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We aimed to determine whether our results were any better or worse than other published reports and to examine the efficacy of the West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) policy of applying cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and manual ventilation to all unwitnessed cardiac arrests in preference to immediate defibrillation. All cardiac arrests were studied from October 1994 to September 1996. In all unwitnessed arrests, crews undertook CPR and manually ventilated the lungs via a mask or an endotracheal tube with a bag and valve or a mechanical resuscitator using an FIO2 of 1 or 0.21 for at least 2 min before defibrillation was attempted. There were 3403 diagnosed cardiac arrests but, in these, the diagnosis was not certain. CPR and advanced life support (ALS) were applied in 3380 patients and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was obtained in 554, giving a success rate of 16.4%. A total of 364 patients were accepted into hospital, 90 patients died in A&E but 274 patients were admitted to ICU/CCU. Seventy died within 24 h, 69 died after 24 h and 135 were discharged alive and well without cerebral damage. The final success to discharge rate was 49.27%. Of those discharged, 69 had a circulatory arrest period of more than 4 min but in only 10 was a bystander available to start CPR. The European Resuscitation Council Guidelines recommending immediate defibrillation for unwitnessed arrests are not supported by these results. The apparent lack of cerebral damage and the percentage success suggests that resuscitation considerations should be as brain orientated as they are heart orientated. The elapsed time periods reported challenge several shibboleths.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme is composed of the core polymerase, gene product 43 (gp43), in association with the "sliding clamp" of the T4 system, gp45. Sliding clamps are the processivity factors of DNA replication systems. The T4 sliding clamp comes to encircle DNA via the "clamp loader" activity inherent in two other T4 proteins: 44 and 62. These proteins assemble into a pentameric complex with a precise 4:1 stoichiometry of proteins 44 and 62. Previous work established that T4 genes 44 and 62, which are directly adjacent on polycistronic mRNA molecules, are-to some degree-translationally coupled. In the present study, measurement of the levels (monomers/cell) of the clamp loader subunits during the course of various T4 infections in different host cell backgrounds was accomplished by quantitative immunoblotting. The efficiency of translational coupling was obtained by determining the in vivo levels of gp62 that were synthesized when its translation was either coupled to or uncoupled from the upstream translation of gene 44. Levels of gp44 were also measured to determine the relative stoichiometry of synthesis and the percentage of gp44 translation that was transmitted across the intercistronic junction (coupling frequency). The results indicated a coupling efficiency of approximately 85% and a coupling frequency of approximately 25% between the 44-62 gene pair during the course of infection. Thus, translational coupling is the major factor in maintaining the 4:1 stoichiometry of synthesis of the clamp loader subunits. However, coupling does not appear to be an absolute requirement for the synthesis of gp62.  相似文献   

In bacteriophage T4, the terminase complex constituted by the large subunit gp17 (69 kDa) and the small subunit gp16 (18 kDa) is a critical component of the ATP-driven DNA-packaging pump that translocates DNA into an empty capsid shell. Evidence suggests that the large subunit gp17 is the critical component and consists of a number of the functional sites required for DNA-packaging. It exhibits a terminase activity that introduces non-specific cuts into DNA, a portal vertex binding site that allows linkage of cleaved DNA to an empty prohead, an in vitro DNA-packaging activity, and an ATPase activity. In addition, a consensus metal-binding motif and two consensus ATP-binding sites have been identified by sequence analysis. In order to understand the mechanism of action of the multifunctional gp17, we developed an expression-based selection strategy to select for mutants that are defective in terminase function. Characterization of one of the mutants revealed a unique phenotype in which a single H436R mutation resulted in a dramatic loss of both the terminase and the DNA-packaging functions. Indeed, in vivo substitution of H436 with any of the 12 amino acids for which a suppressor is available was lethal to T4 development. According to one hypothesis, H436 is part of a metal-binding motif that is essential for gp17 function. This hypothesis was tested by introducing mutations at each of the three histidine pairs, the H382-X2-H385 pair, the H411-X2-H414 pair and the H430-X5-H436 pair, which constitute the histidine-rich region near the C terminus of gp17. A mutation at either the H411 pair or the H430 pair resulted in a loss of gp17 function, whereas a mutation at the H382 pair had no effect. In addition to the putative metal-binding motif, substitutions at residue K166 within the putative N terminus-proximal ATP-binding site also resulted in a loss of gp17 function. We propose that a metal-binding motif involving the histidine residues within the sequence H411-X2-H414-X15-H430-X5-H436 is essential for gp17 function. Metal-terminase interactions may be required for structural alignment and stabilization of functional sites in phage T4 terminase and other double-stranded DNA phage terminases.  相似文献   

Methods developed for isolating bacterial nucleoids were applied to bacteria infected with phage T4. The replicating pool of T4 DNA was isolated as a particle composed of condensed T4 DNA and certain RNA and protein components of the cell. The particles have a narrow sedimentation profile (weight-average s=2,500S) and have, on average, a T4 DNA content similar to that of the infected cell. Their dimensions observed via electron and fluorescence microscopy are similar to the dimensions of the intracellular DNA pool. The DNA packaging density is less than that of the isolated bacterial nucleoid but appears to be roughly similar to its state in vivo. Host-cell proteins and T4-specific proteins bound to the DNA were characterized by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. The major host proteins are the RNA polymerase subunits and two envelope proteins (molecular weights, 36,000 and 31,000). Other major proteins of the host cell were absent or barely detectable. Single-strand breaks can be introduced into the DNA with gamma radiation or DNase without affecting its sedimentation rate. This and other studies of the effects of intercalated ethidium molecules have suggested that the average superhelical density of the condensed DNA is small. However, these studies also indicated that there may be a few domains in the DNA that become positively supercoiled in the presence of high concentrations of ethidium bromide. In contrast to the Escherichia coli nucleoid, the T4 DNA structure remains condensed after the RNA and protein components have been removed (although there may be slight relaxation in the state of condensation under these conditions).  相似文献   

The phage-derived expression, packaging, and processing (PEPP) system was used to target foreign proteins into the bacteriophage capsid to probe the intracapsid environment and the structure of packaged DNA. Small proteins with minimal requirements for activity were selected, staphylococcal nuclease (SN) and green fluorescent protein (GFP). These proteins were targeted into the T4 head by means of IPIII (internal protein III) fusions or CTS (capsid targeting sequence) fusions. Additional evidence is provided that foreign proteins are targeted into T4 by the N-terminal ten amino acid residue consensus CTS of IPIII identified in previous work. Fusion proteins were produced within host bacteria by expression from plasmids or by produc tion from recombinant phage carrying the fusion genes. Packaged fusion proteins CTS IPIII SN, CTS IPIII TSN, CTS IPIII GFP, CTS IPIII TGFP, and CTS GFP, where [symbol: see text] indicates a linkage peptide sequence Leu(Ile)-N-Glu cleaved by the T4 head morphogenetic proteinase gp21 during head maturation, are observed to exhibit intracapsid activity. SN activity within the head is demonstrated by loss of phage viability and by digested genomic DNA patterns visualized by gel electrophoresis when viable phage are incubated in Ca2+. Green fluorescent phage result immediately after packaging GFP produced at 30 degreesC and below, and continue to give green fluorescence under 470 nm light after CsCl purification. Non-fluorescent GFP-fusions are produced in bacteria at 37 degreesC, and phage packaged with these proteins achieve a fluorescent state after incubation for several months at 4 degreesC. GFP-packaged phage and proheads analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy show that the mature head and the DNA-empty prohead package identical numbers of GFP-fusion proteins. Encapsidated GFP and SN can be injected into bacteria and rapidly exhibit intracellular activity. In vivo SN digestion of encapsidated DNA gives an intriguing pattern of DNA fragments by gel analysis, predominantly a repeat pattern of 160 bp multiples, reminiscent of a nucleosome digestion ladder, This quasi-limit DNA digestion pattern, reached >100-fold more slowly than the loss of titer, is invariant over a range 相似文献   

The T4D bacteriophage gene 28 product is a component of the central plug of the tail baseplate, as shown by the following two independent lines of evidence. (i) A highly sensitive method for radioactive labeling of only tail baseplate plug components was developed. These labeled plug components were incorporated by a complementation procedure into new phage particles and were analyzed by radioautography after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three new structural proteins were found in addition to the three known tail plug proteins (i.e., gP29, gP27, and gP5). One of the three newly identified components had a molecular weight of 24,000 to 25,000 and appeared to be a product of T4D gene 28. (ii) Characterization of mutants of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4D which produced altered gene 28 products also indicated that the gene 28 product was a viral tail component. T4D 28(ts) phage particles produced at the permissive temperature had altered heat labilities compared with parent T4D particles. We isolated a single-step temperature revertant of T4D 28(ts) and found that it produced phage particles which phenotypically resembled the original T4D particles. Since the properties of the phage baseplate components usually determine heat lability, these two changes in physical stability after two sequential single mutations in gene 28 supported the other evidence that the gene 28 product was a viral baseplate component. Also, compared with parent T4D particles, T4D 28(ts) and T4D 28am viral particles adsorbed at different rates to various types of host cells. In addition, T4D 28(ts) particles exhibited a different host range than parent T4D particles. This T4D mutant formed plaques with an extremely low efficiency on all E. coli K-12 strains tested. We found that although T4D 28(ts) particles adsorbed rapidly and irreversibly to the E. coli K-12 strains, as judged by gene rescue experiments, these particles were not able to inject their DNA into the E. coli K-12 strains. On the other hand, the T4D 28(ts) revertant had a plating efficiency on E. coli K-12 strains that was quite similar to the plating efficiency of the original parent, T4D. These properties of phage particles containing an altered gene 28 product supported the analytical finding that the gene 28 product is a structural component of the central plug of the T4D tail baseplate. They also indicated that this component plays a role in both host cell recognition and viral DNA injection.  相似文献   

The role of the sinoatrial ring bundle (SARB) in internodal conduction was examined by the microelectrode technique in excised rabbit hearts. The spread of the sinus impluse to the surrounding tissues was shown to proceed anteriorly toward the right branch of the crista terminalis significantly faster than toward the other direction. Thus the right SARB and the right branch of the crista terminalis close to the sinus node were the earliest areas excited by the sinus impulse in the areas surrounding the sinus node. It was further shown that the activation sequence does not initiate from the right SARB to the right branch of the crista terminalis via the junction of these two structures. Cutting the SARB did not produce any delay in conduction from the sinus node to the atrioventricular (AV) node. The conduction velocity measured at the endocardial surface by two microelectrodes has proved that conduction in the crista terminalis was significantly faster than in the SARB. The upstroke of the action potential from the crista terminalis was also steeper than that from the SARB. These results suggest that the SARB is not the main route for impulse propagation from the sinus node to the AV node; the fastest internodal conduction therefore takes place with wide wave fronts, along the crista terminalis.  相似文献   

A prerequisite to genetic recombination in the T4 bacteriophage is the formation of the presynaptic filament-a helical nucleoprotein filament containing stoichiometric amounts of the uvsX recombinase in complex with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Once formed, the filament is competent to catalyze homologous pairing and DNA strand exchange reactions. An important component in the formation of the presynaptic filament is the uvsY protein, which is required for optimal uvsX-ssDNA assembly in vitro, and essential for phage recombination in vivo. uvsY enhances uvsX activities by promoting filament formation and stabilizing filaments under conditions of low uvsX, high salt, and/or high gp32 (ssDNA-binding protein) concentrations. The molecular properties of uvsY include noncooperative binding to ssDNA and specific protein-protein interactions with both uvsX and gp32. Evidence suggests that all of these hetero-associations of the uvsY protein are important for presynaptic filament formation. However, there is currently no structural information available on the uvsY protein itself. In this study, we present the first characterization of the self-association of uvsY. Using hydrodynamic methods, we demonstrate that uvsY associates into a stable hexamer (s020,w = 6.0, M = 95 kDa) in solution and that this structure is competent to bind ssDNA. We further demonstrate that uvsY hexamers are capable of reversible association into higher aggregates in a manner dependent on both salt and protein concentration. The implications for presynaptic filament formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Antimutators are mutant strains that have reduced mutation rates compared to the corresponding wild-type strain. Their existence, along with mutator mutants that have higher mutation rates compared to the wild-type strain, are powerful evidence that mutation rates are genetically controlled. Compared to mutator mutants, antimutators have a very distinguishing property. Because they prevent normally occurring mutations, they, uniquely, are capable of providing insight into the mechanisms of spontaneous mutations. In this review, antimutator mutants are discussed in bacteriophage T4 and the bacterium Escherichia coli, with regard to their properties, possible mechanisms, and implications for the sources of spontaneous mutations in these two organisms.  相似文献   

The DNA of bacteriophage T5 has been treated with restriction endonucleases EcoRI, HindIII, BamI, SmaI, PstI, SalI, KpnI and the electrophoretic pattern obtained in agarose gel has been analyzed in order to localize the specific cleavage sites on the T5 DNA. The localization of cleavage sites has been reduced from the electrophoretic pattern of double and partial digests, the digests of isolated restriction fragments and the digests of deletion mutant T5st(o) DNA. Four BamI cleavage sites have been found and localized on the physical map of T5 DNA at 0.21, 0.225, 0.685 and 0.725 fractional length. Endonuclease SmaI cleaves at 0.39, 0.59 and 0.69 fractional length. Endonuclease PstI cuts T5 DNA at 11 sites: 0.090, 0.210, 0.320, 0.510, 0.635, 0.670, 0.705, 0.770, 0.815, 0.840, 0.875 fractional length. Six KpnI cleavage sites have been mapped at 0.170, 0.215, 0.525, 0.755, 0.830, 0.850 fractional length. A complete cleavage map of the phage genome is presented for seven restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

Most biological organisms rely upon a DNA polymerase holoenzyme for processive DNA replication. The bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme is composed of the polymerase enzyme and a clamp protein (the 45 protein), which functions as a processivity factor by strengthening the interaction between DNA and the holoenzyme. The 45 protein must be loaded onto DNA by a clamp loader ATPase complex (the 44/62 complex). In this paper, the order of events leading to holoenzyme formation is investigated using a combination of rapid-quench and stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy kinetic methods. A rapid-quench strand displacement assay in which the order of holoenzyme component addition is varied provided data indicating that the rate-limiting step in holoenzyme assembly is associated with the clamp loading process. Pre-steady-state analysis of the clamp loader ATPase activity demonstrated that the four bound ATP molecules are hydrolyzed stepwise during the clamp loading process in groups of two. Clamp loading was examined with stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy from the perspective of the clamp itself, using a site-specific, fluorescently labeled 45 protein. A mechanism for T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme assembly is proposed in which the 45 protein interacts with the 44/62 complex leading to the hydrolysis of 2 equiv of ATP, and upon contacting DNA, the remaining two ATP molecules bound to the 44/62 complex are hydrolyzed. Once all four ATP molecules are hydrolyzed, the 45 protein is poised on DNA for association with the polymerase to form the holoenzyme.  相似文献   

A promotor-less oad gene of bacteriophage T5, encoding the receptor binding protein pb5, was cloned into pT7-3 under the control of phage T7 promoter phi 10. Induction with IPTG resulted in enhanced production of pb5. Upon fractionation of the producing cells, most of the overproduced pb5 was found in the membrane fraction, which was most likely due to aggregation of the protein. The minor, soluble fraction of pb5 specifically inhibited adsorption of T5 to its FhuA receptor protein. Inhibition was also seen with trace amounts of pb5, and binding of pb5 to FhuA appeared to be almost irreversible. Purification of pb5 from the cytosolic fraction was performed by FPLC using a MonoQ column. pb5, which did not bind to the matrix of the column, was obtained in almost pure form. The purified protein also inhibited T5 adsorption.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage P2 replicates via a modified rolling circle-type of mechanism, where the P2 A protein acts as an initiator of the replication by inducing a single-stranded cut at the origin of replication (ori). The exact location of the cut induced by the A protein in vivo is determined in this report by: (i) restriction analysis; (ii) DNA sequence analysis; and (iii) primer extensions. It is located 89.2% from the left end of the P2 genome, which is within the coding part of the A gene, in a region devoid of secondary structures. The A gene has been cloned into an expression vector, and the A protein has been purified. The purified A protein does not bind to double-stranded ori containing DNA, but it cleaves single-stranded ori containing DNA, which indicates that a special DNA structure and/or protein is required to make the ori accessible for the A protein.  相似文献   

The 63 kDa gene 4 protein of bacteriophage T7 provides both helicase and primase activities. The C-terminal helicase domain of the gene 4 protein is responsible for DNA-dependent NTP hydrolysis and for hexamer formation, whereas the N-terminal primase domain contains the zinc motif that is, in part, responsible for template-directed oligoribonucleotide synthesis. In the presence of beta, gamma-methylene dTTP, the protein forms a hexamer that surrounds and binds tightly to single-stranded DNA and consequently is unable to translocate to primase recognition sites, 5'-GTC-3', or to dissociate from the molecule to which it is bound. Nonetheless, in the presence of beta,gamma-methylene dTTP, it catalyzes the synthesis of pppAC dimers at primase sites on M13 DNA. When bound to single-stranded DNA in the presence of beta,gamma-methylene dTTP, the primase can function at recognition sites on the same molecule to which it is bound provided that a sufficient distance exists between the recognition site and the site to which it is bound. Furthermore, the primase bound to one DNA strand can function at a primase site located on a second DNA strand. The results indicate that the primase domain resides on the outside of the hexameric ring, a location that enables it to access sites distal to its site of binding.  相似文献   

Early in a bacteriophage T4 infection, the phage ndd gene causes the rapid destruction of the structure of the Escherichia coli nucleoid. Even at very low levels, the Ndd protein is extremely toxic to cells. In uninfected E. coli, overexpression of the cloned ndd gene induces disruption of the nucleoid that is indistinguishable from that observed after T4 infection. A preliminary characterization of this protein indicates that it has a double-stranded DNA binding activity with a preference for bacterial DNA rather than phage T4 DNA. The targets of Ndd action may be the chromosomal sequences that determine the structure of the nucleoid.  相似文献   

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