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Stressful events in the lives of 309 10- to 15-year-olds and stressful events and psychological symptoms reported by their parents were examined in a 9-month study. Ss' self-reported emotional/behavioral problems were predicted by their reports of stressful events and their fathers' reports of psychological symptoms in cross-sectional analyses. Analyses at follow-up after controlling for initial reports of emotional/behavioral problems and prospective analyses predicting from first assessment to follow-up yielded significant effects for Ss' self-reported stressful events. Mothers' reports of children's problems were predicted by mothers' psychological symptoms in cross-sectional analyses and at follow-up after controlling for initial emotional/behavioral problems. Only prior levels of maternal reports of emotional/behavioral problems predicted mothers' reports of their children's problems 9 months later. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using a large database, this study examined 3 refinements of validity generalization procedures: (1) a more accurate procedure for correcting the residual standard deviation (SD) for range restriction to estimate SDp, (2) use of r? instead of study-observed rs in the formula for sampling error variance, and (3) removal of non-Pearson rs. The 1st procedure does not affect the amount of variance accounted for by artifacts. The addition of the 2nd and 3rd procedures increased the mean percentage of validity variance accounted for by artifacts from 70 to 82%, a 17% increase. The cumulative addition of all 3 procedures decreased the mean SDp estimate from .150 to .106, a 29% decrease. Six additional variance-producing artifacts were identified that could not be corrected for. In light of these it was concluded that the obtained estimates of mean SDp and mean validity variance accounted for were consistent with the hypothesis that the true mean SDp value is close to zero. These findings provide further evidence against the situational specificity hypothesis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study analyzed the relations among 151 7th- and 8th-grade adolescents' self-evaluations of the occurrence of their behavior, their own subjective distress over their behavior, their perceptions of their personal competence, their perceptions of their mothers' and fathers' distress over these behaviors, and their parents' reports of the occurrence of adolescent behaviors. As hypothesized, adolescents' self-reports of occurrence of their behaviors were significantly but moderately correlated with their subjective distress about these behaviors, and adolescents made a distinction between the occurrence of a behavior and their distress about it. Externalizing behaviors were rated by adolescents as more distressing to mothers and to fathers than to adolescents themselves, and conversely, internalizing behaviors were rated as more distressing to self than to parents. Ratings of subjective distress were significantly related to self-perceptions of behavioral conduct and self-worth, whereas parents' ratings of the occurrence of behavior were not related to these self-perceptions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Principal factor analysis followed by promax rotations were performed on Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) scores of 2,339 children randomly drawn from a sample of 4,674 clinically referred Dutch children, aged 4–18 years. Dutch syndromes were very similar in item composition to the 8 CBCL cross-informant syndromes derived by T. M. Achenbach (1991), except for the Social Problems syndrome. Cross-national correlations ranged from .82 for the Social Problems syndrome to .99 for the Somatic Complaints and Anxious/Depressed syndromes. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Dutch and American syndromes in a cross-validation sample of the remaining 2,335 Dutch children supported both the Dutch and the American scales to the same degree. Exploratory and confirmatory results both strongly supported the cross-cultural generalizability of the CBCL cross-informant syndromes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify aggression patterns among students, compare teachers' and students' reports on aggressiveness, and examine whether emotional and behavioral problems and self-control intercorrelate with aggression and can explain it among students. The study investigated 363 students aged 8 to 11 years and their 12 homeroom teachers in two elementary schools in central Israel. As expected, students reported higher verbal aggression than physical without gender differences in the general tendency. Also, students reported a higher rate of others' aggression toward them than their own aggression toward others. Similarities emerged between students' and teachers' reports. Four types of students were classified: the aggressive initiator (proactive), the aggressive responder (reactive), the passive victim, and a neutral type. An important outcome was the significant negative association of aggressiveness with self-control. Students with higher rates of self-control skills presented lower rates of aggressive behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study used a developmental-ecological approach to investigate the relationship across the school year between early problems in preschool classroom situations and a comprehensive set of readiness competencies for urban low-income children. Study 1 identified 3 reliable and unique underlying classroom situational dimensions where behavior problems occurred: structured learning, peer interaction, and teacher interaction situations. Boys and younger children evidenced more problematic behavior across all situations. Study 2 investigated the relationship between early problems in the situations and readiness outcomes. Early situational difficulties uniquely and differentially predicted lower peer social and classroom learning outcomes. In combination, both the type of behavior problem (what) and the situational problem (where) explained greater variance in the prediction of readiness outcomes, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of developmental trajectories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Early motherhood (r?=?.33) with the number of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) symptoms of conduct disorder in a sample of 253 boys (aged 6–13 yrs) who had been referred to outpatient clinics. The following models were compared using path analysis: (1) Teenage motherhood, parental antisocial personality, and socioeconomic status (SES) each contribute uniquely to the prediction of childhood conduct problems; (2) teenage motherhood mediates the association of SES and parental antisocial personality with child conduct problems; and (3) teenage motherhood is spuriously related with child conduct problems because of common associations with SES and parental antisocial personality. Model (3) best fit the data. Similar results were obtained whether maternal age at the birth of the firstborn child or the proband child was used to define maternal age and when teenage motherhood was defined as giving birth at  相似文献   

The inhibition of 99 children was observed from the start of preschool through Grade 1 in multiple settings: adult strangers, dyadic play with unfamiliar and familiar peers, and regular free play in class. A multisetting–multimethod–multioccasion analysis revealed (a) a high longitudinal stability of inhibition toward strangers and a medium stability of inhibition in class, (b) a decreasing consistency between inhibition in class and inhibition toward strangers, (c) an increasing consistency between inhibition in class and being ignored or rejected by classmates, and (d) no detrimental effect of children's inhibition toward strangers on their dyadic play with familiar peers. These results are discussed in terms of a 2-factor model of inhibition that is linked to J. A. Gray's (1982; see also PA, Vol 75:35718) concept of the behavioral inhibition system. It is assumed that both unfamiliarity and social–evaluative concerns contribute to individual differences in inhibition in childhood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Akey question for understanding the interplay between nature and nurture in development is the direction of effects in socialization. As part of the Colorado Adoption Project, adopted children were classified as being at genetic risk (N?=?38) or not at genetic risk (N?=?50) for antisocial behavior based on their biological mothers self-report history of antisocial behavior collected prior to the birth of the child. From age 7 through age 12, adoptive parents reported on the negative control, positive parenting, and inconsistent parenting they use in managing their child's behavior. Repeated measures analysis of variance indicated that children at genetic risk were consistently more likely to receive negative parenting from their adoptive parents than children not at genetic risk, indicating an evocative genotype-environment correlation. However, the findings also showed that most of the association between negative parenting and children's externalizing behavior was not explicable on the basis of at evocative gene-environment correlation and that an additional environmentally mediated parental effect on children's behavior was plausible. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Pediatric and Adolescent Behavioral Medicine: Issues in Treatment edited by Patrick J. McGrath and Philip Firestone (1983). With recent advances in behavioural medicine more generally, paediatric behavioural medicine has been expanding rapidly during the last decade. At this time, it seems most opportune to integrate notions from psychological and developmental models of treatment with medical treatment models, practice, and services. This book covers a number of childhood and adolescent disorders, including abdominal pain syndrome, asthma, elevated blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and obesity. The issues raised in this edited volume cover a number of important difficulties in the behavioural paediatrics area. Psychologists and other professionals working with difficulties associated with treating paediatric problems in well-child health care facilities will find it very useful. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors review research showing that when recalling autobiographical events, many emotionally disturbed patients summarize categories of events rather than retrieving a single episode. The mechanisms underlying such overgeneral memory are examined, with a focus on M. A. Conway and C. W. Pleydell-Pearce's (2000) hierarchical search model of personal event retrieval. An elaboration of this model is proposed to account for overgeneral memory, focusing on how memory search can be affected by (a) capture and rumination processes, when mnemonic information used in retrieval activates ruminative thinking; (b) functional avoidance, when episodic material threatens to cause affective disturbance; and (c) impairment in executive capacity and control that limits an individual's ability to remain focused on retrieval in the face of distraction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eighteen students (K-11th grade) with emotional/behavioral disorders who were at-risk for change of placement to more restrictive settings participated. Construct validity of functional behavioral assessment (FBA) was assessed with a multifunction-multimethod matrix that showed excellent convergent and divergent agreement with combined FBA methods and functional analysis results. Treatment validity was assessed with random assignment to either a FBA with consultation condition (FBC) or to a behavioral consultation without FBA condition (BC). Growth curve analysis showed a significant decrease in inappropriate behavior from baseline to treatment for both treatment groups compared to a control group. The efficiency of teachers' implementation effected treatment validity. Effect sizes showed that regardless of treatment condition that interventions with good fidelity realized the largest effect (d = -1.14). Social and habilitative validity was assessed with telephone interviews conducted a year after treatment. Sixty-five percent attributed the students' problem behaviors to their thoughts or feelings, whereas only 25% attributed it to classroom variables. Many (57%) indicated the most helpful intervention would be individual counseling, whereas only 14% indicated a more involved classroom management plan would be useful. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The application of structural equation modeling to twin data is used to assess the impact of genetic and environmental factors on children's behavioral and emotional functioning. The models are applied to the maternal ratings of behavior of a subsample of 515 monozygotic and 749 dizygotic juvenile twin pairs, ages 8 through 16 yrs, obtained through mailed questionnaires as part of the Medical College of Virginia Adolescent Behavioral Development Twin Project. The importance of genetic, shared, and specific environmental factors for explaining variation is reported for both externalizing and internalizing behaviors, as well as significant differences in the causes of variation in externalizing behaviors among young boys and girls. The usefulness of applying structural equation models to data on monozygotic and dizygotic twins and the potential implications for addressing clinically relevant questions regarding the causes of psychopathology are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A key question for understanding the interplay between nature and nurture in development is the direction of effects in socialization. A longitudinal adoption design provides a unique opportunity to investigate this issue in terms of genotype-environment correlations for behavioral problems. As part of the Colorado Adoption Project, adopted children were classified as being at genetic risk (N = 38) or not at genetic risk (N = 50) for antisocial behavior based on their biological mothers' self-report history of antisocial behavior collected prior to the birth of the child. From age 7 through age 12, adoptive parents reported on the negative control, positive parenting, and inconsistent parenting they use in managing their child's behavior. Repeated measures analysis of variance indicated that children at genetic risk were consistently more likely to receive negative parenting from their adoptive parents than children not at genetic risk, indicating an evocative genotype-environment correlation. However, the findings also showed that most of the association between negative parenting and children's externalizing behavior was not explicable on the basis of an evocative gene-environment correlation and that an additional environmentally mediated parental effect on children's behavior was plausible.  相似文献   

Based on the different images projected by research on high- and low-anxious individuals and on the kinship between the anxiety concept and the motive-to-avoid-failure concept, differences between achievement-oriented and failure-threatened individuals in responsiveness to situational variation were predicted. 167 Norwegian 7th graders participated and were administered the Achievement Motives Scale. The hypothesis received support from persistence data from 2 situations: The intraindividual variation in persistence (time) across the situations was greater among achievement-oriented than among failure-threatened Ss. These differences could not be explained by achievement motivation theory. Results also illustrate that there was no inherent contradiction between high intraindividual variability and high correlations between behavior measures from different situations. (39 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

91 female and 9 male preschool teachers (average age 34 yrs) rated severity, need for referral, long-term outcome, stability, and importance of constitutional and environmental determinants for case vignettes describing 3 syndromes in children: aggression, hyperactivity, and withdrawal. Sex and age (3? and 5? yrs) of the described child were systematically varied across Ss. Results indicate little evidence of sex bias in Ss' evaluations of the behavior problems and show that Ss viewed behavior problems as more transient in younger children. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study sought to evaluate the existence and implications of familial aggregation of emotional and behavioral problems of childhood in a general population sample. METHOD: The children included in the study were chosen with the use of a sampling technique that identified households in which there were two or more children aged 4-16 years living at home at the time of the survey. Ratings on checklists of emotional and behavioral problems were obtained from parents, teachers of children in elementary school, and the children themselves if they were adolescents aged 12-16. Children were classified as having problems if their scores on scales of conduct, attention deficit, or emotional problems were in the top 10% of the distribution of scores from any informant. RESULTS: There was evidence for familial aggregation of these problems, particularly conduct and emotional problems. However, this was largely derived from the parents' reports of symptoms, not the teachers' or adolescents' reports. The degree of familial aggregation varied according to certain sibship characteristics and patterns of comorbidity. CONCLUSIONS: Familial aggregation of emotional and behavioral problems does exist in a community population and is not simply an artifact of clinic attendance.  相似文献   

Suggests that therapists who work with adolescents would benefit greatly from information on typical adolescent development. An empirically based Framework for Understanding Adolescent Development is presented, detailing the normative changes of the adolescent developmental period. Treatment implications of each component of the framework are discussed. The importance of various types of knowledge that are necessary for the clinician to work effectively with adolescent clients is emphasized (i.e., knowledge of developmental norms, developmental level, developmental transitions, developmental predictors, and developmental psychopathology). Recommendations are given for how a developmental perspective can be integrated into training and intervention endeavors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study addresses multiple gaps in understanding the implications of marital conflict resolution for children. Mothers' diary home reports (N = 102 mothers, N = 578 reports) of marital conflict resolution (i.e., compromise, apology, submission, agreement to disagree, withdrawal) and of children's responses, along with the reactions of children (N = 163) to analogue presentations of the same conflict endings in the laboratory, were examined. The significance of specific marital conflict endings, including the emotionality of endings, was supported and demonstrated for the first time in the home. Parents' and children's appraisals of resolution were generally similar, although for some endings these appraisals differed, supporting the notion that children are sensitive to the broader implications of conflict endings for interparental relations and family functioning. Children's responses to conflict resolution were related to their broader adjustment, further indicating the significance of conflict endings to understanding the impact of marital conflict. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a structural model, we tested how relations of predictors to level of adolescent substance use (tobacco, alcohol, marijuana), and to substance-related impaired-control and behavior problems, are moderated by good self-control and poor regulation in behavioral and emotional domains. The participants were a sample of 1,116 public high-school students. In a multiple-group analysis for good self-control, the paths from negative life events to substance use level and from level to behavior problems were lower among persons scoring higher on good behavioral self-control. In a multiple-group analysis for poor regulation, the paths from negative life events and peer use to level of substance use were greater among persons scoring higher on poor behavioral (but not emotional) regulation; an inverse path from academic competence to level was greater among persons scoring higher on both aspects of poor regulation. Paths from level to impaired-control and behavior problems were greater among persons scoring higher on both poor behavioral and poor emotional regulation. Theoretical implications concerning the role of behavioral and emotional regulation in moderation effects are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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