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The oxidative deterioration of petroleum products (change in physical/chemical properties upon prolonged storage under “ambient” conditions) is a complex, yet fascinating problem. For gasoline and jet fuel, a peroxyl radical chain oxidation mechanism is most likely operative during oxidative deterioration. For oxidatively reactive diesel fuel and asphalt, the available experimental evidence suggests that oxidative degradation is not a classical peroxyl radical chain. It is proposed that ETIO is consistent with the available experimental data for oxidatively reactive diesel fuels and asphalt. This paper will critically review pertinent literature dealing with the oxidative degradation of fuel products with focus upon evidence that illustrates the distinction between ETIO and peroxyl radical chain mechanism of oxidative deterioration.  相似文献   

王小燕  朱健  周弟  朱秀林 《石油化工》2005,34(6):536-540
以α-二硫代萘甲酸异丁腈酯为链转移剂,偶氮二异丁腈为引发剂,在四氢呋喃溶剂中,进行甲基丙烯酸二甲氨基乙酯(DMAEMA)的可逆加成断裂链转移(RAFT)自由基聚合。聚合结果表明,该聚合具有活性可控聚合的特征,聚合动力学呈一级线性关系,聚合物的数均相对分子质量随转化率的增加线性增加,得到数均相对分子质量可控、相对分子质量分布(1.2~1.3)窄的聚合物。用得到的聚合物作为大分子RAFT自由基聚合试剂,苯乙烯(S t)为单体,进行扩链反应,得到两亲性嵌段共聚物PDMAEMA-b-PS t。该两亲性共聚物可以在水溶液中进行自组装形成胶束,用透射电镜对胶束的形态进行表征。  相似文献   

测定了-45.6-60℃范围内由^60Co γ射线引发聚合的甲基丙烯酸三丁基锡酯的等规度。与引发剂引发聚合相比,低温辐射聚合更有利于间规立构聚合物的生成。随着聚合温度的降低,聚合物分子链结构间规成分增多。 通过计算控制等规度的活化能参数,认为单体的锡氧配位是 影响聚合物等规定的主要因素。  相似文献   

通过原子转移自由基聚合,合成了一系列不同单体配比的无规共聚物 P(St-co-tBA)(St 为苯乙烯,tBA 为丙烯酸叔丁酯);以三氟乙酸为催化剂,P(St-co-tBA)水解得到无规共聚物 P(St-co-AA)(AA 为丙烯酸);用红外光谱、核磁共振、凝胶渗透色谱和示差扫描量热等方法对 P(St-co-AA)进行了表征;研究了 P(St-co-AA)在选择性溶剂中的自组装行为,用紫外-可见分光光度计、激光光散射仪、激光粒度分析仪和透射电子显微镜等对 P(St-co-AA)的自组装胶束进行了表征。实验结果表明,临界聚集水含量随 P(St-co-AA)中 AA 含量的增加而增大,随 P(St-co-AA)溶液初始质量浓度的减小而增大;P(St-co-AA)胶束粒径随 AA 含量的增加而减小,随 P(St-co-AA)溶液中水含量的减小而减小。初步探讨了聚合方法对 P(St-co-AA)自组装胶束化的影响,由原子转移自由基聚合得到的 P(St-co-AA)的胶束粒径(250 nm)比普通自由基聚合得到的P(St-co-AA)的胶束粒径(150 nm)大。  相似文献   

叶达仁 《石油商技》2002,20(6):54-54
(续表) 测试方法 润滑脂宽温度范围滴点测定法  相似文献   

A hydrocarbon degrading bacterium KL2-13 was isolated from ten sites of oil contaminated soil in the Karamay oilfield. It was identified as the Bacillus fusiformis sp. bacterium based on its morphological and physiological characteristics and the 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The factors influencing the hydrocarbon degradation by the bacterium KL2-13 were determined. The test results have showed that the hydrocarbon degrading bacterium KL2-13 requires an optimum pH range of 6-8, and the optimum inoculation quantity is 3%. The low-concentration metal ions Fe2+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ can improve the degradation ability of the bacteria KL2-13.Atoo low concentration of Tween-80 does not show obvious promotion to the de- grading bacterium KL2-13, and an excessively high concentration can decrease the degradation ability of the bacterium, the best dosage of which is 2%. The hydrocarbon degrading rate reached 59.07%±0.37% under the optimum culture conditions.  相似文献   

In this work, a mathematical-based methodology is employed to develop a reliable model for the prediction of safe volume for liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) storage vessels. To this end, a novel soft computing approach namely least square support vector machine (LSSVM) modeling optimized with coupled simulated annealing (CSA) optimization technique is utilized. To evaluate the performance and accuracy of the LSSVM model, graphical (cross plot and error distribution curve) and statistical (error parameters) analyses have been utilized. Additionally, comparative studies are conducted between the LSSVM model and a multilayer perceptron artificial neural network (MLP-ANN) model. Obtained results prove that the proposed CSA-LSSVM model is more robust, reliable and efficient than the developed MLP-ANN model for the prediction of liquid volume correction factor. Consequently, the developed LSSVM model results indicate an average absolute relative deviation equals to 0.02782% from the corresponding liquid volume correction factor literature values, and a squared correlation coefficient of 0.9999.  相似文献   

以叔丁基过氧化氢(TBHP)为引发剂,4,5-二氢化-2-(8-十七碳烯基)-1H-咪唑-1-乙胺(OLC)为配体,FeCl3,NiCl2,CuCl2分别为催化剂,实现了苯乙烯(St)进行反向原子转移自由基聚合(RATRP)反应合成聚苯乙烯(PSt)。实验结果表明,St的RATRP反应为活性可控反应,符合一级反应动力学;PSt的相对分子质量随St转化率的增加呈线性增加,PSt的相对分子质量分布较窄,表明RATRP反应为活性可控。在TBHP-CuCl2-OLC催化体系中,反应速率最快,PSt的相对分子质量分布最窄(1.29),引发效率最高(0.89);扩链反应也证实该RATRP反应具有活性可控的特征。在TBHP-CuCl2-OLC催化体系中,考察不同温度下的表观增长速率常数和自由基浓度,并求得St的RATRP反应的表观活化能(73.39kJ/mol)和平衡态焓(40.88kJ/mol)。  相似文献   

以5A分子筛为前体,使用离子交换法制备了Fe(H)-5A分子筛系列催化剂,该系列催化剂对低浓度甲醛的低温催化氧化反应有显著的催化效果。甲醛初始转化温度为70~100℃,100%转化温度为160~190℃。考察了制备条件对催化剂的催化性能的影响。实验结果表明,酸处理可以促进催化反应过程中部分氧化产物甲酸的产生;而提高煅烧温度可以减少甲酸的生成,使甲醛完全氧化为CO2和水。同时,对部分试样进行了X射线衍射表征,发现制备过程对分子筛的晶格结构会造成一定程度的破坏。  相似文献   

激光彩色显示在地震三瞬数据处理中的应用,南海西部石油公司勘探开发科学研究院在现代地震勘探技术中,充分利用地震信息,能够帮助解释人员更容易地辨认由地下结构引起的模糊不清的现象。各种瞬时信息剖面就是一种特殊手段。利用 SEISCHR-OME 激光彩色绘图仪显示的彩色剖面包括的信息非常丰富。使用这套设备的绘图过程大致分为三个部分:其一,分析输出各级能量分布,包括最大值、最小值、增量及能量百分比;其二,输入选定的色调及分级参数;其三是绘图上色,输出成果剖面。  相似文献   

回顾了我国3200m钻机——大庆130型和ZJ40L型钻机的历史变革.指出了ZJ40L型钻机存在的问题.主要是与ZJ50L型钻机拉不开档次、结构繁杂、燃油消耗率高、安装运移性差、钻井性能不好。ZJ40型钻机更新的目标是结构轻型化、节油偶合化、搬家拖挂化、钻井强劲化。推荐了2种更新方案.即.机动的ZJ40LOT型和电动的ZJ40DBT型钻机。  相似文献   

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