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本文介绍了以一种比较两个句子的新的有效算法为基础而编制的连续语音识别系统性能评估软件,它通过比较连续语音识别系统输出的若干句子和相应的标准句子,得到系统性能的定量数据。该软件的可靠性得到大量实验验证。  相似文献   

软件体系结构、应用平台及框架仓库技术   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
应用平台是新近提出的一种中间件(middleware)技术,其主旨是为应用提供更强大的支持(如提高质量、增加复用、提高生产率、降低维护)。最近几年兴起的软件体系结构研究已为应用平台的研究开发打下了必要的技术基础。CASE集成工具与环境是应用平台的物理支撑,框架仓库和面向对象组织是应用平台的集成保证。应用平台不仅是新兴的技术和概念,而且具有很大的现实意义和极广阔的应用前景。本文对应用平台和应用平台的关键支撑技术及有关概念(包括:应用平台、软件体系结构和框架仓库等)进行综述,并给出作者的观点。  相似文献   

星基ADS-B是实现广域范围内航空器监视的重要技术手段.为解决星基ADS-B系统监视性能指标评测问题,设计实现了星基ADS-B监视性能评估软件.阐述监视性能评估技术指标及评估方法,介绍了星基ADS-B监视性能评估软件的总体架构,详细叙述了数据接入与处理模块、航迹显示模块及监视性能评估模块的设计思路.利用天拓实验卫星数据...  相似文献   

以GB/T16260质量模型为基础,提出一种面向领域的软件质量评价方法。首先,依据GB/T16260和针对领域软件质量评价的需求,建立一个通用模型;然后,在领域分析的基础上,生成反映领域特色的特性和子特性,并抽取GB-T16260质量模型中适用于目标领域的特性、子特性及属性,生成目标领域质量评价模型。最后,以该方法建立信贷领域质量评价模型并评价三款信贷软件系统,验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

本文讨论了一个具有通用性的测试评估软件生成系统的设计思想和实现方法,给出了该生成器的系统组成、数据组织结构、查询搜索方式以及用户界面的设计。该系统具广泛的应用领域和实用意义。  相似文献   

软件质量评价技术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
首先分析了传统软件质量评价过程模型的不足,提出了可操作性更强的软件质量评价过程模型,在此基础上,明确提出了以软件度量为基础,软件质量预测模型为依托,基于用户评测历史信息库的预测模型调整技术为优化手段的完整软件质量评价体系,并以实验方法验证了上述体系的合理性与有效性。  相似文献   

Coordination in multi-agented systems (MAS) can be conceived as either an agent activity (the subjective viewpoint) or an activity over agents (the objective viewpoint). The two viewpoints have generated two diverging and often contrasting lines of research, as well as different and noncompatible technologies, however, their integration is mandatory for modeling and engineering complex MAS. In this paper, we explore the issue of integration at both the model and the technology levels.

First, by taking FIPA agents and coordination artifacts as reference notions for subjective and objective approaches, respectively, we sketch a framework where agent interactions with coordination artifacts are modeled as physical acts, deliberated and executed by agents analogously to communicative actions. Then, we show how the JADE infrastructure for FIPA-compliant agents, and the TuCSoN infrastructure providing agents with coordination artifacts can be integrated at the technology level, allowing JADE agents to access TuCSoN tuple centers through JADE services.  相似文献   

How to get the relative weights in multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problems is an important issue. In 1988, Yager proposed an ordered weighted averaging (OWA) aggregation method to find the related weights of many criteria. However, the previous aggregation operators (including OWA) and the aggregation situation are independent. For solving the problem, we propose a new aggregation situation and operator model—a dynamic fuzzy OWA model based on the evaluating situation. The OWA can modify associated weights dynamically based on the aggregation situation and work like a “magnifying lens” to enlarge and find the most important attribute dependent on the minimal information, or get equal attributes' weights based on maximal information. We also evaluate the risks of software development and compare the results with Chen's (2001 Chen , S. M. 2001 . Fuzzy group decision making for evaluating the rate of aggregative risk in software development . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , 118 : 7588 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Lee's (1996 Lee , H. M. 1996 . Group decision making using fuzzy sets theory for evaluating the rate of aggregative risk in software development . Fuzzy Sets and Systems , 80 : 261271 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) methods.  相似文献   

面向Agent的软件开发在构建复杂系统中具有明显的优势,但当前没有建立面向Agent系统的统一方法,缺乏必要的软件工程环境提供支持.分析了基于Agent的应用程序的优点,提出了其适用领域,通过对多个方法学的分析提出了构成Agent系统所必需的属性.  相似文献   

Web服务器性能评测   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Web服务器性能评测是一种理解Web服务器对不同负载反应能力的方法,它对Web服务器的容量规划和性能增强有很大的帮助。讨论了Web服务器性能评测的原理、方法、难点及解决方案,介绍了基于Web负载的特点、ON/OFF源模型及浏览器/服务器体系结构,开发了一个Web服务器性能评测工具-WSBench。WSBench产生渐近自相似的HTTP请求序列,从静态文档、动态文档(没有数据库存取)、动态文档(有数据库存取)及前三者根据Zipf法则的组合4个层次来评测Web服务器的性能。性能测试结果表现为每秒请求数、每秒字节数和往返时间3个指标。最后讨论了Web服务器性能问题及使用WSBench测得的指标来建议Web服务器性能增强可以采用的方法。  相似文献   

一种新的软件Agent设计的评价标准:用户自治性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出了软件Agent设计中的用户自治性标准,我们认为用户自治性是Agent设计中需要考虑的重要方面,探讨了自治性标准在Agent设计中的定义以及Agent如何影响用户自治性,并在此基础上提出了一个新的软件系统模型。  相似文献   

目前基于对象的存储设备中多采用通用的文件系统如EXT2、EXT3等进行管理,但面临着对海量数据的高效存储、管理问题.基于对象的文件系统实现了对象按大小在磁盘区域中组织管理,并采用了Hash、最坏适应等机制,提高磁盘利用率的同时显著提升了磁盘吞吐率.对EXT2、EXT3、基于对象的文件系统进行了L/O性能测试及分析.实验表明,基于对象的文件系统的I/O性能是EXT2、EXT3文件系统的2到3倍.  相似文献   

通过对当前业界常见软件性能分析方法和常用性能分析工具技术特点的分析,根据嵌入式系统交叉开发方法的特点,以GNU性能分析工具gprof为切入点,针对其在性能数据采集和处理方面的不足,设计并实现一个面向嵌入式领域交叉开发环境的嵌入式性能分析工具Cross-Profiler。该工具能够针对以GCC作为交叉编译器,运行在嵌入式交叉环境下的应用软件进行性能分析,统计软件中各函数的执行时间、被调用次数、调用关系链以及执行过程中的函数堆栈开销等性能信息,从而有效帮助定位嵌入式软件的执行热点与性能瓶颈,为改善软件性能提供依据。同时,对Cross-Profiler的处理结果进行了可视化的输出设计,增强了易用性、可移植性和扩展性。  相似文献   

The more simulation becomes an established tool in the design of multi-agent systems, the more urgent the question becomes how valid the induced properties and behavior patterns are. Answering this question depends on the validity of the models, the correctness of the simulators, and the simulations. In all of these aspects, reuse and a declarative representation plays a crucial role. With James II, we developed a customizable framework for modeling and simulation. Its component-based architecture supports a reuse of models, simulators, and experimental settings. The benefits of this architecture for agent-based modeling and simulation will be illuminated by an excerpt of a simulation study about trading strategies for mobile ad hoc networks.  相似文献   


Array C Language (ACLAN) is a programming language that extends C by endowing it with structures for programming array processors. ACLAN's two salient features are its machine independence and its ability to handle local processing element memory directly. This article describes ACLAN additions to C, Research in parallel programming with ACLAN is supported by Array C Language Emulator (ACLE), a software package comprising an ACLAN-to-C translator, a library of simulations routines, and array processor specification software. ACLE enables the execution of programs written in ACLAN to be simulated on a conventional sequential computer. Finally, an algorithmic solution for mapping algorithms on hypercube computers is provided.  相似文献   

针对金财工程软件运维工作中的效率低下问题,提出了包括服务台、事件管理、配置管理和知识库管理等内容的省、市、县三级运维解决方案.通过对运维系统主要功能设计和维护流程设计的分析,总结了运维系统在流程规范、知识库积累和IT管理水平提高等方面取得的成效.  相似文献   

新能源汽车设计过程中,性能分析软件作为一种重要的辅助设计工具,起到了非常重要的作用。新能源汽车系统复杂,具有多学科性,应选择恰当的软件开发方法开发相应的专用软件系统对其进行建模分析。介绍了新能源汽车性能分析软件发展现状,阐述了几种可行的新能源汽车性能分析软件开发方法,论述了面向对象软件设计方在新能源汽车性能分析软件开发中的应用。描述了协同仿真的软件发展模式。对未来的新能源汽车性能分析软件发展方向与趋势做了探讨。  相似文献   

The new advances in information communications technology (ICT) allow expanding the electronic communication networks into an objective environment. These techniques can be used to help users who have to go to a building with several floors, corridors, and departments to get its right location and orientation. The problem gets more complicated when there are a high number of visitors with temporal constraints. Typically the lack of information and signs to guide the user complicates this task. A typical example is a hospital, where patients have scheduled doctor's appointments and in some cases movement problems (handicaps). A possibility for solving this problem is to equip the building with an intelligent system for user detection and orientation.

In this article we present a solution that uses a detection and a location system based on wireless technology and artificial intelligence techniques to plan and inform about the paths the user can follow.  相似文献   

针对开放环境中多Agent合作诊断问题,本文提出了一种新的、基于TMS的冲突消解策略.在文中描述的信念知识表示基础上,研究了利用异构的Agent对同一对象进行诊断,以及诊断结果间冲突的类型和信念修正方法.该系统不同于简单的投票机制,既可以纠正错误的假设,提高诊断结果的可靠性,又可以实现知识库的一致性维护.同时也作了形式化的分析和描述.  相似文献   

In open environments in which autonomous agents can break contracts, computational models of trust have an important role to play in determining who to interact with and how interactions unfold. To this end, we develop such a trust model, based on confidence and reputation, and show how it can be concretely applied, using fuzzy sets, to guide agents in evaluating past interactions and in establishing new contracts with one another.  相似文献   

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