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毕业设计是创新创业能力培养的重要教学环节.本文结合测控技术与仪器专业的特点,探索构建了基于毕业设计的创新创业能力教育模式.通过创新、前沿、自主的选题原则,以"本科生论文工作目标表"为设计过程主线,结合云端存储技术实现学生设计与教师指导同步等措施,有效地将创新创业能力培养融合于毕业设计的各环节,从而提高了人才的培养质量.  相似文献   

毕业设计教学环节是理论向实践转化的重要实践部分,也是整个教学体系最终的成果体现与检验,校企合作是高职工业设计专业重要的人才培养模式。在此背景下我们对毕业设计课程进行研究与探索,深化教学改革,基于企业项目实施过程,严格把控毕业设计的选题、指导过程、考核、展览以及毕业设计作品的规范化管理等方面,从而探索出适合校企合作模式的毕业设计教学模式。  相似文献   

曹彦婷  许静 《信息通信》2013,(10):280-280
笔者针对近年来计算机多媒体专业毕业设计模式存在的问题,以校企合作、顶岗实习为切入点,以提高毕业生岗位职业能力为主要目的,就毕业设计流程、毕业设计模式以及毕业考核评价体系等进行改革和创新,探讨基于顶岗实习岗位导向的高职多媒体专业毕业设计教学新模式。  相似文献   

本文针对目前高职院校学生毕业设计存在的毕业设计课题陈旧单一、监管困难、学生重视程度差、师资薄弱等问题,探讨了高职学生毕业设计模式的多样化问题,结合我院教学实践,提出了开展毕业设计模式多样化改革的设想及保障措施,并给出了结论和建议。  相似文献   

为提高本科毕业设计指导工作效率和毕业论文质量,本文基于雷达工程专业特点建立了“导师主导--研究生辅助--本科生合作”的多层次、模块化、场景化指导模式。该模式以导师为核心、科研小组和学员合作为辅助,全方位全过程保障本科毕设工作。实践表明,该模式可以有效提高指导工作效率和本科毕业设计质量,学生专业素养和实践能力显著提升。本文对电子类专业本科毕设指导具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于高职应用电子技术专业毕业设计的必要性,简单介绍了毕业设计的形式与内容,总结提出了以实物型电子作品为代表的毕业设计新探索,针对其开展与保障、特点与创新进行了论述与说明,最后指出了现存问题与整改措施。实践表明,开展好实物型电子作品的毕业设计可以提升专业综合实力与技能水平,有利于毕业生就业或创业。  相似文献   

提高工科类毕业设计质量的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对毕业设计现状,本文结合实践经验提出改善毕业设计质量的有效方法,包括:以真题为毕业设计题目;学生自主选题;教师为主导,学生为主体进行毕业设计;公平合理的奖惩体系;严格的管理与监督机制等,而学院领导的重视以及严格的管理机制尤为重要.提高毕业设计质量的原动力是让学生充分认识到毕业设计的深刻意义,让教师意识到指导毕业设计有助于提高科研素质.  相似文献   

提高毕业设计质量的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了毕业设计的现状与存在的问题,对理工类本科生对毕业设计的期望和需求进行了分析.依据实际条件,探索了团队型指导和工作、扩大实物平台覆盖面以及利用网络平台加强师生交流等方法,提出选拔博、硕士研究生参与毕设指导、重视开题与定期检查等做法.本文所提出的策略均来源于实践指导经验,实际效果证明是可行的.  相似文献   

基于能力培养的毕业设计探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为适应新形势下人才培养的需求,我校尝试以培养学生能力为目标,将这种教学模式应用于本科毕业设计教学环节.本文探讨了毕业设计教学改革的必要性以及具体的实践步骤,给出了一毕业设计指导的实例.教学实践表明,在毕业设计教学过程中注重学生能力和综合素质的培养,可有效地提高学生的学习能力、信息检索能力、人际交往能力、创新能力、科学研究能力和独立分析解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

毕业设计(论文)是检验本科生知识运用和解决实际问题综合能力的教学环节。近年来,本科毕业设计(论文)质量受到选题与实践脱节,教师有重科研、轻教学的态度,学生心态浮躁、自身素养水平下降,社会环境等多种因素的影响而显著下降。工业工程专业在国内尚处于初级发展阶段,各高校硬软件设施、师资建设等常常跟不上专业建设的需要,其本科毕业设计(论文)质量更有待于提高。本文结合南京航空航天大学工业工程专业分析了本科毕业设计或论文写作过程中涌现出的问题,有针对性地提出一些对策和建议,从而为提高本科毕业设计(论文)质量提供帮助。  相似文献   

赵敏婷 《电子测试》2014,(19):140-141,137
平面设计通过Photostyle、AutoCAD、Animotor Pro、3D Studio等多种软件作为开发工具,用于平面广告、商标和品牌、出版物、广告牌、海报、标志和产品包装等产品的造型设计中。本文对3D Studio软件用于产品造型动画设计问题进行了深入研究,通过3D Studio软件来设计出动画逼真的产品造型,大大缩短了产品造型的设计周期。  相似文献   

郝敏 《电子测试》2014,(10):140-141
平面设计通过Photostyle、AutoCAD、Animotor Pro、3D Studio等多种软件作为开发工具,用于平面广告、商标和品牌、出版物、广告牌、海报、标志和产品包装等产品的造型设计中。本文对3D Studio软件用于产品造型动画设计问题进行了深入研究,通过3D Studio软件来设计出动画逼真的产品造型,大大缩短了产品造型的设计周期。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的进步和社会生活水平的提高,大规模通信网络、大量的移动终端业务以及丰富多彩的应用程序层出不穷,特别是4G通信的普及等,通信服务正在逐渐成为一种社会生活的基本需求,因此,人们也对对通信服务的质量和多样性提出了更高的要求。未来通信网络的发展需要更多的通信工程专业技术人才,对通信工程专业人才的知识更新提出了更高的要求。但是,鉴于目前通信工程专业学生就就业以及就业中的表现而言不尽人意,因此,尤其以应用型本科通信工程专业如何及时调整院校人才培养结构和内容,培养大批量业务技能优秀的人才,跟上通信时代的日益更新显得尤为重要。本文将主要针对近些年毕业生就业率分析和就业现状反馈,提出提高通信工程专业学生的就业率对策。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate joint design of quasi-cyclic low-density-parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes for coded cooperation system with joint iterative decoding in the destination. First, QC-LDPC codes based on the base matrix and exponent matrix are introduced, and then we describe two types of girth-4 cycles in QC-LDPC codes employed by the source and relay. In the equivalent parity-check matrix corresponding to the jointly designed QC-LDPC codes employed by the source and relay, all girth-4 cycles including both type I and type II are cancelled. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations show that the jointly designed QC-LDPC coded cooperation well combines cooperation gain and channel coding gain, and outperforms the coded non-cooperation under the same conditions. Furthermore, the bit error rate performance of the coded cooperation employing jointly designed QC-LDPC codes is better than those of random LDPC codes and separately designed QC-LDPC codes over AWGN channels.  相似文献   

Practitioners of research in a particular field have extensive knowledge of how to operate successfully in that field and communicate effectively with others, within the boundaries of their own language and culture. However, when it comes to inducting novice researchers into these skills, difficulties are often encountered, and more so when the novice comes from a different language and cultural background. At the same time, specialists in English teaching or cross-cultural communication aiming to prepare novices to enter such a research environment often lack access to the details of how things are really done there. At The University of Adelaide, South Australia, this situation is being addressed through a new program for international postgraduate students in their first semester of enrolment. This Integrated Bridging Program (IBP) relies on collaboration between the discipline specialist researcher and language and learning specialists and is informed by the perspectives of systemic functional linguistics (SFL). This paper presents an overview of the IBP, followed by details of its operation in the Faculty of Engineering. Information is included on outcomes of the collaboration in specific instances, and how SFL theory has been applied to develop a flexible and effective induction which is highly valued by both staff and student participants  相似文献   

This paper describes and explores the design space of a mixed voltage swing methodology for lowering the energy per switching operation of digital circuits in standard submicron complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication processes. Employing mixed voltage swings expands the degrees of freedom available in the power-delay optimization space of static CMOS circuits. In order to study this design space and evaluate the power-delay tradeoffs, analytical polynomial formulations for power and delay of mixed swing circuits are derived and HSPICE simulation results are presented to demonstrate their accuracy. Efficient voltage scaling and transistor sizing techniques based on our analytical formulations are proposed for optimizing energy/operation subject to target delay constraints; up to 2.2× improvement in energy/operation is demonstrated for an ISCAS'85 benchmark circuit using these techniques. Experimental results from HSPICE simulations and measurements from an And-Or-Invert (AO1222) test chip fabricated in the Hewlett-Packard 0.5 μm process are presented to demonstrate up to 2,92× energy/operation savings for optimized mixed swing circuits compared to static CMOS  相似文献   

Many important applications in wireless mesh networks require reliable multicast communication, i.e., with 100% packet delivery ratio (PDR). Previously, numerous multicast protocols based on automatic repeat request (ARQ) have been proposed to improve the packet delivery ratio. However, these ARQ-based protocols can lead to excessive control overhead and drastically reduced throughput. In this paper, we present a comprehensive exploration of the design space for developing high-throughput, reliable multicast protocols that achieve 100% PDR.Motivated by the fact that 802.11 MAC layer broadcast, which is used by most wireless multicast protocols, offers no reliability, we first examine if better hop-by-hop reliability provided by unicasting the packets at the MAC layer can help to achieve end-to-end multicast reliability. We then turn to end-to-end solutions at the transport layer. Previously, forward error correction (FEC) techniques have been proved effective for providing reliable multicast in the Internet, by avoiding the control packet implosion and scalability problems of ARQ-based protocols. In this paper, we examine if FEC techniques can be equally effective to support reliable multicast in wireless mesh networks. We integrate four representative reliable schemes (one ARQ, one FEC, and two hybrid) originally developed for the Internet with a representative multicast protocol ODMRP and evaluate their performance.Our experimental results via extensive simulations offer an in-depth understanding of the various choices in the design space. First, compared to broadcast-based unreliable ODMRP, using unicast for per-hop transmission only offers a very small improvement in reliability under low load, but fails to improve the reliability under high load due to the significantly increased capacity requirement which leads to congestion and packet drop. Second, at the transport layer, the use of pure FEC can significantly improve the reliability, increasing PDR up to 100% in many cases, but can be inefficient in terms of the number of redundant packets transmitted. In contrast, a carefully designed ARQ–FEC hybrid protocol, such as RMDP, can also offer 100% reliability while improving the efficiency by up to 38% compared to a pure FEC scheme. To our best knowledge, this is the first in-depth study of high-throughput, reliable multicast protocols that provide 100% PDR for wireless mesh networks.  相似文献   

On the basis of the bulk model of thermal oxidation of silicon [O. V. Aleksandrov and A. I. Dusj, Semiconductors 41 (11), 1370 (2008)], the orientation dependence of the silicon’s oxidation rate in dry oxygen is analyzed. The orientation and temperature dependences of diffusivity in stressed silicon dioxide and its characteristic relaxation time are determined. The orientation dependence of the oxidizer diffusivity in silicon dioxide on the reaction-zone boundary, D 1(110) > D 1(111) > D 1(100), is related to the orientation effect of the single-crystal silicon substrate on the structure and density of adjoining silicon dioxide. The orientation dependence of the characteristic relaxation time, τ(100) > τ(110) > τ(111), is inversely correlated with the orientation dependence of D 1 for the (100) and (111) orientations and directly correlated with the internal stresses for the (110) and (111) orientations.  相似文献   

郭朝珍  林志虹  郭昆 《通信学报》2006,27(11):42-47
分析了自然灾害综合预报会商式决策系统的特点,研究并提出了一种将智能决策方法作为“特殊预报专家”的协同综合预报IGDSS的通用模型。以地震然灾害综合预报为应用背景,根据地震综合预报的工作原理应用协同综合预报IGDSS通用模型,重点介绍了地震综合预报IGDSS的智能决策方法—贝叶斯网络的设计与实现,建立地震综合预报贝叶斯网络分析器,采用改进后的桶消元算法作为网络推理。给出了应用协同综合预报IGDSS通用模型解决地震综合预报的较完整的解决方案,系统已应用于福建省地震局预报中心。  相似文献   

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