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In this paper, a novel sensor is presented for monitoring the stability of a coal water fuel. This sensor utilizes a non-radioactive electromagnetic source, making it more attractive in comparison to other existing sensors. It utilizes the interaction between the electromagnetic waves and the CVF composition. Two of these interactions are selected, namely, the transmitted and reflected signal, and are used to give an indication on the stability of the CVF. The sensor measures the concentration changes or structural variations in the CVF. Calibration of the sensor is performed, for a given pipe/tube and a given CVF, by changing the concentration of the CVF and recording the transmitted and refelected signals as functions of concentration. These calibration curves are then stored in a microcomputer. At any instant of tine, the CVF stability is measured by comparing the sensor response to the stored curves. This sensor is easy to use and is readily adapted for automation. To demonstrate the applicability of the technique, the sensor response is measured and calibration curves are extracted and presented here. In this paper, four commonly used stability measurement techniques are also discusse  相似文献   


Measurements of the detachment force of an air bubble from the surface of various coal ranks were carried out in water. These values were compared with those calculated from the contact angle values measured in coal - air bubble - water system and from the values (from literature) of the dispersion and the nondispersion components of the surface free energy of the studied coals. On the basis of the obtained results we found that there is a good agreement among the measured and calculated values of the detachment force for given coal rank. The coals studied may be divided into three groups according to their ability to form the stable attachment with air bubble. The arithmetic weighted mean of the detachment forces were correlated with the natural flotability of coals and the linear relationship as obtained.  相似文献   

Measurements of the detachment force of an air bubble from the surface of various coal ranks were carried out in water. These values were compared with those calculated from the contact angle values measured in coal - air bubble - water system and from the values (from literature) of the dispersion and the nondispersion components of the surface free energy of the studied coals. On the basis of the obtained results we found that there is a good agreement among the measured and calculated values of the detachment force for given coal rank. The coals studied may be divided into three groups according to their ability to form the stable attachment with air bubble. The arithmetic weighted mean of the detachment forces were correlated with the natural flotability of coals and the linear relationship as obtained.  相似文献   

杂多糖苷水基钻井液稳定性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
胡琦  张洁  高飞 《天然气工业》2008,28(1):94-96
运动中的黏土颗粒表面与溶液电中性介质形成的电动电位决定了黏土的流变学性质和渗透性质。黏土颗粒的电动电位变化是钻井液流变性能变化的依据。为此,进行了实验室试验:将不同量杂多糖苷加入4%膨润土基浆中,分别复配聚丙烯酸钾、木质素磺酸盐,测定钻井液流变性能参数,并以电泳法测定杂多糖苷钻井液黏土颗粒的电动电位。结果表明:杂多糖苷(SJ)2%~6%添加量,3%SJ与0.1%~0.5%木质素磺酸盐,或3%SJ与0.1%聚丙烯酸钾复配,钻井液具有良好的稳定性和流变性。  相似文献   


The results of programmed thermodesorption investigations of water from coal surfaces are presented and correlated with the measurements of water adsorption and desorption from the gaseous phase at a temperature of 20°C. From the data obtained, the activation energies of water molecules were calculated and possible structures of water adsorbed layers on the coal surfaces were suggested. On the basis of the DTA curve, the water adsorption heat on the coal surfaces 20°C was calculated and presented in the form of dependence on water adsorption value from the gaseous phase.  相似文献   

The results of programmed thermodesorption investigations of water from coal surfaces are presented and correlated with the measurements of water adsorption and desorption from the gaseous phase at a temperature of 20°C. From the data obtained, the activation energies of water molecules were calculated and possible structures of water adsorbed layers on the coal surfaces were suggested. On the basis of the DTA curve, the water adsorption heat on the coal surfaces 20°C was calculated and presented in the form of dependence on water adsorption value from the gaseous phase.  相似文献   

根据水膜稳定性研究储层润湿性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
鉴于常规储层润湿性研究方法在低渗或特低渗透储层中应用的局限性,提出了根据储层表面水膜稳定性来研究储层润湿性的方法。根据原油、地层水和成岩矿物的物性参数、矿物表面曲率以及毛管压力,用DLVO理论和推广的Young-Laplace公式可以计算岩石表面水膜的分离压力,其大小表征了岩石表面水膜的稳定性,以此判定储层的润湿性。应用该方法测定了加拿大高沥青质含量的Athabasca储层和大庆外围低渗透储层的润湿性,均为亲水润湿性,与储层实际相一致,为在分子水平上研究储层岩石的均质和各种复杂的非均质润湿性开辟了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

为降低能耗,提高热效率,将供热系统的燃煤热水锅炉进行了首期改造。在改造中采用了气候补偿器、烟气冷凝热回收装置等新技术后,带来了可观的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

以从煤炭直接液化工艺生产的煤基喷气燃料和石油基3号喷气燃料为研究对象,通过观察和测量经过不同温度下热氧化后样品的颜色、酸值和固体沉积物量,对比分析了两类喷气燃料的热氧化安定性,并且使用紫外-可见吸收光谱和荧光发射光谱研究了两类喷气燃料热氧化过程的差异。结果表明:经过热氧化后,煤基喷气燃料在颜色、酸值和固体沉积物量等方面都优于3号喷气燃料;随着温度从160℃上升到300℃,煤基喷气燃料的热氧化程度逐渐加深,并且从200℃开始,氧化产物向胶质和沉积物转变,而3号喷气燃料的主要热氧化反应在200℃以下就已完成,说明煤基喷气燃料比石油基喷气燃料具有更加优异的热氧化安定性。  相似文献   

采用沸腾床渣油加氢处理工艺对掺炼一定比例煤焦油的劣质渣油进行加氢处理研究,考察其产品分布情况;并采用斑点试验、不稳定性参数试验对混合原料的相容性及加氢处理后体系的稳定性进行考察。试验结果表明:劣质渣油与煤焦油按7:3比例混合进行加氢处理,小于500 ℃馏分油收率增加24.33百分点,焦炭产率降低;相容性方面,混合原料的相容性要差于纯减渣原料,但经加氢处理后,混合原料稳定性得到大幅改善,而减渣原料稳定性降低。  相似文献   

泥煤互层段井壁稳定分析新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
井壁稳定是泥煤互层段地层安全钻进的一大难题。常规计算模型没有考虑不等厚煤层与泥页岩失稳时的相互影响,获得坍塌密度低于实际钻井工况条件下,容易造成局部不稳定地层失稳引起井壁大面积垮塌。文章通过岩石理化性能与力学实验,系统分析煤层及互层面的失稳机理,结合不稳定地层非连续性,建立了考虑泥煤互层影响的井壁坍塌压力计算模型,获得互层段坍塌压力随岩性变化的规律。计算结果表明互层段在考虑不同地层失稳影响后地层坍塌压力更大。该评价方法应用于吐哈油田泥煤互层段井壁稳定分析,理论计算与实际工况吻合程度高,为钻遇类似井段井壁稳定准确分析奠定了重要的基础理论。  相似文献   

李铁 《齐鲁石油化工》2011,39(1):30-32,47
齐鲁橡胶厂的锅炉为1976年12月投用的燃油锅炉,为了降低成本,提高效益,对其中2台锅炉主体进行改造,同时增设辅助设施,改烧水煤浆,并获得了圆满成功。  相似文献   


The concept of a yield value is important to many areas of slurry coal water fuel transport such as in predicting its stability or estimating the pressure requirements for pipe-line start-up and turbulent flow. This paper describes techniques to accurately measure coal water fuel yield point. In order to display a wide variation in coal water fuel properties, slurries made from two Western Canadian coals were made available to CRL for yield point study. The proprietory Salzgiter Industrial AG technology (DENSECOAL) was used for a low volatile or bituminous coal (A) and the CARBOGEL process for a medium volatile bituminous (B).  相似文献   

The concept of a yield value is important to many areas of slurry coal water fuel transport such as in predicting its stability or estimating the pressure requirements for pipe-line start-up and turbulent flow. This paper describes techniques to accurately measure coal water fuel yield point. In order to display a wide variation in coal water fuel properties, slurries made from two Western Canadian coals were made available to CRL for yield point study. The proprietory Salzgiter Industrial AG technology (DENSECOAL) was used for a low volatile or bituminous coal (A) and the CARBOGEL process for a medium volatile bituminous (B).  相似文献   

郝培文 《石油沥青》1996,10(2):34-38
沥青与石料的粘附性好坏直接影响着沥青混合料的耐久性。如果石料选择不当且不掺外加剂,这就很难得到稳定的沥青混合料。本文探讨了不同性质的石料对沥青混合料水稳定性的影响,提出了满足沥青混合料水稳定性指标的石料碱值大小。  相似文献   

建立了1套乳化液稳定性的简易评价标准,考察了油性剂、防锈剂剂量及乳化油用量对在新鲜自来水、去离子水和久置水条件下配制的乳化液稳定性的影响。结果表明:对于含干扰成分较多、自身稳定性较差的乳化油,采用含杂质较多的久置水配制的乳化液稳定性优于含杂质较少的新鲜自来水和去离子水配制的乳化液稳定性;当乳化油配方经过优化、剔除干扰稳定性的成分后,水质越纯净,乳化液的性能越稳定;乳化油配方的优化不仅有利于强化乳化液的稳定性,而且可以提升其润滑性能和极压性能。  相似文献   

介绍德士古水煤浆气化工艺,从水煤浆质量、工艺烧嘴、激冷水系统等几个方面讨论了影响装置长周期运行的因素,提出了延长气化装置运行周期的措施。  相似文献   

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