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酸性矿山废水的污染与治理技术研究 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
分析了酸性矿山废水的成分、危害、来源和排放特点,经试验研究,推荐以添加缓蚀剂中和为主的几种既又实用的酸性废水治理技术,以实现废水的循环利用和无害排放。 相似文献
酸性矿山废水研究的现状及展望 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
酸性矿山废水是全球采矿业面临的最严重的环境问题之一.本文对近年来的酸性矿山废水相关研究成果进行了总结和回顾,着重介绍了硫化物氧化机理及影响因素、重金属的迁移转化规律、酸性矿山废水污染的生态效应、水文地球化学模拟在该领域的应用等五个方面所取得的进展,在此基础上,探讨了当前研究中存在的问题,并对该领域未来的研究趋势进行了展望. 相似文献
酸性矿山废水(AMD)是最为严重的环境污染之一,主要由黄铁矿氧化引起。AMD的治理主要有末端处理和源头控制两条途径,末端处理技术不能从根本上解决污染问题,因此从源头控制黄铁矿的氧化是治理AMD的根本途径。源头控制技术主要有覆盖法、杀菌法和表面钝化法等,表面钝化法是目前科研工作者的研究热点。在介绍AMD成因的基础上,综述了各种表面钝化技术。重点概述了有机硅烷、载体-微胶囊化、自修复等技术的研究现状,分析了不同方法的优缺点,并针对其不足之处提出了今后的研究方向。为解决黄铁矿氧化问题、实现AMD污染的有效治理提供参考。 相似文献
Moosa S.等人在《Hydrometallurgy》2006年83卷第1/4期发表文章,介绍了硫化物种类对处理酸性矿山废水的生物硫酸盐还原产物抑制作用。普遍认为,硫酸盐还原的产物(即形成的各种硫化物)对生物过程有抑制作用。为了提供对这种抑制动力学的了解,作者利用在醋酸盐上生长的完整的氧化 相似文献
生物法处理矿山酸性废水技术的应用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
刘成 《有色金属(矿山部分)》2001,(4):39-44,35
文章通过对松尾矿山利用铁氧菌处理矿山酸性废水的介绍,阐明了铁氧菌对Fe2+的氧化机理,分析了铁氧菌的环境因素,展望了此项技术在我国矿山废水处理方面的前景。 相似文献
矿区酸性废水的成因及其防治 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
赋存在矿区废石堆和尾砂库内的硫化物经氧化作用产生含高浓度的SO^2-4和Fe^2+等重金属离子的酸性废水,这种酸性废水污染了矿区的地下水和地表水系,成为现代化矿山面临的最大环境问题,防治酸性废水要求采用科学,经济的方法在矿产勘查阶段对酸 废不生成可能性进行了预测并矿山生产阶段进行治理,本文提出了二种治理方法:(1)中和方法;(2)氧障法。 相似文献
金属矿山酸性废水的形成机理比较复杂,且pH值低、酸度大、重金属离子含量高。以马鞍山向山垃圾场尾矿坝酸性废水为研究对象,通过不同中和药剂的添加试验,分析、总结了此类废水处理的一般规律,并对处理后废水pH出现返酸现象进行了研究分析,并提出了处理意见;从技术经济和环保的角度得出用电石渣处理该酸性废水最为合理的结论。 相似文献
Weathering and humidity cell tests were used to predict the potential for acid mine drainage (AMD) and to estimate the mineral
reaction rates and depletion of fine and coarse tailings from the abandoned Kettara mine, Morocco. The geochemistry of the
fine and coarse mine wastes was similar and, as expected by static tests, the wastes produced significant amounts of AMD.
The sulfate production rate of both fine and coarse tailings was very high (2,000–8,000 and 2,400–560 mg SO4/kg/week, respectively) during the first weeks of kinetics tests. After 9 weeks, sulfate release became low, ranging between
600 and 78 mg SO4/kg/week for fine tailings and 500–120 mg SO4/kg/week for coarse tailings. Effluent water samples had low pH (2.9–4.2) and elevated concentrations of acidity, sulfate,
iron, copper, and zinc. Most or all of the dissolved K, Na, Al, Mg, and Si in the AMD result from the acidic dissolution of
silicates (chlorite, talc, muscovite, and albite). Fine tailings produce much higher concentrations of acidity and sulfate
than coarse tailings. However, due to greater transport of oxygen and water within the coarse waste, coarse tailings could
be of greater environmental significance than fine tailings. The coarse waste continued to release acid after 378 days of
leaching, whereas the fine tailings naturally passivates. These laboratory results agree with field observations; the upper
profile of the coarse waste rock dam is highly oxidized (75 cm) whereas oxidation in the fine tailings does not extend more
than 5–15 cm beneath the surface. A comparison between weathering and humidity cell tests indicated that the general trend
of dissolution of metals was essentially similar for both methods. However, sulfate depletion rates were higher for the weathering
cell tests. These tests indicate that the Kettara tailings piles and dam will continue to release acid for a long time unless
remedial action is taken. 相似文献
The Kettara site (Morocco) is an abandoned pyrrhotite ore mine in a semi-arid environment. The site contains more than 3 million
tons of mine waste that have been deposited on the surface without concern for environmental issues. Tailings were stockpiled
in a dyke and pond and in piles, over an area of about 16 ha, and have generated acid mine drainage (AMD) for more than 24 years.
The mine waste and secondary precipitates from this mine were characterized using geochemical and mineralogical techniques.
The Kettara wastes contain 1.6–14.5 wt% sulfur, mainly sulfide minerals (e.g., pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and
sphalerite). The main gangue minerals were goethite, quartz, chlorite-serpentine, talc, muscovite, and albite. Carbonates
occur at very low quantities (less than 1 wt%). The most abundant heavy metals were Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Co, As, Cd, and Ni. Acid–base
accounting static test results showed that all the samples have low values of acid-neutralizing potential (NP) (0–9 kg CaCO3/t).
The mine waste has high acid-producing potential (AP) (51–453 kg CaCO3/t). Abundant secondary mineralogy is present, consisting
mainly of halotrichite, goethite, jarosite-hydroanion, hydroniumjarosite, starkeyite, gypsum, alunite, copiapite, butterite,
and coquimbite. Hardpans, which can prevent water infiltration to fresh tailings beneath and thereby lessen the rate of sulfide
reactivity, were observed during sampling of the fine tailings. Mineralogical analysis indicated that the cementitious phase
of the hardpan is mainly goethite. The alteration observed in the tailings pond does not extend more than 5–15 cm. 相似文献
用浸出工艺回收酸性矿山废水沉淀渣中金属元素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
酸性矿山废水沉淀渣的处置一直是废水处理工程面临的难题。以广东省大宝山矿槽对坑尾矿库外排废水处理厂产生的沉淀渣为例,开展沉淀渣中有价金属元素酸浸与回收试验。淀渣铁、锰、铜、锌、镍、铅品位分别为40 919.6,14 320.6,4 681.4,7 557.4,149.3,360.9 g/t,杂质成分主要为石英、方解石。在硫酸浓度为20%、固液比为0.33 g/mL、浸出时间为8 h、浸出温度为30 ℃条件下,铜、锌、镍、铅、锰和铁的浸出率分别为99.49%、21.41%、51.21%、4.45%、55.86%、34.25%。采用硫酸浸出工艺回收沉淀渣中有价金属元素在技术经济上可行,同时可缓解废水处理厂的环保压力。 相似文献
从湖北大冶某铅锌矿选矿废水排水沟污泥中驯化筛选出1株能够有效吸附Zn2+、Pb2+并耐低pH值的菌株T1,经分子生物学鉴定,其为芬氏纤维微菌(Cellulosimicrobium funkei)。将T1按单菌种连续挂膜法固定在活性炭上,采用固定化生物活性炭(Immobilized Biological Activated Carbon,IBAC)技术处理pH=4、Pb2+含量为30 mg/L、Zn2+含量为100 mg/L的模拟铅锌矿山酸性废水,并与单纯活性炭吸附工艺进行对比,试验结果表明:IBAC工艺对模拟废水中Zn2+、Pb2+的7 d平均去除率分别达75.28%和74.16%,处理后废水的pH值提高至6.8~7.5;单纯活性炭吸附工艺虽然在处理模拟废水的开始阶段可取得高达96.80%和95.21%的Pb2+、Zn2+去除率,但80 h后Pb2+、Zn2+的去除率分别下降到只有9.65%和12.93%,而IBAC工艺的Pb2+、Zn2+去除率始终保持在68.27%~76.25%和71.27%~77.89%的较高水平。扫描电镜捡测结果显示:活性炭挂膜后颗粒表面被T1覆盖,变得更为粗糙,孔隙更多;T1呈纤维状,吸附Pb2+、Zn2+后体积膨胀,相互间黏结性更强。以上研究成果可为IBAC技术处理铅锌矿山酸性废水的工业化提供参考。 相似文献
Javier Angel Ramírez Masferrer 《Mine Water and the Environment》2002,21(3):111-113
In southern Spain, coal seams typically contain pyrite. The mines there are characteristically contaminated by the presence
of diverse metals disolved in acidic water. An experimental passive system, containing an anoxic limestone draine, organic
matter and wetlands, was constructed to assess how best to inprove the water chemistry. The procedure we used is reported
on here so others can learn from what we did. 相似文献
很多有色金属矿山在开发过程中,会产生大量含铜酸性废水。由于酸性废水含铜浓度差异性较大,采取的处理工艺也会有所不同。本文针对某矿山含铜酸性废水进行了大量的工业试验研究,结果表明:较高浓度含铜酸性废水可采取硫化法回收铜金属,再经环保中和处理后循环利用,可大量减少中和渣产生量,降低环保处理成本,有显著的经济、环保效益。同时,为了防范极端气候下的环境风险,该矿山还建设了足够处理能力的备用石灰中和处理系统以及应急液碱(片碱)加药系统,以供同类矿山参考、借鉴。 相似文献