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A geometrical optics procedure for designing electrically optimized classical offset dual reflector antennas with circular apertures is presented. Equations are derived that allow the size and spacing of the main and subreflectors of the antenna system, along with the feed horn subintended angle, to be used as input variables of the design procedure. The procedure, together with these equations, yields an optimized design, starting from general system requirements. The procedure is demonstrated by designing both an offset Cassegrain and an offset Gregorian antenna, and is validated by analyzing their radiation patterns using physical optics surface current integration on both the main and subreflectors  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simple procedure for the design of classical offset-Dragonian dual-reflector antennas from combinations of prescribed geometric parameters. This procedure has already been applied to classical Cassegrain and Gregorian antennas, and to classical displaced-axis Cassegrain and Gregorian antennas. We provide a list of 20 parameters from which the antenna system is fully characterized, but only five of these parameters need to be provided by the antenna designer, as the remaining 15 parameters can be derived in closed-form using the procedure described. We consider that the main reflector (MR) has a circular aperture, while the subreflector (SR) has an elliptical aperture  相似文献   

Although many reflector antennas possess circular projected apertures, there are recent satellite and ground antenna applications for which it is desirable to employ reflectors with elliptical apertures. Here a modification of the Jacobi-Bessel expansion is presented for the diffraction analysis of reflectors with elliptical apertures. A comparative study is also performed between this modified Jacobi-Bessel algorithm and the one which uses the Jacobi-Bessel expansion over a circumscribing circular region. Numerical results are presented for offset reflectors with elliptical and circular apertures and the improved convergence properties of the modified algorithm are highlighted.  相似文献   

Depolarization properties of offset reflector antennas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cross polarized radiation for linearly polarized excitation and the beam displacement for circularly polarized excitation have been investigated for offset reflector antennas. Numerical calculations are given to illustrate the dependence upon the angletheta_{0}between the feed axis and the reflector axis as well as upon the half-angletheta_{c}subtended at the focus by the reflector. In the casetheta_{0} = theta_{c} = 45deg, measured results have been obtained for both linearly and circularly polarized excitations with a dual mode feed illuminating an offset paraboloid. The cross polarized radiation of horn reflector and open Cassegrainian antennas rises sharply to rather high values off the beam axis; however, in general, the maximum cross polarized radiation of offset reflector antennas can be made small by using a small angle between the feed and reflector axes. The cross polarization caused by offset is compared with that caused by an unbalanced feed pattern. The effect of the longitudinal current distribution and of departure of the surface from a paraboloid on cross polarization are also examined. The clarification of these cross polarization properties is found to be valuable in the design of reflector antennas.  相似文献   

A full-wave analysis is presented of offset reflector antennas with polarization grids which uses the equivalent grating approach proposed by the authors (ibid., vol.AP-35, p.367-71, Apr. 1987). Two types of antenna are compared: one has a parallel straight strip grating (grid A) and the other has a curved strip grating (grid B) whose pattern is designed so that the antenna system does not generate a cross-polarized component. The key future method is the definition of the equivalent grid. This method quantitatively evaluates the scattering, includes a physical interpretation of the phenomena and gives a physical interpretation of the phenomena and gives a suggestion for the design of the strip patterns. Cross-population suppression effects are quantitatively evaluated as functions of the strip parameters, the size and the location of the grid. It is noted that the cross-polar peaks of the patterns with grid A move with the tilt angle of the grid. The mechanism of this movement is also explained  相似文献   

为满足星载天线空间电扫描的要求,研究了宽角扫描侧馈偏置卡塞格伦天线(SFOC)的设计问题.给出了SFOC天线的结构形式,通过射线追踪的方法对SFOC的最佳馈源位置和最佳馈源指向进行了优化设计.二者的确定不仅改善了SFOC天线系统的扫描特性,而且提高了它的工程可实现性.分析结果表明,该SFOC天线在宽角扫描过程中,方向图畸变很小,增益损失和副瓣电平均达到了设计要求,从而为全球扫描星载天线的设计提供了有效的方案.  相似文献   

采用物理光学的分析方法,对抛物面天线的赋形特性进行分析,并给出了一种新的赋形方法。在该方法中,将天线的反射器的表面划分成多个网格,通过优化反射面上各个网格在抛物面焦轴方向上的变形量以得到给定版图上的赋形波束。在网格变形的优化过程中,提出相位影响因子的概念,同时附加了变形限制条件,保证了成形面表面连续。最后通过算例来验证这个方法的可行性,证明该方法能够得到期望的赋形波束,在实际中是可行的。  相似文献   

Random surface error effects on offset cylindrical reflector antennas   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The focus of this paper is to characterize the average power pattern of an offset cylindrical parabolic reflector antenna subject to random surface errors. A novel computational method is developed for studying the random surface error effects on the boresight gain loss and the sidelobe levels of the average power pattern. The particular antenna dimensions used for this study are similar to the specifications for the second generation precipitation radar (PR-2) mission. In keeping with the requirements in the PR-2 mission, both the Ku and Ka frequency bands are considered. Random surface error effects are also studied for different edge taper levels. In addition to analysis of a reflector with uniform random surface errors, a nonuniform surface error case is presented in this study. This is an important consideration for evaluating the suitability of large deployable membrane reflector antennas for the PR-2 mission.  相似文献   

Optimum beam scanning in offset single and dual reflector antennas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Optimum beam scanning in offset single reflector (paraboloid) and dual reflector (Cassegrain and Gregorian) antennas is considered. Analytical, computationally efficient solutions and results are presented for the optimum feed position, the constant beam direction feed loci, and the optimum feed position locus. Examples are presented to verify that the analysis technique yields the optimum feed position, which exhibits better gain, pattern symmetry, and sidelobe levels when compared with other feed positions producing beams scanned to the same direction. The solutions described were obtained under the ray optics approximation and a "receive mode" analysis. Although the developed method was applied to the antennas listed above, it can be easily extended to othern-reflector systems, shaped reflector antennas, lenses, and other similar systems.  相似文献   

A simple geometric derivation is given of the equation for designing an offset dual reflector antenna with perfect rotational symmetry and zero cross polarization.  相似文献   

Since Kinber (Radio Technika and Engineering-1963) and Galindo (IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.-1963/1964) developed the solution to the circular symmetric dual shaped synthesis problem, the question of existence (and of uniqueness) for offset dual (or single) shaped synthesis has been a point of controversy. Many researchers thought that the exact offset solutions may not exist. Later, Galindo-Israel and Mittra (IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.-1979) and others formulated the problem exactly and obtained excellent and numerically efficient but approximate solutions. Using a technique similar to that first developed by Schruben for the single reflector problem (Journal of the Optical Society-1973), Brickell and Westcott (Proc. Institute of Electrical Engineering-1981) developed a Monge-Ampere (MA) second-order nonlinear partial differential equation for the dual reflector problem. They solved an elliptic form of this equation by a technique introduced by Rall (1979) which iterates, by a Newton method, a finite difference linearized MA equation. The elliptic character requires a set of finite difference equations to be developed and solved iteratively. Existence still remained in question. Although the second-order MA equation developed by Schruben is elliptic, the first-order equations from which the MA equation is derived can be integrated progressively (e.g., as for an initial condition problem such as for hyperbolic equations) a noniterative and usually more rapid type solution. In this paper, we have solved, numerically, the first-order equations. Exact solutions are thus obtained by progressive integration. Furthermore, we have concluded that not only does an exact solution exist, but an infinite set of such solutions exists. These conclusions are inferred, in part, from numerical results.  相似文献   

Rudge  A.W. 《Electronics letters》1973,9(26):611-613
The development of a simple mathematical model for the vector radiation fields from offset-parabolic-reflector antennas is outlined. The model permits the primary feed to be offset from the reflector geometric focus, and thus allows the study of multiple-beam antennas. Predicted results are shown and correlated with measurements made on a 30 GHz antenna system.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simple procedure for the design of classical offset inverse-Cassegrain dual-reflector antennas from combinations of prescribed geometric parameters. We will provide a list of 21 parameters from which the antenna system is fully characterized. However, only five of these parameters need to be provided by the antenna designer as the remaining 16 parameters can be calculated in closed form using the equations provided here.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of the electrical performance of the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) reflector antenna, operating as single- and dual-offset configurations, as well as a general overview of the GBT system. The GBT dual-offset Gregorian configuration is designed for low cross polarization (XPOL) using the dual-offset reflector antenna (DORA) synthesis package code developed by the authors. The procedure implemented in DORA to upgrade an existing main reflector to a low cross-polarized dual-offset Gregorian reflector antenna is also described in this paper. All computed patterns were obtained with the parabolic reflector analysis code (PRAC) program, also developed by the authors, and with the commercial code GRASP7. The GBT radiation patterns and performance values, which include original data not available anywhere else as far as the authors know, indicate that low XPOL performance can be achieved with a dual-offset configuration, provided that a low XPOL feed is used. The GBT configuration is employed as a case example for the aforementioned procedure. However, an effort is made to present the main conclusions as generically as possible  相似文献   

For the design of the satellite antenna for the future geostationary (GEO) satellite communication or DBS (direct broadcasting satellite) applications to serve the Taiwan Island region, it may be required to have a antenna beam which effectively covers the Taiwan region and reduces the antenna radiation level in the nearby area of mainland China. Two cases of the Ka-band (20 GHz) satellite antenna, a shaped offset reflector antenna to synthesize a contoured beam and an elliptical offset reflector antenna to generate an elliptical beam, have been studied. This paper presents the comparison and discussion of the antenna coverage performance of the two designs  相似文献   

A synthesis procedure and performance results for an offset dual reflector with perfect focusing atpm 8degof beam scan are presented. This bifocal antenna extends the theory of the previously reported symmetric system to an offset design. Approximations, such as the smearing of focal points into a "focal ring," are eliminated, as is blockage. The offset design affords greater design flexibility, although the synthesis is more complex. Computed and experimental results demonstrate the improved beam-scanning performance of this antenna.  相似文献   

The corrugated conical horn is considered to be an ideal feed for low sidelobe reflector antennas because of its unique characteristics. Analysis is carried out to show that low flare horns are preferred over high flare horns to give rise to low sidelobe performance for a given offset reflector antenna system.  相似文献   

This paper presents the parametric design and analysis of multiple-beam reflector-antenna systems employed for satellite communications. It is based on extending the earlier work of Rao (see IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol.41, no.4, p.53-59,1999) by taking into account the efficiency of the horn and pointing error of the satellite in the design of the multiple-beam antennas (MBAs), and by analyzing the edge-of-coverage directivity and co-polar isolation (C/I) performance. Design and analysis equations are developed for the multiple-beam antennas using offset parabolic-reflector antennas by including various design parameters such as the number of reflectors, the number of frequency cells, the focal-length-to-diameter (F/D) ratio, the horn efficiency, and the pointing error. The analysis employs a quasi-Gaussian beam representation for the primary and secondary patterns in order to take into account the effect of the sidelobes. Results of the analysis given in this paper agree well with rigorous computations based on physical optics analysis of the antenna radiation. Design curves showing the impact of horn efficiency on the C/I performance of multiple-beam antennas are presented for various frequency-reuse schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper the electric field in the aperture of offset front-fed paraboloid antennas and open Cassegrainian antennas, excited by an electric dipole or Huygens source in the focus, is compared with the fields of front-fed circularly symmetrical paraboloid reflector antennas and classical Cassegrainian antennas. The aperture field forms the basis of expressions to calculate the polarization efficiency of all four types of antenna. Computed results are given, showing that offset antennas can compete with front-fed paraboloids if they are excited by an electric dipole; the classical Cassegrainian antenna, however, shows better results. If offset antennas are excited by a Huygens source, the result is very unfavorable compared with the symmetrical antennas which show no cross polarization.  相似文献   

Rudge  A.W. Adatia  N.A. 《Electronics letters》1975,11(24):597-599
In many practical applications the performance of an offset parabolic-reflector antenna is limited by the offset reflectors' depolarising and beam-squinting properties. The letter describes a new class of primary-feed antennas which overcome these limitations. The new primary-feed types offer a significant improvement in the crosspolar and beam-squinting properties of the offset reflector antenna, without adding significantly to the complexity or mass of the primary-feed system.  相似文献   

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