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This article reports the findings from a longitudinal study investigating the influence of phonological processing and inattentive behavior on reading acquisition. Data from individually administered measures of phonological processing and reading, as well as teacher ratings of children's behavior, were collected from a cohort of 132 children at 12-month intervals, from kindergarten to 2nd grade. Results from multiple linear regression analyses employing latent constructs of phonological abilities and inattentive behavior provided support for the hypothesized model, with kindergarten measures of inattentiveness and phonological abilities predicting subsequent reading performance. An analysis of reciprocal relationships among these constructs revealed evidence that inattentiveness also interfered with the acquisition of phonological analysis skills. Implications for reading instruction and reading interventions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There has been much confusion in the past on the topic of reading disabilities. The distinction is made between acquired cases of dyslexia where a previously acquired language skill is lost as the result of injury, disease or trauma to the central nervous system and cases of a more congenital nature where children seem to find it very difficult to acquire the normal reading skills. The study of acquired dyslexia has thrown much light on the various brain centra involved in all the complex language skills of which reading and writing is but one aspect. The cases of congenital dyslexia which are encountered frequently in all schools more than likely have little evidence of brain damage. Rather, a development lag or neurological disorganization seems to be at the root of such troubles. The importance of cerebral laterality for speech and language skills is being realized. In particular it appears that auditory dominance, an aspect of laterality that is still being investigated, is extremely important in the acquisition and execution of language skills. When a subject's voice is picked up by a microphone, delayed for .2" and then fed back to the subject via earphones the subject begins to stutter. Under certain conditions it is possible to demonstrate that the subject's speech will be more impaired when this delayed feedback is on his dominant ear than when it is on his non-dominant ear suggesting an assymetry of the monitoring functions of the two ears. This finding, if further investigated and validated, may have far reaching consequences in the remediation of language disorders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The nature of sublexical processing in reading complex (or compound) Chinese characters was investigated in 3 printed naming experiments using native speakers of Mandarin Chinese. In Experiments 1 and 2, facilitatory priming effects were observed for target characters, which were semantically related to the phonetic radicals embedded in complex characters but not to the complex characters themselves. In Experiment 3, the presence of semantic primes, which were related to the phonetic radicals embedded in the complex targets but not to the targets themselves, was found to increase the naming latencies to the targets. It is argued that sublexical processing in reading Chinese is both a phonological and a semantic event. There are no fundamental differences between sublexical processing of phonetic radicals and lexical processing of simple and complex characters. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Phonological awareness (PA) has been operationally defined by many different tasks, and task comparisons have been confounded by differing levels of linguistic complexity among items. A sample of 113 kindergartners and first graders completed PA tasks designed to separate task difficulty from linguistic complexity. These measures were, in turn, compared with measures of early literacy. Results indicated that the measures loaded on a single factor and that PA measured by differences in linguistic complexity, rather than by task differences, seemed to be more closely related to the factor. A logical analysis suggested that alphabet knowledge is necessary for children to separate onsets from rimes and that awareness of onsets and rimes is necessary both for word reading and for more complex levels of phonemic analysis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents an analysis and simulation model of the verbal protocols of 2 college students and 1 8-yr-old S learning to program recursive functions. The model is formalized as a production system capable of acquiring new production rules based on problem-solving experience. The model and protocols suggest that (a) problem solving by analogy to worked-out examples is frequent in initial attempts by novices to write recursive functions; (b) different representations of examples are used to guide problem solving by analogy; and (c) performance on later problems reflects the particular representations used in problem solving by analogy on earlier problems. The protocols and simulations also suggest that learning is facilitated by using abstract representations of the structure of recursion examples to guide initial coding attempts. (French abstract) (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Models of human number representation are based mainly on evidence from indirect sources such as number comparison tasks and findings on acquired dyscalculia. Researchers have rarely looked at the processing times of individual numbers. The experiments described in this article indicate that this neglect may have been unwarranted because number reading times considerably constrain the range of acceptable theoretical models. In particular, it is found that the time to process an Arabic integer from 1 to 99 is a function of the logarithm of the number magnitude, the frequency of the number, and sometimes the syllable length of the number name. In addition, processing a number facilitates the processing of a subsequent number with a close value. The effects of number magnitude and number priming are found for number naming as well, indicating that phonological recoding in silent reading (as evidenced by the syllable-length effect) happens after the internal semantic numerical representation has been accessed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the differences in component processing skills of students of different ages and the developmental changes that occurred over 1 yr. The Ss in Exp 1 were 112 students in Grades 2–5 from a school district in western Massachusetts. They were administered a computer battery of tasks designed to measure speed and accuracy of processing on a number of component reading skills. The component skills measured were letter processing, word naming, pseudoword naming, concept activation, and syntactic and semantic processing. Of the original 112 students, 59 were located 1 yr later and were given parental permission to participate in a follow-up experiment. The 2 experiments trace the development of component processing skills and discuss the implications for a theory of development of component skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How the difficulty of initial training influences the acquisition and transfer of strategic processing skills and memory for processed stimuli was examined in 3 experiments. Participants were asked to discriminate between similar or dissimilar random polygon stimuli. Participants were asked to discriminate between novel transfer polygons; this was followed by a recognition memory task. Results suggest that the difficulty of initial training influences strategic skill acquisition. Strategies acquired during training are applied at transfer regardless of their effectiveness for processing transfer stimuli. This is true even when participants are given feedback indicating that their processing strategy is ineffective. It is argued that skill acquisition is influenced by the acquisition of both stimulus-specific knowledge and strategic skills, and that the strategic skills acquired serve to optimize processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five homophone priming experiments were reported in which the lexicality of primes and targets were varied, so that primes and targets were either nonword homophones (keff-keph), word homophones (brake-break), pseudohomophones (brayk-braik), or of mixed lexicality (brake-brayk and brayk-break). Results showed that naming of targets was facilitated by a phonologically identical prime only when a word was in the prime-target pairing. Simulations of these data using the dual-route cascaded model of reading (e.g., M. Coltheart, B. Curtis, P. Atkins, & M. Haller, 1993) were also reported. These results are evidence against the view that there is a critical early stage in the process of visual word recognition in which words are represented in purely phonological form, and they are evidence for the view that knowledge of orthography and phonology is represented locally in the reading system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Is Chinese read by a process that bypasses phonology, or is phonology a part of word identification as it is in alphabetic writing systems? Two experiments provide evidence that phonological information is activated as part of Chinese character identification. When participants made judgments about the meanings of pairs of characters, their reaction times and error rates to homophonic foils showed phonological interference. Correspondingly, when they made judgments about the pronunciation of pairs of characters, they showed semantic interference. The 2nd experiment found phonological interference with only 90 ms stimulus onset asynchrony and semantic interference at 140 ms. These results are accounted for by a class of models that assume that phonological names are constituents of word identification in Chinese. The results provide support for a universal principle of phonological processes in reading. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relative time course of semantic and phonological activation was investigated in the context of whether phonology mediates access to lexical representations in reading Chinese. Compound words (Experiment 1) and single-character words (Experiments 2 and 3) were preceded by semantic and phonological primes. Strong semantic priming effects were found at both short (57 ms) and long (200 ms) stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), but phonological effects were either absent in lexical decision (Experiment 1), were present only at the longer SOA in character decision (Experiment 2) or were equally strong as semantic effects in naming (Experiment 3). Experiment 4 revealed facilitatory or inhibitory effects, depending on SOA, in phonological judgments to character pairs that were not phonologically but semantically related. It was concluded that, in reading Chinese, semantic information in the lexicon is activated at least as early and just as strongly as phonological information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A group of 1st-graders who were administered a battery of reading tasks in a previous study were followed up as 11th graders. Ten years later, they were administered measures of exposure to print, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and general knowledge. First-grade reading ability was a strong predictor of all of the 11th-grade outcomes and remained so even when measures of cognitive ability were partialed out. First-grade reading ability (as well as 3rd- and 5th-grade ability) was reliably linked to exposure to print, as assessed in the 11th grade, even after 11th-grade reading comprehension ability was partialed out, indicating that the rapid acquisition of reading ability might well help develop the lifetime habit of reading, irrespective of the ultimate level of reading comprehension ability that the individual attains. Finally, individual differences in exposure to print were found to predict differences in the growth in reading comprehension ability throughout the elementary grades and thereafter. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of training to improve letter-naming speed on beginning reading skill was evaluated with 39 1st-grade students. Ss were randomly assigned to training and control groups and were administered curriculum-based measures of reading at pretraining, post-training, and follow-up. Trained Ss demonstrated significantly faster letter-naming speed at post-training assessment as compared with untrained Ss. However, the difference in letter-naming speed did not lead to a significant difference in overall measured reading skill as evaluated by an analyses of covariance. Scores for 1 of the 4 reading measures (Fall passage oral reading rate) demonstrated a significant difference at post-training, but were not significant at follow-up. In 2 of the 3 remaining measures of beginning reading skill, differences between the mean scores of trained and untrained Ss were greatest at points where the assessment of skills most closely matched the content of classroom instruction. However, these differences were not statistically significant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined coding processes involved in reading connected text in 3 experiments with 54 Ss who read text passages and occasionally responded to lexical-decision probes. Exp I focused on semantic and surface codes. Results suggest that the activation of semantic codes increased over time, whereas surface codes did not. In addition, Ss who were instructed to remember the exact wording of the passages showed stronger activation of surface codes than did Ss who read for comprehension. Exps II and III explored the role of phonological codes in reading. Results from Exp II indicate that phonological codes were activated by specific words in a passage; however, Exp III results fail to demonstrate that phonological codes were activated by the more general passage context. Combined results suggest that reading involves several coding systems that are activated according to time and reading instruction constraints. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

English-speaking children (N?=?122) in French immersion classes participated in a 1-year longitudinal study of the relation between phonological awareness and reading achievement in both languages. Participants were administered measures of word decoding and of phonological awareness in French and in English as well as measures of cognitive ability, speeded naming, and pseudoword repetition in English only. The relation of phonological awareness in French to reading achievement in each of the languages was equivalent to that in English. These relations remained significant after partialing out the influences of speeded naming and pseudoword repetition. Phonological awareness in both languages was specifically associated with 1-year increments in decoding skill in French. These findings support the transfer of phonological awareness skills across alphabetic languages. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors introduce a model of skill acquisition that incorporates elements of both traditional models and models based on embedded cognition by striking a balance between top-down and bottom-up control. A knowledge representation is used in which pre- and postconditions are attached to actions. This model captures improved performance due to learning not only in terms of shorter solution times and lower error rates during the task but also in an increased flexibility to solve similar problems and robustness against unexpected events. In 3 experiments using a complex aviation task, the authors contrasted instructions that explicitly stated pre- and postconditions with conventional instructions that did not. The instructions with pre- and postconditions led to better and more robust performance than other instructions, especially on problems that required transfer. The parameters of the model were estimated to obtain a quantitative fit of the results of Experiment 1, which was then successfully used to predict the results of Experiments 2 and 3. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This prospective study examined early first-language (L1) predictors of later second-language (L2) reading (word decoding, comprehension) and spelling skills by conducting a series of multiple regressions. Measures of L1 word decoding, spelling, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, receptive vocabulary, and listening comprehension administered in the 1st through 5th grades were used as predictors of L2 reading (word decoding, comprehension) and spelling skills in high school. The best predictor of L2 decoding skill was a measure of L1 decoding, and the best predictors of L2 spelling were L1 spelling and L1 phonological awareness. The best predictor of L2 reading comprehension was a measure of L1 reading comprehension. When L2 word decoding skill replaced L1 word decoding as a predictor variable for L2 reading comprehension, results showed that L2 word decoding was an important predictor of L2 reading comprehension. The findings suggest that even several years after students learn to read and spell their L1, word decoding, spelling, and reading comprehension skills transfer from L1 to L2. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of 3 instructional approaches for the prevention of reading disabilities in young children with weak phonological skills was examined. Two programs varying in the intensity of instruction in phonemic decoding were contrasted with each other and with a 3rd approach that supported the children's regular classroom reading program. The children were provided with 88 hr of one-to-one instruction beginning the second semester of kindergarten and extending through 2nd grade. The most phonemically explicit condition produced the strongest growth in word level reading skills, but there were no differences between groups in reading comprehension. Word level skills of children in the strongest group were in the middle of the average range. Growth curve analyses showed that beginning phonological skills, home background, and ratings of classroom behavior all predicted unique variance in growth of word level skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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