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DNS security extensions (DNSSEC) is a proposed set of standards for securely authenticating information in the Domain Name System. DNSSEC validators check the digital signatures on DNS data. However, designing a validator worth the operational costs is a challenge.  相似文献   

The main goal of Nearest Prototype Classification is to reduce storage space and retrieval time of classical Instance-Based Learning (IBL) algorithms. This motivation is higher in relational data since relational distance metrics are much more expensive to compute than classical distances like Euclidean distance. In this paper, we present an algorithm to build Relational Nearest Prototype Classifiers (RNPCs). When compared with Relational Instance-Based Learning (Relational IBL or RIBL) approaches, the algorithm is able to dramatically reduce the number of instances by selecting the most relevant prototypes, maintaining similar accuracy. The number of prototypes is obtained automatically by the algorithm, although it can also be bound by the user. In this work, we also show an application of RNPC for automated planning. Specifically, we describe a modeling task where a relational policy is built following an IBL approach. This approach uses the decisions taken by a planning system as learning examples. We show that when the number of learning examples is reduced with RNPC, the resulting policy is able to scale up better than the original planning system.  相似文献   

Many image processing applications need real-time performance, while having restrictions of size, weight and power consumption. Common solutions, including hardware/software co-designs, are based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Their main drawback is long development time. In this work, a co-design methodology for processor-centric embedded systems with hardware acceleration using FPGAs is proposed. The goal of this methodology is to achieve real-time embedded solutions, using hardware acceleration, but achieving development time similar to that of software projects. Well established methodologies, techniques and languages from the software domain—such as Object-Oriented Paradigm design, Unified Modelling Language, and multithreading programming—are applied; and semiautomatic C-to-HDL translation tools and methods are used and compared. The methodology is applied to achieve an embedded implementation of a global vision algorithm for the localization of multiple robots in an e-learning robotic laboratory. The algorithm is specifically developed to work reliably 24/7 and to detect the robot’s positions and headings even in the presence of partial occlusions and varying lighting conditions expectable in a normal classroom. The co-designed implementation of this algorithm processes 1,600 × 1,200 pixel images at a rate of 32 fps with an estimated energy consumption of 17 mJ per frame. It achieves a 16× acceleration and 92 % energy saving, which compares favorably with the most optimized embedded software solutions. This case study shows the usefulness of the proposed methodology for embedded real-time image processing applications.  相似文献   

A method of analysing diagnosability of discrete time hybrid systems (DTHS), which are similar to the simple n-rate timed automata [R. Alur, C. Courcoubetis, T.A. Henzinger, P. Ho, Hybrid automata: an algorithmic approach to the specification and verification of hybrid systems, in: Hybrid Systems, LNCS 736, Springer Verlag, 1993, pp. 209-229], has been proposed. A state based fault modeling formalism is used. The properties of the DTHS model, under measurement limitations due to inadequacy or non-availability of sensors, are discussed. A definition of diagnosability for DTHS models has been adopted from the one proposed in [M. Sampath, R. Sengupta, S. Lafortune, K. Sinnamohideen, D. Teneketzis, Diagnosability of discrete-event systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 40 (9) (1995) 1555-1575] for discrete-event system (DES) models. Based on the measurement limited DTHS models, an algorithm for construction of a diagnoser is presented. It is next demonstrated through an example of a chemical reaction chamber that the diagnosability condition (over the diagnoser), which has been shown to be necessary and sufficient for DES diagnosability, fails to hold for many systems. This is so because the abstraction employed in DES modeling obliterates an important feature of the transitions namely fairness. Exploiting the explicit continuous dynamics of the DTHS models, the fairness of transitions is identified and used to demonstrate diagnosability. The diagnosability condition over the diagnoser is suitably modified to encompass the situations typified by the example.  相似文献   

This paper addresses Multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Prioritized Time Windows (VRPMPTW) in which the distributer proposes a set of all non-overlapping time windows with equal or different lengths and the customers prioritize these delivery time windows. VRPMPTW aims to find a set of routes of minimal total traveling cost and maximal customer satisfaction (with regard to the prioritized time windows), starting and ending at the depot, in such a way that each customer is visited by one vehicle given the capacity of the vehicle to satisfy a specific demand. This problem is inspired from a real life application. The contribution of this paper lies in its addressing the VRPMPTW from a problem definition, modeling and methodological point of view. We developed a mathematical model for this problem. This model can simply be used for a wide range of applications where the customers have multiple flexible time windows and violation of time windows may drop the satisfaction levels of customers and lead to profit loss in the long term. A Cooperative Coevolutionary Multi-objective Quantum-Genetic Algorithm (CCMQGA) is also proposed to solve this problem. A new local search is designed and used in CCMQGA to reach an appropriate pareto front. Finally, the proposed approach is employed in a real case study and the results of the proposed CCMQGA are compared with the current solution obtained from managerial experience, the results of NSGA-II and the multi-objective quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm.  相似文献   

Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), computing, networking, mechanics and electronics are changing the people’s way of life. Several research efforts are leading the design and development of Artifact and Service Combination (ASC) with the implementation of Ubiquitous Technologies (UTs) in multidisciplinary sectors. However, the design process of such systems often ends in the implementation of conventional approaches and tools. A Ubiquitous Design Support Environment (UDSE) comprising an application intended to guide the different activities, tools and resources applied at the conceptual design stage is presented. After needs analysis, multidisciplinary collaborations are also required in order to generate innovative conceptual solutions, focusing this approach in the conceptual design stage of traditional design methods. Some activities from the conceptual design stage are enhanced through the use of the UDSE as well as through the use of a novel ubiquity assessment tool for concept selection and validation of Ubiquitous Products and Services. Finally, a case study on a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) from textile sector, in a developing country, is presented to analyze and validate the presented concepts.  相似文献   

In the field of human-computer interaction, reports of the involvement of its practitioners in system development projects are rarely available for general scrutiny. The paper draws upon the experience of an HCI team at work within a large collaborative software development project. This experience of four years of HCI practice suggests three key, interdependent, factors that are central to the effectiveness of HCI input. The factors are influence, discretion and time available, and are discussed in the context of other report, of the role of HCI practitioners in the field. A number of issues are identified about the nature and scope of HCI in practice. The experience reported is relevant to software development in general, particularly where there are several groups working, sometimes in different sites, towards a unified outcome.  相似文献   

Timetabling and Constraint Satisfaction are very hard problems and a general polynomial time deterministic algorithm is not known. An Artificial Intelligence approach, in a logic programming environment may be useful for such problems. The decomposition and classification of constraints and the constraint ordering to obtain the minimization of the backtracking and the maximization of the parallelism are illustrated. The timetabling problem is discussed in detail as a case study: a PROLOG system and a PARLOG system which solve the problem are described and their performances in significant tests are assessed. Finally, a General Constraint Solver is proposed that may be useful for several Resource Allocation, Engineering, DBMS, Decision Support Systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a local logistic company that provides transportation service for moving empty and laden containers within Singapore. Due to the limited capacity of its own fleet of vehicles, the company cannot handle all the job orders and have to outsource some orders to other smaller local transportation companies. The current operation of assigning jobs for outsourcing goes through two steps. In the first step, a certain percentage of jobs will be preselected for outsourcing according to some simple rules. Then at the second step, the rest of the jobs will be put into an in-house computer system which assigns jobs to its internal fleet of vehicles according to some greedy rules and the remaining jobs that cannot be served by the internal fleet of vehicles will be outsourced. This paper presents a vehicle capacity planning system (VCPS), which models the problem as a vehicle routing problem with time window constraints (VRPTW) and tabu search (TS) is applied to find a solution for the problem. From the simulation results, some new rules on how to assign jobs for outsourcing are derived, which are shown to be about 8% better than existing rules currently adopted by the company.  相似文献   

The motivation, rationale, and experiences of implementing an incentive scheme in a large petrochemical plant in the People's Republic of China for the purpose of conserving the consumption of cooling water is described. Experimental implementation in a section of a plant is described in detail. A few incentive-induced features uncovered after analyzing the experimental data are reported. A mathematical model with several variations is presented. A better predictive property of the incentive scheme in comparison to a more conventional method is proved analytically. The effectiveness of the scheme is shown by the amount of water conserved, and by the management's decision for plantwide adoption of the scheme. Practical issues encountered in experimental implementation, extensions of the scheme to more general situations, and theoretical problem inspired by the experiment are discussed  相似文献   

The goal of the GUARDS project is to design and develop a generic fault-tolerant computer architecture that can be built from predefined standardised components. The architecture favours the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software components. However, the assessment and selection of COTS components is a non-trivial task as it requires balancing a myriad of requirements from end-users and the preliminary architecture design. In this paper, we present the requirements and assessment criteria for a specific COTS software component, the operating system kernel. As an interface specification constitutes a major compatibility criterion for the selection of COTS components in GUARDS, a particular emphasis is placed on operating system conformance to the POSIX 1003.1 standard. We discuss the general lessons learned from the assessment process and raise a number of questions relevant to the assessment of any COTS software component.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, there has been a strong industrial development in the Sines area, on the southern Atlantic coast of Portugal, including the construction of an important industrial harbour and of, mainly, petrochemical and energy-related industries. These industries are, nowadays, responsible for substantial emissions of SO2, NOx, particles, VOCs and part of the ozone polluting the atmosphere. The major industries are spatially concentrated in a restricted area, very close to populated areas and natural resources such as those protected by the European Natura 2000 network. Air quality parameters are measured at the emissions’ sources and at a few monitoring stations. Although air quality parameters are measured on an hourly basis, the lack of representativeness in space of these non-homogeneous phenomena makes even their representativeness in time questionable. Hence, in this study, the regional spatial dispersion of contaminants is also evaluated, using diffusive-sampler (Radiello Passive Sampler) campaigns during given periods. Diffusive samplers cover the entire space extensively, but just for a limited period of time.In the first step of this study, a space–time model of pollutants was built, based on a stochastic simulation—direct sequential simulation—with local spatial trend. The spatial dispersion of the contaminants for a given period of time—corresponding to the exposure time of the diffusive samplers—was computed by ordinary kriging. Direct sequential simulation was applied to produce equiprobable spatial maps for each day of that period, using the kriged map as a spatial trend and the daily measurements of pollutants from the monitoring stations as hard data.In the second step, the following environmental risk and costs maps were computed from the set of simulated realizations of pollutants: (i) maps of the contribution of each emission to the pollutant concentration at any spatial location; (ii) costs of badly located monitoring stations.  相似文献   

This paper is the case study of a compiler for a very large language implemented for a minicomputer. Although the language is special purpose and perhaps not of general interest, the techniques used and the performance obtained make the compiler itself somewhat interesting.  相似文献   

A small change in brick dimensions resulted in an increase in the perceived work-load of men loading and unloading pallets of bricks by hand. A laboratory study indicated that the change in brick dimensions required changes in grip pattern in order to unload bricks at the same rate, moving the same number at a time. These changed grip patterns resulted in increased upper body movement, increased chest-muscle activity and higher heart rates. These differences were reflected in higher subjective ratings of fatigue.  相似文献   

The stability test of polynomials whose coefficients depend multilinearly on interval parameters is considered. The authors describe and compare four brute-force solution approaches. These are eigenvalue calculation, zero exclusion from a specified value set, algebraic tests of real and complex Hurwitz roots, and the parameter space method. They are applied to a simple example with two parameters and third-order polynomial. An interesting feature of the example is that it can have an isolated unstable point. The example may be useful as a benchmark for future approaches to the multilinear problem. All four methods are shown to be feasible for the simple example, but they require effort  相似文献   

This work is motivated by a real problem posed to the authors by a company in Tenerife, Spain. Given a fleet of vehicles, daily routes have to be designed in order to minimize the total traveled distance while balancing the workload of drivers. This balance has been defined in relation to the length of the routes, regarding to the required time. A bi-objective mixed-integer linear model for the problem is proposed and a solution approach, based on the scatter search metaheuristic, is developed. An extensive computational experience is carried out, using benchmark instances with 25, 50 and 100 customers, to test several components of the proposed method. Comparisons with the exact Pareto fronts for instances up to 25 customers show that the proposed methods obtain good approximations. For comparison purposes, an NSGA-II algorithm has also been implemented. Results obtained on a real case instance are also discussed. In this case, the solution provided by the method proposed in this paper improves the solution implemented by the company.  相似文献   

Most software documentation typically describes the program at the algorithm and data-structure level. For large legacy systems, understanding the system's architecture is more important. The authors propose a method of reverse engineering through redocumentation that promises to extend the useful life of large systems  相似文献   

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