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Dual series representation (DSR) for the dynamic response of a finite elastic body subjected to boundary traction and boundary support excitations is proposed in this paper. To confirm the validity of the present model, a string subjected to support motions is solved. Four analytical methods including (1) a diamond rule, (2) a series solution with the quasi-static decomposition method, (3) DSR by the Cesáro sum technique, and (4) DSR by the Stokes' transformation method are presented. It is found that the numerical results obtained by using these four methods are in good agreement, and that both the Cesáro sum and Stokes' transformation regularization techniques can extract the finite part of the divergent series. The advantages and disadvantages of these four methods are discussed. In comparison with the quasi-static decomposition method and the Cesáro sum technique, the Stokes' transformation is the best way not only because it is free from calculation of the quasi-static solution, but also because its convergence rate is as fast as that of the mode acceleration method.  相似文献   

Zhang  Nana  Wu  Chunxue  Wu  Yan  Xiong  Neal N. 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(23-24):15965-15983
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Target tracking is one of the pivotal technologies in intelligent video surveillance systems. Facing the complex and various scenarios in practical applications,...  相似文献   


The detection of abnormal driving behaviors based on video surveillance systems is an important part of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), which can help reduce disturbances on traffic flow and improve traffic safety. First, the study proposes a novel nonlinear sparse reconstruction method for abnormal driving behavior detection in video surveillance. A hybrid kernel function formed by convexly combining a local kernel of radial basis function (RBF) and a global kernel of homogeneous polynomial is been applied in sparse reconstruction method. Then, a novel Hybrid Kernel Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (HKOMP) algorithm is designed to solve the proposed sparse reconstruction model. Finally, the performance of the abnormal detection method is tested on two datasets i.e. stop sign dataset and car parking dataset. In addition, comparative experiments with five classical methods are carried out. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms other five comparison methods in terms of accuracy.


结合Skyline软件中的Video On Terrain技术提出了一种3DGIS与视频监控系统相集成的三维地面影像视频监控新方案,设计了3DGIS视频监控系统的软硬件框架和数据库,讨论了视频数据传输和编码、视频监控报警流程以及网络分析等关键技术,详细介绍了三维场景的创建过程,最后实现了视频监控与3DGIS集成的原型系统,并分析了系统集成的优势。  相似文献   

Document representation and its application to page decomposition   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Transforming a paper document to its electronic version in a form suitable for efficient storage, retrieval, and interpretation continues to be a challenging problem. An efficient representation scheme for document images is necessary to solve this problem. Document representation involves techniques of thresholding, skew detection, geometric layout analysis, and logical layout analysis. The derived representation can then be used in document storage and retrieval. Page segmentation is an important stage in representing document images obtained by scanning journal pages. The performance of a document understanding system greatly depends on the correctness of page segmentation and labeling of different regions such as text, tables, images, drawings, and rulers. We use the traditional bottom-up approach based on the connected component extraction to efficiently implement page segmentation and region identification. A new document model which preserves top-down generation information is proposed based on which a document is logically represented for interactive editing, storage, retrieval, transfer, and logical analysis. Our algorithm has a high accuracy and takes approximately 1.4 seconds on a SGI Indy workstation for model creation, including orientation estimation, segmentation, and labeling (text, table, image, drawing, and ruler) for a 2550×3300 image of a typical journal page scanned at 300 dpi. This method is applicable to documents from various technical journals and can accommodate moderate amounts of skew and noise  相似文献   

Using string matching to detect video transitions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The detection of shot boundaries in videos captures the structure of the image sequences by the identification of transitional effects. This task is important in the video indexing and retrieval domain. The video slice or visual rhythm is a single two-dimensional image sampling that has been used to detect several types of video events, including transitions. We use the longest common subsequence (LCS) between two strings to transform the video slice into one-dimensional signals obtaining a highly simplified representation of the video content. We also developed a chain of mathematical morphology operations over these signals leading to the detection of the most frequent video transitions, namely, cut, fade, and wipe. The algorithms are tested with success with various genres of videos.  相似文献   

In this paper is presented a novel approach for video representation and compression based on spectral compression of spatiotemporal cube. This solution is inspired by the spatiotemporal representation of video sequences.  相似文献   

Biological and psychological evidence increasingly reveals that high-level geometrical and topological features are the keys to shape-based object recognition in the brain. Attracted by the excellent performance of neural visual systems, we simulate the mechanism of hypercolumns in the mammalian cortical area V1 that selectively responds to oriented bar stimuli. We design an orderly-arranged hypercolumn array to extract and represent linear or near-linear stimuli in an image. Each unit of this array covers stimuli of various orientations in a small area, and multiple units together produce a low-dimensional vector to describe shape. Based on the neighborhood of units in the array, we construct a graph whose node represents a short line segment with a certain position and slope. Therefore, a contour segment in the image can be represented with a route in this graph. The graph converts an image, comprised of typically unstructured raw data, into structured and semantic-enriched data. We search along the routes in the graph and compare them with a shape template for object detection. The graph greatly upgrades the level of image representation, remarkably reduces the load of combinations, significantly improves the efficiency of object searching, and facilitates the intervening of high-level knowledge. This work provides a systematic infrastructure for shape-based object recognition.  相似文献   

三维网络地理信息系统是三维地理信息系统与网络相结合的产物。随着互联网技术的不断发展以及人们对三维地理信息系统的巨大需求,使得三维网络地理信息系统成为了地理信息系统发展的必然趋势。文首先介绍了skyline三维地理信息系统软件平台的概况,然后重点研究了利用skyline软件进行三维网络地理信息系统开发的关键技术。最后设计、开发了基于skyline的上海市视频监控遥感和地理信息系统,实践证明基于skyline的三维网络地理信息系统开发方式具有良好的实用性。  相似文献   

Applications using Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), such as web-browsers, ftp, and various peer-to-peer (P2P) programs, dominate most of the Internet traffic today. In many cases, users have bandwidth-limited last mile connections to the Internet which act as network bottlenecks. Users generally run multiple concurrent networking applications that compete for the scarce bandwidth resource. Standard TCP shares bottleneck link capacity according to connection round-trip time (RTT), and consequently may result in a bandwidth partition which does not necessarily coincide with the user's desires. In this work, we present a receiver-based bandwidth sharing system (BWSS) for allocating the capacity of last-hop access links according to user preferences. Our system does not require modifications to the TCP protocol, network infrastructure or sending hosts, making it easy to deploy. By breaking fairness between flows on the access link, the BWSS can limit the throughput fluctuations of high-priority applications. We utilize the BWSS to perform efficient video streaming over TCP to receivers with bandwidth-limited last mile connections. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed system through Internet experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid intelligent system (HIS) which provides a unified integration of numerical and linguistic knowledge representations. The proposed HIS is a hierarchical integration of an incremental learning fuzzy neural network (ILFN) and a linguistic model, i.e., fuzzy expert system (FES), optimized via the genetic algorithm (GA). The ILFN is a self-organizing network. The linguistic model is constructed based on knowledge embedded in the trained ILFN or provided by the domain expert. The knowledge captured from the low-level ILFN can be mapped to the higher level linguistic model and vice versa. The GA is applied to optimize the linguistic model to maintain high accuracy, comprehensibility, completeness, compactness, and consistency. The resulted HIS is capable of dealing with low-level numerical computation and higher level linguistic computation. After the system is completely constructed, it can incrementally learn new information in both numerical and linguistic forms. To evaluate the system's performance, the well-known benchmark Wisconsin breast cancer data set was studied for an application to medical diagnosis. The simulation results have shown that the proposed HIS performs better than the individual standalone systems. The comparison results show that the linguistic rules extracted are competitive with or even superior to some well-known methods. Our interest is not only on improving the accuracy of the system, but also enhancing the comprehensibility of the resulted knowledge representation.  相似文献   

李庆萍  石中锁  陈明 《微计算机信息》2004,20(12):55-56,103
本文根据视频监控的特点,主要讨论了MPEG-4在视频监控应用中的软件实现过程与涉及的关键技术.其中重点讲述了以前的标准中没有的部分,包括VOP的生成,形状、纹理、运动编码,特别强调了Sprite编码和可扩展编码。  相似文献   

The representation of combinatorial objects is decisive for the feasibility of several enumerative tasks. In this work, we present a unique string representation for complete initially-connected deterministic automata (ICDFAs) with nn states over an alphabet of kk symbols. For these strings we give a regular expression and show how they are adequate for exact and random generation, allow an alternative way for enumeration and lead to an upper bound for the number of ICDFAs. The exact generation algorithm can be used to partition the set of ICDFAs in order to parallelize the counting of minimal automata, and thus of regular languages. A uniform random generator for ICDFAs is presented that uses a table of pre-calculated values. Based on the same table, an optimal coding for ICDFAs is obtained.  相似文献   

利用普劳茨算法对整椭圆的一种二次NURBS表示方案进行升阶,得到其三次NURBS表示。讨论了整椭圆的无限多种三次NURBS表示问题,并给出了适合工程应用的现成可用的结果,同时指出,同一椭圆不同的三次NURBS表示与有理线性参数变换相对应,即不同NURBS表示之间的差异主要在于曲线上点的参数值发生了变化。给出了具体的应用实例。  相似文献   

Affective video content representation and modeling   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper looks into a new direction in video content analysis - the representation and modeling of affective video content . The affective content of a given video clip can be defined as the intensity and type of feeling or emotion (both are referred to as affect) that are expected to arise in the user while watching that clip. The availability of methodologies for automatically extracting this type of video content will extend the current scope of possibilities for video indexing and retrieval. For instance, we will be able to search for the funniest or the most thrilling parts of a movie, or the most exciting events of a sport program. Furthermore, as the user may want to select a movie not only based on its genre, cast, director and story content, but also on its prevailing mood, the affective content analysis is also likely to contribute to enhancing the quality of personalizing the video delivery to the user. We propose in this paper a computational framework for affective video content representation and modeling. This framework is based on the dimensional approach to affect that is known from the field of psychophysiology. According to this approach, the affective video content can be represented as a set of points in the two-dimensional (2-D) emotion space that is characterized by the dimensions of arousal (intensity of affect) and valence (type of affect). We map the affective video content onto the 2-D emotion space by using the models that link the arousal and valence dimensions to low-level features extracted from video data. This results in the arousal and valence time curves that, either considered separately or combined into the so-called affect curve, are introduced as reliable representations of expected transitions from one feeling to another along a video, as perceived by a viewer.  相似文献   

为了提高视频监控的实时性、准确性和可靠性,引入运动目标检测非常必要,而在此基础上的人运动检测更是后续各种高级处理的基础。根据视频监控的特点,采用一种基于自适应背景图像估计与当前多帧图像的混合差的算法来实现快速精确地检测和提取运动目标区域,并充分利用视频图像的时域连续特性和人脸肤色信息,实现快速可靠的人脸定位,从而准确定位人运动区域。实验表明,该算法对人的运动检测在光线、姿势变化等情况下具有良好的鲁棒性,适于实时监控系统的应用。  相似文献   

视频监控系统可广泛应用于油气田勘探生产领域。在油田数字化的大背景下,钻井现场使用的高清数字视频监控系统高度融合了计算机技术、图像视频压缩技术及网络技术,其画面清晰、图像延时短、系统稳定可靠,更有利于功能扩展,而且数据更易完整保存以及网络化远程传输控制,同时系统硬件结构也便于钻井现场的安装维护任务。  相似文献   

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