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人们从事生产,当然要讲究效果。为了得到较好的效果,就要采取一定的手段。效果的好坏是通过一些技术的、经济的、物质的、社会的,可直接计算的和不可直接计算的(如建筑速度对社会的影响)指标来反映的。这也就是说:生产技术上的先进性是要通过合理的经济效果的形式反映出来;另一  相似文献   

李得发  李巍 《小城镇建设》2011,(8):32-34,94
在一定程度上,城镇职能结构是城镇土地利用类型的集中反映。城镇土地利用结构随着自然环境的变迁、社会经济的发展、历史文化的延续而变化,城镇土地利用的时空演替反映了城镇用地在不同历史时期所形成的空间格局和建设时序,最终以城镇职能的形式和内容反映出来,反映在不同历史时期城镇的主要职能与用地构成相互关联,并为当时社会和经济的发展而服务。该研究有助于对合理有效地配置城镇的各类用地提供可参考的依据,促进城镇健康有序的发展。  相似文献   

崔艳琦 《建筑》2009,(11):62-64
不同的社会背景和历史时期修建的大学校园建筑,可反映出不同的大学文化,中英大学校园建筑形式上的差异,体现着不同的民族文化特色。  相似文献   

唐诗是唐代社会生活的艺术反映,以前学界多集中于唐诗本体来观照其审美价值,忽视其背后所反映的广阔的社会生活。唐诗以其独特的视角反映出唐代物质生产民俗、岁时节日民俗、民间游戏娱乐等文化内涵,成为我们了解并研究唐人生活的又一面镜子。  相似文献   

绿色GDP是可持续发展指标之一,可持续发展是经济、环境、社会三大系统的协调发展,绿色GDP只是在GDP的基础上考虑了环境因素,只是在某种程度上反映了经济与环境之间的相互作用,但它没有考虑经济与社会、环境与社会之间的相互影响,因此,它仅仅是反映可持续发展的指标之一,  相似文献   

张淑莉 《建筑》2001,(11):32-33
统计是社会经济信息的主体,统计工作涉及社会经济的各个领域、各个方面,是企业各项管理工作的重要基础,是国家实行科学决策和科学管理的一项重要工作。 建筑业行业统计是针对市场经济的新特点,侧重于调查建筑业企业改革管理情况,制定了一系列报表制度。它是通过对建筑业管理中各种经济现象、管理情况的数量资料的搜集、整理、分析来反映建筑业行业生产经营活动的规模、过程、结果,反映建筑业行业管理水平、力度、状况,以便为各级领导和有关部门了解情况、制定政策、指导工作和加强管理提供依据。 建筑业生产完成情况统计的基本内容可…  相似文献   

以写实的手法,通过典型人物、典型环境的描写,深刻地反映现实生活本质的现实主义题材的水彩画作品,呈现出多样化艺术表现形式。他们反映了社会生活重大题材,关注社会,表现人生, 讴歌了以人为本、求真务实的时代精神。  相似文献   

随着我国经济发展进入新常态,企业与社会公共利益之间的冲突日益加剧。我国现行企业绩效评价体系以财务指标为主,无法反映企业对社会和生态文明的贡献,亟须建立能反映企业对经济、社会、生态综合贡献的绩效评价体系。本文从社会责任的视角,界定企业综合绩效评价的内容,确定企业综合绩效评价的指标,构建经济、社会、生态三维的企业综合绩效评价体系,以期为企业实现社会和生态效益协同发展提供参考。  相似文献   

构建城市住房特征与社会空间质量的综合评价体系,以广州市1364个社区为案例,分析其住房特征与社会空间的对应关系及区位差异性。结果表明,住房特征方面,户均建筑面积和住房产权可显著地反映其社会空间质量;社会特征方面,教育水平和职业阶层与住房特征的相关性更强,区位对这种对应关系的调节作用不可忽视。  相似文献   

住宅是生活的名片,建筑是交流的媒介. 从事大生产的机器,早已成为工业革命代表,成为用来描述其后社会生活许多方面的随手拈来的象征或比喻.被不少历史学家定义为反映机器美学的现代主义建筑,尽管从历史研究角度看远非全面,但这样的定义的确反映了现代主义建筑的一个有形可感的特征.  相似文献   

Analyses of planning documents and a recent survey of practicing planners in NSW reveal that most planners treat 'the community' as a place or as place based. This usage is widespread and underpins most urban design principles and practice. The place-based approach is associated with a focus on what happens within a place, what it contains, and on built or physical infrastructure. The language is of connectivity, legibility, permeability, access, the public domain and so on. However, sociological research does not support this interpretation of community as place. Recent neighbourhood studies, for example, consistently find that social and economic networks are not primarily place based except for a small number of identifiable population groups. Meanwhile, other strands of social research have been reporting for years that what matters in terms of the health and social wellbeing of a society or a city is relativities—the comparative status between neighbourhoods, the effects of relative deprivation, the impacts of relative inequality. Treating community as place and social wellbeing as primarily place based obscures the importance of these critical factors in social wellbeing and social sustainability. Recent planning initiatives for Green Square, including the Green Square Town Centre Masterplan provide current examples. The article concludes by demonstrating that if planning were to proceed on the basis that communities of interest and attachment are more important than communities of place and that relative equality is the key to health and social wellbeing, some current planning shibboleths would need to change. But the role for planners in social sustainability would also become clearer.  相似文献   

近现代城市规划中的社会思想研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据城市规划理论发展及规划中社会思想发展的脉络,系统地分析了理性的综合规划模式、多元规划模式、合作性规划模式产生的社会发展背景,各种规划模式中蕴涵的主要社会思想,以及各阶段社会思想发生转变的原因,并指出其对中国城市规划发展与改革的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

在快速建设的大背景下,我国城市规划的社会过程被长期忽视,来自社会学理论下的审视更是稀缺。引入社会资本视角,讨论社会主体及其社会资本在城市规划社会过程中的重要性,根据"信任-网络-规范"结构对社会资本进行分类,发现我国传统型社会资本存量丰富,现代公民型社会资本缺乏。通过构建社会资本、社会过程、城市规划三者的逻辑关系组织,进而提出了"社会过程预测—社会资本需求与存量分析—社会过程重塑"的分析框架。基于此框架,对我国城市总体规划进行了简要分析,认为针对社会资本需求的特殊性,需要引入社会资本分析框架对不同类型的具体规划行动进行分析,提升社会资本的使用率,完善规划的社会过程并营造公民型社会资本,为我国城市规划社会过程的改进提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, it is demonstrated that mixed-income housing is a feasible and beneficial pattern nowadays. This pattern is propitious for good living and harmonious development of society. Based on practice, data are gathered from the field, and the social investment and social distance analysis of the social network theory are used from the perspective of cross-disciplinary fields. The hypothesis is tested and the feasible and beneficial characteristics of mixed-income housing are pointed out. __________ Translated from Architecture Journal, 2006, 4: 36–39 [译自: 建筑学报]  相似文献   

Social procurement is becoming an increasingly important requirement in the delivery of private- and public- sector construction projects across the world, yet there is relatively little research done in this area. Mobilising Furneaux and Barraket’s social procurement typology, semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior managers from eight tier-one contractors in the Australian construction industry to explore and classify the types of social procurement strategies used in projects, the types of social value created and the barriers to implementation. Documentary data were collected in the form of company policies and contract requirements. Results demonstrate the conceptual merit of Furneaux and Barraket’s typology in a construction industry context by highlighting different constraints on social value creation for each type of social procurement. These results also indicate that approaches to social procurement in the Australian construction industry are generally driven by a philosophy of risk mitigation rather than opportunity maximisation, and are confined to low-value and low-risk construction activities and are constrained by a lack of existing and new supply chain social-value creation capacity. Construction industry social value chains are fragile in Australia, and it is concluded that in building the sector’s significant untapped capacity to deliver social value to the communities in which it builds, priority should be given to three main strategies: third sector capacity building; barrier-to-entry reduction and skills development in managing new cross-sector collaborations among public, private and third sector organisations.  相似文献   

Construction project teams require social capital. When present in appropriate forms, it creates the social cohesion through which individuals accept project goals as their own. It lets team members share knowledge when present and reveal when it is missing. In education, social learning helps students appreciate the need for social capital appropriate to team performance. In practice, social capital enables the project team learning that overcomes project-specific challenges. Despite this importance, little is known about how students perceive social capital or the compatibility of that understanding with construction project needs.

To characterise this aspect of ‘graduateness,’ collective understanding of social capital was elicited from construction students in a Scottish university by free recall. Analysis was structured around four dimensions of social capital: cohesion, legitimacy & authenticity, sharing, and safety. Notions of friendship were found to dominate student understanding of their social capital even though this understanding derived from settings where the need for capital to support team performance is emphasized. The potential for misalignment between the capital that graduating students bring into practice with that required by project teams was apparent. The case for further investigation of this influence on early career development was established.  相似文献   

Although the concept of social exclusion is well established in the UK and wider Europe, as an alternative to the use of poverty and inequality, it only recently entered Australian housing and urban policy debates. This paper explores the dominant debates that emerged about housing and inequality in two major reports, which investigated future options for East Fairfield (Villawood) public housing estate in New South Wales prior to its demolition. In conceptualising the debates, the analysis draws on the framework devised by Watt and Jacobs (2000, Housing, theory and society, 17(1), 14–26), which identified three different discourses of social exclusion in British housing and urban policy. It is concluded that the dominant debate at East Fairfield estate drew extensively on a moral underclass discourse that implicated public housing tenure as a major cause of inequality. Whilst there is little doubt that serious problems existed on the estate, questions are raised about the utility of this moral underclass depiction and the rationale it provided for adopting demolition as the definitive solution. The experience of East Fairfield demonstrates that demolition is not a low-cost solution in financial or social terms.  相似文献   

网络环境下房地产开发与管理课程的研究性教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于计算机网络的房地产开发与管理课程的研究性教学,反映了时代对房地产人才培养的要求。在研究性教学特征综述及房地产开发与管理课程特点分析的基础上,论证了该课程研究性教学实施的必要性和可行性,提出了网络环境下房地产开发与管理课程研究性教学模式,并以教学实例诠释了房地产开发与管理课程研究性教学的思路、方法与实施过程。  相似文献   

保障性住房的社会效率和公平问题及改进建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析我国保障性住房建设的现状,指出保障性住房在促进社会公平、提高社会效率方面起着积极的作用,同时指出保障性住房实施中存在的一些问题。基于社会效率以及社会公平,对我国保障性住房项目的建设和管理提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

This article examines how levels of social capital in a new urbanist community change over time. We collected demographic and social capital data in a new urbanist community in 2001 and then again in 2010. The findings indicate that this community experienced an overall decline in social capital over this nine-year period. Additionally, we found that while residents new to the community were less concerned with social capital than long-term residents in the community, the latter group had also declined significantly in their levels of social capital. Overall, the results suggest that planners of new urbanist and other intentional communities should consider the impact of changing demographics when designing new subdivisions. Most importantly, residents and community leaders need to consider alternative means by which social capital can be retained as new residents are integrated into established communities.  相似文献   

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