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针对T-S模糊系统,研究了非脆弱H∞跟踪控制器的设计问题.目的是通过设计跟踪控制器使得被控闭环系统满足给定的H∞跟踪控制性能指标.本文采用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法,求解过程不必通过二次迭代的两步算法,所设计的控制器在一定的加性参数变化情况下,仍能保证系统的渐进稳定性.最后,通过单关节刚性机械臂系统的仿真实验表明了该方法的有效性. 相似文献
This paper proposes a novel maximum-power-point tracking (MPPT) method with a simple algorithm for photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems. The method is based on use of a short-current pulse of the PV to determine an optimum operating current where the maximum output power can be obtained and completely differs from conventional hill-climbing-based methods. In the proposed system, the optimum operating current is instantaneously determined simply by taking a product of the short-current pulse amplitude and a parameter k because the optimum operating current is exactly proportional to the short current under various conditions of illuminance and temperature. Also, the system offers an identification capability of k by means of fast power-versus-current curve scanning, which makes the short-current pulse-based MPPT method adaptive to disturbances such as shades partially covering the PV panels and surface contamination. The above adaptive MPPT algorithm has been introduced into a current-controlled boost chopper and a multiple power converter system composed of PV-and-chopper modules. Various operating characteristics have experimentally been examined on this multiple PV-and-chopper module system from a practical viewpoint and excellent MPPT performance has been confirmed through the tests 相似文献
针对太阳光跟踪伺服系统中应用的传统PID控制过程中的一些问题。本文通过对自适应模糊PID控制系统的分析,设计了双轴跟踪伺服系统自适应模糊PID控制器,并在Simulink环境中建立方位角跟踪传动机构仿真模型且完成仿真。仿真结果表明,太阳光跟踪伺服系统自适应模糊PID控制器较传统PID控制器具有较强的稳定性、适应性与鲁棒性,这在太阳光跟踪伺服系统控制领域具有重要的实用价值与应用空间。 相似文献
为了提高光电跟踪系统控制器的性能,文中对光电跟踪系统控制器的硬件部分进行了设计。首先给出光电跟踪系统控制器硬件电路框图。接着介绍最小系统的设计方案,其中包括存储器扩展,外部时钟,复位电路,电源电路,CPU板的抗干扰分析与设计等部分。最后对模拟量、数字量模块和通信模块设计进行了详细阐述。采用该控制器不仅增强了光电跟踪系统的灵活性和适应性,保证了系统性能要求,而且还具有良好的实时性。 相似文献
Gou-Jen Wang Chuan-Tzueng Fong Chang K.J. 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2001,48(2):408-415
In general, proportional plus integral (PI) controllers used in computer numerically controlled machines possess fixed gain. They may perform well under some operating conditions, but not all. To increase the robustness of fixed-gain PI controllers, we propose a new neural-network-based self-tuning PI control system. In this new approach, a well-trained neural network supplies the PI controller with suitable gain according to each operating condition pair (torque, angular velocity, and position error) detected. To demonstrate the advantages of our proposed neural-network-based self-tuning PI control technique, both computer simulations and experiments were executed in this research. During the computer simulation, the direct experiment method was adopted to better model the problem of hysteresis in the AC servo motor. In real experiments, a PC-based controller was used to carry out the control tasks. Results of both computer simulations and experiments show that the newly developed dynamic PI approach outperforms the fixed PI scheme in rise time, precise positioning, and robustness 相似文献
以ARM11处理器为主控芯片的嵌入式光伏自动控制方案,由葵花太阳能光伏板,光敏电阻,光电二极管,电机,立体支架和ARM11组成。该系统通过比较光敏电阻的大小,并结合三只眼昆虫识别方向的特点,由一个ARM11系统控制多个电机驱动器,驱动电机自动旋转,使多个葵花太阳能光伏板与太阳光保持最佳角度。从而实现一机多能和对太阳的自动跟踪,实验结果证明该系统不但能有效地提高太阳能的利用率同时还能节约大量的成本。 相似文献
Michel Al Khoury Bernard Jarry Bruno Barelaud Julien Lintignat 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》2018,97(2):323-332
A tunable LNA filter using Q-enhanced inductors is designed in 0.25 μm BiCMOS Qubic4x technology. The design employs the inductor degenerated LNA, acting as a transconductance which converts the input voltage to output current which drives the second-order Q-enhanced filter. The filter also uses a special technique based on coupled-inductor negative resistance generator to make the quality factor and the center frequency tunable. The overall gain of the LNA filter is about 19.5 dB and the minimum noise figure is 6.4 dB. The center frequency is 942.5 MHz with a 42 MHz (3 dB) bandwidth. 相似文献
Fault-tolerant switched reluctance motor drive using adaptive fuzzy logic controller 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Mir S. Islam M.S. Sebastian T. Husain I. 《Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2004,19(2):289-295
An adaptive fuzzy controller has been designed to develop a high-performance fault-tolerant switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive. The fuzzy controller continuously adapts its properties to regulate the machine torque as desired by the drive system even under fault conditions. The adaptation of the fuzzy membership functions results in extended conduction period and increased peak current of the healthy phases to deliver the commanded torque, as much as possible. The adaptive fuzzy controller provides smooth torque output with minimum ripple, even under fault conditions, yielding a high-performance SRM drive with fault-tolerant capability. 相似文献
Chih-Min Lin Chun-Fei Hsu 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2002,49(1):115-123
A neural-network-based adaptive control (NNAC) design method is proposed to control an induction servomotor. In this NNAC design, a neural network (NN) controller is investigated to mimic a feedback linearization control law; and a compensation controller is designed to compensate for the approximation error between the feedback linearization control law and the NN controller. The interconnection weights of the NN can be online tuned in the sense of the Lyapunov stability theorem; thus, the stability of the control system can be guaranteed. Additionally, in this NNAC system design, an error estimation mechanism is investigated to estimate the bound of approximation error so that the chattering phenomenon of the control effort can be reduced. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed NNAC servomotor control systems can achieve favorable tracking and robust performance with regard to parameter variations and external load disturbances 相似文献
An optimal fuzzy PID controller 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Tang K.S. Kim Fung Man Guanrong Chen Kwong S. 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2001,48(4):757-765
This paper introduces an optimal fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. The fuzzy PID controller is a discrete-time version of the conventional PID controller, which preserves the same linear structure of the proportional, integral, and derivative parts but has constant coefficient yet self-tuned control gains. Fuzzy logic is employed only for the design; the resulting controller does not need to execute any fuzzy rule base, and is actually a conventional PID controller with analytical formulae. The main improvement is in endowing the classical controller with a certain adaptive control capability. The constant PID control gains are optimized by using the multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA), thereby yielding an optimal fuzzy PID controller. Computer simulations are shown to demonstrate its improvement over the fuzzy PID controller without MOGA optimization 相似文献
An adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode controller 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Berstecher R.G. Palm R. Unbehauen H.D. 《Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on》2001,48(1):18-31
A logic-based fuzzy controller (LFC), which is constructed with the aid of AND and OR fuzzy neurons, is proposed. The fuzzy neurons exhibit learning abilities and interpretabilities. For the development of the LFC, two-step optimisation is considered. The LFC has been successfully applied to an inverted pendulum. 相似文献
Mu-Chun Su Chih-Wen Liu Shuenn-Shing Tsay 《IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part C, Applications and reviews》1999,29(1):149-157
We present a general approach to deriving a new type of neural network-based fuzzy model for a complex system from numerical and/or linguistic information. To efficiently identify the structure and the parameters of the new fuzzy model, we first partition the output space instead of the input space. As a result, the input space itself induces corresponding partitions within each of which inputs would have similar outputs. Then we use a set of hyperrectangles to fit the partitions of the input space. Consequently, the premise of an implication in the new type of fuzzy rule is represented by a hyperrectangle and the consequence is represented by a fuzzy singleton. A novel two-layer fuzzy hyperrectangular composite neural network (FHRCNN) can be shown to be computationally equivalent to such a special fuzzy model. The process of presenting input data to each hidden node in a FHRCNN is equivalent to firing a fuzzy rule. An efficient learning algorithm was developed to adjust the weights of an FHRCNN. Finally, we apply FHRCNNs to provide real-time transient stability prediction for use with high-speed control in power systems. From simulation tests on the IEEE 39-bus system, it reveals that the proposed novel FHRCNN can yield a much better performance than that of conventional multilayer perceptrons (MLP's) in terms of computational burden and classification rate 相似文献
This letter points out that a comparison given in an earlier paper by Er and Sun (ibid. vol. 48, pp. 1109-1117, 2001) is incorrect. The fuzzy PI+D controller designed by Misir et al. ( Fuzzy Sets Syst. vol. 79, pp. 297-314, 1996) is overall better than the hybrid fuzzy PI plus conventional D controller designed by Er and Sun. 相似文献