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水权转换是黄河流域节水型社会建设的重要途径,宁夏和内蒙古水权转换试点实践丰富了黄河流域节水型社会建设的内容。本文提出了构建以水权制度为核心的节水型社会建设制度体系,逐步形成有利于节约用水高效利用与有效保护的水管理体制;通过宏观调控和经济手段,建立与黄河水资源承载能力相协调的经济结构体系;建立节水工程投资长效保障机制,促进节水工程和节水技术得到迅速发展;加强水权转换制度的技术支撑系统建设,为黄河流域节水型社会建设提供技术保障。  相似文献   

近几年,在国家宏观经济政策的支持下,水利投入大幅度增加,黄河治理基础设施建设大规模开展。在水利部的大力支持和指导下.通过省区和基层单位统计部门的配合工作,黄河水利委员会开展了多领域、多行业和专业的统计工作,水利统计管理与改革取得了较大的进展,取得了较丰富的工作成果。我们要继续推进统计工作.为黄河流域水利发展提供基础支撑。[第一段]  相似文献   

九三垦区试点工作坚持以科学发展观为指导,以水土资源可持续利用和生态环境可持续维护为核心,以改善生态与环境和群众生产生活条件、提高农业综合生产力、增加农民收入为目标.以构建人与自然和谐为重点,与时俱进,开拓创新,使水土保持工作取得了显著的成效。  相似文献   

在分析总结岱山县发展乡镇供水事业成功经验的基础上,介绍了该县在发展乡镇供水事业中的一些已被实践证明行之有效的管理办法和运行模式,提出了今后在继续发展乡镇供水中应坚持的指导方针和工作思路。  相似文献   

An inventory is made of the possibilities to recover sustainable energy from the water cycle by identifying different water flows in a municipal environment as a sustainable energy source. It is discussed what role public water utilities should play in the market of energy from water. This is done for Waternet, the public water utility of Amsterdam, by describing experiences on two practical applications for aquifer thermal energy storage and energy recovery from drinking water. The main conclusion is that public water utilities can substantially contribute to the production of sustainable energy, especially by making use of heat and cold from the water cycle. Public water utilities have the opportunity to both regulate and enter the market for energy from water.  相似文献   

殷保合 《中国水利》2011,(6):128-131
2011年,中共中央、国务院以一号文件的形式下发了《关于加快水利改革发展的决定》,水利事业改革发展迎来了一个新的春天。在这种新形势、新情况下,准公益性水管单位如何把握水利发展的重大机遇,在国家规定之内搞好经营活动,实现水管单位的综合效益最大化是值得研究的一个课题。本文以探索准公益性水管单位的经营为重点,阐述了国家对准公益性水管单位经营活动的规定,分析了在水利改革发展重大机遇期准公益性水管单位经营面临的形势,对准公益性水管单位如何走经营之路进行探索。  相似文献   


This introductory article discusses the proliferation of different forms of participation in water governance. It is argued that creating public value through participation can only succeed when effective co-creation between public authorities and communities emerges. However, challenges to realizing co-creation are manifold, and differ among the various types of participation. In this respect, we introduce a typology of different forms of participation, based on the distinction between top-down (invited) and bottom-up (created) participation. We use this distinction to analyze different dynamics in participatory water governance and to delve deeper into the dilemmas and trade-offs. Lastly, the various contributions to this special issue are introduced.  相似文献   

Stakeholder analysis and social network analysis were used to analyze stakeholders’ social and structural characteristics based on their interests, influence and interactions in Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya. Even though the Kenyan government and its agencies seem to command higher influence and interest in water resource management, the presence of influential and central stakeholders from non-government sectors plays a key role in strengthening partnership in a governance environment with multiple sectors, complex issues and competing interests. Interactions in the basin are guided by stakeholders’ interest and sphere of influence, which have both promoted participation in implementing a collaborative water governance framework.  相似文献   

The relation between water utility ownership structure and price of water is explored in this study, along with other factors such as water source, population size, population density, population growth trends, service area size, and drought condition. Pricing data were obtained from water utilities in 485 cities in the US (333 publicly owned, 152 privately owned), representing a range of city sizes and geographic distribution. The data were analyzed to explore the significance of variables for water price. On average, privately owned water utilities have higher prices for water.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the enabling conditions for a water governance model responsive to future Philippine water requirements. Using the stage-based approach to institutional reforms, it assesses the outcomes of previous water governance reforms, such as conflicts in customary and formal rules; urban and rural; upstream and downstream; and the contestations in water supply privatization in Metro Manila. The analysis suggests that past water governance reforms were symbolic and procedural, and structural changes to support the legal frameworks were not achieved. Based on the case findings, the authors support the current reform agenda of implementing a decentralized framework of water governance at a watershed scale.  相似文献   

湖北省开展了2012年农村饮水安全工程供水经营情况典型调查,选取150处工程的填报数据进行统计分析并得出结论:供水经营正在步入良性运行轨道。介绍了湖北农村饮水安全工程供水经营情况,研究分析了存在的主要问题,提出了建立农村饮水安全工程良性运行机制的对策建议。  相似文献   

New approaches and technologies are required to deal with extremely unsatisfactory sanitation conditions, which give rise to serious health problems. Nutrient loads reaching recipients also pose threats to ecosystems.  相似文献   

Source water quality is of major concern to all drinking water utilities. The accidental introduction of contaminants to their source water is a constant threat to utilities withdrawing water from navigable or industrialized rivers. The events of 11 September, 2001 in the United States have heightened concern for drinking water utility security as their source water and finished water may be targets for terrorist acts. Efforts are underway in several parts of the United States to strengthen early warning capabilities. This paper will focus on those efforts in the Ohio River Valley Basin.  相似文献   

从资源维、社会维、经济维、生态维、环境维5个维度,明确了我国水治理的目标,并系统设计了我国水治理评估指标体系;采用层级等权赋权法和目标一致性法,综合评估我国水治理的现状,并预测2020—2050年水治理的变化趋势。结果表明,改革开放以来,我国水治理指数从低于0. 235快速提升至接近0. 70,其中2010—2015年是我国水治理的加速期,水治理指数提升了50%左右;预期2020年我国水治理指数将超过0. 85,实现水资源消耗利用与经济发展协调; 2030年我国水治理指数将接近0. 95,实现水环境污染排放与经济发展协调,水安全保障能力显著提升,基本实现水治理目标; 2050年我国水治理指数将达到最优值1,实现水资源利用、水污染排放、水灾害损失、水生态退化面积的"零增长",全面实现人水和谐。  相似文献   

对我国流域水污染防治中出现的问题进行分析,提出涉水主体多元化是流域水污染防治中的主要要求。在对多元化参与的内涵和涉水主体进行分析的基础上,进一步采用对比分析的方法,提出网络治理模式比科层治理和市场治理模式更能适应现有的管理改善要求。在基于网络治理的基础上,对共同目标、决策机制、公众参与以及监督机制提出了改善建议。  相似文献   

针对已建农村饮水安全工程运行管理的实际状况,辽宁省积极探索适合本省的运行管护体制机制,确保农村饮水安全工程长期发挥效益,主要开展的工作:一是统一思想认识,将农村饮水安全纳入农村水利管理范畴;二是建设基层水利服务队伍,实现管护工作从无到有的转变;三是通过采取资产登记、强化应急保障、推进制度建设等措施,提升了农村饮水安全工程建设和管理水平;四是通过加大资金投入、加强水质检测,保障了工程长效运行、群众饮水安全。  相似文献   

单国方 《中国水利》2014,(11):62-64
依据丰富的古籍文献和调查资料,详细考证了温州古城水系布局和城市格局,对相关历代治水和古城水系演变的历史渊源进行深入研究与探讨。在此基础上,总结了古城规划格局和河网水系布局特点和风格,提出古城防洪、排涝、治污、供水等功用价值,同时兼顾对外交通、岸线利用、港口开发等功能,从而阐释了温州浓厚的水文化内涵。  相似文献   

江阴通过采取"河畅、水清、岸绿、景美、管严、调优"等措施,有效改善了城市水环境质量。在总结经验的基础上,提出应从完善长效机制、加强治理建设、严格检查执法、突出水源保护、强化应急落实、提升管控效能等六个方面重点改进,以期进一步修复全市水生态环境,推动江阴经济持续健康发展。  相似文献   

国内跨界水污染治理研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
跨界水污染是我国最严重的环境问题之一,自20世纪90年代以来已有许多研究。这些研究成果主要涉及了两方面:一是跨界水污染治理问题的宏观制度分析;二是解决跨界水污染问题微观技术手段研究。本文阐述了现阶段国内关于跨界水污染问题治理的研究成果,并在此基础之上进一步探讨了跨界水污染治理研究中存在的不足,指出有待下一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

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