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By performing tasks traditionally fulfilled by service personnel and having a humanlike appearance, virtual customer service agents bring classical service elements to the web, which may positively influence customer satisfaction through eliciting social responses and feelings of personalization. This paper sheds light on these dynamics by proposing and testing a model drawing upon the theories of implicit personality, social response, emotional contagion, and social interaction. The model proposes friendliness, expertise, and smile as determinants of social presence, personalization, and online service encounter satisfaction. An empirical study confirms the cross‐channel applicability of friendliness and expertise as determinants of social presence and personalization. Overall, the study underlines that integration between technology and personal aspects may lead to more social online service encounters.  相似文献   

This paper describes a simulation approach for modelling decision-making processes under incomplete and imperfect information in Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE). The main idea is to represent decision-making in a model-free framework that can be applied to a larger set of simulation problems, not just the domain modelled. The method translates some basic sociopsychological concepts from the bounded rationality and learning literature into an executable algorithm. In a simple example, the algorithm is applied in the domain of behavioural game theory, illustrating how the algorithm can be used to reproduce observed patterns of human behaviour.  相似文献   

针对P型免疫控制器参数调节困难、抗扰性能不足的缺点,设计了一种算法较为简单的仿人比例免疫控制器,仿真的结果证明了本控制器优良的性能.  相似文献   

An important property of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) is their capability to acquire/perceive information from their environment. Bearing in mind some studies on situational awareness – where sensitive perception can be understood as the first level of awareness – and taking into account one of the most successful awareness models in Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) – the Spatial Model of Interaction (SMI), we have developed a human-like perceptual model for IVAs. This perceptual model extends and reinterprets the key concepts of the SMI and also introduces some factors typical from human being perception with the aim of making perception, in this kind of systems, more human-like.  相似文献   

计算机虚拟实验模拟训练系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李秀玲 《软件》2012,33(4):44-46
计算机虚拟实验系统,是对现实的计算机实验环境进行仿真,该系统能够在最小经济代价的条件下完成复杂的计算机实验。能够根据实际需要,自行加载虚拟设备和实验项目,学生在微机上,通过仿真程序就可以完成大多数计算机实验项目。本文从计算机虚拟实验系统的功能需求入手,分析了系统的可行性和整体的功能性需求。设计包括系统总体设计、实验组件设计、虚拟实验交互功能设计、用户功能设计。  相似文献   

一种鼻内窥镜虚拟手术仿真系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
谭珂  郭光友  潘新华  王勇军  熊岳山 《计算机工程》2006,32(16):243-244,276
介绍了一种用于耳鼻咽喉科医生手术仿真训练的鼻内窥镜虚拟手术仿真系统。主要讨论了本系统的结构设计、三维重建、碰撞检测、软组织弹性形变和力反馈等方面的技术实现,并对系统的多种浏览模式、虚拟器械和仿真的4类手术作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

一种鼻内窥镜虚拟手术仿真系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
针对传统误差扩散法在中频区域存在的结构纹理,提出了一种基于视觉差的误差扩散算法(PEB Error Diffusion)。PEB-ED借鉴了DBS中考察人类视觉误差的思想,对误差扩散结果中最容易发生误处理的中间调区域像素进行二次处理,因而明显减少了由固定的误差扩散滤波器所产生的结构性纹理,提高了图像的整体视觉效果。此外,它还可以减弱实际打印中“点增益现象”的影响。  相似文献   

利用LabVIEW提供的虚拟仪器开发系统集成环境,将智能仪器同电工实验结合起来,成功地实现了虚拟实验室教学系统的滤波器部分,该项应用发挥了虚拟仪器在分析、测量等方面的优势。在大学教学中通过引入基于LabVIEW虚拟仪器的教学,可以充分利用计算机来实现和扩展传统仪器的功能,促进虚拟仪器在教学、实验和工程领域的推广。  相似文献   

制造系统虚拟仿真原型工具的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对制造系统的分析,基于将“面向对象的分析方法、三维几何模型和仿真机制”统一起来的有向图仿真建模机制,提出虚拟仿真工具的模块化体系结构,开发了面向制造系统的专用虚拟仿真工具,并介绍该虚拟仿真原型工具的总体结构及其主要功能模块。  相似文献   

基于多智能体的虚拟企业环境下自治agent的协商   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了基于多智能体(Multi-agent)的虚拟企业环境下自治agent的协商,针对虚拟企业环境下协商的特点,提出了虚拟企业环境下自治agent的协商通用形式化模型,并在模型的基础上给出了一系列协商策略与协商战略.使用这些策略与战略不仅可以帮助agent生成建议与反建议,而且可以帮助agent对收到的建议做出评价,以作为生成反建议或终止协商的依据.  相似文献   

虚拟冠层光辐射传输仿真系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨垠晖  劳彩莲 《计算机仿真》2009,26(12):205-208,319
研究光在虚拟植被冠层中的辐射传输特性,是虚拟植物研究的一个难点和关键点.为了利用计算机仿真虚拟冠层中的光辐射传输过程,面向对象技术设计了一个虚拟冠层光辐射传输仿真系统(VPCRTS),采用基于混合式八叉树空间剖分技术的蒙特卡罗光线跟踪算法对光在植被冠层内的辐射传输过程进行了仿真.VPCWTS以一种可视化的直观方式展现了整个辐射传输过程,可以针对冠层的不同散射模型进行仿真和对比.VPCRTS系统仿真的结果具有一定的物理可靠性,为研究光在植被冠层中的辐射传输特性提供了一有效的工具.  相似文献   

This paper describes a multi-agent based simulation (MABS) framework to construct an artificial electric power market populated with learning agents. The artificial market, named TEMMAS (The Electricity Market Multi-Agent Simulator), explores the integration of two design constructs: (i) the specification of the environmental physical market properties and (ii) the specification of the decision-making (deliberative) and reactive agents. TEMMAS is materialized in an experimental setup involving distinct power generator companies that operate in the market and search for the trading strategies that best exploit their generating units’ resources. The experimental results show a coherent market behavior that emerges from the overall simulated environment.  相似文献   

为了实现逼真的虚拟汽车行驶动态可视化,建立了一种快速的虚拟汽车动力学模型。并用EonStudio的SDK技术和脚本编辑实现该模型的三维动态显示。实验证明利用该模型和该软件建立的虚拟汽车,其行驶过程更加真实、可靠。  相似文献   

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) technologies like instant messenger have been increasingly used as a tool for interpersonal relationship development and maintenance. To better understand such use of CMC, we investigate copresence—defined as a communicator's perception of being with other communication partners through CMC—and its role in affecting the intention to continue using the medium. We explore three social-relational antecedents of copresence: prior use of the medium, perceived critical mass, and user commitment to maintain the relationship with others. Hypotheses are tested with survey data on the use of instant messenger. In general, the results support the research hypotheses. We suggest that the concept of copresence can be a novel and helpful theoretical perspective for understanding the use of CMC for social-relational purposes.  相似文献   

随着用户存储和使用的文件数量和种类的急剧增长,现存的文件存储系统渐渐不能满足有效管理这些信息的需求.传统文件系统遵守严格的层次结构;以树状结构来组织文件;用户只能以单一化的存储路径来访问文件.为了解决这些不足,设计和开发了VFSS,它充分利用被存储文件的元数据信息,将文件存储系统和数据库技术相结合,以网状方式组织文件.VFSS提供丰富的用户接口,同时支持传统文件系统操作.  相似文献   

传统的根系研究模型注重于根系外观形态的模拟,而将根系的生理生态结合起来的模拟方法则较少。对于农业信息技术而言,根系生理生态的研究模型能更好地服务于农林业领域。文中在研究了DLA模型的特点及其应用的基础上,分析了基本DLA模型的不足并提出了一种改进的DLA模型,用于植物须根系的向水性模拟。该模型结合参数可控方法体现了植物须根系向水性的动态生长过程,一定程度上符合实际植物的生长机理,并在VC++6.0上给出了模拟效果图。模拟结果显示,改进的模型能够逼真、细腻地模拟须根系的向水性生长形态。最后指出了改进DLA算法关于根系建模进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

建立虚拟交通环境的多智能体结构,分析车辆智能体的驾驶行为分层模型以及感知、决策和操作等过程。采用模糊专家系统建立车辆智能体的驾驶行为模型。为模拟现实中的驾驶员行为特性,加入驾驶员因子,使驾驶模拟器的虚拟交通环境更符合现实。运用OpenGVS产生和显示实时交互的虚拟驾驶场景。结果表明该模型能体现实际驾驶行为的多样性、随机性和模糊性。该模型通用有效,它使驾驶模拟器的虚拟交通场景更真实满意。  相似文献   

海洋温度和盐度精确仿真的主要难点是实际实验数据的获得成本高且操作不便,根据有限的实验数据对温度和盐度进行仿真,对研究它们对水下机器人声纳系统及载体控制系统的影响具有重要意义。针对UUV多水下机器人的数字仿真平台的具体工程提出了一种海洋温度和盐度的虚拟生成方法。对海洋中海水的温度和盐度分别进行仿真:水平面采用二元全区间插值方法,垂直面的仿真分为两种情况:对于已有实验数据深度范围内的温度和盐度数值采用三次样条插值,而对于未知实验数据深度范围内的温度和盐度数值采用曲线拟合的方法来近似获得,方法能适用于普遍海域的温度和盐度的虚拟生成,为研究海洋温度和盐度对海洋生物或水下工程的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This study was designed to answer several key questions regarding the service injustice customers perceived during the service delivery. Using the critical incident technique, the authors collected 195 unfair incidents from a variety of service organizations. The initial sorting of the incidents resulted in four major groups: information asymmetry, unfair procedure, inappropriate attitudes and manners of the service personnel, and unfair outcomes. Within the four major classifications of critical incidents, 13 secondary categories were identified. A further analysis was conducted to discover the underlying reason why customers feel unfair in the service encounters. Finally, some implications for service managers were discussed.  相似文献   

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