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我国住宅发展策略中的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋春华 《四川建筑》2004,24(1):82-84,86
文章论述住宅发展策略中的问题,以及应采取的措施。  相似文献   

城镇住房制度中的产权问题●马洪云我国早已确立了住房商品化的房改目标,要把住房这种特殊商品推向市场,通过出售、出租两种形式建立新的住房制度。而作为市场经济体制下配置资源的基本手段的市场交易活动,其实质就是权利的转让。因而,判断住房制度在配置住房资源方面...  相似文献   

远立 《住宅科技》1997,(4):35-37
为中低收入家庭提供住房,是二战后西方发达国家社会保障制度的一项重要内容。文章介绍了英美日三国针对家庭收入情况,为解决住宅采取按揭贷款、政府补助等住房融资办法,及出台了一系列有关法律、法规,提高了住房自有化的比例。  相似文献   

在一般人的印象中,瑞士人收入丰厚,肯定拥有属于自己的住房,最近记者在调查瑞士房地产市场时,却吃惊地发现瑞士只有1/3的家庭拥有房子的产权,绝大多数家庭都采取租房的方式,而邻国,如西班牙和意大利等,住房自有率都占到75%以上。  相似文献   

建设部刘志峰副部长最近强调指出,地方政府要切实担负起稳定房价的责任。突出重点,齐心合力,落实好各项调控措施。明确指出当前工作的重点:①运用好土地、规划调控手段,改善供应结构,着力增加普通商品住房和经济适用住房供应;②坚决执行禁止期房转让的规定,遏制投机炒作行为;③加强房地产市场专项整治,依法严肃查处扰乱市场秩序、哄抬房价行为;  相似文献   

结合工作实践,提出对住房公积金管理的四点认识:归集是基础,(2)使用是效益,管理是手段,(4)服务是根本。  相似文献   

在总结国外主要国家保障性住房的表现形式和内容的基础上,以时间为线索,从空间布局、空间组织和空间融合3个方面,详细评述了其应对住房短缺所采取的一系列手段,以为我国现阶段大规模建设的保障性住房提供一些实例的借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

本刊讯 日前,住房和城乡建设邵办公厅编印的建设工作简报中刊出了题为“北京市采取切实措施全力推进住宅产业化”的文章,并对北京市积极推进住宅产业化的措施和办法给予了充分的肯定。  相似文献   

郭秀峰 《山西建筑》2002,28(4):110-111
针对材料力学课程的特点,通过对各种教学手段的分析比较,指出在教学过程中,为达到提高教学效果的目的,合理运用多种教学手段是极为重要的。对于不同层次的学生应采取不同的教学内容,更应采取不同的教学手段,最后得出使用多种教学手段可产生出“培养兴趣,打实基础,提高能力”的教学效果的结论。  相似文献   

杜文 《城市开发》1999,(3):11-11,13
一、住房消费信贷亟需保险加盟住宅业能否成为新的经济增长点,关键在于住房消费能否成为消费热点。一般认为,金融业的鼎力支持是住房消费成为消费热点的不可缺少的配套手段。因为对居民发放购房贷款能促成居民的未来购买力向当期购买力的转移,从而完成其对住房的潜在需...  相似文献   

结合奉节缓倾层状岸坡的特点,分析认为软硬相间的岩性组合、近水平的岸坡结构,加之垂直层面的密集短小节理的切割构成了奉节地区独特的岸坡结构形式。岸坡变形破坏主要以压致拉裂、差异卸荷、重力蠕变-滑移-倾倒和结构沉陷等4种模式进行。巴东组第二段(T2b2)紫红色泥岩的易风化,崩解特性以及第三段(T2b3)泥灰岩的脆性,易溶蚀特性使得该区边坡岩体结构被深度改造,导致岩体结构沉陷,使得岸坡出现了似滑非滑、似塌非塌的变形破坏特征,存而导致了关于其破坏模式认识上出现了很大争议。  相似文献   

Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) in which tenants share facilities are housing an increasing proportion of vulnerable adults who have limited affordable housing options. However, knowledge about how these types of property are managed is limited. In this paper, we examine the governance function of HMO landlords from the perspective of landlords/landlord agents and the tenants that live within their properties. The landlord exercises control through formal and informal risk assessment of tenants and close surveillance of them. These control mechanisms may also involve direct or indirect provision of support and care to some tenants. This illustrates the complex relationship between care and control and the extent to which both are integral to the housing management of vulnerable tenants living in HMOs. We suggest that this dual function calls for a critical examination of what constitutes a ‘good landlord’.  相似文献   

地铁车站渗漏影响因素及其控制措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对地铁车站易渗漏的薄弱环节进行了分析,提出了地铁车站工程中可有效减少渗漏的技术措施,并对目前工程中有待进一步探讨的问题进行了简单分析,以期为今后类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   


Problem, research strategy, and findings: In this study we analyze plan integration for flood resilience in the city of Nijmegen, the site of the largest Room for the River project in The Netherlands. Little is known about the degree to which local and regional plans are coordinated with the national Room for the River program or about the cumulative influence of plans on flood vulnerability. To effectively investigate these issues, we use and build upon the Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard (PIRS) concept and method, which analyzes the consistency and effects of networks of plans on community vulnerability. We expand the scope to include plans from multiple administrative scales and the focus to include environmental vulnerability. Using a three-phase evaluation process, we demonstrate that Room for the River policies are well integrated in Nijmegen’s network of plans, particularly with respect to flood safety and natural protection. However, we also find that policies at different administrative scales lack consistency in some places, some socially vulnerable neighborhoods receive comparatively little policy attention, and local plans often prioritize development over flood resilience, though higher tier plans sometimes make up for these policy gaps. Flood resilience is still finding its way in the Dutch planning system.

Takeaway for practice: The PIRS offers planning practitioners a method to assess how networks of plans influence community vulnerability and, as demonstrated in this analysis, to determine the degree to which plans at multiple administrative scales target the most physically, socially, and environmentally vulnerable geographic areas. It can be used to support the ambitious goals of a program like Room for the River and align them with local development priorities.  相似文献   

威海体育场挑篷索膜结构风洞试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了威海体育场看台挑篷索膜结构风洞测压试验结果 ,分析了其风压分布的特点 ,并给出了可供实际结构计算时参考的风荷载值。试验研究表明 ,对于这种大型、复杂、对风荷载作用敏感的结构 ,进行系统的风荷载试验与研究是十分必要的  相似文献   

龙灏  黄诗媛 《室内设计》2012,93(5):14-18
随着社会经济的发展,大学毕业生中的低收入群体成为继农民、农民工、下岗职工之后的第四大弱势群体,"蜗居"在城市狭小的空间,居住条件堪忧。因此,大学毕业生低收入群体近年来也成为重庆市公共租赁住房制度的主要保障对象之一。在此背景下,本文分析了该群体的心理需求和行为规律,并从空间开放程度和细部设计的角度探讨了适应该群体需求的居住区外部空间环境的营造问题。  相似文献   

王艳红 《山西建筑》2004,30(23):25-26
针对住宅建筑中的楼梯及公共过道这一薄弱环节,从提高住宅建设整体水平必须遵循的原则入手,结合太原市的实际,对有关问题进行了比较具体的研究。  相似文献   

The British policy response to rough sleeping, or street homelessness, has been characterised by increasing consensus between government, the voluntary sector and academics. The dominant paradigm suggests that people sleeping rough are often individuals who are predisposed to becoming homeless because their individual characteristics make them especially vulnerable to changes in housing supply, labour markets and other structural factors that precipitate homelessness. Policy responses, such as the Rough Sleepers Initiative, have been increasingly characterised by their emphasis on reintegrating people sleeping rough into society on the basis that many in this group are vulnerable people who have become homeless essentially because they need assistance and care. However, there is a marked contrast between this broad consensus and popular views of the causes of rough sleeping. In the popular imagination, rough sleeping is caused by fecklessness, moral weakness and an active choice to sleep on the streets. This view has its origins in pre-20th century views of poverty and exclusion but has recently been reinforced by the ideology of a succession of Neo-Liberal governments in the UK. This paper is concerned with the impact of the popular view of rough sleeping on the environment in which services for people sleeping rough have to work. It is also concerned with the more subtle impact that the popular view of rough sleeping continues to have on the design and operation of such services.  相似文献   

燃气检漏车在城市燃气管网巡查的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
论述了燃气检漏车的检漏原理,燃气检漏车在沈阳市的使用情况,在城市燃气管网巡查和检漏方面的优势,在使用过程中应注意的若干问题,易损部件的维修和国产化情况.  相似文献   

This work aims to assess whether cohousing communities might generate positive effects in terms of social housing. Cohousing projects are “supportive” communities where many types of informal support networks arise, referring to the concept of sharing spaces, facilities, but also properties, the decision-making process, and experiences. The costs of the sites and construction are often higher than a “normal condominium” (especially if they are resident-led communities), and sometimes, they might be responsible for the failure of the groups: inhabitants of those communities born spontaneously, without any kind of public aid, are mainly from a medium–high socio-economic status. However, in the UK, where cohousing follows mainly a grassroots model, some communities are able to keep the costs down, in particular by the creation of mixed tenure systems, collaboration with Housing Associations and self-building processes. The Threshold Centre in England allocates 50 % of the residential units for social housing. The collaboration with a Housing Association produced a “good housing” model, which allowed both a reduction in construction time and a guarantee of the creation of a heterogeneous group (but with a compact identity), as well as the inclusion of socio-economically vulnerable people.  相似文献   

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