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无纺布是纺织工业中最年轻而最有发展前途的一个新兴领域。人们在20世纪初就已经发现了无纺布的制造原理,最先以工厂规模进行生产的则是1939年的美国Felt公司(AmericanFelt Co.),1944年左右,德国的KARLFREUDENBERG公司等也开始了无纺布的生产。我国无纺布工业起步较晚,  相似文献   

搞无纺布工作,一定要心中有数,对全国情况要有一个恰如其分的了解,才能指导无纺布工业的前进.对全国无纺布生产能力、实际产量、各品种生产能力、各地区生产能力均要有一个基本的了解,这是无纺布工作者应当具备的一项基本功和起码要求.我国无纺布工业,由于工厂小,分散在城乡各地,且分属十几个工业系统,不容易统计,因而对我国现在到底有多少个工厂、多少条生产线、生产能力到底多大,众说纷纭.有人讲:全国无纺布生产能力大约为15万吨,有人讲20万吨,有人讲30万吨,有人讲50万吨,均是猜想与估计,没有一个恰当的统计.如此长期心中无数,对如何指导无纺布工业  相似文献   

自1984年广东开始发展无纺布工业以来,整整10年时间,广东无纺布工业取得很大进步。从一个刚刚萌芽的工业,年产200多吨的生产规模,现在已经发展到100多间工厂,150多条生产线,年生产能力达8万多吨,1993年实际产量超过5万吨,占全国无纺布总产量的一半,成为国内无纺生产的重要地区。 预计到1994年底,广东省将建成纺粘法无纺布8条生产线,年产纺粘无纺布达2万多吨,各种无纺衬布生产线30条(其中有10条为浆点衬布),各种喷胶棉、仿丝棉生产线70条,各种热轧法无纺布生产线10多条,各种针  相似文献   

《广东无纺布》彩色画册出版由广东无纺市协会主编的大型彩色画册一《广东无纺布》,经过编委会长时间的筹备策划,现巳进人印刷阶段.将于6月底在’95广州国际无纺布技术贸易展览会期间出版发行.本画册以介绍广东省无纺布工业为主,内容计有广东省无纺布工业发展概况...  相似文献   

中德纺粘无纺布合同德国鲁奇集团的成员吉玛公司已获得江西省南昌市的合达无纺布有限公司关于承建涤纶纺粘无纺布工厂的合同。该厂采用涤纶切片为喂入原料和一步法DOCAN工艺。年产量定为3,600吨纺粘无纺布,网密度为200~450克/米2,幅宽约2.5米。产...  相似文献   

蓬勃发展的广东非织造布工业———参加广东无纺布年会有感1997年12月14日,我有幸应广东省无纺布协会的邀请,来到开平市参加广东省第十三届无纺布年会。广东省非织造布的发展走在全国的前列,这在国内同行业中是人所共知的,但能亲自参加广东省协会组织的这样的...  相似文献   

国内消息南新无纺布有限公司纺粘法无纺布生产线投产广东省南海市南新无纺布有限公司引进的国内首条德国Reifenhauser公司第匹代产品─—双头Ⅱ型丙纶纺粘法无纺布生产线已正式投入运行.并成功地试产出幅宽3.2m、10—200g/m2各种规格的产品.其...  相似文献   

无纺布亦称非织造布.即纤维不经过纺织生产成“布”。无纺布的制造方法主要有两种,即干法和湿法.干法包括粘合法、纺络法、针刺法、熔喷法等;湿法无纺布因为采用了造纸工艺.所以世界上许多国家将湿法无纺布纳入造纸范畴,即造纸方法。1无纺布的地位、特点和用途世界上无纺布成型干法最多,用造纸方法生产无纺布约占20%。我国从60年代就开始无纺布的生产研究,目前全国无纺布生产厂家约500多家,而造纸方法生产无纺布从SO年代中期才开始,生产厂家只有10余家。造纸方法生产无纺市与干法相比,有以下特点:工序短,成本低,投资小.产…  相似文献   

狄宏伟报道作为一家全球领先的无纺布和特种纸生产开发商,Ahlstrom公司近日与位于中国山东省的龙口玉龙纸业有限公司签署了一项合资协议。双方同意在山东龙口共建一家新工厂,生产医用纸,以及用于亚洲建筑工业市场的覆盖  相似文献   

广东无纺布协会第十三届年会暨会员代表大会于1997年12月15~17日在开平市召开。参加会议的有广东省无纺布厂家及省内外有关单位的代表共80余人。会上.首先由陆云良会长对协会1997年工作进行了总结并对1998年工作提出了初步建议。然后由有关专家分别作了题为《我国无纺布生产技术发展形势》、《广东无纺布工业概况和发展方向》、《广东无纺布生产技术及其应用》、《国际无纺布市场发展新动向》的报告。开平华士达制布有限公司及同高纺织化纤深圳有限公司分别作了管理经验介绍。会议期间.代表们利用分组讨论的机会.相互交流了生产情况及管…  相似文献   

广东省非织造布工业起步于七十年代末,目前已发展到非织造布工厂近90间,各种生产线达120多条;年生产能力超过6万吨。本文在介绍广东非织造布工业现状的前提下,指出了存在的问题和不足,并相应提出了四点建议。  相似文献   

纺织印染工业污染控制的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
洪枫 《印染》2004,30(20):33-35
纺织印染工业的环境污染,对纺织行业的可持续发展影响重大。从经济学角度分析了纺织印染工业生产的外部不经济性,通过边际成本曲线得出了企业最适排污量。并提出了政府管制、征收环境税、排污权交易及其它经济对策,从而控制纺织工业对环境的污染。  相似文献   

洛阳市乳与乳制品行业卫生现状及管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了解洛阳市乳与乳制品行业的现状,分析了洛阳市乳与乳制品生产经营行业在企业自身管理、工艺设备、原料使用以及产品卫生质量方面存在的诸多问题。32家乳与乳制品生产经营企业的生产经营过程基本符合卫生要求的有21家,其中生产加工企业13家。不符合卫生要求的11家,均为个体私营企业。大多数乳品厂没有自供奶源,定点收购个体散养户提供的散装牛奶,只有少数几个大企业能够对散装牛奶进行快速检验。多数小企业原料采购把关不严,不履行索证手续,不法企业使用劣质奶粉及不符合卫生要求的食品添加剂。174份样品的包装标识,132份合格,合格率75.9%。乳与乳制品的抽检总合格率74.7%,本地产品合格率69.8%,外埠产品合格率82.3%。理化指标与微生物指标合格率较高,分别为94.8%和90.2%,而营养指标合格率较低为74.7%,其中含乳饮料营养指标合格率仅为56.3%,酸牛奶营养指标合格率81.0%,主要不合格原因是蛋白质和脂肪含量低于国家标准,一些不合格含乳饮料蛋白质含量低于0.5%。结果提示,洛阳市的乳与乳制品卫生状况存在一定问题,需加强监督管理。  相似文献   

M. Ansart 《Starch - St?rke》1974,26(8):270-274
The French potato starch industry received a tremendous impetus since the beginning of the 19th century. At that time it consisted of not less than 550 plants. At the beginning of the 20th century it became greatly concentrated leading to a final number of five potato starch factories. The simultaneously increased production capacity has enabled the French potato starch industry to rise to the number two position among the potato starch producing nations of Western Europe. Closely connected with this concentration is a simultaneous modernization of the whole agriculture. All the five starch factories are located in the areas with vast cultivation plains where extensively mechanized agricultural operations are prevalent. However, as a result of this mechanization the deliveries of potatoes contain much larger amounts of earth and stones. For this reason a new process for the separation of stones is currently being tested, in order to reduce the up to now necessary amount of washing water by means of an enriched mud and to improve the effect of potato washing at the same time. The five French potato starch factories are equipped with total-continous and total-automatic machines, and they produce a high-quality potato starch. The concentration to large production units, however, has led in places to an increase of waste water amounts. According to official calculations the raining of potato fruit juice on large areas as well as use of aired ponds have led to a 90% superior purification. Protein recovery in connection with a decrease in waste water volumes will make it possible to even surpass the official standard of purification of 95%, approaching a purification effect of 100% in an already predictable period of time.  相似文献   

印刷胶辊是印刷作业中必不可少的重要部件。随着印刷业的快速发展,印刷机的不断提升与推陈出新,对胶辊的性能、高速运转能力提出了新的要求。我国技术装备好的大型胶辊厂很少,多数厂家规模小,技术水平低,所生产的胶辊大多属于中低档水平,只能与中低档水平的印刷机配套。面对现实,中国的胶辊业必须加速胶辊制造业的提升,企业要重组,要集中力量攻关,要在技术、装备、新材料上下功夫,争取制造出与世界高端印刷机配套的高速、高性能、环保型的印刷胶辊。  相似文献   


This article evaluates the state of the current textile industry in El Salvador. Its garment industry greatly depends on the maquiladoras, which refers to the practice of millers charging a maquila, or “miller's portion” for processing other people's grain. However, with the threat of booming economies such as India and China offering even lower labor costs and faster production times in factories ten times bigger, the garment industry is a bleak one these days. Around 75 percent of the original factories have already closed down, leaving around 30,000 unemployed Salvadorians. The same is true for other countries in Latin America, especially Mexico and the rest of Central America. The possibilities for the industry to survive and thrive are juxtaposed with successful craft- and handmade-driven businesses in Brazil and the USA. The analysis uncovers other underlying issues such as bootlegging and monetary consignments from abroad as a deterrent for the development of Salvadorian design. The article presents a strategy that not only combines the mass-produced with handmade elements but also empowers women in the Salvadorian economy.  相似文献   

除了成熟的品牌经营管理,经典或创新的设计理念,过硬的产品质量和良好的终端形象之外,拓宽销售渠道和多品牌、多产品发展是纺织服装企业的可持续发展战略中的重要组成部分.文章结合行业和市场现状.就此提出建议,帮助纺织服装企业的决策者更全面地了解自身的发展现状和发展机遇.从统计数据出发,分析了中国纺织服饰的消费现状,比较了纺织服装行业各个细分市场的情况,比较了3种所有制类型的企业在行业和市场中的不同角色;介绍了中国纺织服装企业地区分布的不平衡,阐述造成这种地域差异的原因;分析了本土品牌的市场特征及消费群特征,同时,比较了各个细分市场的市场规模、市场集中度、利润率等.  相似文献   

我国非织造布工业有了长足的发展,生产厂家超过500家,年生产能力达到8万t以上,非织造布产品已应用到工业、农业、家庭和军事等各个领域。本文着重介绍了我国非织造布工业在原料、工艺、设备、生产及产品各方面的发展,介绍了世界非织造布发展概况、特点与启示,指出了我国非织造布在发展中存在的问题和不足,并针对这些不足,提出了今后促进我国非织造布健康发展应加强的工作。  相似文献   

The dissemination in food factories of the organisms I have referred to earlier, represent significant and interesting issues of public health concern. Yet there seem to be difficulties in incorporating material in education-training-information programmes explaining merely the most simple and basic facts about the risk involved in food being contaminated in food factories. Such educational programmes are essential components in the overall scheme of foodborne disease control, yet they often represent the weakest links in the control chain. There has been a decline in the emphasis on food hygiene in some programmes at the level of institutions of higher education, and a de-emphasis on food hygiene has occurred over the past few decades in schools of veterinary medicine in some parts of the world. This committee has taken active steps to improve this situation by convening a professorial consultation on post-graduate teaching in advanced food microbiology, Copenhagen 1989 (Park, 1990). The public, as well as politicians, focus for the time being on chemical contamination of foods, possible presence of residues, thereby ignoring the fact that statistically it is not the residues that cause deaths which count, but, without a shadow of doubt, the foodborne pathogens. This fact emphasizes the need for intensive training in preventive hygienic measures. Since representatives of the food industry are participating in the Symposium, I would like to balance the problems by saying: we all share a responsibility in securing education in food hygiene in food factories.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Objectives: To quantify the contribution the tobacco industry has made to foreign direct investment (FDI) in the former Soviet Union (FSU) as an indicator of its political and economic leverage; to explore the impact this has had on production capacity and tobacco control in the region.

Design: Data on industry investment and its impact on cigarette production capacity were collated from industry journals, reports, and websites. Data on total FDI were obtained from the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development.

Results: By the end of 2000, transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) had invested over US$2.7 billion in 10 countries of the FSU. Tobacco money as a proportion of FDI varies from 1% to over 30% in Uzbekistan. Cigarette production capacity in the factories receiving investments tripled from 146 to 416 billion cigarettes per annum and the TTCs' market share has increased from nothing to between 50–100% in the markets in which they invested. Findings suggest that the effectiveness of national tobacco control measures corresponds broadly to the nature of the political and economic transition in each country and the size of industry investment, which is determined in part by the political context. Thus more effective measures tend to be seen in democratic states with smaller or no industry investments while the least effective measures are seen in highly centralised, one party states with high levels of industry investment or those with limited governmental capacity.

Conclusions: The entry of the TTCs at a time of major political and economic change left the FSU particularly vulnerable to industry influence. This influence was enhanced by the industry's significant contribution to FDI, their ability to take over existing state monopolies in all but the largest countries, and the lack of democratic opposition.


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