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The acceleration of surface water eutrophication attributed to agricultural runoff has focused attention on manure management in no-till. We evaluated losses of phosphorus (P) in sub-surface and surface flow as a function of dairy manure application to no-till soils in north-central Pennsylvania. Monitoring of a perennial spring over 36 months revealed that dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations increased 3- to 28-fold above background levels whenever manure was broadcast to nearby field soils. A study conducted with 30-cm deep intact soil cores indicated that incorporation of manure by tillage lowered P loss in leachate relative to broadcast application, presumably due to the destruction of preferential flow pathways. More P was leached from a sandy loam than a clay loam soil, although differences between soils were not as great as differences between application methods. In contrast, rainfall simulations on 2-m2 field runoff plots showed that total P (TP) losses in surface runoff differed significantly by soil but not by application method. Forms of P in surface runoff did change with application method, with DRP accounting for 87 and 24% of TP from broadcast and tilled treatments, respectively. Losses of TP in leachate from manured columns over 7 weeks (0.22–0.38 kg P ha−1) were considerably lower than losses in surface runoff from manured plots subjected to a single simulated rainfall event (0.31–2.07 kg TP ha−1). Results confirm the near-term benefits of incorporating manure by tillage to protect groundwater quality, but suggest that for surface water quality, avoiding soils prone to runoff is more important.
Peter J. A. KleinmanEmail:

Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) pasture fertilization recommendations have traditionally been based upon clipping studies. Inclusion of P from manure, not originally considered when P recommendations were developed for pastures, may minimize the need for P fertilization without reducing bahiagrass production or P uptake. The objective of this research was to determine if manure contributes greatly to the P crop nutrient requirement. A 2-year field study utilized a factorial arrangement of 0 and 6.9 Mg air-dried manure ha-1 with 0, 17, 34, 51, and 68 kg inorganic P ha-1 from triple superphosphate to evaluate bahiagrass yield, root distribution, and P uptake response on a Myakka fine sand (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Aeric Alaquod). Because air-dried manure was used in the field study, a greenhouse study was employed to confirm that there were no differences in bahiagrass yield or P uptake from either air-dried or fresh cattle (Bos spp.) manure sources. There were no manure or manure by P interaction effects on yield or P uptake of bahiagrass indicating that manure source did not effect grass production in the greenhouse. In the field study, bahiagrass roots were distributed into the Bh horizon, and the Bh horizon had at least four times more Mehlich-1 extractable P than that of the Ap horizon. This horizon was most likely acting as a main source for P-uptake by the grass. This observation was further confirmed by no yield response to levels of inorganic P application in 1989. A linear-response-and-plateau (R2=0.196) relationship with a critical point of 15.4 kg P ha-1 was found in 1990. Bahiagrass yield and P uptake were not dependent on P fertilization, either from manure or inorganic P, due to the availability of P from the Bh horizon.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of the poultry industry in Oklahoma, U.S.A., more litter is applied to farm land. Thus, information is required on the impact of applications on regional soil and water resources. The effect of soil and poultry litter management on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loss in runoff and subsurface flow from four 16 m2 plots (Ruston fine sandy loam, 6 to 8% slope) was investigated under natural rainfall. Plots under Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) received 11 Mg litter ha–1, which amounts to contributions of approximately 410 kg N and 140 kg P ha–1 yr–1. In spring, litter was broadcast on 3 of the plots; the upper half of one and total area of the other two. One of the total-area broadcast plots was tilled to 6 cm, the other remained as no till. The fourth plot served as a control. Relative to the control, litter application increased mean concentrations of total N and total P in runoff during the 16-week study for no-till (15.4 and 5.8 mg L–1) and tilled treatments (16.7 and 6.1 mg L–1). However, values for the half-area application (5.6 and 2.0 mg L–1) were similar to the control (5.7 and 1.3 mg L–1). Interflow (subsurface lateral flow at 70 cm depth) P was not affected by litter application; however, nitrate-N concentrations increased from 0.6 (control) to 2.9 mg L–1 (no till). In all cases, < 2 % litter N and P was lost in runoff and interflow, maintaining acceptable water quality concentrations. Although litter increased grass yield (8518 kg ha–1) compared to the control (3501 kg ha–1), yields were not affected by litter management. An 8-fold increase in the plant available P content of surface soil indicates long-term litter management and application rates will be critical to the environmentally sound use of this nutrient resource.  相似文献   

The study established the factors that influence the use of cattle andchicken manure for managing soil fertility by surveying a random sample of 224farm households in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Themajority (87%) of the respondents are farming on communal land with an averagefarm size of 2.9 ha. Sixty-three% of the farmers in the sampleusedmanure to manage soil fertility in their fields. Despite the fact that chickenmanure was available in large quanties in the area, 54% of manure usedwas from cattle while chicken manure was used by 39% of the sample.Manure was readily available to 73% of the respondent farmers and it wasobtained mostly from commercial and semi-commercial livestock production unitswithin the area. Most of the manure was applied on land planted to high valuecrops such as maize, potatoes and vegetables. The common method of applyingmanure was by a spreader. The major factors that positively influencedthe farmers' decision to use manure were availability of manure, herd size,farmers' experience in farming and the availability of extension services.Both land ownership and attendance of training did not seem to affect thefarmers' decision to use manure. Farm size was the factor that was foundtonegatively affect manure utilization. Other important considerations includedlabor and transport requirements for handling manure, lack of technicalinformation on the fertilizer value and management of manure, increased growthof weeds and bad smell. Some suggestions are made on strategies that couldimprove the efficiency of utilization of manure for soil fertility managementinthis agroecosystem.  相似文献   

Evaluation of suitable organic amendments is prerequisite for sustainable agricultural growth in the northwestern Himalayan ecosystem. The effect of organic amendment applications on the activity of exocellular enzymes were examined on a silty clay loam soil of a subtemperate hill-agro ecosystem. The treatments involved addition of equivalent amounts of N through mineral fertilizer (MF) and two organic inputs, composted cattle manure (CM) and vermicomposts (VC), at four different doses. Soil enzymatic activities and fertility at crop harvest were measured after continuous 3 years of application, and its residual effects were also studied. In comparison with the control, CM and VC addition increased soil organic carbon (OC) by 54% and 52% at application rate equivalent to recommended dose, respectively, whereas there was a 12% increase following MF treatment. Bulk density of CM- and VC-treated soil were 1.16 and 1.14 Mg m−3, respectively, compared with 1.32 Mg m−3 in control after 3 years. Dehydrogenase activity was higher in the CM treatments by 44–204%, and by 22–108% in VC treatments than in control. The addition of CM and VC caused different responses in hydrolase enzymes. Protease and cellulase activity increased in both organic treatments significantly across treatments. However, urease and alkaline phosphatase activity was more influenced by application of CM compared with VC. β-glucosidase activity was higher in MF treatment and was at par with the highest rate of organic amendment application. Increase in phosphatase activity is attributed to soil pH and microbial stimulation by organic C and is correlated with the increase in dehydrogenase activity (R 2 = 0.923). Differences in activities of all evaluated enzymes were narrowed down in residual treatments compared with control without much change in the trend. Composted CM was found more suitable for sustaining quality of subtemperate soils.  相似文献   

To evaluate alternative fertilizer phosphorus (P) sources in lowland rice, two field experiments were conducted under irrigated conditions in Quezon Province, Philippines during 1990–1991 crop year. In another field experiment fertilizer P recycling through a green manure crop applied in the succeeding rice, was studied. Addition of fertilizer P increased grain yield by 1.5–2.0 t/ha (46%) in 1990 wet season (WS) and by 1.6–2.1 t/ha (56%) in 1991 dry season (DS). However, fertilizer P source and application level did not effect grain yield significantly. Results indicated that the less water-soluble and less expensive partially acidulated phosphate rock (PAPR), phosphate rock (PR) and less reactive PR were as effective as the more soluble but more expensive triple superphosphate (TSP). The relative effectiveness (RE) of local guano was significantly lower than that of other sources of fertilizer P. Fertilizer P applied to a pre-rice Sesbania rostrata green manure increased rice grain yield by 1.5–1.9 t/ha during 1991 DS. Further, S. rostrata fertilized with Morocco phosphate rock (MPR) gave significantly higher rice grain yield than did rice fertilized with MPR applied alone. In the P source experiments Olsen method and Pi correlated better with growth attributes than Bray 2 P. Phoshours uptake did not differ significantly among P sources and levels. Results suggest that P uptake was improved with green manuring. Correlation analyses revealed a close correlation between P uptake and dry matter yield and P uptake and grain yield.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural land to surface waters is well known as an environmental issue because of the role of P in freshwater eutrophication. Much research has been conducted on the erosion and loss of P in sediments and surface runoff. Recently, P loss in sub-surface runoff via agricultural drainage has been identified as environmentally significant. High soil P levels are considered as a potential source of P loss. However, without favourable hydrological conditions P will not move. In this paper, we review the basis of soil P release into solution and transport in surface and sub-surface runoff. Our objectives are to outline the role of soil P and hydrology in P movement and management practices that can minimize P loss to surface waters. Remedial strategies to reduce the risk of P loss in the short-term are discussed, although it is acknowledged that long-term solutions must focus on achieving a balance between P inputs in fertilizers and feed and P outputs in production systems. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Long-term application of poultry litter may result in excessively high soil phosphorus (P). This field study determined the potential of ‘Coastal’ bermudagrass overseeded with ‘Marshall’ annual ryegrass and harvested for hay to reduce the level of Mehlich-3 extractable P (M3-P) that had accumulated in a Savannah soil due to a 30-year history of broiler litter application to bermudagrass, as well as antecedent litter rates of 0, 4.48, 8.96, 17.9, and 35.8 Mg ha−1 in 1999–2001. Following the cessation of litter, the plots were overseeded in fall 2001–2003 and fertilized in summer with 268 kg N ha−1 as NH4NO3. Applying 8.96 Mg ha−1 litter significantly elevated M3-P in surface soil (0–15 cm depth) from about 183 to 263 mg kg−1. Annual dry matter (DM) yield and P uptake generally increased as litter rate increased up to 17.9 Mg ha−1. Analysis of M3-P at four sampling dates from October 2002 to April 2004 found no significant effect of forage system or its interaction with litter rate, and levels in both systems decreased by about 25, 27, 22, 26, and 29% at the five litter rates, respectively. Ryegrass–bermudagrass significantly increased DM yield and P uptake, but did not translate to reductions in M3-P, as compared to bermudagrass winter fallow. With no further litter additions and five harvests per year, both forage systems removed about 49 kg ha−1 P with a DM yield of 15 Mg ha−1 and reduced M3-P by about 26 mg kg−1 annually. Bermudagrass performance is important in the remediation of high soil P.
J. J. ReadEmail:

Poor fertility status of sandy Sahelian soils represents a major constraint to cereal and legume production. Soil amendment options were evaluated, using a stochastic efficiency framework. Dominance analyses showed that in the presence of annual applications of 30 kg N ha–1 and 30 kg K ha–1, efficient soil amendment options comprise of either the annual application of 8.7 kg P ha–1 in the form of single superphosphates in combination with 5 tonnes manure ha–1 applied every three years or the annual application of 17.5 kg P ha–1 in the form of single superphosphates. Choice between these two efficient options depends on the availability of manure, deficiencies in sandy soils and farmer resource endowments.Submitted as JA no. 1133 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).  相似文献   

Surface application of manure may increase the risk of phosphorus loss in runoff. Manure application, however, often results in increased soil aggregate stability with reduced runoff and erosion and, therefore, reduced P transport potential. Three field studies were conducted with silt loam or silty clay loam soil in Nebraska to determine how water-stable soil aggregation in the 0- to 25-mm soil depth is affected: (1) by application of raw or composted feedlot manure; (2) by repeated annual manure application; and (3) by the residual effect of composted manure applied five to seven years before sampling. Large macro-aggregates (>2 mm) were increased 200% or more by both manure and compost application within 15 days after application; the effect persisted for the seven months of study with a greater effect due to compost application. Aggregate stability was similar for incorporation and no incorporation of the applied compost or manure. Bray-P1 in large macro-aggregates was 200% more than for the whole soil sample with manure or compost applied, but Bray-P1 in large macro-aggregates was similar to the whole sample in the control. Annual application of swine slurry for several years resulted in a 20% increase in aggregates >250 mm. After four years of no compost following three years of compost application, aggregate size distribution was similar for the compost- compared to the no-compost-applied treatments. Increased macro-aggregate formation and high Bray-P1 in these aggregates may protect against P loss in runoff due to reduced runoff and erosion and protection of P in water-stable large macro-aggregates. A contribution of the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research Division, supported in part by funds provided through the Hatch Act.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that accumulation of excessive soil phosphorus raises the potential for phosphorus export and eutrophication of adjacent surface waters. Soil phosphorus data from the North Carolina Agronomy Division's database were analyzed for two-year periods spanning the decades of the 1980s and 1990s for 39 eastern North Carolina counties. Eastern North Carolina supported extensive row crop agriculture, rapidly growing intensive livestock industries, and a growing human population during these decades. Excessive soil phosphorus levels, defined as having a soil phosphorus index (P-I, based on Mehlich III testing) > 100, occurred in over 40% of almost a million samples reported for the three two-year periods analyzed. Excessive soil P-I levels were most frequent in central eastern North Carolina, declined in the 1980s and rose again in the 1990s. The distribution of row crop area with excessive soil P-I levels was very similar in time and space. Increases in the area harvested for cotton (+635%) and pasture (+523%) with excessive soil P-I levels were particularly large during the 1990s, when crop areas harvested associated with excessive soil P-I levels for other major crops (corn, tobacco, peanuts) declined. Residential and recreational land uses were associated with similarly high frequencies of excessive soil P-I levels, but these land uses were relatively unimportant (<5% area) compared to agricultural land use (~34%) in the region. Recent increases in fertilizer shipments (approximately twofold in the late 1990s) likely reflected increased cotton production. Rapid growth in concentrated animal production (almost twofold increase in total animal units (AU) between 1992 and 2001), with accompanying land application of wastes, accounted for increases in soil P-I values in pasturelands in the 1990s, particularly in central eastern North Carolina, where these activities were concentrated. The potential threat to water quality from export of excessive soil phosphorus is therefore greatest in this region. North Carolina is currently developing a Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT) in an attempt to manage the challenge posed by excessive soil phosphorus levels.  相似文献   

A field experiment over the two years was conducted to study the ameliorating effects of P, lime and animal manure on wheat (cv s-308) yield, root CEC and on economic doses of P. Phosphorus was applied as single superphosphate at the rate of 0, 13, 26, 39, 52, 65 and 78 kg P per ha; lime as CaCO3 at 0 and 1 t/ha, and well cured animal manure at 0 and 8 t/ha. The application of P, to the extent of 65 kg/ha, increased the root CEC of wheat up to bloom stage only whereas nutrient concentration, uptake and; grain and straw yield were found to increase up to maturity. Similarly, addition of 8t/ha of animal manure resulted in a significant increase in root CEC up to bloom, nutrient concentration and uptake, vis-a-vis grain and straw yield of wheat were found to enhance up to maturity. However, the application of lime, though, increased the root CEC and nutrition of crop during both years, it did so in cases of wheat yield only during the first year of the experiment. Root CEC, particularly, at early growth stages, was very well correlated with N, P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations and uptake, and wheat yield at maturity. The economic dose of P for wheat in association with 8 t/ha of animal manure under the present conditions was found to be 39.4kg p/ha.  相似文献   

The effect of annual banding of superphosphate (0–45 kg P ha−1) on soil phosphorus (P) content, growth, and yield of wheat was investigated from 1982 to 1998 in a major rainfed wheat production area of South Africa. Conventional tillage practices in a wheat monoculture cropping system were followed under summer rainfall conditions. The responses of wheat growth to fertilizer P application were evident during early and late tillering growth stages, with decreased responses towards maturity. Although average yields varied between cropping seasons (0.881 to 3.261 t ha−1) due to climatic conditions, significant exponential response patterns between yield and fertilizer P applications existed. Optimum yields were achieved with P applications of 10 to 15 kg P ha−1. The recovery of fertilizer P in the grain decreased with increasing P applications. Results of soil P analyses and calculated P balance indicated a more rapid increase in soil P content with application of fertilizer P at levels above 20 kg P ha−1, with gradual increases occurring at lower levels. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Leaching of phosphorus (P) in manure-amended soils has received increased attention as a significant source of non-point source P pollution. Intact soil cores were collected from fields on a farm in Southern New York to test the effects of long-term dairy or poultry manure application on P leaching. Nine fields were selected (four poultry, four dairy, and one unamended) to represent a broad range of P saturation levels (5.3 to 62.4%) in the topsoil (0–7.5 cm). Water was applied weekly at a rate matching a 1-year return period storm for the study area (230 mm h−1). Dissolved reactive P (DRP) losses in leachate from all soil cores ranged from 0.007 to 0.055 kg P ha−1, except in two fields with long-term histories of dairy and poultry manure application, where losses averaged 0.21 and 0.45 kg P ha−1, respectively. Hydrographs of the field with the dairy manure history suggested preferential flow as an explanation of leachate P enrichment. In the poultry manure amended field, high levels of soil P saturation throughout the profile suggested subsoil P desorption as a factor controlling leachate P. Surface application of dairy manure to the soil cores (167 kg total P ha−1) increased the mean leachate DRP concentration from 1.5 to 10.5 fold. After five leaching events spanning 22 days, DRP concentrations remained 2.0 to 13.4 fold above pre-manure application levels. This study points to saturation of P in subsoils by long-term manure application as a key concern to P loss in leachate and highlights the role of annual manure additions on subsurface P loss potential.  相似文献   

Long-term transformations of residual phosphorus (P) governs the availability of phosphorus to crops. Very limited information is available on the transformations of residual fertilizer P in semi-arid tropical soils under long-term crop rotations. Therefore, using sequential phosphorus fractionation procedure, we studied changes in labile and stable forms of inorganic and organic P in a semi-arid alluvial soil (Typic Ustisamments) after eight years of annual fertilizer P application either to one crop (alternate) or to both crops (cumulative) in a peanut (Arachis hypogaea) — wheat (Triticum aestivum) rotation.Total residual fertilizer P in soil (P recovered from P-fertilized minus control plots) ranged from 62 to 176 mg P kg–1. In the alternate P treatments (P applied to peanut or wheat only), on an average of 3 rates of applied P (13, 26 and 39 kg P ha–1), in surface (0–15 cm) and subsurface (15 to 30 cm) soil, respectively, residual fertilizer P consisted of 14.8 and 2.2% resin-P, 8.6 and 2.8% NaHCO3-P, 6.3 and 0% microbial-P, 31.4 and 4.2% NaOH-P, 7.8 and 3.0% aggregate protected-P, 12.5 and 3.0% HCl-P, 3.4 and 0% H2SO4-P. The corresponding values for surface and subsurface soils of cumulative P treatments (P applied to both peanut and wheat) were: 12.8 and 1.6% resin-P, 6.9 and 2.3% NaHCO3-P, 4.7 and 0% microbial-P, 32.5 and 4.2% NaOH-P, 5.6 and 2.0% aggregate protected-P, 14.8 and 3.8% HCl-P, 6.7 and 2.1% H2SO4-P. Considerable lower values for the 15–30 cm depth indicate only a very small movement of residual P to the subsoil.Significantly lower amount of fertilizer P (28% and 44%) found in labile (resin, NaHCO3 and microbial P) and semi-labile (NaOH and sonicated NaOH P) fractions for the cumulative P treatment than alternate P treatment (35 and 46%, respectively) suggests that increased rates and frequency of applied P tend to enhance the conversion of residual P to stable forms which are less available to plants. About 12 to 19% of residual fertilizer P found as organic P in labile and semi-labile forms confirmed that organic P increased with long-term fertilizer management. In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that the alternate application of fertilizer P to a crop, as is shown for wheat, helps reduce the transformations of residual P to stable P forms.  相似文献   

The sustainability of cereal/legume intercropping was assessed by monitoring trends in grain yield, soil organic C (SOC) and soil extractable P (Olsen method) measured over 13 years at a long-term field trial on a P-deficient soil in semi-arid Kenya. Goat manure was applied annually for 13 years at 0, 5 and 10 t ha−1 and trends in grain yield were not identifiable because of season-to-season variations. SOC and Olsen P increased for the first seven years of manure application and then remained constant. The residual effect of manure applied for four years only lasted another seven to eight years when assessed by yield, SOC and Olsen P. Mineral fertilizers provided the same annual rates of N and P as in 5 t ha−1 manure and initially ,gave the same yield as manure, declining after nine years to about 80%. Therefore, manure applications could be made intermittently and nutrient requirements topped-up with fertilizers. Grain yields for sorghum with continuous manure were described well by correlations with rainfall and manure input only, if data were excluded for seasons with over 500 mm rainfall. A comprehensive simulation model should correctly describe crop losses caused by excess water.  相似文献   

Application of organic waste influences crop uptake of Ca and Mg and soil extractability, depending on the nature of the crop and the waste. Four organic wastes: (i) digested sewage sludge (DSS), (ii) irradiated sludge (DISS), (iii) composted sludge (DICSS), and (iv) composted livestock manure (CLM) were applied for two years at rates of 10, 20, 30, and 40 Mg solid ha-1 year-1. Fertilizers N and K were applied to the control treatment (CT), as well as to the waste treatments to supplement crop growth across all treatments, so that these nutrients were not treatment variables. Calcium and Mg concentrations in the tissue of lettuce, bean pods and petunias in 1990 and two cuts of lettuce in 1991, and the CH3COONH4-extractable soil Ca and Mg were determined. Concentration of Ca and Mg in bean pods did not change to the waste application. Calcium concentration in bean pods was less than half of that in other crops. Magnesium concentration in bean pods and petunias was same, but was much lower than in lettuce. Application of DSS, in general, increased Ca concentration in the crops more than did other wastes. The extractable soil Ca was positively correlated with Ca applied with DISS (r=0.453, P<0.05). Although only a limited amount of Ca was supplied with CLM at the rate of 10 Mg solid ha-1(40 kg Ca ha-1), Ca concentration in petunias increased significantly, then, decreased with increased Ca application (r=0.453, P<0.05). A similar pattern with CLM was found in the extractable soil Ca. The waste application from all the sources had no influence on crop Mg concentration in 1990, possibly due to low Mg concentration in the wastes. While continuously applied DSS and DISS in 1991 linearly increased Mg concentration in both cuts of lettuce (r=0.867, P<0.01; r=0.670, P<0.01 and r=0.671, P<0.01; r=0.665, P<0.01 for first cut and second cut of lettuce with DSS and DISS application respectively), application of CLM decreased Mg concentration in first cut lettuce. The patterns of extractable soil Mg were opposite to crop Mg concentration, as the extractable soil Mg linearly increased with CLM, and decreased with the high rate of DSS application. The ability of wastes to supply N was an important factor influencing crop cations (K, Ca and Mg) uptake.  相似文献   

Abandonment of agricultural soils is a common practice in Western Europe to increase the area of nature and to counteract agricultural overproduction. However, it has been suggested that abrupt changes in management of land, such as abandonment of heavily fertilized agricultural fields, could trigger leaching of phosphorus into deeper soil layers and groundwater. In a previous study we observed that total phosphorus (P) in the upper 10 cm of ex-arable soils in the Netherlands was negatively related to the time of abandonment. In a subsequent study in the region reported here, we measured total P concentrations at different soil depths in four ex-agricultural fields that differed in time since abandonment to examine if the decrease in total P with increasing time of abandonment could be due to leaching of P into deeper soil layers. At each site total P concentration decreased with increasing depth, and for each soil profile depth, total P also decreased with increasing years since abandonment. We calculated, based on estimated P fertilizer gifts over the last decades and the regression coefficient of the relation between total P in a core of 95 cm and time of abandonment, the amount of net total P that should have accumulated in the oldest ex-arable field to reach the P level of the most recently abandoned field. The continuation of accumulation of P for a longer period of time in recently abandoned fields appeared to be the most reasonable explanation for the decrease of P with years of abandonment. Therefore, abandonment of agricultural land does not seem to trigger a ‘chemical time bomb’ to explode as no large amounts of P seem to leach into deeper soil layers.  相似文献   

为避免凝管事故发生,需要准确知道埋地管道在受外界非稳态环境影响时,在不同停输时期管内油品和周围土壤温度场的变化规律,确定管道的允许停输时间。建立了埋地热油管道土壤温度场的非稳态传热模型,该模型较全面地考虑了边界条件和初始条件。数值模拟了预热启输过程土壤温度场的发展情况,分析了土壤温度场随时间的变化趋势。地表温度受大气影响最为明显,远离管道的深层土壤温度受大气温度变化影响较小,越靠近管道附近的土壤温度上升幅度越大,且受热油温度的影响越明显。  相似文献   

The impact of long-term fertilization with inorganic P was studied in soil profiles (0–100 cm) from five sites in Sweden. Accumulation of P was studied by comparing P extracted with ammonium lactate/acetic acid (P-AL) and NaHCO3 (Olsen-P) in non-fertilized and fertilized soil profiles. The fertilized soils had received 42–49 kg P ha–1y–1 for more than 30 years. P-AL and Olsen-P were significantly higher in the fertilized than in the non-fertilized profiles down to 40 cm depth. The P sorption index (PSI2) based on a single-point P addition of 50 mmol P kg–1 soil was used to estimate P sorption capacity in the soils. The variation in PSI2 with depth was not consistent between the five soil profiles. PSI2 did not vary with depth in one soil, while it decreased in one and increased in the other three, and it was weakly but significantly correlated with the sum of Fe and Al extracted with ammonium oxalate (Feox +Alox) (r = 0.65**) and with clay content (r = 0.69***). To estimate P release in the soils, P was extracted with CaCl2 (CaCl2-P) and water (Pw). CaCl2-P and Pw were significantly higher in the fertilized treatment than in the non-fertilized treatment in the top 20 cm. Below 30 cm depth, CaCl2-P was very low in all soils, while Pw was relatively high in two soils and low in the other three soils. To estimate the degree of P saturation, the ratio of P-AL/PSI2 and Olsen-P/PSI2 was calculated. P-AL/PSI2 was significantly higher in the fertilized treatment in the 0–20 cm layer, while Olsen-P/PSI2 was significantly higher in the fertilized treatment in the 0–40 cm layer. P-AL/PSI2 was correlated with CaCl2-P and Pw when all soils and horizons were included (r0.78***), but the correlation increased markedly when only 0–40 cm was included (r0.94***). Olsen-P/PSI2 was well correlated with CaCl2-P and Pw (r0.94***) for all soils and depths. Thus the two indices, P-AL/PSI2 and Olsen-P/PSI2, were comparable in their ability to predict P release in the top 40 cm, whereas Olsen-P/PSI2 was better when all depths were included. The overall conclusion was that P fertilization had an impact on P properties down to 40 cm depth, while the effects were small below this depth.  相似文献   

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