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Y2O3: Er3 , Yb3 nanoparticles were synthesized by a homogeneous precipitation method without and with different concentrations of EDTA 2Na. Upconversion luminescence spectra of the samples were studied under 980 nm laser excitation. The results of XRD showed that the obtained Y2O3:Er3 ,Yb3 nanoparticles were of a cubic structure. The average crystallite sizes calculated were in the range of 28-40 nm. Green and red upconversion emission were observed, and attributed to 2H11/ 2,4S3/ 2→4I15/ 2 and 4F9/ 2→4I15/2 transitions of the Er3 ion, respectively. The ratio of the intensity of green emission to that of red emission drastically changed with a change in the EDTA 2Na concentration. In the sample synthesized without EDTA, the relative intensity of the green emission was weaker than that of the red emission. The relative intensities of green emission increased with the increased amount of EDTA 2Na used. The possible upconversion luminescence mechanisms were discussed.  相似文献   

Gd2 O3∶Eu3+ isanefficientredemittinglumines centmaterial ,whichcanbeappliedindisplays[1,2 ] .TheconventionalcommercialGd2 O3∶Eu3+ ismainlysynthesizedbyhightemperaturesolid statereactionandchemicalco precipitationmethods .Anadvancedperformanceofdisplaysrequireshighqualityphospho rssuchashighbrightnessandefficiency ,monodisper sityandfinegrainsize .Muchresearchhasanticipatedthatsubmicrometer sizedandnanometerluminescentmaterialswillhavethesepotentialadvantages[3~ 8] ,sosubmicrometer sizedan…  相似文献   

Ultra-fine Ce:YAG phosphors were prepared by homogeneous precipitation under microwave irradiation method. The formation of Ce:YAG was investigated by means of XRD and DTA/TG. The purified YAG crystallized phase was obtained at a lower temperature (1100 ℃). Basically spherical Ce:YAG powders were indicated from TEM images, and the size of the particles is about 80 nm. Two peaks of 436 and 473 nm can be seen from the excitation spectrum in the range of 402~510 nm. A broad emission band located at 480~630 nm shows the phosphors prepared by this method have good emission properties.  相似文献   

Y2O3: Er^3+, Yb^3+ nanoparticles were synthesized by a homogeneous precipitation method without and with different concentrations of EDTA 2Na. Upconversion luminescence spectra of the samples were studied under 980 nm laser excitation. The results of XRD showed that the obtained Y2O3:Er^3+,Yb^3+ nanoparticles were of a cubic structure. The average crystallite sizes calculated were in the range of 28-40 nm. Green and red upconversion emission were observed, and attributed to ^2H11/2,^4S3/2→^4I15/2 and ^4F9/2→^4I15/2 transitions of the ion, respectively. The ratio of the intensity of green emission to that of red emission drastically changed with a change in the EDTA 2Na concentration. In the sample synthesized without EDTA, the relative intensity of the green emission was weaker than that of the red emission. The relative intensities of green emission increased with the increased amount of EDTA 2Na used. The possible upconversion luminescence mechanisms were discussed.  相似文献   

This work described the preparation of dysprosium oxide, Dy2O3, nanoparticles using the homogeneous precipitation method. Dy3+ ions were precipitated using NaOH solution. The obtained product was filtered, dried, and then calcined for 1 h at the temperature range of 300–700 °C in static air. The calcination temperature of the Dy-precursor was chosen based on its decomposition as indicated by the TGA analysis. The crystalline structure and surface morphology of the calcined solids were studied by X-ray diffraction(XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). The obtained results revealed that Dy2O3 with crystallites size of 11–21 nm was formed at 500 °C. Such value increased to 25–37 nm for the sample calcined at 700 °C.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles of BaLiF3:Er^3+ were prepared from the quaternary microemulsions of Cetyltrim-Enthyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB), n-butanol, n-octane, and water, using the hydrothermal-microemulsion technique. The complex fluorides were characterized by means of X-ray power diffraction, Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM), and fluorescence spectra. The positions and intensifies of the peaks in the XRD pattern of the final products indicate the formation of BaLiF3·Er^3+. No other peaks or impurities were detected. The average size of the nanoparticles, calculated with the Debye-Scherrer equation was 98.45 nm, which was in agreement with the result of ESEM. The infrared fluorescence spectra consisted of four peaks with a predominant peak located at 1540 nm.  相似文献   

Eu3+ doped CaWO4 with tetragonal system were prepared at comparatively low temperature (125 ?C) in ethylene glycol medium. The phosphor was further investigated by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), photoluminescence spectrophotometer (PL), Fourier transform infra red (FT-IR) spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD analysis indicated a decrease in the unit cell volume of CaWO4 with increasing Eu3+ ion concentration. It indicated the homogeneous substitution of Ca2+ ions in CaWO4 by the Eu3+ ions. TEM images showed that the particle size ranged from 20 to 200 nm and it could extend the application of the nanoparticles. The photoluminescence study showed that the intensity of electric dipole transition (5D0→7F2) at 614 nm dominated over the magnetic dipole transition (5D0→7F1) at 592 nm. The optimum concentration of Eu3+ for the highest luminescence was found to be 20 at.%. The as prepared samples were found to be dis-persible in water and methanol.  相似文献   

ThereareseveralprecipitationmethodsinthesynthesisofY2 O3 nano powdersuchascarbonatemethod ,ammoniumsaltmethodandoxyhydratemeth odetc .[1~ 5] ,buttheoxalateprecipitationmethodisconsideredtobethebestmethodinindustryandtheadvantagesofoxalicacidastheagentofp…  相似文献   

This paper presented a scientific study of the effects of four dispersion methods on the dispersion capability of nano La2O3 suspensions, which are ball milling, ultrasonic, ultrasonic followed by ball milling and ball milling followed by ultrasonic. For the purposes of comparing their dispersion capability, sedimentation test, Zeta-potential measurement test, particles size measurement test and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) test were carried out. Suspension ability coefficient was also defined with expectation to estimate the stability of nano La2O3 suspension through granularity size, and their relationship curve was worked out. The results showed that ultrasonic followed by ball milling enjoyed an excellent capability of dispersion for nano La2O3 suspension. Its mechanism was discussed, and breakage models of nano La2O3 particles were developed. The study results indicated that ultrasonic followed by ball milling could break through both the limits of ultrasonic dispersion size range and thermo-effect, and thus was able to overcome the problem of the secondary aggregation of nanoparticles. Moreover, aggregations could be further de-agglomerated. As a result, dispersion capability of nano La2O3 suspension could be improved more greatly by ultrasonic followed by ball milling. And its suspension stability was the best with the highest suspension ability coefficient of the nanoparticles. It was found in the experiment that there was almost no obvious phenomenon of stratification for the suspension with a little sediment after being deposited for 8 d.  相似文献   

A facile approach to preparing well-dispersed nanocrystals of BaCeO3 was developed by a combination of solvothermal and annealing processes. The precursor consisted of amorphous BaCO3 and CeO2, and the conversion of the precursor to crystalline BafeO3 nanocrystals occurred upon heat treatment at a relatively low temperature. The as-processed BaCeO3 had an orthorhombic structure and the average size of such crystals was approximately 80 nm. The obtained products were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Laser Raman Spectroscopy (LRS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDS), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). This preparation process could also be used to synthesize doped barium cerate complex oxides Bafe0.95M0.05O3-δ (M=Y, Nd, Gd, and Sm).  相似文献   

ThesimpleperovskiteBaPbO3hasbeenreportedtohavehighelectricalconductivityandorthorhombicsymmetry[1~ 3] .Matherssetal .[4 ] reportedthehighconductivityofthismaterialoriginatesfromtheforma tionofabroadbandduetomixingoflead 6sandoxy gen 2pstates .Substitutionand/ornonstoichiometryinBaPbO3induceinterestingelectricalproperties .Forexample ,Sleightetal .[3] foundthesuperconductivityofBaPb1-xBixO3intherangeofx =0 .0 5~ 0 .3in1975 .IncreasingattentionhasbeenfocusedonBaP bO3asacomponentofthemate…  相似文献   

A facile co-precipitation route for the synthesis of well-dispersed LaCoO3 nanocrystals was developed. The asprepared products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX), and laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS). The resuks showed that modulating the growth parameters, such as the addition of surfactants as well as the adding manner of the precipitator had a significant effect on the overall shape and size of the obtained nanocrystals. The nanorods with the diameter of 20 nm and spherical LaCoO3 nanocrystals with the size of about 25 nm could be obtained at a relatively low calcining temperature of 600℃. Furthermore, the Raman properties of LaCoO3 products obtained at different calcining temperatures were investigated.  相似文献   

Tb3+ and Yb3+ codoped Lu2O3 nanophosphors were synthesized by the reverse-strike co-precipitation method. The obtained Lu2O3:Tb3+,Yb3+ nanophosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. The XRD results showed that all the prepared nanophosphors could be readily indexed to pure cubic phase of Lu2O3 and indicated good crystallinity. The Tb3+→Yb3+ energy transfer mechanisms in the UV-blue region in Lu2O3 nanophosphors were investigated. The experimental results showed that the strong visible emission around 543 nm from Tb3+ (5D4→7F5) and near-infrared (NIR) emission around 973 nm from Yb3+ (2F5/2→2F7/2) of Lu2O3:Tb3+,Yb3+ nanophosphors were observed under ultraviolet light excitation, respectively. Tb3+ could be effectively excited up to its 4f75d1 state and relaxed down to the 5D4 level, from which the energy was transferred cooperatively to two neighboring Yb3+. The Yb3+ concentration dependent luminescent properties and lifetimes of both the visible and NIR emissions were also studied. The lifetime of the visible emission decreased with the increase of Yb3+ concentration, verifying the efficient energy transfer from the Tb3+ to the Yb3+. Cooperative energy transfer (CET) from Tb3+ to Yb3+ was discussed as a possible mechanism for the near-infrared emission. When doped concentrations were 1 mol.% Tb3+ and 2 mol.% Yb3+, the intensity of NIR emission was the strongest.  相似文献   

Synthesis and properties of Tb~(3 ) isomultiligand complexes  相似文献   

A synthesis of LaF3:0.04Yb^3+,0.01Er^3+ nanocrystals with oleic acid as a capping ligand was presemed. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) pattern indicated that the power was a single hexagonal phase. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) demonstrated that the average size of the nanocrystals was less than 10 nm, with a narrow size distribution. The nanocrystals were dispersible in nonpolar solvents and form a fully transparent colloidal solution, and the solution was stable for several months without any aggregates. The Yb^3+-Er^3+ codoped nanocrystal colloidal solution exhibited a bright green upconversion fluorescence under 980 nm excitation from a diode laser. The nanocrystals were potentially applicable in biolabeling and bioimaging.  相似文献   

Cerium dioxide(CeO2) has attracted much attention and has wide applications such as automotive exhaust catalysts,polishing materials for optical glasses and additives for advanced glasses,as well as cosmetic materials.The particle size and its distribution are key factors to the performance of the materials in the functional applications.However,control of particle size is still a challenge in materials synthesis.Therefore,continuous precipitation of cerium oxalate(precursor of ceria) was carried out at dif...  相似文献   

Monodispersed and water-soluble TbF3 nanoparticles were synthesized at a relatively low temperature in aqueous solution using citric acid as an additive,and characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM),Fourier transform infrared spectra(FTIR),photoluminescence(PL) spectra and lifetime.The as-prepared TbF3 nanoparticles had orthorhombic structure and were composed of monodispersed spherical particles with an average particle size of 50 nm.The excitation spectrum...  相似文献   

Polycrystalline Nd3+ and La3+ co-doped yttria nanopowder Nd3+:Y1.90La0.10O3 for transparent ceramics was synthesized by co-precipitation method using oxalate acid as the precipitant and(NH4)2SO4 as the electrical stabilizer under ultrasonic radiation.Nanopowders calcined at different temperatures were characterized with thermal gravimetric-differential thermal analysis(TG/DTA),X-ray diffraction(XRD),transmitting electron microscopy(TEM),energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS) and spectral analysis techniques.Th...  相似文献   

Al2O3/TiCN composites were synthesized by hot pressing.The influences of components and HP temperature on mechanical properties,such as bending strength,breaking tenacity and Vickers hardness were investigated.The results showed that the mechanical properties of Al2O3/TiCN composite increased with temperature when hot pressing temperature is below 1650 ℃.The mechanical properties reached their maximums when the composites were sintered at 1650 ℃ for 30 min under hot pressing pressure of 35 MPa,the value of bending strength,breaking tenacity and Vickers hardness was 1015 MPa,6.89 MPa·m1/2,and 20.82 MPa,respectively.When hot pressing temperature was above 1650 ℃,density decreased because of decomposition with increased temperature,and mechanical properties dropped because of rapid growth of grains in size at high temperature.Microstructure analysis showed that the addition of Y2O3 led to the formation of YAG phase so as to inhibit the growth of crystals.This helped to improve breaking tenacity of the composites.TiCN particles with diameters of 1 μm dispersed at Al2O3 grain boundaries,inhibited grain growth and enhanced mechanical properties of the composites.SEM study of the propagation of indentation cracks showed that the bridge linking behavior between matrix and strengthening phase might lead to the formation of the coexisted field of crack deflection,branching and bridge linking.The mechanism of this phenomenon was that the addition of Y2O3 improved the dispersion of TiCN particles so as to enhance the tenacity of the composites.The breaking tenacity was changed from 5.94 to 6.89 MPa·m1/2.  相似文献   

高中良  李佳  刘雁  陈永生 《稀有金属》2007,31(2):219-223
以特戊酸和乙酸为原料脱羧合成频那酮,首次全面考察了催化剂的制备条件对催化剂活性的影响,并对催化剂寿命、再生以及稳定性进行了研究。反应在固定床反应器中进行,采用气相色谱对合成液进行分析。结果表明,催化剂活性物质为La2O3或Pr6O11时催化活性最高;当La2O3负载量为15%,浸渍时间大于5 h,焙烧温度在560~640℃之间时制得的催化剂活性较优;催化剂寿命大于300 h,结构稳定,再生方法简单有效。  相似文献   

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