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The effect of operating conditions on the liquefaction behaviour of a Spanish lignite was studied using a 250 ml stirred autoclave, and the following operating conditions (except otherwise specified): 400 °C, 1 hour, 3.5 MPa initial (cold) H2 pressure, 400 rpm and 40 g/10 g tetralin/coal charge. The liquefaction products were fractionated into oils, asphaltenes, preasphaltenes and solid residue using pentane, toluene and THF as extractive solvents

The influence of temperature was explored in the 300-475 °C range, observing little further improvement in liquefaction yields over 400 °C, and retrogressive reactions over 450 °C. The effect of time was studied from 0 to 180 minutes and was concluded that 1 hour is an appropriate period for liquefying a black lignite, since there is little further conversion for longer times. The influence of pressure and gas type was studied using 0, 3.5 and 7.0 MPa initial (cold) pressure of H2 and of N2, and the effect of stirring using 0 and 400 rpm. Little influence of these variables was observed, which is attributed to the strong H-donor solvent, high solvent/coal ratio and long reaction time used.  相似文献   

Two lignites (Mequinenza, Spain) and two subbituminous coals (Teruel, Spain), their demineralized derivatives (HCl/HF + HCl) and their corresponding derived vitrinite concentrates were submitted to hydroliquefaction in tetralin in fixed conditions to study a possible synergism of vitrinite concentrates in the original coal matrix.

Sufficiently pure amounts of vitrinite concentrates were isolated by a method based on differential centrifugation in CsCl. The coals were characterized by densimetric and petrographic analyses including reflectance-frequency distributions.

A synergism for vitrinite concentrates related to the demineralized coals has not been found here because all the vitrinite concentrates, once separated, have similar or higher reactivity than in the corresponding original coal matrix. On the other hand, the studied lignite-derived vitrinite concentrates have proved to be much more reactive than the subbituminous-derived ones. Displacements of Absorbance-Density curves and maxima toward higher densities (densimetric analyses data) and appearance of V-4 vitrinite type structures (coal reflectograms) in the case of the subbituminous coals imply differences in chemical structures for the lignite and the subbituminous derived vitrinite concentrates which could explain the differences in reactivity.  相似文献   


Three Alberta subbituminous coals were selected to investigate the contribution of different macerals to liquefaction. These coals represent the full range of geographic, rank and geological variations present In the Alberta Plains Coal Region. In addition, for comparison, two U.S. lignites (Texas and North Dakota) were included in these investigations. To enhance maceral concentration, density fractionation was carried out on these samples. Though liquefaction yields appear to increase with increase in vitrinite (huminite) content, a clear-cut correlation between conversion and maceral content is not established because of (a) uncertain behaviour of semi-inert macerals and (b) differences in behaviour within the vitrinite (huminite) macera1 group.  相似文献   

对神华上湾煤直接液化油品进行了加氢稳定和加氢改质的试验研究。煤液化重油经过加氢稳定处理后,可以生产出煤液化需要的供氢溶剂;煤液化轻油经过加氢稳定处理后,中间馏分油的十六烷值低、密度高,还需进一步加工。加氢改质是一种有效改善油品质量的方法。结果表明,加氢改质后小于150 ℃石脑油馏分是很好的催化重整原料,大于150 ℃柴油馏分性质满足环烷基原油生产的轻柴油国家标准;加氢改质柴油馏分对十六烷值改进剂具有良好的感受性,添加1 000 g/g的十六烷值改进剂可以生产出满足欧Ⅱ排放标准的柴油产品。  相似文献   

采用中国石油石油化工研究院开发的Ni-W/Al2O3型加氢精制催化剂对聚α-烯烃PAO4的粗产品进行加氢精制。结果表明:在反应温度240~260 ℃、反应压力4.0~8.0 MPa、体积空速0.2~0.4 h-1、氢油体积比300∶1~600∶1的工艺条件下,PAO4加氢产品的芳烃含量达到国外同类优秀产品水平;PAO4加氢产品经过90天光照后不变色,具有较好的光安定性。  相似文献   

针对低阶煤流化床热解气化所遇到的问题,对热解炉供热模式、原料煤粒径与颗粒分级、热解气初级冷却与除尘、排灰方式等问题进行探讨,优化工艺过程。新工艺中选择高温半焦为热解炉提供热量,将原料煤磨制成亚毫米级粉粒,磨煤产生的少量粒径小于0.1 mm的细颗粒被分离出来,送往配套的气流床气化炉,与流化床气化炉气体带出的细粉一起进行熔渣气化,提高碳转化率。大量粒径为0.1~1.0 mm的颗粒进热解炉,热解炉出来的气体经适当馏分煤焦油冷却、捕集颗粒物,使温度降至350 ℃左右,采用间接换热模式进一步降温,由此将有机废水产量降至近零水平,实现清洁高效热解气化。以低阶煤4 600 t/d规模的流化床热解气化新工艺为例,干基煤粗粉进热解炉,干燥单元取水约480 kt/a,热解单元不产生有机废水,可产有效气体(氢气和一氧化碳)约1.09×109 m3/a,产煤焦油约81 kt/a,系统碳转化率大于95%,煤焦油、煤气、半焦的产率分别为8.97%,110 m3/t,67.5%,半焦气化产物气中有效气体积分数大于80%。  相似文献   

预测油气田产量的Г模型   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
闵琪  胡建国 《石油学报》1997,18(1):63-69
基于对油气田产量变化规律及概率论中的Г分布,进行综合系统研究的结果,推导建立了预测油气田产量的Г模型。该模型不但可以预测油气田产量、累积产量随时间的变化,而且也可以预测油气田可采储量、最高年产量及其发生的时间。  相似文献   

西北低煤阶盆地生物成因煤层气成藏模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在美国粉河、澳大利亚苏拉特等低煤阶盆地煤层气勘探取得突破以前,一直认为具有商业价值的煤层气资源主要存在于中煤阶的煤层中,煤阶太低,一般含气量不高,不具有勘探价值。但是近几年来的发现证实,低煤阶盆地煤层厚度大,渗透率高,资源丰度大,含气饱和度高,同样可获得商业性气流,而且从其气体的成因来看,其中有很大一部分是生物成因的煤层气。利用煤层气成藏模拟装置对低煤阶含煤盆地的煤岩样品开展成藏模拟,从实验角度证明了中国西北地区虽然煤层煤阶较低,热成因气较少,但是却存在着具有商业价值的二次生物成因的甲烷气,再加上含煤层系众多,煤层厚度大,资源丰度极高,仍具有巨大的勘探潜力。  相似文献   

为制备轻质白油,采用贵金属加氢催化剂在30 mL连续加氢实验装置上对煤直接液化柴油进行了深度加氢实验,考察了不同反应压力6~12 MPa,反应温度80~240 ℃,体积空速0.6~1.2 h-1条件下直接液化柴油芳烃饱和行为。研究表明:加氢后的柴油馏程、粘度、密度等性质未有明显变化;但芳烃含量呈现大幅度下降,在合适的加氢条件下产品油中芳烃质量分数可以降低至0.01%以下,满足环保型轻质白油标准。通过蒸馏切割发现,直接液化柴油所生产的轻质白油牌号主要集中在W2-40~W2-110之间。  相似文献   


A set of runs were performed on the catalytic and thermal cracking of the tars present fn the gasifier off-gas stream; the cracking referred to here Js essentially hydrocracking, in view of the considerable amount of hydrogen being present in the gas stream. The catalyst evaluated for tar cracking was a commercial cobalt-molybdenum catalyst, suppported on γ-Al2O3(Katalco-477). It was observed that there was a decrease in the amount of tar obtained with the cracking unit on-line with the gasifier; the tars were cracked to gaseous products in the presence of catalyst. Furthermore, it appeared that higher ring structures were transformed to less heavier components; thus cracking could become beneficial in downstream processing of the gas stream coming out of a gasifier.  相似文献   

稠油蒸汽吞吐开发指标预测方法   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
赵启双  孙岩 《石油学报》1996,17(2):47-52
从年度部署和长远规划需要出发,以辽河稠油生产过程中积累的大量矿场资料为依据,运用系统工程理论、油藏工程方法及数理统计方法等对稠油油藏吞吐阶段的主要开发指标进行综合分析研究,总结出其变化规律,建立了动态预测模型,推导出预测方法.  相似文献   


The perchloroethylene extraction desulfurization process removes the organic sulfur in coal via a hybrid mechanism of solvent extraction and chemical reaction. The nature and extent of the reaction is controlled by the extraction time and temperature of operation. Although the extraction temperature is kept identical for all types of coals (120°C), the organosulfur extraction time still depends upon the type of coal. If the reaction mixture is left too long in the extraction environment, the intermediate labile sulfur released by the reaction forms cross-links with the organic matter in the macromolecule of coal. This is detrimental to the process efficiency. Constant temperature has to be maintained throughout the extraction, till coal is separated from the solvent. If not, the extracted labile sulfur re-enters the coal macromolecule to form inter-penetrating polymer networks with the organic matter in coal. In this paper, it has been established that the time required for separation and isothermality of the process are crucial to maintain the reaction progressing toward sulfur and organic sulfur liberation from the macromolecule. The data presented in this paper are important from the viewpoint of process development, because the process mandates the separation of coal and solvent at the operating temperature.  相似文献   

油田信息综合应用平台的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油田生产业务应用生成了大量的实时零星的静动态数据,这些数据若用于日常采油生产优化决策支持则会带来显著的附加值,如果没有采用新技术和新的工作过程,今天的管理人员要管理这些数据并实现更好地快速决策几乎是不可能的。常规的日常油藏管理工具已不能满足技术人员处理高频率的实时数据,繁重的数据处理工作已使技术人员无力顾及去揭示这些数据中潜在的价值信息。因此,需要应用数据挖掘技术实现一种根本不同的工作过程和新应用来满足下一个工业应用目标,即建立一套油田信息综合应用平台。本文系统地介绍能够完成上述应用的油田信息综合应用平台系统的设计方案。  相似文献   

以苏北盆地低电阻率油层的成因、分布特征及识别方法研究的成果为基础,探讨并完善了低电阻率油层有关概念,低电阻率油层研究有关油层单元的选择;神经网络识别方法的特点及该方法存在的缺陷,地质综合判别的基本原理及其应用的必要性、重要性。并总结指出了苏北盆地低电阻率油层的分布层位、分布规律,对于低电阻率油层的研究具有指导作用。  相似文献   

应用人工神经网络预测油田产量   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Weng旋回模型是一种常用的石油资源定量评价方法,常被用来预测一个油田的产量,本文应用改进的逆向传播神经网络预测罗马什金油田年产量,与Wwng旋回模型预测结果比较表明:人工神经网络是一种可行的石油产量外携预测方法。  相似文献   

石琛  毛大恒 《润滑油》2006,21(6):28-32
采用矿物油、聚α-烯烃、多元醇酯和高压加氢BS光亮油调配半合成发动机油基础油,并测定不同配比下基础油的油膜强度、摩擦系数和粘度指数,通过双隐层BP神经网络对基础油调配进行仿真研究,建立了半合成发动机油基础油调配配方优化模型,经过优化训练后,最终得出综合性能优良的配方组合。按49.9957∶4.3693∶42.4578∶3.1772的配比调配基础油,可以使基础油的油膜强度、摩擦系数和粘度指数分别达到56 kg,0.065和112,经实验后仿真结果与实验结果(56 kg;0.065598;112)极其吻合。  相似文献   

预测油气田产量的广义模型   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
胡建国 《石油学报》1999,20(1):61-66
在油气田产量预测中,已相继出现了众多的预测模型。这些模型是相互分散的、孤立的,种类多、公式繁杂,相互间的联系又不清楚,使油气田现场研究人员难于准确应用。文中对前人在生命总量有限体系等领域的研究成果进行系统的研究,经过理论推导、综合和归纳,得到了预测油气田产量的广义模型。该广义模型通过选取不同的模型常数,进行模型简化,可以得到经济增长预测领域著名的Gompertz模型、社会各个领域广泛应用的Logistic模型、油气田产量预测的Arps双曲线递减模型、Г模型及HCZ模型等在各类生命总量有限体系广泛应用的12个预测模型,它们基本上覆盖了生命总量有限体系常用的预测模型。从而将生命总量有限体系分散的、孤立的预测模型有机地结合起来。同时,本广义模型亦可直接应用于油气田的产量预测之中。  相似文献   

大庆油田外围地区低渗油藏储量非常丰富,但由于缺乏有效的开发手段,采出程度比较低。渗吸采油是(弱)亲水低渗油藏有效开发的技术措施之一。以大庆外围扶余储层流体性质和地质特征为模拟对象,在仿真模型上开展缝网压裂裂缝长度和条数对渗吸采油效果影响实验。研究结果表明:随缝网压裂裂缝主缝长度和分支缝数量增加,渗吸面积增加,油水交渗作用增强,渗吸采收率增加,但增幅逐渐减小;"渗吸液+增能剂"组合使用能够产生原油降黏、补充驱替动力和油水交渗等3因素间协同效应,可以大幅度提高渗吸采油效果,采收率增幅超过15%。  相似文献   

地震数据油气预测中的属性优化方法   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
本文简单介绍了智能信息处理中新出现的RoughSet(RS)理论及属性选择方法,从双相介质地震波传播理论角度,探讨了地震数据油气预测属性优化原理,提出了基于RS理论的地震数据油气预测属性优化方法。实际应用表明;本方法速度快、易实现,而且在优选属性、最大程度地减少提取地震属性种数、提高分类正确率等方面,明显优于其它方法。本方法将成为地震数据油气预测的一种有效手段。  相似文献   


The results of programmed thermodesorption investigations of water from coal surfaces are presented and correlated with the measurements of water adsorption and desorption from the gaseous phase at a temperature of 20°C. From the data obtained, the activation energies of water molecules were calculated and possible structures of water adsorbed layers on the coal surfaces were suggested. On the basis of the DTA curve, the water adsorption heat on the coal surfaces 20°C was calculated and presented in the form of dependence on water adsorption value from the gaseous phase.  相似文献   

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