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Most researchers have found a positive linear relation between age and job satisfaction. We attempted to account for this relationship by measuring variables that had been proposed to be causal factors. Subjects were 496 city and county managers working in Florida. Potential explanatory variables were (a) job congruence (the difference between what managers prefer and what they perceive they have in a job), (b) internal–external locus of control, and (c) related demographics—age, salary, organizational tenure, position tenure, and organizational level. Multiple regression analyses found that job congruence and work locus of control accounted for almost all of the variance in the age–satisfaction relationship. This study supports the job change hypothesis, which proposes that older workers get more of what they want out of work. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested several hypotheses relevant to the analysis of the effects of community characteristics on job satisfaction. Ss were 390 male and 80 female white-collar workers employed by the same company and living in 2 company towns in Canada. The 2 towns differed along certain dimensions. Predictions were made regarding the differences in reactions by the workers to these 2 communities and also regarding the relationship between responses to the communities and responses to general job and life satisfaction. Sex differences were present but the data support the hypotheses. A discussion of the relevance of these data for job satisfaction and motivation theory is presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Selected antecedents of the valence of pay and the instrumentality of performance for pay were combined into an integrative framework and investigated in a study of 92 male life insurance agents (age range 21–67 yrs). Drawing on 2 models proposed by E. E. Lawler, it was hypothesized that valence would be a function of age, job level, income, pay satisfaction, and commission pay plan, while instrumentality perceptions would be a function of tenure, commission plan, and valence. Data were obtained from company sources and from a job-attitudes questionnaire. A path analytic investigation of the hypothesized linkages suggested that a more parsimonious model of pay perception determinants may be adequate. Specifically, valence was found to be independently and negatively related only to age and pay satisfaction, while instrumentality was a positive function of valence and a negative function of tenure. In addition, pay satisfaction was positively related to age and income and inversely related to job level. Implications of the suggested model are discussed in view of current practice. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested E. E. Lawler's (1971) hypothesis that when amount of pay is controlled people who evaluate their own performance highly are less satisfied with their pay. 101 sales representatives completed a questionnaire containing measures of self-perceived performance, pay satisfaction, and other variables. They were also rated on job performance by their supervisors. The partial correlation between self-rated performance and pay satisfaction, holding amount of pay constant, was –.30, thereby supporting the hypothesis. Self-perceived performance was only slightly related to an objective measure of total sales/representative, supervisory ratings of performance, self-perceived age/tenure, or education. When these other variables were also controlled, self-perceived performance still correlated negatively with pay satisfaction. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluation of applicants for middle- and upper-level managerial positions and recommended starting salaries were examined in a sample of 44 male and 24 female line and staff managers. We postulated hypotheses that (a) managers would use job-relevant and job-irrelevant variables in evaluation of applicants, (b) the managers' selection decision models would involve configural cue processing, (c) managers' demographic characteristics would affect their evaluations of applicants for managerial positions, and (d) applicant sex and race would affect starting salary recommendations, after controlling for human capital variables. Subjects viewed videotaped presentations by 16 applicants and evaluated them for the job for which they were applying. Variables of applicant age, sex, race, experience, education, and level of job for which applying were manipulated. The results supported four of the five hypotheses. Job-irrelevant variables were used heavily in selection decisions, and decision models were complex, with multiple interactions among the decision cues. Subject demographic characteristics were the strongest predictors of starting salary recommendations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Existing research on women in construction focuses on engineers and entrepreneurs, yet little to no attention has been given to women in trades. Thus, the aim of this research is to review the literature on tradeswomen and to conduct a localized study to determine if demographic variables affect satisfaction with work, pay, opportunities, supervision, and people on the job for tradeswomen. These variables include age, education, number of dependents, number of trade years, duration of work, and frequency of work outside of the local area. Thirty-nine tradeswomen from the Cincinnati area were surveyed to assess their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with construction work. Currently, the literature review indicates that research on tradeswomen is limited and largely restricted to identifying measures that can attract and retain women in construction trades. Studies on motivation and job satisfaction of construction workers neither identify nor compare perceptions of tradeswomen about their work. Results of this exploratory study showed that pay, benefits, and job security are most important to women in their occupation. Although tradeswomen appear to be satisfied with the nature of work in construction trades, this is not the case in terms of pay, benefits, and job security. Demographic variables did not affect the level of job satisfaction for women in construction trades. Research on tradeswomen is essential and important as the industry tries to change its image and encourage diversity in order to mitigate labor shortage.  相似文献   

To facilitate nurses' job satisfaction and reduce their psychological distress, it is useful for a nursing manager to know whether factors within the workplace provide greater prediction of these affective states than variables outside the domain of work, and whether there are common predictors of satisfaction and distress. The relative importance of occupational and nonoccupational variables in the prediction of job satisfaction and psychological distress was investigated in a survey of hospital nurses (N = 376). Perceived relations with the head nurse, coworkers, physicians, and other units/departments, along with unit tenure and job/nonjob conflict, were predictors of job satisfaction. Personal disposition (anxiety-trait), social integration, unit tenure, professional experience, position level, and job/nonjob conflict, along with the relations with the head nurse and physicians, were predictors of psychological distress. The relations with the head nurse and physicians, as well as unit tenure and job/nonjob conflict, were predictors of both satisfaction and distress. The prediction by unit tenure is noteworthy. Unit tenure had a negative relationship to satisfaction and a positive one to distress, whereas total experience had a negative relationship to psychological distress and none with job satisfaction. The role of unit tenure in nurses' affective experiences warrants more attention in future research, along with the role of job/nonjob conflict and other variables predictive of nurses' satisfaction and distress.  相似文献   

In an extension of the work of W. J. Bigoness (see record 1979-09336-001) and others, this study examined the relationship between the perceived need for a union and the following factors: age, salary level, perceived relationship between future performance and future salary adjustments, and perceived raise equity. Additionally, the relative importance of satisfaction with economic factors and intrinsic job attributes in accounting for the perceived need for a union was investigated using 220 university faculty members. As reported in other studies, the data revealed that age was inversely related to union attitudes. This relationship, however, was not significant when the effect of salary was controlled. Also, satisfaction with economic factors and the administration of extrinsic rewards accounted for more variance in the perceived need for a union than did overall job satisfaction and intrinsic job satisfaction. Instrumentality of job performance in determining future pay raises appeared more important than salary or raise equity in explaining union attitudes among Ss. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, a mail survey was used to measure pay satisfaction, current salary, 4 personal standards of comparison, and basic demographics for 169 mental health professionals. As predicted, pay satisfaction was determined by the simultaneous appraisal of current salary against several personal standards of comparison. Explained variance in pay satisfaction rose from 26.1% when only salary and demographics were used as predictors to 46.7% when discrepancy-related variables associated with 4 standards of comparison also were used. Furthermore, R–2 for the combined discrepancy-related variables associated with all 4 standards of comparison was significantly greater than R–2 for the discrepancy-related variables associated with any single standard. These discrepancy effects took both additive and nonadditive forms. Discrepancy effects were stronger when deserved salary or minimum salary was the standard of comparison than when other's salary or average salary was. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Stress, strain, and coping were measured by S. H. Osipow and A. R. Spokane's (1987) Occupational Stress Inventory with 249 adults in 75 occupations; results supported the validity of the inventory. Higher stress predicted higher strain and lower job satisfaction; the converse was true for coping, although the coping–satisfaction link was weak. In hierarchical regression analyses, predictor variables were gender, age, education, job tenure, negative affectivity, 6 stress measures, and 4 coping measures. Outcome variables were 4 measures of occupational strain (vocational, psychological, interpersonal, and physical) and 3 measures of job satisfaction (intrinsic, extrinsic, and general). The 7 hierarchical regressions revealed strong stress–strain and stress–job satisfaction relationships; negative affectivity had variable impacts on strain but little influence on job satisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore whether employee age influences the relation between perceived work alternatives and job satisfaction. Moderated regression analyses were conducted using the survey responses of 226 employees between the ages of 24 and 50 who worked for a mental health institution. The analyses revealed that a Perceived Work Alternatives?×?Employee Age interaction significantly predicted job satisfaction. Neither organizational tenure nor employee educational level accounted for job-satisfaction variance beyond that accounted for by perceived work alternatives alone, nor did they interact with perceived work alternatives to predict job satisfaction. These findings indicate that employee age is associated with the relation between perceived alternatives and job satisfaction. They also provide some insight into which of a number of age-related effects may be most pertinent to this relation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Measures of 5 separate aspects of job satisfaction gathered from 295 male workers and 163 female workers drawn from 4 different plants were analyzed with respect to the mean job satisfaction for the male and female workers. T2 analyses indicated that in 3 plants the female workers were significantly less satisfied than their male counterparts (p  相似文献   

Examined job attitudes as a function of employee full-time and part-time job status, sex, and tenure using multivariate ANOVA and discriminant function analysis. Measures of satisfaction with work, pay, benefits, supervision, advancement, and the job in general were collected from 399 full-time and 665 part-time clerical level employees in 55 stores of a Midwestern retail sales organization. Significant results were found for job status, sex, and tenure. There were no interactions. Part-time employees were less satisfied with work, benefits, and the job in general. These results were obtained after controlling for differences due to employee sex and tenure, and they were consistent with knowledge of objective organizational conditions. Directions for research are suggested using the concepts of frame of reference, social comparisons, and partial inclusion. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed and tested a multivariate analysis of the turnover process with 654 accountants (mean age 37 yrs). The following variables were measured: demographic variables, tenure, cognitive/affective orientation to current position (including multiple measures of job satisfaction and organizational commitment), perceived job security, intention to search for an alternative position, perceived existence of alternative positions, and intention to change positions. Turnover data were collected 1 yr later, and it was found that 22% of Ss had changed jobs. Results support the existence of significant relationships between the set of independent variables presented in the working model and actual turnover, but not the hypothesis that all variables influence turnover behavior through their impact on intentions to change position. Turnover was significantly influenced by age, tenure, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job security. Turnover behavior was also more strongly related to intentions to search for alternatives than to intentions to change positions. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the employment status of doctoral recipients in psychology from 1960-1970. Data collected by the Office of Scientific Personnel of the National Academy of Sciences, provided the information for these analyses. The career status of academic female psychologists as compared to male psychologists is examined and discussed utilizing national data on faculty collected by the Carnegie Commission of Higher Education and the American Council on Education. This investigation of the career status of academic psychologists clearly documents the relatively low status of academic women in psychology in comparison to their male colleagues. Although it could be argued that the female psychologist's lower rank, lower salary, and lack of tenure are a consequence of merit consideration (e.g., degree held, publications), these analyses suggest strongly that such is not the case. Among new PhDs women have always had a somewhat harder time locating employment than have men, and these sex differences have been increasing in the recently tightening job market. Compared to sex differences in academic rank, salary, and tenure, however, the relative difficulty that the new woman PhD finds in securing initial employment appears to be minor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 2 replications of a study by L. K. Waters and D. Roach (see record 1971-21952-001) concerning job satisfaction measures as predictors of withdrawal behavior. Examination of the absentee or termination records of 197 female clerical workers who had completed a job attitude questionnaire 1 yr before indicates only 3 variables (2 concerned with the work itself and an overall job satisfaction rating) were consistent predictors of both permanent and temporary withdrawal from the work situation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Job satisfaction, subjective health and health care utilization was studied on 72 doctors and 127 nurses working at two hospitals in Guangzhou in the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.), along with medication use and consultations with physicians over the 14 days preceding data collection. Female doctors were, on average, ten years older than male doctors. Nurses (all female) were comparable to male doctors in terms of age. Current and general subjective health, and job satisfaction differed between doctors and nurses. Nurses were less satisfied than doctors and reported poorer perceived health, until gender and age were controlled. Female doctors had poorer ratings of general and current subjective health and lower job satisfaction than their male colleagues. Path analysis tested whether lower job satisfaction leads to decrements in perceived current health which in turn increased consultation with a physician and medication use. When male and female subjects were examined separately, job satisfaction was inversely related to consultation behaviour among males and positively related to perceived current health in both genders. Among females job satisfaction and consultation behaviour related to current perceived health but were not related to each other. The hypothesized path was upheld for nurses. Lack of power prevented the same path being significant for male or female doctors. In combination, doctors showed significant relationships between the four main variables studied.  相似文献   

The motivator-hygiene theory of work attitudes assumes 2 independent sets of variables (motivator and hygiene) important to employee job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The applicability of this assumption to the job attitudes of 117 blue-collar workers was determined through factor analyses of a 40-item work attitude survey. The job attitudes of blue-collar workers could be separated into 2 relatively independent sets of variables, comparable to motivator or hygiene variables. However both sets of variables were found to be positively related to job satisfaction, contrary to predictions from the theory. (16 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of pay satisfaction (PS) and pay expectation (PE), the perceived probability of receiving more satisfying pay in another job, on withdrawal cognition (WC) and turnover. Questionnaires completed by 89 sales representatives measured affective and cognitive variables related to turnover decisions. PS and PE were correlated with WC, but PE did not contribute explanatory variance after PS. PS did, however, explain variance in WC beyond that explained by age or tenure, general (nonpay) satisfaction, amount of pay received, and PE. Only WC and PS were significantly correlated with actual turnover. After WC, no other variable explained additional turnover variance. There was no evidence of an interaction effect of PS and PE on WC or turnover. Results suggest that effects of pay on turnover are mediated primarily by PS and intentions to quit. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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