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Ⅱ9. As for the Eretrians, whom Datis and Artaphernes had carried away captive, when the fleet reached Asia, they were taken up to Susa. Now King Darius, before they were made his prisoners, nourished a fierce anger against these men for having injured him without provocation; but now that he saw them brought into his presence, and become his subjects, he did them no other harm, hut only settled them at one of his own stations in Cissia-a place called Ardericca-two hundred and ten furlongs distant from Susa, and forty from the well which yields produce of  相似文献   


渗流理论是流体在储层中的动态描述,流动能力大小直接影响油气开采、油田产量、最终采收率以及经济效益等.如何有效准确地表征储层流体的渗流特征,一直是油气开发学家们探讨的问题.目前能够表征油气渗流的参数很多,但每一种方法都有其优缺点.在长期的科研实践中,首次提出了油气渗流理论的表征新参数——流度梯度,该参数能够比较全面、真实、准确地表征油气渗流能力大小、黏度场分布情况.计算方法简便,在实际应用中取得比较好的效果,能够为油气田高效开发提供一定的理论指导,也对深入了解油气藏开发动态和提高采收率具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

Canada is abundant in oil sands. The most present statistics indicates that Canada owns the proven reserves of oil sands as much as 175 billion barrels and is producing oil from sands at the rate of over 100 million barrel/day. Boosted by surging international oil price, large-scale development of oil sands in Canada attracts more and more attention from the industry. During the past two years, several Chinese oil giants had also invested in Canada's energy sector, promoting the Sino- Canada energy cooperation into a new stage. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the energy cooperation between the two countries has good foundation and brilliant future.[第一段]  相似文献   

After making a study of conchostracan fossils taken from the half way between Trong and Krabi on thesouthern Thailand of Malaya Penisula,the deposits bearing this fauna are thought to be Middle.Jurassic inage.Thus,it is most probably that there are two conchostracan levels found within Thailand so far.One be-longs to middle Upper Triassic by Kobayashi,and the other is ours of Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   


ESTABLISHMENTOFTHEGEOLOGICALMODELOFFRACTUREDRESERVOIRS¥MuLong-xin(ResearchInstituteofPetroleumExplorationandDevelopment,CNPC)...  相似文献   


This report presents results obtained from an experimental investigation on the effect of the size of coal particles on γ-ray density meter accuracy. The experimental set up used consisted of a γ-ray density meter, a stirrer and Hewlett Packard data acquisition system. Results obtained for particle size ranges 100 × 140 and 60 × 100 at 1%, 3%, 10%, 15% and 20% solids by weight, showed that meter response is strongly dependent on the size of the coal particles.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an integrated geochemical study of oils in Jurassic – Cenozoic reservoirs in the eastern region of the Arabian Plate. The main objective was to analyze the active petroleum systems at a regional scale across the study area which extends from NE Iraq to SE Oman and includes the entire Persian Gulf. The dataset for the study consisted of more than 500 crude oil samples from 112 oil fields and 11 different reservoir units. This dataset was compiled from both the literature and re-evaluated geochemical and stable isotope analyses, augmented by new analytical studies. The study documents regional variations and trends in the bulk and molecular properties and stable isotope ratios of the oil samples. Two overall clans and twelve genetic oil families and sub-families were distinguished using multivariate statistical analysis (chemometrics) based on biomarker parameters. The age, lithology, depositional setting and organic matter type of the respective source rocks for each family/sub-family was inferred from oil geochemical fingerprints. The results provide insights into the key geological factors that control the number, size and geochemical character of oil fields in the eastern Arabian Plate. The geographical extent of the various oil families was assessed and used to evaluate charge access and to predict migration directions and migration pathways in the study area. The results indicate the value of implementing multivariate statistical analysis on “big data” along with state-of-the-art geological petroleum systems analysis and interpretation of biomarker and oil composition data to investigate complex and extended petroleum systems.  相似文献   


The Society of Petroleum Geophysicists (SPG) is established for thepurpose of raising the level of its members' technological knowledges and ofdeveloping the petroleum geophysical industry of China. In the council of the society there are honorary presidents, president,vice-presidents, secretary-general, vice secretaries-general and directors·They,except honorary presidents, form a standing committee to exercise the authorityof the council.  相似文献   


Four bituminous coals were comprehensively separated by column chromatography into a number of fractions. Four aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of each tar were analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy, and the 900-700 cm?1 spectral region was evaluated. This spectral region was found to be composed of at least 14 separate bands, which were resolved by using self-deconvolution and curve-fitting procedures. The bands near 821 cm?1, 791 cm?1, and 784 cm?1 were proposed to originate from rocking vibrations of aliphatic C-H bonds. For the tar samples with a proton aromaticity between 0.21 and 0.37, these bands account for on average 12% of the total integral intensity of the 900-700 cm?1 region. This percentage cannot likely be neglected in a correct quantitative evaluation of the region and calculation of the aromatic hydrogen concentration. However, a correct resolution of the bands can be very difficult in the FTIR spectra of a complex material, such as coal.  相似文献   


Liquid hydrocarbon oil and water have been produced from the liquefaction of cellulosic matter present in municipal solid wastes (MSW). Gases and residual char have also been produced as by-products resulting from the pyrolysis reaction of cellulose. Quantities of water and pyrolytic char were estimated at different conditions of the process (temperature pressure of hydrogen, carrier oil medium and concentration of boric acid). From the results obtained, it was suggested that the formation of water seems to be sensitive to the operational conditions which enhance a water-gas shift reaction (in which water molecules are consumed to produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen). Decreasing of the undesired chary by-product could be achieved by increasing the concentration of boric acid that catalyzes the liquefaction reaction. Two petroleum distillates, namely gas oil and residual fuel oil, were used as carrier media of a solid refuse. It was found that fuel oil is more efficient as a buffering medium that prevents cellulose macromolecules from a rapid and complete charing during the liquefaction process. The pyrolytic char was characterized and evaluated by means of different analytical procedures and solvent extraction using petroleum ether 40–60°C and methanol. Calorific value of the pyrolytic char was found to be 4.6 Kcal g?1 which is quite close to that of a brown coal. Dropping point test of the extracted material by petroleum ether indicated that the extract can be utilized for producing lubricating greases via saponificattion with a salt of sodium or calcium.  相似文献   

THEMETHODOLOGYOFPETROLEUMDEVELOPMENTGEOLOGY(Ⅱ)¥QiuYinan(ResearchInstituteofPetroleumExplorationandDevelopment,CNPC,Beijing,10...  相似文献   

This paper reviews the Middle Jurassic petroleum system in the Danish Central Graben with a focus on source rock quality, fluid compositions and distributions, and the maturation and generation history. The North Sea including the Danish Central Graben is a mature oil province where the primary source rock is composed of Upper Jurassic – lowermost Cretaceous marine shales. Most of the shale‐sourced structures have been drilled and, to accommodate continued value creation, additional exploration opportunities are increasingly considered in E&P strategies. Triassic and Jurassic sandstone plays charged from coaly Middle Jurassic source rocks have proven to be economically viable in the North Sea. In the Danish‐Norwegian Søgne Basin, coal‐derived gas/condensate is produced from the Harald and Trym fields and oil from the Lulita field; the giant Culzean gas‐condensate field is under development in the UK Central North Sea; and in the Norwegian South Viking Graben, coal‐derived gas and gas‐condensate occur in several fields. The coaly source rock of the Middle Jurassic petroleum system in the greater North Sea is included in the Bryne/Lulu Formations (in Denmark), the Pentland Formation (in the UK), and the Sleipner and Hugin Formations in Norway. In the Danish Central Graben, the coal‐bearing unit is composed of coals, coaly shales and carbonaceous shales, has a regional distribution and can be mapped seismically as the ‘Coal Marker’. The coaly source rocks are primarily gas‐prone but the coals have an average Hydrogen Index value of c. 280 mg HC/g TOC and values above 300 mg HC/g TOC are not uncommon, which underpins the coals' capacity to generate liquid hydrocarbons (condensate and oil). The coal‐sourced liquids are differentiated from the common marine‐sourced oils by characteristic biomarker and isotope compositions, and in the Danish Central Graben are grouped into specific oil families composed of coal‐sourced oil and mixed oils with a significant coaly contribution. Similarly, the coal‐sourced gases are recognized by a normally heavier isotope signature and a relatively high dryness coefficient compared to oil‐associated gas derived from marine shales. The coal‐derived and mixed coaly gases are likewise assigned to well‐defined gas families. Coal‐derived liquids and gas discoveries and shows in Middle Jurassic strata suggest that the coaly Middle Jurassic petroleum system has a regional distribution. A 3D petroleum systems model was constructed covering the Danish Central Graben. The model shows that present‐day temperatures for the Middle Jurassic coal source rock ('Coal Marker') are relatively high (>150 °C) throughout most of the Danish Central Graben, and expulsion of hydrocarbons from the ‘Coal Marker’ was initiated in Late Jurassic time in the deep Tail End Graben. In the Cretaceous, the area of mature coaly source rocks expanded, and at present day nearly the whole area is mature. Hydrocarbon expulsion rates were low in the Paleocene to Late Oligocene, followed by significant expulsion in the Miocene up to the present day. High Middle Jurassic reservoir temperatures prevent biodegradation.  相似文献   

AREVIEWOFINTEGRATEDEXPLORATIONMETHODOFOILANDGAS¥DengLong-wu;GuoQian-jie(ExplorationBureauofChinaNaionalPetroleumCorporation)T...  相似文献   

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