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高度发达的现代文明在给我们带来丰富物质的同时也极大地限定了祖先赋予我们的自由。每一天从开始到结束,我们都在各种各样的格子里度过:早上从住房的“大格子”里出来就进入公车或私家车的各式“小格子”,然后又从“小格子”出来坐在办公桌前的“更小格子”里度过余下的日寸光。如此,日复一日地复制“网格生活”。  相似文献   

面向服务的政务网格构架研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于电子政务的需求和网格相关新技术,提出一种政务网格的构架。构架中所有节点均为网格服务,并将服务按供给与消费关系、管理与被管理关系分类。整个构架给用户提供统一的、按需的服务。讨论构架的实施、主要节点算法及多维扩展性等相关问题。总结中肯定了构架的可行性,并提出了面临的困难和努力方向。  相似文献   

Access Grid是计算网格的一个扩展,用于支持在网格上进行组对组的大规模视频会议,也可用于协同工作、远程教学等多个领域。基于任务和角色的访问控制是最新的访问控制模型,它对传统访问控制进行了改进和扩充,能为Access Grid提供更高效的安全和管理服务。因此,Access Grid中基于任务和角色的访问控制是网格研究中的重要方向。  相似文献   

织女星信息网格的体系结构研究   总被引:54,自引:6,他引:54  
信息网格是以消除信息孤岛、实现信息共享、管理和服务的系统,其研究的核心问题是信息共享的新思路和共性技术。描述了织女星网格的设计框架和体系想方设法,介绍了面向用户行为的时空模型的基本概念和特征,并讨论了此体系结构技术和模型如何解决信息的表示、组织、显示、管理和处理中遇到的关键问题,从而提供通用服务、辅助智能、全局一体、自主控制的功能。  相似文献   



This article presents the STROBE model: both an agent representation and an agent communication, model based on a social approach, which means interaction centered. This model represents how agents may realize the interactive, dynamic generation of services on the Grid. Dynamically generated services embody a new concept of service implying a collaborative creation of knowledge, i.e., learning; services are constructed interactively between agents depending on a conversation. The approach consists of integrating selected features from multi-agent systems and agent communication, language interpretation in applicative/functional programming and e-learning/human-learning into a unique, original, and simple view that privileges interactions, including control. The main characteristic of STROBE agents is that they develop a language (environment + interpreter) for each of their interlocutors. The model is inscribed within a global approach, defending a shift from the classical algorithmic (control based) view to problem solving in computing to an interaction-based view of social informatics, where artificial as well as human agents operate by communicating as well as by computing. The paper shows how the model may not only account for the classical communicating agent approaches, but also represent a fundamental advance in modeling societies of agents in particular in dynamic service generation scenarios such as those necessary today on the Web and proposed tomorrow for the Grid. Preliminary concrete experimentations illustrate the potential of the model; they are significant examples for a very wide class of computational and learning situations.  相似文献   

网格资源监控关键技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网格资源监控可以获得网格环境中的各种动态资源和各个节点的状态,提供对网格计算环境的一个真实、实时的动态反映。GridFerret系统是一种基于移动Agent技术的网格监控系统,将移动Agent技术应用于网格环境中,能减少远程计算机网络的连接费用和通讯代价,充分发挥了移动代理的优势,为网格技术的发展提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

基于角色的信息网格访问控制的研究   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
信息网格是利用网格技术实现信息资源的共享、管理和提供信息服务的系统,结合中国科学院计算所织女星网格计划的研究工作,分析了信息格访问控制的关键问题,提出了一个基于角色的信息网格访问控制的模型,并讨论了信息网格访问控制的通用性问题,这一基于角色的访问控制模型正在织女星信息网格的实践中实施。  相似文献   

网格在解决分散式资源共享方面具有广阔的应用前景,使得它成为下一代互联网瞩目的焦点.而计算网格为资源的需求和供给提供定量分析,激励资源拥有者加入网格的同时保证资源消费者合理有效地使用资源.介绍计算网格通用模型GRACE的基础上,针对该模型中的热点问题--资源管理和调度展开讨论,分析比较当前的几种调度方案,为进一步提出高效完备的资源调度算法作准备.  相似文献   


Using the Grid for electronic learning can be considered a major innovation that increases the potential of the Internet for collaborative learning and transforms it into a gigantic high speed network of knowledge and services. Furthermore, with the refinement of peer-to-peer communication, the emerging network models will allow thousands of learners to access these solutions, regardless of their different computer systems. These solutions can be compared to storage devices that share learning resources according to the user' s needs. With the substantial increase of information nodes and the multiplicity of computers making use of this complex network, cognitive overload or transactional distance inherent to the technology can quickly become an obstacle to the learning process. Therefore, the Grid requires the development of appropriate learning tools and services. This paper presents an approach to reduce cognitive overload and transactional distance for a virtual learning community (VLC) on the Grid. This paper proposes a computer-Grid communication device called “Grid-e-Card.” Its goal is to bring users together according to their signature to share collective intelligence in a social context: the knowledge they have acquired, the objectives they wish to meet, or the learning services that correspond to their needs. This methodology is based on a set of P2P-agents who handle users' electronic portfolios (e-Portfolios) as knowledge prosthesis and exploit e-Learning qualification (e-Qualification) processes as aggregation methods to dynamically organize people in relevant virtual learning communities.  相似文献   

基于教学设计的多媒体课件写作系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了基于教学设计的多媒体写作系统ID_MAS。对其四个主要模块的结构、功能与实现方法进行了详细的说明,并对设计指导思想、移植到网络环境的必要性和可行性进行了论述,提出了ID_MAS进一步改善的具体设想。  相似文献   

基于资源管理的网络技术探究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了网格的分类与特征、组成,阐述了网格系统体系结构、网格计算的关键技术、资源管理系统的功能、资源管理系统的模型,详述了资源管理系统的体系结构、资源管理系统的多级调度机制和工作过程。  相似文献   

网格中基于本体的服务和知识发现服务   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
管理和利用由网格应用和网格操作所产生的海量数据,以及对网格资源和网格服务的智能使用是新一代网格的两个主要特征。为此,新一代网格应当具有被称为网格智能的知识发现和知识管理的功能。本体和元数据是实现网格智能的两个基本要素。此外,语义建模是网格支持高层服务和动态服务发现与组成的必要条件。本文对这些新兴服务进行了描述.并在知识网格上实现了一个基于本体的知识发现服务。  相似文献   

目的:研究网格和P2P计算及其应用的趋同性.方法:利用对比分析方法详细讨论了网格和P2P的相似性和差别,并指出了实现两者优势互补的切入点.结果:两者的差异性呈现缩小趋势,特别在应用领域其趋同性日益突出.结论:基于两者的新型计算模式势必问世,尽管要面临一些技术挑战,但将对未来计算模式产生深远影响.  相似文献   

Resource discovery is one of the most important services that significantly affects the efficiency of grid computing systems. The inherent dynamic and large-scale characteristics of grid environments make their resource discovery a challenging task. In recent years, different approaches have been proposed for resource discovery, attempting to tackle the challenges of grid environments and improve the efficiency. Being aware of these challenges and approaches is worthwhile in order to choose an appropriate approach according to the application in different organizations. This study reviews the most important factors that should be considered and challenges to be tackled in order to develop an efficient grid resource discovery system.  相似文献   


The CoAKTinG project aims to advance the state of the art in collaborative mediated spaces for the Semantic Grid. This paper presents an overview of the hypertext and knowledge-based tools that have been deployed to augment exiting collaborative environments, and the ontology that is used to exchange structure, promote enhanced process tracking, and aid navigation of resources before, after, and during a collaboration. While the primary focus of the project has been supporting e-Science, this paper also explores the similarities and application of CoAKTinG technologies as part of a human-centered design approach to e-Learning.  相似文献   

作为一款FPS游戏,本作一直能够在大作中拥有一席之地,靠的便是系列一直引以为傲的画面表现,而将敌人抓起来拧断脖子后从高楼扔下去这些设定是非常有趣的,接下来就让我们看看本作中还有哪些值得注意的新变化。  相似文献   

随着超级计算机向着更大规模趋势发展,并行算法与并行机相结合的可扩展性日益得到重视,特别是对实际应用程序的可扩展性研究愈为迫切.新的并行机的发展己成为科学计算本身的一个巨大挑战.目前仍然缺乏能求解“巨大挑战性问题”的数值方法和并行度高、可扩展性好的应用软件.大规模并行计算的一个关键问题是可扩展性问题[1].不可能期望通过将串行代码移植到并行系统上就能获得很大的性能增益.当处理机节点数超过64,16甚至8时,这种做法将使可扩展性降低.我国目前仍局限于中小型计算,原有算法和并行软件是否能求解更大规模问题是个值得关注的问题.  相似文献   

网格的信息安全是其生存和发展的基础,代理是网格安全的基础。详细分析了MyProxy系统的实现原理,提出了安全的MyProxy系统框架。针对MyProxy系统入口(网格门户)的安全和密钥存储的安全,提出了相应的解决方案。在理论上,保证了入口和密钥的安全。  相似文献   

The next generation Web Intelligence (WI) aims at enabling users to go beyond the existing online information search and knowledge queries functionalities and to gain, from the Web, practical wisdom for problem solving. To support such a Wisdom Web, we envision that a grid-like computing infrastructure with intelligent service agencies is needed, where these agencies can interact, self-organize, learn, and evolve their course of actions, identities, and interrelationships for new knowledge creation, as well as scientific and social evolution. In this paper, we first provide an overview of recent development in WI and Semantic/Knowledge Grid. Then, the fundamental capabilities of the Wisdom Web as well as the conceptual architecture of an intelligent Grid for supporting it are described. Technical challenges for realizing Grid Intelligence are highlighted and the recent advancements in related research areas are reviewed.  相似文献   

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