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Methods for Processing Animal Raw Fats with Special Consideration of Centrifugal Clarifying and Separating Processes Modern methods for processing animal raw fats are characterized by extensive application of centrifugal clarifying and separating techniques. The physical principles of such techniques as well as the design of the centrifugal equipment used, incorporating the latest developments, are dealt with in the first part of this publication. Optimum operating efficiency of centrifugal decanters functioning as pre-clarifiers is demonstrated by describing their operating principles, design, and distinguishing engineering features. For the separation of liquid mixtures and for fine clarification (?polishing”?), self-cleaning centrifugal separators are provided. Based on the constructional features of these separators, various possibilities of sediment discharge and various control systems are explained. The treatment of animal raw fat and the proper process technology are detailed in the second part of this publication. Continuous wet rendering processes are widely used in practice nowadays. Critical comments are given on the advantages of these processes as compared with the dry rendering methods. In conclusion, reference is made to environmental protection. Measures to be taken against air and water pollution are given special attention.  相似文献   

Optimization of the Cost of Wrapping Materials with Emphasis on the Permeability of Gases and the Stiffness A procedure is described for calculating optimum thicknesses of the individual layers of multi-layer wrapping foils that are used for packaging semi-solid goods. With a suitable combination of materials in various layers, the wrapping foil represents an optimum as regards the cost of raw material, the desired stiffness and gas permeability. Apart from the cost of raw material the E-modules, the permeability coefficients and the density of the materials involved have to be taken into account for the calculations. The validity of the equations employed in the procedure for optimization is demonstrated experimentally on an example of a wrapping material that consists of three layers. Predictability of this procedure is discussed on several examples.  相似文献   

Analysis of Creams and Lotions with Respect to Sun Protecting Products At first the analysis of creams and lotions by saponification is described. The unsaponifiable and the saponifiable matter as well as the acid aqueous fraction are further analized by GC. Without saponification the separation can be done by HPLC using columns with silica gel as stationary and n-hex-ane/ethylacetate (97:3) as liquid phase. Hydrocarbons, fatty acid esters, triglycerides and fatty alcohols can be separated from each other and from emulsifiers on basis of nonionic ethoxylated surfactants and quantitatively determined. By the same method also the uv-absorbers of water free or emulsified suntan preparations can be identified and determined. This can be done in one working operation, if a uv/vis-spectrophotometer and a differential refractometer are arranged one after another. For the separation and determination of the uv-absorbers of suntan preparations which are water soluble also a HPLC method is used but with reversed phase column and methanol/water as eluens.  相似文献   

Straight Distillation of Fatty Acids with Special Consideration of Environmental Safety and Economy This work shows that suitable layout and construction of individual units with due consideration of thermal and oxidative behavior of fatty acids permit to reduce the cost of operation and at the same time meet the requirements for environmental safety without additional expenditure. This shows that requirements for environmental safety need not necessarily be a handicap for plant construction. The straight distillation according to ACV-process is described which shows that the legal demands of the present day regulations and those expected in the near future can be fulfilled with practically no additional expenses.  相似文献   

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