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目前基于深度学习的人脸识别方法存在识别模型参数量大、特征提取速度慢的问题,而且现有人脸数据集姿态单一,在实际人脸识别任务中无法取得好的识别效果。针对这一问题建立了一种多姿态人脸数据集,并提出了一种轻量级的多姿态人脸识别方法。首先,使用多任务级联卷积神经网络(MTCNN)算法进行人脸检测,并且使用MTCNN最后包含的高层特征做人脸跟踪;然后,根据检测到的人脸关键点位置来判断人脸姿态,通过损失函数为ArcFace的神经网络提取当前人脸特征,并将当前人脸特征与相应姿态的人脸数据库中的人脸特征比对得到人脸识别结果。实验结果表明,提出方法在多姿态人脸数据集上准确率为96.25%,相较于单一姿态的人脸数据集,准确率提升了2.67%,所提方法能够有效提高识别准确率。 相似文献
The increasing availability of 3D facial data offers the potential to overcome the intrinsic difficulties faced by conventional face recognition using 2D images. Instead of extending 2D recognition algorithms for 3D purpose, this letter proposes a novel strategy for 3D face recognition from the perspective of representing each 3D facial surface with a 2D attribute image and taking the advantage of the advances in 2D face recognition. In our approach, each 3D facial surface is mapped homeomorphically onto a 2D lattice, where the value at each site is an attribute that represents the local 3D geometrical or textural properties on the surface, therefore invariant to pose changes. This lattice is then interpolated to generate a 2D attribute image. 3D face recognition can be achieved by applying the traditional 2D face recognition techniques to obtained attribute images. In this study, we chose the pose invariant local mean curvature calculated at each vertex on the 3D facial surface to construct the 2D attribute image and adopted the eigenface algorithm for attribute image recognition. We compared our approach to state-of-the-art 3D face recognition algorithms in the FRGC (Version 2.0), GavabDB and NPU3D database. Our results show that the proposed approach has improved the robustness to head pose variation and can produce more accurate 3D multi-pose face recognition. 相似文献
Face recognition (FR) is employed in several video surveillance applications to determine if facial regions captured over a network of cameras correspond to a target individuals. To enroll target individuals, it is often costly or unfeasible to capture enough high quality reference facial samples a priori to design representative facial models. Furthermore, changes in capture conditions and physiology contribute to a growing divergence between these models and faces captured during operations. Adaptive biometrics seek to maintain a high level of performance by updating facial models over time using operational data. Adaptive multiple classifier systems (MCSs) have been successfully applied to video-to-video FR, where the face of each target individual is modeled using an ensemble of 2-class classifiers (trained using target vs. non-target samples). In this paper, a new adaptive MCS is proposed for partially-supervised learning of facial models over time based on facial trajectories. During operations, information from a face tracker and individual-specific ensembles is integrated for robust spatio-temporal recognition and for self-update of facial models. The tracker defines a facial trajectory for each individual that appears in a video, which leads to the recognition of a target individual if the positive predictions accumulated along a trajectory surpass a detection threshold for an ensemble. When the number of positive ensemble predictions surpasses a higher update threshold, then all target face samples from the trajectory are combined with non-target samples (selected from the cohort and universal models) to update the corresponding facial model. A learn-and-combine strategy is employed to avoid knowledge corruption during self-update of ensembles. In addition, a memory management strategy based on Kullback–Leibler divergence is proposed to rank and select the most relevant target and non-target reference samples to be stored in memory as the ensembles evolves. For proof-of-concept, a particular realization of the proposed system was validated with videos from Face in Action dataset. Initially, trajectories captured from enrollment videos are used for supervised learning of ensembles, and then videos from various operational sessions are presented to the system for FR and self-update with high-confidence trajectories. At a transaction level, the proposed approach outperforms baseline systems that do not adapt to new trajectories, and provides comparable performance to ideal systems that adapt to all relevant target trajectories, through supervised learning. Subject-level analysis reveals the existence of individuals for which self-updating ensembles with unlabeled facial trajectories provides a considerable benefit. Trajectory-level analysis indicates that the proposed system allows for robust spatio-temporal video-to-video FR, and may therefore enhance security and situation analysis in video surveillance. 相似文献
目的 面部表情识别是计算机视觉领域中的重要任务之一,而真实环境下面部表情识别的准确度较低。针对面部表情识别中存在的遮挡、姿态变化和光照变化等问题导致识别准确度较低的问题,提出一种基于自监督对比学习的面部表情识别方法,可以提高遮挡等变化条件下面部表情识别的准确度。方法 该方法包含对比学习预训练和模型微调两个阶段。在对比学习预训练阶段,改进对比学习的数据增强方式及正负样本对对比次数,选取基于Transformer的视觉Transformer(vision Transformer,ViT)网络作为骨干网络,并在ImageNet数据集上训练模型,提高模型的特征提取能力。模型微调阶段,采用训练好的预训练模型,用面部表情识别目标数据集微调模型获得识别结果。结果 实验在4类数据集上与13种方法进行了比较,在RAF-DB(real-world affective faces database)数据集中,相比于Face2Exp(combating data biases for facial expression recognition)模型,识别准确度提高了0.48%;在FERPlus(facial ... 相似文献
Automatic recognition of facial gestures (i.e., facial muscle activity) is rapidly becoming an area of intense interest in the research field of machine vision. In this paper, we present an automated system that we developed to recognize facial gestures in static, frontal- and/or profile-view color face images. A multidetector approach to facial feature localization is utilized to spatially sample the profile contour and the contours of the facial components such as the eyes and the mouth. From the extracted contours of the facial features, we extract ten profile-contour fiducial points and 19 fiducial points of the contours of the facial components. Based on these, 32 individual facial muscle actions (AUs) occurring alone or in combination are recognized using rule-based reasoning. With each scored AU, the utilized algorithm associates a factor denoting the certainty with which the pertinent AU has been scored. A recognition rate of 86% is achieved. 相似文献
This paper proposes a novel natural facial expression recognition method that recognizes a sequence of dynamic facial expression images using the differential active appearance model (AAM) and manifold learning as follows. First, the differential-AAM features (DAFs) are computed by the difference of the AAM parameters between an input face image and a reference (neutral expression) face image. Second, manifold learning embeds the DAFs on the smooth and continuous feature space. Third, the input facial expression is recognized through two steps: (1) computing the distances between the input image sequence and gallery image sequences using directed Hausdorff distance (DHD) and (2) selecting the expression by a majority voting of k-nearest neighbors ( k-NN) sequences in the gallery. The DAFs are robust and efficient for the facial expression analysis due to the elimination of the inter-person, camera, and illumination variations. Since the DAFs treat the neutral expression image as the reference image, the neutral expression image must be found effectively. This is done via the differential facial expression probability density model (DFEPDM) using the kernel density approximation of the positively directional DAFs changing from neutral to angry (happy, surprised) and negatively directional DAFs changing from angry (happy, surprised) to neutral. Then, a face image is considered to be the neutral expression if it has the maximum DFEPDM in the input sequences. Experimental results show that (1) the DAFs improve the facial expression recognition performance over conventional AAM features by 20% and (2) the sequence-based k-NN classifier provides a 95% facial expression recognition performance on the facial expression database (FED06). 相似文献
This paper presents an efficient 3D face recognition method to handle facial expression and hair occlusion. The proposed method uses facial curves to form a rejection classifier and produce a facial deformation mapping and then adaptively selects regions for matching. When a new 3D face with an arbitrary pose and expression is queried, the pose is normalized based on the automatically detected nose tip and the principal component analysis (PCA) follows. Then, the facial curve in the nose region is extracted and used to form the rejection classifier which quickly eliminates dissimilar faces in the gallery for efficient recognition. Next, six facial regions which cover the face are segmented and curves in these regions are used to map facial deformation. Regions used for matching are automatically selected based on the deformation mapping. In the end, results of all the matching engines are fused by weighted sum rule. The approach is applied on the FRGC v2.0 dataset and a verification rate of 96.0% for ROC III is achieved as a false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0.1%. In the identification scenario, a rank-one accuracy of 97.8% is achieved. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Automatic facial expression analysis remains challenging due to its low recognition accuracy and poor robustness. In this study, we utilized active learning and... 相似文献
在真实环境下遮挡是准确分析识别人脸表情的主要障碍之一。近年来研究者采用深度学习技术解决遮挡条件下表情误识别率高的问题。针对遮挡表情识别的深度学习算法和遮挡相关的问题进行归纳总结。首先,概括局部遮挡条件下表情识别的发展现状、表情的表示方式以及研究遮挡表情用到的数据集;其次,回顾遮挡表情识别深度学习方法的最新进展和分析遮挡对表情的影响;最后,总结主要技术挑战,研究难点及其可能的应对策略。目的是为将来的遮挡表情识别研究提供更有益的参考依据和基准。 相似文献
针对现有的在人脸表情识别中应用的卷积神经网络结构不够轻量,难以精确提取人脸表情特征,且需要大量表情标记数据等问题,提出一种基于注意力机制的人脸表情识别迁移学习方法.设计一个轻量的网络结构,在其基础上进行特征分组并建立空间增强注意力机制,突出表情特征重点区域,利用迁移学习在目标函数中构造一个基于log-Euclidean... 相似文献
An algorithm is proposed for 3D face recognition in the presence of varied facial expressions. It is based on combining the match scores from matching multiple overlapping regions around the nose. Experimental results are presented using the largest database employed to date in 3D face recognition studies, over 4,000 scans of 449 subjects. Results show substantial improvement over matching the shape of a single larger frontal face region. This is the first approach to use multiple overlapping regions around the nose to handle the problem of expression variation. 相似文献
Facial features' extraction algorithms which can be used for automated visual interpretation and recognition of human faces are presented. Here, we can capture the contours of the eye and mouth by a deformable template model because of their analytically describable shapes. However, the shapes of the eyebrow, nostril and face are difficult to model using a deformable template. We extract them by using an active contour model (snake). In the experiments, 12 models are photographed, and the feature contours are extracted for each portrait. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Nowadays, digital protection has become greater prominence for daily digital activities. It’s far vital for people to keep new passwords in their minds and... 相似文献
Automated Facial Expression Recognition (FER) has remained challenging because of the high inter-subject (e.g. the variations of age, gender and ethnic backgrounds) and intra-subject variations (e.g. the variations of low image resolution, occlusion and illumination). To reduce the variations of age, gender and ethnic backgrounds, we have introduced a conditional random forest architecture. Moreover, a deep multi-instance learning model has been proposed for reducing the variations of low image resolution, occlusion and illumination. Unlike most existing models are trained with facial expression labels only, other attributes related to facial expressions such as age and gender are also considered in our proposed model. A large number of experiments were conducted on the public CK+, ExpW, RAF-DB and AffectNet datasets, and the recognition rates reached 99% and 69.72% on the normalized CK+ face database and the challenging natural scene database respectively. The experimental results shows that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and it is robust to occlusion, noise and resolution variation in the wild. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Large-scale high-quality datasets are a particularly important condition for facial expression recognition(FER) in the era of deep learning, but most of the... 相似文献
目的 人脸配准是当前计算机视觉领域的研究热点之一,其目的是准确定位出人脸图像中具有语义特征的面部关键点,这也是人脸识别、人脸美化等众多与人脸有关的视觉任务的重要步骤。最近,基于级联回归的人脸配准算法在配准精度和速度上都达到了最先进的水准。级联回归是一种迭代更新的算法,初始脸形将通过多个线性组合的弱回归器逐渐逼近真实的人脸形状。但目前的算法大多致力于改进学习方法或提取具有几何不变性的特征来提升弱回归器的能力,而忽略了初始脸形的质量,这极大的降低了它们在复杂场景下的配准精度,如夸张的面部表情和极端的头部姿态等。因此,在现有的级联回归框架上,提出自动估计初始形状的多姿态人脸配准算法。 方法 本文算法首先在脸部区域提取基于高斯滤波一阶导数的梯度差值特征,并使用随机回归森林预测人脸形状;然后针对不同的形状使用独立的级联回归器。 结果 验证初始形状估计算法的有效性,结果显示,本文的初始化算法能给现有的级联回归算法带来精度上的提升,同时结果也更加稳定;本文算法产生的初始形状都与实际脸型较为相近,只需很少的初始形状即可取得较高的精度;在COFW、HELEN和300W人脸数据库上,将本文提出的多姿态级联回归算法和现有配准算法进行对比实验,本文算法的配准误差相较现有算法分别下降了29.2%、13.3%和9.2%,结果表明,本文算法能有效消除不同脸型之间的干扰,在多姿态场景下得到更加精确的配准结果,并能达到实时的检测速度。 结论 基于级联回归模型的多姿态人脸配准算法可以取得优于现有算法的结果,在应对复杂的脸形时也更加鲁棒。所提出的初始形状估计算法可以自动产生高质量的初始形状,用于提升现有的级联回归算法。 相似文献