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《关于做好分布式光伏发电并网服务工作的意见(暂行)》、《国家电网关于做好分布式能源发电业务的管理细则》等一系列相关的方便民间光伏发电并网的举措的出台为分布式发电的建设提供了条件。能源发展"十二五"规划:无障碍接入电网《能源发展"十二五"规划》(以下简称《规划》)中提出,要加快发展风能等其他可再生能源。加快太阳能多元化  相似文献   

"十二五"太阳能发电将翻番,2015年达2 100万千瓦据2012年8月9日《中国新闻网》报道,6日,《可再生能源发展"十二五"规划》发布,可再生能源发电在电力体系中将上升为重要电源,其中,2015年我国太阳能发电将达到2 100万千瓦,较原规划的1 000万千瓦增加一倍多。  相似文献   

综合类《"十二五"可再生能源发展规划》已上报国务院待批业内人士近日表示,《"十二五"可再生能源发展规划》已上报国务院待批。"十二五"光伏发电装机总量目标已明确上调至10GW,较该规划初稿中的目标翻了一番。该规划最终将随《"十二五"能源发展规划》一并出台。  相似文献   

<正>自《可再生能源发展"十二五"规划》发布和《能源十二五规划》经国务院讨论通过以来,一向被业界认为对风光发电态度消极的电网企业正式发布了《关于做好分布式光伏发电并网服务工作的意见》。该《意见》向社会郑重承诺:对于10kV 及以下电压等级接入电网,且单个并网点装机容量不超过6MW 的光伏发电项目,免收系统工  相似文献   

包婧文 《太阳能》2011,(2):23-25
2010年11月18日,为期三天的第11届中国太阳能光伏会议暨展览会在江苏南京国际博览中心隆重开幕。江苏省副省长史和平,国务院参事、中国可再生能源学会理事长石定寰,国务院参事、原国家能源局局长徐锭明,江苏省政府副秘书长韩庆华等领导出席开幕式。本次大会由江苏省发展和改革委员会、江苏省经济和信息化委员会、江苏省科学技术厅、江苏省能源局和中国可再生能源学会共同主办,江苏省光伏产业协会、上海诺盖斯展览策划有限公司承办,中环光伏系统有限公司、常州亿晶光电科技有限公司等单位主要协  相似文献   

鹏飞 《太阳能》2013,(8):27
国家"十二五"可再生能源发展规划中提出,到2015年中国太阳能发电的累计装机将达到21GW,分布式发电将达到10GW(后再度提高"十二五"末光伏装机目标到35GW)。其中,按照"因地制宜、多能互补、灵活配置、经济高效"的原则,到2015年,在可再生能源资源丰富和具备多元化利用条件的地区,建成100个以分布式可再生能源应用为主的新  相似文献   

太阳能发电在我国的能源战略地位正在变得愈加重要。2010年国务院颁布的《关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》明确提出要"开拓多元化的太阳能光伏光热发电市场"。今年刚刚发布的"十二五"规划纲要也再次明确,要重点发展包括太阳能热利用和光伏  相似文献   

非言 《太阳能》2012,(4):53-54
地方政府专门针对可再生能源和新能源列出规划,是"十二五"时期的一大变化。经济转型和能源结构调整势在必行,正逐步由务虚转为务实。2011年年末,各地"十二五"规划密集发布,北京、上海和天津作为中国三个标志性直辖市,都发布了关于可再生能源和新能源的专项规划。《北京市"十二五"时期新能源和可再生能源发展规划》、《上海市新能源发展"十二五"规划》和《天津市新能源新材料产业发展"十二五"规划》的出台,反映出未来几年我国重点城市的能源发展思路。  相似文献   

, 《太阳能》2012,(20):6-6
各省(自治区、直辖市)发展改革委(能源局)、新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委:近年来,太阳能光伏发电技术迅速进步,相关制造产业和开发利用规模逐渐扩大,已经成为可再生能源发展的重要领域。光伏发电适合结合电力用户用电需要,在广大城镇和农村的各种建筑物和公共设施上推广分布式光伏系统。特别在用电价格较高的中东部地区,分布式光伏发电已经具有较好的经济性,具备了较大规模应用的条件。为落实可再生能源发展"十二五"规划,促进太阳能发电产业可持续发展,  相似文献   

如果说《可再生能源发展"十二五"规划》是指导我国可再生能源发展的纲领性文件,那么,国家能源局先后公布的两个通知即《关于申报新能源示范城市和产业园区的通知》(国能新能[2012]156号)和《关于申报分布式光伏发电规模化应用示范区的通知》(国能新能[2012]298号)则是打开可再生能源市场空间的两把金钥匙。先看《关于申报分布式光伏发电规模化应用示范区的通知》:每省区(直辖市)申报项目3个,装机总量500兆瓦。以行政区划推算,"十二五"期间分布  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a German passive solar house concept, the worldwide known Domus-Solarhome. Today it is the most well-known passive solar concept for single family houses in Germany. Five years' experience, thermal performance and operating data of a prototype, since 1980 known as the Semm's Residence in Kiel, enabled the development of the ‘Domus’ with design criteria especially for the climate of mid-Europe. The most important design criteria are discussed. The author explains the way into the market. More than 50 Domus-Solarhomes are already constructed in various parts of Germany. To sell those homes the Domus-Solarhaus Inc. was founded. Domus developed the first passive solar house for middle and low income brackets.  相似文献   

Set against an expanding population and a rapidly developing agro-industrial economy, the Philippines demand for energy is forecast to grow at 7.5% annual rate in the next 25 years. At this pace, primary energy requirements towards the close of the century would have been 465 million barrels of oil equivalent, representing a six-fold increase over present consumption levels. Consonant with the state's self-reliant posture with respect to its energy supplies, this demand will have to be met as much as possible by indigenous sources. Accordingly, the Energy Plan outlined to the year 2000 targets the development and utilization of indigenous energy resources, particularly those which are of renewable and inexhaustible nature.The Energy Plan is based largely on assessed resource potentials of the country. With increased supply contributions from hydro, coal, nuclear, geothermal and other non-conventional sources of energy, the Plan envisions the reduction of Philippine oil dependency rate from the prevailing 95% to 72% in 1985 and 53% in 2000.Estimates of financial requirement to implement the plan indicates that for the next 10 years up to 1985, a total of US$5.4 B is needed. This corresponds to an average yearly requirement of US$520 M and is equivalent to 2.5% of average annual GNP. From 1985 to 2000, a total of US$19.7 B will be needed, or an annual requirement of US$1.3 B. This again takes up 2.5% of GNP. The physical and financial targets including the institutional framework of such a plan constitute the topics of discussion of this paper.  相似文献   

The development of new infrastructure is often a consideration in the introduction of new innovations. Currently there is some confusion around how to develop a hydrogen infrastructure to support the introduction of FCVs. Lessons can be learned from similar technology introduction in the past and therefore this paper investigates how mobile phone infrastructure was developed allowing the mass-market penetration of mobile phones. Based on this successful infrastructural development suggestions can be made on the development of a hydrogen infrastructure. It is suggested that a hydrogen infrastructure needs to be pre-developed 3–5 years before the market introduction of FCVs can successfully occur. A lack of infrastructural pre-development will cause to the market introduction of FCVs to fail.  相似文献   

Cities are the most important energy consumers of any country in all energy vector components. Nowadays, Belgrade as a cultural, educational, scientific, administrative, political, and business center of the region with its own structure of production, transportation, services, and urban system, represents significant consumer of different energy forms. Only useful and final energy is delivered to energy consuming sectors of a city. Simulation model MAED was used in this paper to estimate energy demand in city for a long time period. On the basis of energy demand forecast for three major ‘energy consumers’ (sectors of household/service, industry, and transportation) until 2020, the sustainable development ‘scenarios’ of Belgrade energy system are developed (2005–2010, 2010–2015, 2015–2020). For each ‘scenario’, the energy systems of primary resources are determined so to satisfy the predicted differences in energy consumption for the mentioned time intervals until 2020. In this case different ‘scenarios’ are evaluated. The evaluation of ‘scenarios’ sustainability is obtained by method of multi-criteria analysis. Using energy indices for sustainable development, the following indices are taken into consideration for the assessment of scenario sustainability: economical, social, and environmental. The obtained results can be used by experts in decision-making process.  相似文献   

Increased availability of energy, especially electricity, is important for India to help advance economic and human development. Coal, which currently accounts for more than 50% of total primary commercial energy supply in the country and for about 70% of total electricity generation, is likely to remain a key energy source for India for at least the next 30–40 years. Thus, sustainable development of the Indian coal sector is necessary to ensure the ability to sustain the increased production of coal in the country and to do so in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner. The main challenges to such a development of the coal sector pertain to (a) systems of coal exploration, extraction, and processing, (b) ensuing environmental and social concerns, and (c) increasing and high demand for coal in the power sector. Overcoming these challenges will require an assessment and resolution of relevant technical, economic, and institutional issues. This, in turn, requires a long-term vision and systematic planning and policy development in a transparent and inclusive manner. Promoting the engagement of all stakeholders in these processes can help reconcile the seemingly-intractable conflict between the increasing demand for coal, supply constraints, and local socio-environmental needs, and thus facilitate a transition towards sustainable development of the sector.  相似文献   

Geothermal electricity production in Indonesia began with the operation of a 0.25 MWe pilot project in Kamojang geothermal field, in 1978. Commercial operation started in 1983, with the commissioning of the 30 MWe Unit-1 power plant. In 1987, an additional capacity of 110 MWe was provided by the Unit-2 and Unit-3 power plants. The addition of the 60 MWe Unit-4 power plant in 2008 increased the total generating capacity to 200 MWe. The 27 years of commercial operation have led to a slight decline in reservoir pressure and temperature within the active production sector. The most recent significant change in the field conditions and performance occurred following the 2008 increase in generating capacity from 140 to 200 MWe. The production decline of individual wells has been relatively low, at an average of 3%/yr. However, the increased rate of steam withdrawal might negatively affect long-term sustainability of energy production at Kamojang unless suitable field management strategies are implemented. In order to stabilize the steam flow, it has been necessary to drill about three make-up wells every 2–3 years. The unbalanced mass extraction, where less than 30% of the produced steam mass can be injected, is a serious concern for long-term reservoir management in Kamojang. The field operator (Pertamina) plans to increase the Kamojang generating capacity from 200 to 230 MWe (Unit 5) and optimize the long-term performance of the Kamojang geothermal resource. The response of the reservoir during the previous three decades is being used to guide reservoir development for the planned increase in production capacity.  相似文献   

Concerned with increasing energy prices, balance of payment problems and reliability energy supplies, many countries are reassessing the role of hydroelectric energy within national energy policies. Since hydroelectric generation does not consume water, the projects — once developed — can be used to provide water for agricultural and industrial developments, two major problems faced by all developing countries. While the primary impacts of the majority of hydroelectric developments have been beneficial, it is now evident that they have also contributed to several adverse environmental effects. Two such major environmental impacts are discussed: problems due to erosion and sedimentation and implications of inundations, especially in terms of resettlement.  相似文献   

我国太阳热水器发展探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
能源是人类生存的基础。能源的开发和合理利用是整个社会发展的源泉,也是人类文明与进步的重要标志之一。随着社会生产的进步与发展,人民生活水平的提高,能源需求还将大幅度增长。然而,能源的开发和利用受到资源、技术、经济与环境等众多因素的制约。当前的全球一次能源构成主要以矿物燃料为主体,但矿物燃料作为地球的资源,在不远的将来会枯竭;现行的能源使用方式对环境的影响更已引起全球的关注。而太阳能是一个取之不尽、用之不竭的洁净能源宝库。太阳光热转换效率高,可大量节约常规能源和减少环境污染。  我国太阳能资源十…  相似文献   

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