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在当前有特色的8种铝带现代化冷轧机中,德国西马克-德马格公司(SMS Demag)的CVC铝带冷轧机是较先进些的,在钢铁工业与铝工业获得了较为广泛的应用.1984年首台这类轧机在比利时西达尔(Sidal)轧制厂投产.截止到2007年底全世界投产与已签订合同的CVC铝带冷轧生产线有19条、24台轧机,其中冷连轧生产线4条.到2011年中国投产的CVC铝带冷轧机可能会有15台,占那时全球总数(29台)的51.8%,总生产能力约1 700 kt/a,约占全国冷轧铝板带总生产能力的20%,中国铝板带工业达到了现代化水平.  相似文献   

A technology of ultrasound welding of film materials is developed. It is shown that the parameters influencing the productivity of the process of ultrasound seam welding of polymer films are the amplitude of oscillations, welding pressure, welding speed and the length of the end of the waveguide in the welding direction. The experimental results show that with increase in the length of the contact spot of the end of the waveguide the speed of seam welding increases linearly.  相似文献   

All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Pipe Industry (VNITI). Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant.Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 5, pp. 11–12, May, 1992.  相似文献   

All-Union Scientific, Engineering, and Technical Institute, Dnepropetrovsk. Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant. Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 6, pp. 45–46, June, 1988.  相似文献   

介绍了用国产M84100B磨床磨削铝板带冷轧机工作辊的工艺参数选择,并对冷轧辊磨削过程中的一些共性技术问题进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

Conclusion At present it is suggested to use mathematical models, and not only for evaluating the quality of hardening. There is an increasing number of publications containing new models for optimizing regimes of heat treatment, for working out fundamentally new regimes, and also for the quantitative evaluation of rational parameters of the planned equipment. When the hardening regime for some product is chosen, and it is to be optimal according to some indices, a fairly complex problem of optimal control has to be solved. For that various means of solving optimization problems can be used: methods of statistical optimization (planning of extremal experiments, LP-search); methods of optimization with derivatives taken into account (nonlinear programming, successive linearization). On the basis of accumulated experience with the solution of problems of optimal control of the hardening process libraries of algorithms for optimization should be established.Judging by preliminary evaluations, the suggested trend of investigations will help improve the quality and reliability of engineering products on the basis of the computerassisted, deliberate use of all the available scientific information on processes of heat treatment.Central Research Institute of Metallurgy. All-Union Research and Design Institute for the Planning of Thermal Installations. Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 9, pp. 19–23, September, 1989.  相似文献   

Conclusions The martensitic base of the surface hardened layer is inhomogeneous in phase composition. Despite complicating concepts post-hardening tempering does not cause homogenization of the martensitic phase. Decomposition of the martensite has a heterogeneous character. In the hardened layer and the transition zone together with the low-carbide constituent there is formed a high-carbon one. The presence of high-carbon -martensite may not inpoint of concepts on homogeneous martensite, the degree of tetragonality of which is close to unity, it is difficult to explain the phenomenon of high hardness of rolling mill rolls. Undoubtedly the high-carbon constituent is one of the factors causing an increase in hardness in tempering of type 9KhMF steel. The two martensites manifest themselves differently in rolling. Concepts of the heterogeneous nature of maratensite may be used for improving the service conditions of rolling rolls.Kramatorsk Industrial Institute. Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 2, pp. 10–12, February, 1991.  相似文献   

彭荣荣 《锻压技术》2016,(10):108-112
考虑轧辊表面振纹对辊系间的刚度变化的影响以及动态轧制力对振动系统的影响,依据轧机垂直振动的产生机理,建立了冷连轧机单自由度非线性颤振动力学模型。应用多尺度法求解得到了系统发生1/2亚谐共振时的幅频特性响应方程,仿真分析得到了不同参数变化对振动系统幅值以及振动区域的影响,并运用奇异性理论讨论了系统在非自治情况下的分岔特性,得到在3种不同情形下系统的转迁集与分岔拓扑结构图,给出了系统失稳的参数区域,从而可以避免轧机剧烈振动的发生,这为抑制和减少冷连轧机系统的振动提供了技术支撑与理论参考。  相似文献   

利用ZEISS-AXIO金相显微镜、ZEISS-MA10扫描电子显微镜对9Cr2Mo钢冷轧工作辊工频淬火开裂后的断口进行观察,分析了工作辊淬火开裂的原因。结果表明,9Cr2Mo冷轧工作辊淬火开裂断口形貌分别由剪切唇区、放射区以及纤维区3部分组成。断口裂纹源处有明显的白点,其产生原因主要是氢和内应力的共同作用所致。改善方法首先应提高辊坯的冶金质量,降低辊坯中的氢含量;其次应改进锻后热处理工艺,例如采取降低白点敏感性的锻压方法,并对锻后辊坯进行充分的扩氢退火,降低辊坯氢含量和内应力。  相似文献   

CVC 四辊轧机有载辊缝解析模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用梁的弯曲变形理论,基于工作辊和支撑辊之间的变形协调关系,直接导出了辊间压力分布及辊间弹性压扁系数的解析表达式,从而较精确地求出轧辊的弹性变形,并由此得到较精确的辊缝解析解。  相似文献   

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