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Total nitrogen loss and ammonia volatilization from applications of ammonium bicarbonate and urea to flooded rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown on an acidic lacustrine clay in China were measured by15N balance and micrometeorological methods. Attempts were also made to reduce nitrogen loss by using different methods of applying the fertilizers.Ammonia volatilization from ammonium bicarbonate was greater than that from urea (18.2% and 8.8%, respectively, of the applied N). The total loss of ammonia from urea in this study was less than the losses observed in similar studies elsewhere. This was presumably because of the low incident radiation and low floodwater pHs in this experiment.Denitrification losses, calculated as the difference between total nitrogen loss and ammonia loss, were 42.2% and 39.3%, respectively, for ammonium bicarbonate and urea, and thus were more important than ammonia losses from both types of fertilizer.The different management treatments studied had an appreciable effect on ammonia flux densities but did not reduce the overall loss as measured by15N-balance.  相似文献   

The compound N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) was tested for its ability to reduce the rate of urea hydrolysis in applications of urea at 10 d after transplanting flooded rice. The rates of urea hydrolysis were relatively slow, and nBTPT caused a 1-d reduction in the rate of disappearance of urea from the floodwater. Despite this, the vapor pressures of ammonia in the floodwater were significantly lower in the plots with nBTPT than without for the first 5 d following the N application. The vapor pressures of ammonia measured in the afternoons indicate that ammonia volatilization losses were considerable from the treatments without nBTPT and low from the treatments with nBTPT. There was no nitrogen response in this wet-season crop, apparently because of the high availability of N in the soil. N conserved from ammonia volatilization losses by use of the inhibitor was apparently susceptible to denitrification loss, and 50% of the fertilizer was lost in the 37 d following the application of15N-labeled urea both with and without the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Denitrification rates (d) in a flooded alkaline clay were measured following addition of either to the floodwater, by collecting evolved N2 + N2O in an enclosure in the absence or presence of rice plants. Similar estimates of d were obtained in the treatment when the isotopic composition of the enclosed atmosphere was determined using arc redistribution or direct mass spectrometric analysis. Approximately 90% of the gaseous products of denitrification were physically trapped in the soil five days after addition. Mechanical shaking of the soil-water system was an effective method for releasing entrapped gas. Denitrification showed a marked diurnal variation in both and treatments planted to rice, with higher rates during the day than at night. Measured rates of denitrification were higher in planted than in unplanted pots for both and treatments for normal gas sampling. However, evidence was obtained that this was not a real effect, but was due to release of entrapped gas. Denitrification losses corrected for gas entrapment were estimated at <5% of applied . The 15N mass balance indicated that a much larger amount of applied ammonium (15–25%) was lost by NH3 volatilisation. The rate of denitrification corrected for gas entrapment was similar to the rate of nitrification estimated by inhibition of ammonium oxidation. Although the inhibitors 2-ethynylpyridine and acetylene prevented denitrification by effectively inhibiting nitrification of , the total recovery of 15N in the soil-plant system did not increase. The total recovery of was 7–9% higher in the presence than in the absence of rice.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to answer the question: is denitrification a major route of N loss from tropical agro-ecosystems? This question turns out to be very difficult to answer due to a severe shortage of data on this process for tropical agro-ecosystems other than rice. Given this lack of data, I approach this question by analyzing data on denitrification and nitrous oxide flux in tropical native forest and pasture soils and attempt to make some conclusions and pose some hypotheses about the significance of denitrification in tropical agricultural soils. I also briefly review methods for measuring denitrification. The data analysis suggests that denitrification in tropical forest soils is strongly influenced by the nature and amount of soil C and N turnover. Studies to examine differences in denitrification in different tropical agricultural systems should focus on the effects of system management on C and N turnover. The data analysis also suggests that, just as in temperate regions, denitrification may not be a significant route of N loss from most tropical agricultural systems. However, field studies are necessary to determine if this is actually the case.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization is a key input in increasing rice production in East, South, and Southeast Asia. The introduction of high-yielding varieties has greatly increased the prospect of increasing yields, but this goal will not be reached without great increases in the use and efficiency of N on rice. Nitrogen enters a unique environment in flooded soils, in which losses of fertilizer N and mechanisms of losses vary greatly from those in upland situations. Whereas upland crops frequently use 40–60% of the applied N, flooded rice crops typically use only 20–40%. There is a great potential for increasing the efficiency of N uptake on this very responsive crop to help alleviate food deficits in the developing world.This article reviews current use of N fertilizers (particularly urea) on rice, the problems associated with rice fertilization, and recent research results that aid understanding of problems associated with N fertilization of rice and possible avenues to increase the efficiency of N use by rice.  相似文献   

The compound N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) was found to be a more effective ureas inhibitor than phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPDA) in flooded soils when compared at concentrations of from 0.5 to 5% of the weight of urea. It allowed essentially no ammoniacal-N to acumulate in the floodwater when added at 0.5% of the weight of urea. The fate of urea was also determined in a flooded, unplanted soil with NBPT used as an inhibitor at a rate of 2% by weight of urea. At 41 days, fertilizer-N loss without the inhibitor was 73.4%, whereas with NBPT, 34.7% of the fertilizer was lost, presumably all by denitrification. With NBPT, urea hydrolysis was not inhibited below a 1 cm depth in the soil and most of the N (35.0%) accumulated as exchangeable NH 4 + -N. Except for 15.0% of the fertilized accumulated as organic-N on the soil surface layer, immobilized N accounted for only an additional 7.0% in the soil at 22 days. Although the N saved from NH3 volatilization loss obviously is eligible for denitrification losses, denitrification apparently was not enhanced to an appreciable extent by use of the inhibitor in that total losses were 15.7% at 22 days.  相似文献   

N-use efficiency in flooded tropical rice is usually low. Fertilizer N losses result mainly from losses of volatile NH3 after broadcast application of urea into floodwater between transplanting and early tillering which is a common practice of farmers. Losses appear predominantly during the first week after urea application. With broadcast and incorporation of N into soil at transplanting losses may be reduced but are still substantial. Deep placement of urea supergranules (USG) has not been adopted by farmers because it is very laborious. A new application technique, namely injection of dissolved urea into the upper soil layer, was developed by which fertilizer N losses were effectively minimized while at the same time allowing flexible timing of application independent of crop stage and water management. It provides N-use efficiency equal to that achieved by USG point placement but is less labor-intensive.  相似文献   

The organic materials of vetch straw, isotopically labeled with15N and unlabeled, rice straw and15N-enriched urea were applied to rice in a greenhouse experiment to evaluate the release of available N during the decomposition of vetch material and its uptake by rice, and to measure the effect of organic materials on the efficiency of urea-N utilization by rice. Measurements were made at three sampling stages during the growth period. As expected, vetch material decomposed readily and furnished a continuous supply of N for the growth of rice, although only 18.1% of vetch-N was utilized by the rice crop. However, this was not sufficient to support the survival of all tillers until harvest. After harvest, 70% of vetch-N still remained in paddy soil. The influence of organic materials on urea-N absorption by rice became apparent at about the stage of panicle initiation. The highest urea-N uptake by rice was 42.2% in vetch straw-mixed soil. Otherwise, rice straw retarded urea-N uptake by rice. Nitrogen distribution data indicated that the vetch material would stimulate urea-N uptake by rice plants.The residual effect of vetch material was evaluated by planting Sudan grass immediately after rice was harvested. Only 4.4% of residual vetch-N was utilized in 20 weeks. This low percentage of N uptake and its low availability ratio demonstrated the poor residual effects of this leguminous material.  相似文献   

Losses of nitrogen were investigated after applications of ammonium bicarbonate and urea to flooded rice at transplanting. Ammonia (NH3) volatilization was determined by direct micrometeorological methods, and total loss of fertilizer nitrogen (N) was measured by15N balance. All the loss appeared to be in gaseous forms, since there was no evidence of leaching and runoff was prevented. The difference between N loss and NH3 loss was thus assumed to be denitrification loss.Both NH3 volatilization and denitrification losses were large, being 39% and 33%, respectively, of the ammonium bicarbonate N, and 30% and 33%, respectively, of the urea N applied by farmers' methods.Ammonia fluxes from the field fertilized with ammonium bicarbonate were very high for two days, and then declined rapidly as the NH3 source in the floodwater diminished. Moderate fluxes from the field fertilized with urea continued over 6 days, but calculations showed that NH3 transfer from floodwater to atmosphere was retarded during the middle period of the experiment, particularly on day 2 when a thick algal scum appeared on the water surface. The results indicate that this algal mass obstructed the transport of NH3 across the water-air interface until the scum was dispersed by wind action. Nevertheless, the prolonged NH3 losses on the urea treatment were due primarily to high floodwater pH values promoted by the strong algal growth during the daylight hours.Nitrogen-15 balance studies showed that incorporation of fertilizer into drained soil substantially increased recoveries of fertilizer N in rice plants and soil compared with incorporation of fertilizer in the presence of standing floodwater. Ammonia loss measurements on these treatments when urea was applied suggested that the improvement in fertilizer N efficiency was due mainly to reductions in NH3 loss.  相似文献   

The effect of phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPD) on floodwater properties, N uptake,15N recovery, and grain yield of wetland rice (Oryza sativa L.) was evaluated in a series of field studies conducted at Muñoz and Los Baños, Philippines. Prilled urea and PPD-amended urea were applied to soil and incorporated immediately prior to transplanting or applied to floodwater after transplanting. Urea was also deep-placed or added in a coated form in two studies.The addition of PPD with urea retarded urea hydrolysis by 1–3 days, depending on the time and method of application. Significant reductions in the concentration of ammoniacal-N in floodwater resulted when PPD-amended urea was applied between 18 and 26 days after transplanting (DT). In contrast, PPD did not appreciably affect the concentration of ammoniacal-N in floodwater when applied with urea either immediately before or after transplanting of the seedlings.Plant N uptake and grain yield were not significantly affected by the addition of PPD with urea in three of the four experiments conducted, even though PPD substantially reduced the concentration of ammoniacal-N in the floodwater in several treatments in these studies. The15N balance studies conducted at both field locations showed PPD to increase total15N recovery by between 10% and 14% of the15N applied, 14 days after the application of urea. No further loss of15N occurred between the initial sampling (40 DT) and grain harvest at Los Baños. An increase in15N recovery occurred at grain harvest at Muñoz because15N-labeled urea was applied at 50 DT in the study. PPD increased the amount of15N in the plant and nonexchangeable soil N fraction at all harvests at Los Baños. In contrast, at Muñoz, PPD increased the quantity of15N in the KCL-extractable pool 14 days after urea was applied. Reasons for the discrepancies in results between experiments and the overall failure of PPD to increase grain yield are discussed.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during 1988–1989 at two adjacent sites on an acid sulfate soil (Sulfic Tropaquept) in Thailand to determine the influence of urea fertilization practices on lowland rice yield and N use efficiency. Almost all the unhydrolyzed urea completely disappeared from the floodwater within 8 to 10 d following urea application. A maximum partial pressure of ammonia (pNH3) value of 0.14 Pa and an elevation in floodwater pH to about 7.5 following urea application suggest that appreciable loss of NH3 could occur from this soil if wind speeds were favorable. Grain yields and N uptake were significantly increased with applied N over the control and affected by urea fertilization practices (4.7–5.7 Mg ha–1 in dry season and 3.0–4.1 Mg ha–1 in wet season). In terms of both grain yield and N uptake, incorporation treatments of urea as well as urea broadcasting onto drained soil followed by flooding 2 d later were more effective than the treatments in which the same fertilizer was broadcast directly into the floodwater either shortly or 10 d after transplanting (DT). The15N balance studies conducted in the wet season showed that N losses could be reduced to 31% of applied N by broadcasting of urea onto drained soil and flooding 2 d later compared with 52% loss by broadcasting of urea into floodwater at 10 DT. Gaseous N loss via NH3 volatilization was probably responsible for the poor efficiency of broadcast urea in this study.  相似文献   

In the southern U.S. rice belt it is recommended that rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in the dry-seeded, delayed flood cultural system have the preflood N fertilizer applied and the field flooded at the fourth to fifth leaf stage of plant development. The objective of this field study was to determine if delaying the flood and preflood N application past the fifth leaf stage was detrimental to rice total N and fertilizer15N uptake, total dry matter, and grain yield. This study was conducted on a Crowley silt loam (Typic Albaqualfs) and a Perry clay (Vertic Haplaquepts). The preflood N fertilizer and flood were delayed 0, 7, 14, or 21 d past the fourth to fifth leaf stage, after which time a permanent flood was established and maintained until maturity. All treatments received 20.5 g N m–2 as15N-labeled urea in three topdress applications. All plant and soil samples were taken at maturity. Harvest index increased as the preflood N and flood were delayed past the 4 to 5 leaf stage. Total N in the grain + straw either decreased or showed a decreasing trend as the N and flood were delayed. Similarly, uptake of native soil N decreased as flood was delayed. Conversely, percent recovery of fertilizer N in the rice plant and the plant-soil system increased as the preflood N and flood were delayed. Rice grain yield was not significantly affected by delaying the preflood N and flood up to 21 d.Received....... . Published with permission of the Director of the Arkansas Agric. Exp. Stn. Project ARK01386. Supported in part by the Tennessee Valley Authority National Fertilizer and Environmental Research Center and the Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted to study the balance sheet of15N labelled urea at three rates (zero, 31.48 and 62.97 mmol N pot–1) applied to rice under flooded conditions with two moisture regimes (continuous and alternate flooding) using three Australian vertisols differing in organic carbon level. Walkley-Black organic carbon values for the three soils were 0.65, 2.13 and 3.76 for the low carbon (LC), medium carbon (MC) and high carbon (HC) soils respectively.Rice dry weight and nitrogen uptake was significantly affected by N fertilizer rates, water regimes and soils. Alternate flooding gave much lower dry weight and nitrogen uptake than continuous flooding and the LC soil gave lower dry weight and nitrogen uptake than for the MC and HC soils.Recovery of15N labelled urea fertilizer in the rice plant was low (15.4 to 38.4%) and the15N urea not accounted for in the plant or soil and presumed lost was high (36.2 to 76.0%). Recovery was lower and loss higher under alternate flooding and for the LC soil. There was no effect of fertilizer rate. The results obtained stress the need for careful management to reduce losses of nitrogen fertilizer, particularly for soils low in organic carbon.  相似文献   

Nitrification rates (n) in the floodwater of an alkaline clay were measured in the absence or presence of rice plants by inhibition of ammonium oxidation and 15N-dilution techniques. Floodwater nitrate concentrations in control treatments showed a marked diurnal variation, and were higher than in the inhibitor treatments after the first day. Ammonium concentrations in floodwater declined exponentially in all treatments, being markedly affected by diffusion and NH3 volatilization but little affected by nitrification and plant uptake. Nitrification rates in floodwater estimated by 15N-dilution were generally higher than the rates estimated by the inhibitor method. Estimates of n were generally higher during daylight hours than at night, and did not differ significantly between planted and unplanted pots. Microbial immobilisation of labelled ammonium and gross N immobilisation were not affected by addition of the nitrification inhibitor 2-ethynylpyridine.  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) volatilization is an important mechanism for nitrogen (N) loss from flooded rice fields following the application of urea into the floodwater. One method of reducing losses is to use a urease inhibitor that retards the hydrolysis of urea by soil urease and allows the urea to diffuse deeper into the soil. The two chemicals that have shown most promise in laboratory and greenhouse studies are phenylphosphorodiamidate [PPD] and N-(n-butyl)thiophosphorictriamide [NBPT], but they seldom work effectively in the field. PPD decomposes rapidly when the pH departs from neutrality, and NBPT must be converted to the oxygen analogue [N-(n-butyl)phosphorictriamide, NBPTO] for it to be effective. Our field studies in Thailand showed that NH3 loss is markedly reduced when PPD is added with the algicide terbutryn. The studies also showed that a mixture of PPD and NBPT was even more effective than either PPD or NBPT alone. It appears that initially PPD inhibited urease activity, and during this time at least part of the NBPT was converted to NBPTO; then as the activity of PPD declined, NBPTO inhibited the hydrolysis of urea. The combined urease inhibitor treatment reduced NH3 loss from 15 to 3% of the applied N, and increased grain yield from 3.6 to 4.1 t ha–1.  相似文献   

By the year 2020, an additional 300 million tons of rice are needed annually to meet the demands of a growing population. If our natural resource base is to be preserved, intensification strategies should rely on integrated nutrient management, making full use of biological nitrogen fixation. TheAzolla-Anabaena complex is amongst the most effective systems of fixing nitrogen. In this paper we present evidence from greenhouse studies on the potential ofAzolla to curb the volatilization of NH3 following the application of urea to a mixedAzolla-rice culture, providing a new incentive for developing ways of integratingAzolla in intensive rice cultivation systems.The results of a series of short term greenhouse experiments show that a full cover ofAzolla can significantly reduce losses of applied urea-N from 45 and 50% to 20 and 13% for the 30 and 60 kg N ha–1 treatments, respectively. About one-quarter of the applied N was tied up in theAzolla biomass. The applied N inhibitedAzolla growth as well as the amount of N fixed. Inoculation with smaller quantities ofAzolla allowing for more vigorousAzolla multiplication was equally effective in reducing NH3 volatilization and doubled the amount of15N tied-up byAzolla. The reduction in NH3 volatilization is largely related to the depression byAzolla of the floodwater pH, which in its absence may reach values between 9 and 10 as a result of algal activity.Early rice growth responded positively to urea as well as the large quantities of appliedAzolla and increased the yield potential of the crop. Smaller quantities ofAzolla alone were not effective in this regard. The conservation of fertilizer N byAzolla, particularly when it fully covered the water, was reflected in a synergistic effect on rice dry matter production, amounting to 9% at the 30 kg N rate and 16% at the 60 kg N rate. In all likelihood this interaction is attributable to the higher efficiency of the applied N. The benefits ofAzolla in conserving basal urea-N even in small quantities (200-500 kg fresh material ha–1), outweighed competition for the applied N and may be as important as its BNF. The most promising integratedAzolla/rice management systems emerging from our studies should be given further attention under field conditions.  相似文献   

Control of gaseous nitrogen losses from urea applied to flooded rice soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports field experiments designed to determine whether the two main processes responsible for nitrogen (N) loss from flooded rice (ammonia volatilization and denitrification) are independent or interdependent, and glasshouse studies which investigated the effect of soil characteristics on gaseous nitrogen loss.In the first field experiment ammonia (NH3) loss from the floodwater was controlled using algicides, biocides, frequent pH adjustment, shade or cetyl alcohol, and the effect of these treatments on total N loss and denitrification was determined. Most treatments reduced NH3 loss through their effects on algal growth and floodwater pH. Total gaseous N loss (54% to 35%) and NH3 loss (20% to 1.2%) were affected similarly by individual treatments, indicating that the amount lost by denitrification was not substantially changed by any of the treatments.In a subsequent field experiment NH3 and total N loss were again affected similarly by the treatments, but denitrification losses were very low. In control treatments with different rates of urea application, NH3 and total N loss were each a constant proportion of the urea applied (NH3 loss was 17% and total N loss was 24%). These results indicate that techniques which reduce NH3 loss can be expected to reduce total gaseous N loss.The glasshouse experiment showed that gaseous N losses could be reduced by draining off the floodwater, and incorporating the urea into the 0–0.05 m soil layer before reflooding. Even with this method, losses varied widely (6–27%); losses were least from a cracking clay and greatest from a coarse sand which allowed the greatest mobility of the applied N. Incorporation of applied urea can therefore be expected to prevent losses more successfully from clay soils with high ammonium retention capacity.  相似文献   

Response of lowland rice to sources and methods of nitrogen fertilizer application were summarized for more than 100 experiments. In about 2/3 of the experiments, the yield increase per kg of fertilizer N was judged to be relatively poor with best split applications of urea. Based on frequency distribution, sulfur coated urea and urea briquets or urea supergranules deep placed more often produced satisfactory yield increases than best split urea, but even with these sources/methods the yield increases were judged to be relatively poor in about 1/2 of the experiments. There is an enormous potential to increase rice production with no further increases in inputs of fertilizer N if we could learn to match the best method/source of fertilizer with the soil-crop management complex.About 60% of the yields with no fertilizer N were in the range of 2 to 4 t/ha. Based on the average yield response to urea, this is equivalent to about 100 kg of urea N. It would appear worthwhile to study ways to improve utilization of soil nitrogen since it is already in place on the land and apparently in fairly abundant amounts in many soils.About 50 experiments with15N fertilizers were summarized. In almost all cases, the uptake of tagged fertilizer was less than the net increase in N in the above ground matter. In about 2/3 of the experiments, the addition of fertilizer N increased soil N uptake more than 20% and in 1/3 of the experiments the uptake of soil N was increased more than 40%. These results lead to much uncertainty about practical interpretation and use of15N data.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to assess the effect of rate and time of N application on yield and N uptake of wetland rice grown on a Rangsit acid sulfate soil (Sulfic Tropaquepts). Response of rice at N rates of 800, 1600 and 2400 mg N/pot (5 kg of soil) was compared between urea and ammonium sulfate when applied at two times: (i) full-rate basal at transplanting and (ii) one half at transplanting and one half at the PI stage. In addition, labelled15N sources were applied either at transplanting or at the PI stage to determine the nitrogen balance sheet in the soil/plant system.No significant difference in grain and straw yields between urea and ammonium sulfate at low rate was observed. At the higher N rates, urea produced higher yields than did ammonium sulfate regardless of timing. The highest yields were obtained when urea at the high N rate was applied either in a single dose or a split dose while lowest yields were observed particularly when ammonium sulfate at the same rate was applied. Split application of N fertilizer was shown to be no better than a single basal application. The occurrence of nutritional disorder, a symptom likely reflected by high concentration of Fe (II) in combination with soluble Al, was induced with high rate of ammonium sulfate.In terms of fertilizer N recovery by using15N-labelling, ammonium sulfate was more efficient than urea when both were applied at transplanting. In contrast, application at the PI stage resulted in higher utilization of urea than of ammonium sulfate. The recovery of labelled N in the soil was higher with urea than with ammonium sulfate when the two sources were applied at transplanting, while the opposite result was obtained when the same fertilizers were applied at the PI stage. The losses from urea and ammonium sulfate were not different when these fertilizers were applied at transplanting but loss from urea was higher than that from ammonium sulfate when both were applied at the PI stage.  相似文献   

Calculations in nitrogen (N) balance research using15N involve several steps that require care to avoid errors. The objective of this paper is to provide examples of these calculations using established procedures and to present shortened alternative calculations that give the same result. The calculations examined include determination of the amount of N to apply, determination of the atom %15N abundance needed in the labeled fertilizer, preparation of the labeled fertilizer, and calculation of the fertilizer N recovered. Calculations needed in the preparation of the labeled fertilizer using established procedures include the determination of the mean atomic weight of the enriched source from which the labeled fertilizer is prepared. This determination is not needed in the shortened alternative calculations, because the procedure places the calculations on a mole basis rather than a mass basis.  相似文献   

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