed between men and women. The area under the concentration-time curve for each dose level was 35% to 43% greater in women, mainly because of a 24% to 27% lower oral clearance. The mean creatinine clearance in men and women was 112 +/- 12.8 mL/ min/1.73 m2 and 80.9 +/- 15.6 mL/min/1.73 m2, respectively. The renal clearance of pramipexole accounts for approximately 80% of oral clearance, and there was a significant correlation between renal and creatinine clearances. The influence of gender could not be distinguished from the influence of age and the resulting reduced creatinine clearance, but the measurement of pharmacokinetic properties produced linear results in both men and women.  相似文献   

The effects of aerobic exercise training in a sample of 85 older adults were investigated. Ss were assigned randomly to either an aerobic exercise group, a nonaerobic exercise (yoga) group, or a waiting-list control group. Following 16 weeks of the group-specific protocol, all of the older Ss received 16 weeks of aerobic exercise training. The older adults demonstrated a significant increase in aerobic capacity (cardiorespiratory fitness). Performance on reaction-time tests of attention and memory retrieval was slower for the older adults than for a comparison group of 24 young adults, and there was no improvement in the older adults' performance on these tests as a function of aerobic exercise training. Results suggest that exercise-related changes in older adults' cognitive performance are due either to extended periods of training or to cohort differences between physically active and sedentary individuals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Autocrine stimulation of growth factor receptors by autonomously produced ligands regulates different aspects of cellular transformation and progression. In several tumors, including gliomas, multiple autocrine systems are activated and may exert different functions in the malignant transformation process. The c-kit proto-oncogene is widely expressed in human gliomas, and it may be activated by its co-expressed ligand, stem cell factor (SCF). Studies in glioma cell lines as well as different tumor types suggest the possibility of intracellular interactions of c-kit with SCF. Although c-kit and SCF may not play a primary and causal role in the initiation and progression of glial tumors they may still be contributing factors in glioma biology. It can be hypothesized that the parallel activation of several autocrine systems including some of which have found less attention in gliomas, such as c-kit/SCF, could compromise the efficacy of therapies targeting different autocrine loops. A better understanding of the multiplicity and mechanisms of autocrine stimulation has implications for the development of new therapies interfering with autocrine tumor cell growth.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To test the effect of stellate ganglion block on tympanic membrane temperatures. DESIGN: Prospective, observational study. SETTING: Department of Anesthesia, Yamanashi Medical University, Yamanashi, Japan. SUBJECTS: 7 healthy male volunteers. INTERVENTIONS: Stellate ganglion block, 6 ml of 1% mepivacaine hydrochloride, was administered. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Application of temperature probes (right and left tympanic membranes, eight adhesive right skin-surface temperatures at the chest, upper arm, digital fingertip, lateral calf, thigh, and great toe) was followed by a 30-minute control period. Temperatures were recorded every 15 minutes for 30 minutes before stellate ganglion block and every 5 minutes for 40 minutes after the block. The right tympanic membrane temperature increased slightly but not significantly compared with the left tympanic membrane temperature 10 minutes after stellate ganglion block and subsequently. Right skin-surface temperature gradients at the upper limb decreased slightly but not significantly after stellate ganglion block. Similarly, right skin-surface temperature gradients at the lower limb decreased slightly but not significantly after stellate ganglion block. CONCLUSIONS: Stellate ganglion block does not change the tympanic membrane temperatures of either block or unblock sides.  相似文献   

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